MTL - Shipborne Special Forces-Chapter 673 The taste of the next plot is a bit heavy

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After hearing this, Mars and Charles looked at the monk along Wang Aiguo's finger, and then looked at the bean paste that the monk was eating with a spoon.

The two looked at each other for a while, then at the same time they showed an expression of complete realization.

I saw the two people's expressions suddenly realized, Wang Aiguo's face was aggressive, brother, did you think of something strange? Why is this expression?

"Yes, we understand, this is the mystery of Chinese martial arts, good good good, thank you!"

After Charles said without a word, he carried this bag of croton with Mars, and ran away wildly.

Looking at the two people, they were running happily, Wang Aiguo was aggressive, wasn't it Croton? What are you so happy about?

As the two were happily carrying Croton, Shen Long just came out of his room.

As soon as he went out, Shen Long looked puzzled when he saw the turbulent appearance of Mars and Charles carrying a bag of crotons.

爱 "Patriotic, why are these two people so happy, picking up cow dung?"

King Wang Aiguo shook his head at Shen Long. He didn't know about it. He always felt like they had misunderstood something.

That night, when Wang Aiguo and they had dinner, they found that the rice team did not come alone to eat.

Wang Aiguo was very puzzled. He had wanted to call Charles, but found that Charles's phone was completely unreachable.

At the same time, Charles and other soldiers of the All Nations gathered in a mysterious conference room.

This conference room is actually quite large, but because everyone in the team is crowded inside, it still looks a bit small.

However, although the conference room was very crowded, everyone in the room was shining with eyes, and no one wanted to exit from here.

At this moment, the rice soldiers took the spoon and bowl one by one, and looked curiously forward.

A few moments later, several strong men brought several large soup pots to the table.

After all the soup was on the table, Charles and Mars came to the forefront, looking at the crowd with a microphone and serious faces.

所有人 "Everyone listens well, these pots of soup are hard to come by. You know what the ingredients are. The ingredients in it are croton, a magical species from China!"

"Oh!" There was a sigh of relief from the stage, and everyone looked at Mars and Charles with admiration.

Seeing the scornful eyes of everyone, Charles nodded solemnly and continued.

"Everyone should know about the monk from China. He should know Chinese martial arts.

After much exploration, we paid a great price to get the mystery of Chinese martial arts from each other. It was this thing called croton. We saw that China grinded it into powder and ate it secretly in its own room! "

After Charles said, the soldiers made another uproar.

"You must cherish the hard-won ingredients! I tasted this soup just now, it basically has no taste, so I added some sugar to the back kitchen. Everyone can drink more and drink more. Eat something, don't leave a drop, and eat up a bean! "

"Rest assured, Commander Charles, we will cherish your income, and we will definitely eat everything here, absolutely no waste!"

He said, several rice soldiers raised their hands and shouted to Charles.

Charles nodded solemnly, at this moment he also felt very relieved.

"Now, let's eat!"

After Charles said, a group of people rushed to the soup pots frantically with a bowl.

While the rice soldiers were robbing, the monk was eating the steak on his hand and watching Wang Aiguo Road: "Fat, when you come, I do n’t see that there are so many crotons on your hand, you send rice to the country Where did the Croton come from? "

Wang Aiguo quickly swallowed the chicken leg in his mouth, and then he said, "Oh, these crotons were not prepared by me, but were prepared by Captain Fan. Captain Fan said earlier that eating here is too easy to get angry, and It is easy to get constipated when you get angry.

Constipation can easily make people feel irritable and affect our game performance, so he has prepared a lot of croton for us, and not only croton, he even helped us prepare more than ten pounds of rhubarb mixed in croton. "

"Oh!" The monk finally understood.

After understanding, the monk looked at Wang Aiguo with a strange look on his face: "Then you gave all these things to Mi Camp, what should we do? Shouldn't we be constipated?"

"It doesn't matter. I also found out recently that although things are more popular here, but the oil content is relatively large. And our stomach is not so easy to constipate. To put it plainly, than the stomach, we should have a better stomach much better.

Secondly, I have n’t finished all the delivery. I still have about ten pounds of raw rhubarb. At that time you really have constipation, then take some rhubarb boiling water from me, anyway, rhubarb has strong medicine, as long as you put two, you can pull the dark. "

After King Wang's patriotic speech, the monk nodded ~ ~ In fact, rhubarb is more powerful than croton. If Croton is a pistol, then rhubarb is a machine gun.

If you do n’t believe me, you can refer to You Xia. The last time you descended was because you drank a little rhubarb. As a result, the monk pulled him into a trouser pocket.

This shows that the power of rhubarb is simply outrageous.

And if rhubarb is combined with croton, huh, it really only needs a few grams, it can make people sparse.

Speaking of this, the monk suddenly thought of a problem, and looked at Wang Aiguo Road: "But then come back, you gave these crotons to the rice soldiers, do they know how to eat?"

King Aiguo shook his head: "I don't know, but they should come and ask us before they eat?"

"I think you'd better go and see them, so as to avoid any accidents!" Said the monk intently.

King Aiguo looked around for a while, then shrugged helplessly: "When I wanted to meet them at dinner, I told them how to use this thing.

No one knows that they are not alone, and I am helpless, I do n’t know where they went, and I do n’t answer the phone. "

The monk shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly, "If it doesn't work, then I can only meet again next time."

"That's all it can be!" Wang Aiguo nodded, and continued to eat steak from the buffet with the monk.

Uh ...

That night, after Charles had finished eating, he decided that many soldiers of the rice country would go to the large bath and have a good bath together.