MTL - Shipborne Special Forces-Chapter 15 It doesn't have to total

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The puppet order was banned, and everyone rushed out of the room as soon as the whistle appeared.

As soon as he went out, everyone was happy.

Most people come out in training clothes, and a few of them are wearing physical training clothes. But there was a young man in it, probably because his body was still wet just after taking a shower, and his clothes couldn't be worn. So he chose to run out, standing in the queue naked.

Yan Jia District looked at the young man with an aggressive face, and after a while he asked, "Who are you, this buddy?"

报告 "Report, my name is Right Down!"

"Oh, are you out of your mind? Even if you don't wear training clothes, you don't need to run to the snail?"

啊 "Ah? I'm not wearing clothes?" After a scream, right descended and rushed back to his bedroom.

On that day, Wang Aiguo remembered this right brother, and he was given a nickname, brain damage.

Uh ...

一次 This time, instead of gathering downstairs, I chose to gather in the corridor. Everyone was very weird. Then Jia District explained to everyone, "Everyone has arrived, and you have passed a week. Are you almost used to it?"

"Okay, so from now on, from this moment on, you have to restrain yourself with a real soldier. Because from this moment, you have been converted from civilians, and you are about to embark on the road of becoming a true naval soldier . "

"Is this the beginning of training?" Wang Aigui thought in horror.

Everyone's emotions are basically the same as Wang Aiguo. Although I know that this day will come sooner or later, when they really come, everyone will still have some cyanosis.

One thousand kilometers yesterday has exposed the fact that most of us are physically stubborn. Now that training has officially started, physical training and regular training must be very difficult.

I saw that everyone was very nervous, Jia District was very satisfied, and secretly said, "Very well, I like the appearance of the recruits like a chill."

One word can make everyone's scared body tremble, which makes Jia District very satisfied.

Immediately, he continued: "As a soldier, military posture is the most basic. So today we must start from standing in military posture."

报告 "Report, why do you stand in the corridor?" The head descended very ironily, and he asked his doubts at this time.

Yan Jia District glanced down to the right, and then smiled strangely: "Hehe, you will know soon!"

Uh ...

After a few minutes, there were hundreds of people in the three teams of the entire 12 teams, so they were all crowded on the stairs.

The biggest difference between standing in military posture and standing in general is that military posture must lean forward and the heel cannot touch the ground.

According to Jia District, because there are many acupoints on the heel, standing for a long time will faint. But the forefoot doesn't matter.

But Wang Aiguo thinks this is a nonsense. According to this theory, humans don't have to evolve their feet. The size of the front and rear soles is originally the most suitable evolutionary principle of the survival principle, and the front and rear feet can simultaneously guarantee the stability of the body to the greatest extent. As for whether it will faint, do you stand on the soles of your forefoot day and night, and you will faint as well, what's the relationship with your feet?

Of course, these words Wang Aiguo can't be spoken, he can only vomit in his heart.

Because of the large number of people, if you want to stand on the stairs all three people must stand side by side. The two exceptions were Wang Aiguo and Erfa, as long as two people were side by side, and three people could not squeeze.

The second fat of the Second Division squad looked at Wang Aiguo beside him, his face tangled.

"I didn't expect to this day, I still have the fate to stand with you."

"Not good?" Wang Aiguo asked.

"Very good, at least you are already the first red man in Chenyang New Army Camp. Running into it ..."

"Shut up." Wang Aiguo said angrily.

Uh ...

Adjusted for a while, all talents in turn stood on the steps, the heels were floating, and the front feet touched the ground.

Standing in a military posture is a painful matter. After a short time, everyone feels a soreness from the soles of the feet to the lower legs.

Jia Qu said at this time: "Everyone must stick to it. If they can't keep up, just think about beautiful things."

Even if Jia District didn't say it, everyone was in the air. Like Wang Aiguo, he is now thinking about what Huang Gang said just now. Although he has only been here for seven days, it is estimated that the trainer will not forget him if he has Alzheimer's in this life.

在 At this time, either he can change his image in the mind of the trainer, or the trainer loses memory because of an accident.

I ca n’t do it. The trainer can be relocated by accident.

When Wang Aiguo was thinking, He Jiang, who was standing behind him, said, "Report."

Seeing that it was descending to the right, Bianjia District frowned suddenly, and whispered, "Don't tell me what you reported as a 'you're hard' thing?"

"No Jia District, I am reporting Wang Sanbai in front of me. His **** is always twisted and twisted, and I feel he is seducing me."

As soon as You Youjiang finished speaking, Wang Aiguo heard a coquettish laughter ~ ~ Wang Aiguo only felt hot for a while, this idiot was so special.

"Shut up." Wang Aiguo whispered, and then ticked his right foot back to kick him down.

As a result, Youjiang found Wang Aiguo's movement early, so right at the moment Wang Aiguo raised his foot, Youjiang grabbed his ankle and pulled it.

Originally, this was just a joke between two people, but this pulled out the problem.

Wang Aiguo, who was holding his feet up, had only half of his feet on the steps. Right to drop, Wang Aiguo could barely maintain his balance. As a result, Wang Aiguo went straight and fell backwards.

With his inertia, the huge body of the King of Patriarchs fell to the right behind him.

He Youjiang naturally couldn't hold Wang Aiguo's huge body, so a live-action version of the dominoes appeared.

Uh ...

"I 艹 艹 艹."

"I trust, don't make a joke."

"Amei fell, Amei fell. Don't!"


With a pair of screams, Wang Aiguo has fallen all the way from the top floor of the third floor to the platform on the second floor and a half.

Everyone on the second floor and half stairs didn't know what happened. They were knocked down from the second floor and half directly on the second floor corridor.

Fortunately, the corridor on the second floor is relatively large, so everyone finally stabilized and did not let the disaster spread.

Jia District on the third floor and Li District on the second floor stared at the scene in stun. They were the district captains for so many years, and this was the first time they encountered such a thing.

Alas, they quickly went up to check the injuries. Generally speaking, the worst injury in this case must be the person at the end of the queue.

However, after they cut everyone apart, they were dismayed to find that the last person was actually a trainer.