MTL - Siheyuan: The Final Winner-Chapter 493 Yi Zhonghai dreams, Chen Xueying resorts to tricks

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  Chapter 493 Yi Zhonghai has a sweet dream, Chen Xueying uses tricks

  In the room.

  Ding Qiunan was pressed against the edge of the bed, her pink face was dripping with sweat, her brows were furrowed, and her small mouth was breathing lightly.

   After a while, she regained her composure, looked back, and asked in a low voice, "You're happier than me today."

  She felt it, Jiang Ping'an was very happy today, even happier than her.

  Jiang Pingan smiled, exited slowly, and said with a smile:

   "Because I finally helped you achieve your wish, and I finally did not let you down."

  Ding Qiunan was very moved, took the towel next to him and held it, turned around and said:

   "Thank you for doing so much for me, I am very grateful for my choice!"

   As he spoke, he took another towel and bent over to help Jiang Pingan clean up.

  Jiang Ping'an looked down at Ding Qiunan from a high position, and brushed her loose hair away, revealing a delicate rosy face.

  Ding Qiunan's eyes froze, he raised his face and gritted his teeth and said, "You... this... I'm very tired now, please let me rest."

   "Okay, anyway, I have nothing else to do this afternoon, I have plenty of time for you to rest." Jiang Pingan nodded and smiled.

  Ding Qiunan pursed his lips and smiled, with a shy face on his face, and silently cleaned up Jiang Ping'an.

   After finishing, the two returned to the bed and hugged each other, talking in a low voice.

   "Xinmei called me and said that studying there is a heavy task." Ding Qiunan said.

   "There is a shortage of doctors everywhere, and there are too few qualified doctors, especially in rural areas, where medical resources are very limited."

  “Many farmers don’t seek treatment when they get sick, and there is no place to treat them. They can only lie at home and wait to die.”

  “She told me that if given the opportunity, she would like to work in the third front and make some contributions within her capacity.”

  Jiang Ping'an frowned and said, "Did she really tell you that? This dead girl didn't even discuss it with me."

   "Hehe... She said she was afraid that you would disagree, so she kept it from you." Ding Qiunan laughed.

   "But I know, she told me, she must have thought that I would tell you, this is a disguised form to let you know."

   "Don't make things difficult for her, we each have our own dreams, and she naturally has her pursuit in life."

  Jiang Pingan shook his head and said, "I won't make things difficult for her, I just blame her for not telling me directly."

   "This girl has always had a good idea, hey... Next time we meet, let's see how I deal with her!"

  Ding Qiunan pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "When she called and talked about you, she couldn't help crying."

   "She said she misses you very much and wants to call you, but she is afraid of disturbing your work, so you won't worry about it."

  Jiang Pingan sighed: "It is because she is so sensible that I feel sad."

   "As long as she asks me to do something for her, and give her a little help, I feel better."

   As he spoke, he saw that Ding Qiunan was radiant and regained his strength, so he moved slightly.

  Ding Qiunan smiled slightly, glanced at him, and turned sideways to make it easier for him.

  Jiang Ping'an hugged her from behind, from the outside to the inside, gaining every inch of her, and gradually advancing.

  Ding Qiunan bit his lip, his eyes gradually became slack, his face was blushed, and his expression was a little strange.

   "How is it?" Jiang Ping'an asked in a low voice.

  Ding Qiunan let out a sigh of relief and said, "Don't worry about me, just take care of yourself. I can persevere."

   "Then I really only care about myself, don't cry about being tired and disappointing." Jiang Pingan said with a smile.

  Ding Qiunan gritted his teeth, and replied softly: "If I say I can persevere, I will definitely persevere!"


  Tongzilou, Chen Xueying's old house.

   After getting Yi Zhonghai’s money, Chen Xueying said to him while getting dressed:

   "You rest for a while, I'm going to go to the bathroom, and I'll be back soon."

   "By the way, don't run around, there are people everywhere upstairs and downstairs, don't let people find out."

