MTL - Siheyuan: The Final Winner-Chapter 459 The tacit understanding between Gao Junling and Hou Dunzi

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  Chapter 459 The tacit understanding between Gao Junling and Houdunzi

   Early morning.

  In the slightly warm bed, Gao Junling woke up early, looking at Jiang Ping'an with eyes.

   "Woke up so early?" Jiang Pingan looked at the beautiful woman in his arms and smiled.

  Gao Junling blushed, hummed softly and said, "It's so comfortable under the quilt, I don't want to remember it."

   "Duplicity, if you feel comfortable in my arms, just say it." Jiang Pingan smiled.

  Gao Junling spat lightly and said, "No, I didn't lie."

   "Okay, I'm too lazy to argue with you." Jiang Ping'an laughed.

   "Get up, your cold is gone, and your bags are loose, get up and make something to eat!"

  Gao Junling froze for a moment, nodded and said, "That's fine."

   "In our situation, it may be a rare opportunity to cook for you at your house."

   Then, she hesitated again: "I'm too embarrassed to speak to Houdunzi."

   "You don't need to say anything, he knows it all." Jiang Ping'an said meaningfully.

  Gao Junling blushed, gave him a light thump, and said, "You did a good job!"

   After finishing speaking, she covered her face and rolled in his arms.

   "Haha, this is a matter between the two of us, how can I blame only one?" Jiang Pingan laughed.

  Gao Junling blushed with embarrassment, glared at him, and got up to get dressed.

  She has an excellent figure, well-proportioned, plump and plump, with bumps, especially her legs are long and straight.

   Seeing Jiang Pingan looking at her with piercing eyes, Gao Junling shyly said: "Don't look, you are so bad."

   As he spoke, he turned around again, with his back to Jiang Ping'an, showing his smooth back.

  Jiang Ping'an smiled, knowing that she was shy, so he stopped teasing her, and followed suit to get dressed.

  The two packed up properly. Jiang Pingan took two toothbrushes from the cabinet, handed them to Gao Junling and said:

   "When the meal is ready, you go and wake him up, this is one for each of you."

  Gao Junling nodded and said, "Okay, I'll wash and cook first."

  Jiang Pingan took her to the kitchen, opened the rice vat and said:

   "There are white noodles, rice, dried noodles and vermicelli in the cabinet, you can make and eat whatever you want!"

   "The vegetables are on the shelf next to the cabinet, and the seasonings such as oil, salt, sauce and vinegar are all in the cabinet."

  Gao Junling exclaimed: "The food prepared in your house is so rich, it's okay, just cook some noodles and eat, it will save trouble."

   "Whatever you want, I'm only responsible for eating." Jiang Ping'an smiled.

   After the two of them washed their faces and brushed their teeth, Jiang Ping'an was in charge of lighting the fire and boiling water, while Gao Junling checked curiously in the kitchen.

   "Your family eats lard?" Suddenly, Gao Junling asked loudly.

  Jiang Pingan stood in front of the stove, nodded and said, "Yes, don't yell, hurry up and cook."

  Gao Junling chuckled, feeling indescribably good.

   Putting down the lard, she picked up a few potatoes and prepared to fry shredded potatoes and noodles.

  The two flirted from time to time, and after a while, He Yushui also came over.

   "Sister Junling, you look much better, have you recovered from your cold?" He Yushui asked with a smile.

  Gao Junling peeled the potatoes, nodded and said with a smile, "Thank you, Yushui, for your concern. She has recovered."

   "That's good, it's not easy to catch a cold this season, so you should be more careful in the future." He Yushui stepped forward to help.

  Jiang Ping'an smiled and said, "It's not just this season, it's not good to catch a cold in any season."

   "Hee hee, I just said that colds are the worst in winter." He Yushui said with a smile.

   Soon, the potatoes were peeled. Gao Junling went over to shred the potatoes. He Yushui brought a thermos bottle and filled it with water.

  After the shredded potatoes were fried and the water boiled, Gao Junling said to He Yushui:

   "Yu Shui, I'll wake you up, Brother Dunzi, and you throw the noodles into the pot."

   "Go, go, I'm not bad at cooking, so it's really easy to cook some noodles." He Yushui said with a smile.

  Jiang Pingan said: "Yu Shui's father and elder brother are both descendants of the Tan family's cuisine, and she has learned a lot."

  Gao Junling was stunned, and said with a smile: "It turns out that Yushui is still a master at hiding, and I have to learn more from you in the future."

   As he spoke, he walked to the bedroom.

  Hou Dunzi had already woken up, and when Jiang Pingan and the others got up, he was already awake.

  But he didn't know how to face Gao Junling, so he just sat cross-legged on the kang and smoked.

  After Gao Junling entered the room, she was startled when she saw cigarette butts all over the floor, and stepped forward shyly, "You know everything?"

   "Understood, that's fine, it's exactly what I expected." Hou Dunzi glanced at her and said.

  Gao Junling sighed and said, "I'm sorry for you, let's go get a divorce today!"

   "Alright, it should have been like this long ago, don't feel guilty, I don't blame you." Houdunzi said.

  Gao Junling's eyes were red, she wiped her tears from the side of her head, took a deep breath, and said:

   "Then get up quickly, Ping An has prepared a toothbrush for you, wash your face and brush your teeth first, and then talk after eating."

  Hou Dunzi nodded, threw the cigarette on the ground, got off the kang, and followed Gao Junling out.

  When he came to the kitchen, Hou Dunzi stepped forward and said to Jiang Pingan: "Director Jiang, I am sorry for your trouble."

  Jiang Pingan stood up, patted him on the shoulder and said, "If you have any difficulties in the future, just come to me."

   "Okay, I know you are capable, so I won't be polite to you, and I will have to trouble you in the future." Houdunzi laughed.

  Jiang Ping'an's situation, he had heard from Nanyi earlier that if he could make such a connection, he would naturally not let it go.

  Gao Junling was relieved to see that the two were not arguing or arguing, but felt even more guilty towards Houdunzi.

   It's not that she feels guilty for doing something wrong to him, but that she shouldn't have delayed him for so many years, she should have let go long ago.

   Soon, breakfast is ready, potato shredded noodles.

   The shredded potatoes fried with lard have a refreshing taste and a tangy aroma.

  Eat with noodles, the taste is strong, simple and delicious.

   Each of the four people has a big bowl. In the early morning of this winter, eating is hearty, making people want to stop!

   "This noodle is strong, and there is no such noodle on the market." Hou Dunzi put down his bowl and chopsticks and said with a smile.

  Jiang Pingan smiled without saying a word. After eating the noodles, he took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed Houdunzi one.

   "I won't see you off when I go to work later, but I can visit you often when I'm free in the future," Jiang Ping'an said.

  Hou Tunzi nodded and said, "It's not uncommon to come over and disturb me often."

   "I've known Nanyi for a long time, and when I get something good, I'll ask him to cook it."

  He can afford it and let it go. Now that he has made up his mind, he is relieved, but he doesn't worry about it anymore.


   On the way to work, Liu Haizhong followed Jiang Pingan all the way.

  There was thick snow on the road. When Jiang Ping'an went out, he didn't ride a bicycle and walked to the rolling mill.

   "How does it feel to work in the joint defense team?" Jiang Ping'an tightened his coat and asked sideways.

  Liu Haizhong nodded with a smile and said, "It's hard work, but I'm happy with it."

   "Thank you, director, for giving me the opportunity to realize my dream for many years. I will only follow you in the future."

  Jiang Ping'an laughed and said: "What I said is to serve the people, so don't say such things in the future!"

   "Perform well, and when the opportunity is right in the future, it's not like you, the monitor, can't mention it."

  Although Liu Haizhong is confused, he is a person who dares to fight and fight hard, just to use the right place.

   "Director Jiang, don't worry, I will definitely work harder in the future."

   Liu Haizhong was shocked, and said while patting his chest.

  (end of this chapter)