  Yi Zhonghai wished that she would leave the room so that he could find the deed by himself, so he nodded and said:

   "I won't run around, I'm not going anywhere, when you come back, I haven't used up all the money I gave you!"

  Chen Xueying said with a smile: "I have always been unambiguous when I give money to do things."

   Said, after getting dressed, he stepped out, not forgetting to close the door.

  Yi Zhonghai waited for about a minute, and after confirming that there was no movement outside, he quickly got up and rummaged in the house.

  He wasn't looking around, he had carefully looked around the room when he was working just now.

  First place where the house deed may be hidden.

  Yi Zhonghai moved extremely quickly, and searched seven or eight places in a row, but found nothing, which made him frown secretly.

   "Could it be that I guessed wrong?" Yi Zhonghai thought to himself.

   It is more secretive, and he has found all the places where money can be hidden, which makes him a little uncertain.

  If He Yuzhu doesn't get the house deed, if the couple really get divorced.

  He Yuzhu lost his house, how can he provide for him?

   "If you really get divorced, then you can bring Zhuzi and Qin Huairu together, so that it will be convenient for me."

  Yi Zhonghai thought to himself, continue to search in the room.

   After searching around, Yi Zhonghai couldn't help feeling impatient, thinking that Chen Xueying might be coming back.

  Suddenly, he saw the bed, and couldn't help cursing himself for being blind, and hurried over.

  The quilt, pillows on the bed, and Yi Zhonghai checked carefully one by one, but found nothing.

   Then he lay down on the ground again to see if there was anything under the bed.

  Suddenly, his eyes were fixed, and he saw a square box in the dark corner at the bottom.

  Yi Zhonghai quickly reached out to take the box, opened it, and showed joy.

   Sure enough, there were deeds, marriage certificates, food books and other things in the box.

  There is not only one deed, but two, and the deed of the old house is also there.

  Yi Zhonghai did not take the old house, it belonged to Chen Xueying, he only took the deed of the courtyard house.

   Nothing else was touched, and it was useless for him to take it away.

  The most urgent task is to transfer the ownership of the courtyard house to He Yuzhu's name.

   Even if Chen Xueying wants to file for divorce, He Yuzhu will have nothing to lose.

  Taking out the house deed, Yi Zhonghai closed the box, put it back to its original place, and then stuffed the house deed into the sleeve of the padded jacket.

  His sleeves are unusual, and there is a small purse inside, where he hides his private money, which is very convenient and secretive.

  Going back to the bed and sitting down, Yi Zhonghai thought to himself: "When she finds out, she should blame me for meddling in my own business."

  I wanted to leave directly, but he gave the money, and there was one more time to enjoy it.

  The reason why I prepared one more time today is because I want to find a chance to stay, and usually I will finish it in one time.

   After thinking about it, the money has been paid anyway, so let’s wait until the work is over.

  Chen Xueying probably would not have thought that the main purpose of coming here was to find a deed.

  As for his theft, Yi Zhonghai didn't think much about it.

   After handing over the deed to He Yuzhu, he just refuses to admit it.

  He also figured it out, it would be better for Chen Xueying to leave, it would be more convenient for him to bring He Yuzhu and Qin Huairu together.

  Based on the family situation of the Jia family, as long as He Yuzhu helped their family a few more times, they would naturally be able to get close.

   At that time, I will pay attention to it. With Jia Zhang's temperament when he sees money, it is easy to talk.

  As for Qin Huairu, how can she not listen to Jia Zhang?

  She is a widow with three children, she can marry He Yuzhu with such good conditions, can she not be overjoyed?

  Thinking of this, Yi Zhonghai showed a smile on his face, good things will come true!

  Suddenly, the door was kicked open, and five or six policemen rushed forward and rushed towards Yi Zhonghai.

  Following Chen Xueying, she shouted loudly: "Catch a thief... Huh? Grandpa, why is it you?"

  (end of this chapter)