MTL - Siheyuan: The Final Winner-Chapter 492 Chen Xueying's city mansion, Yi Zhonghai will be worse

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  Chapter 492 Chen Xueying's city, Yi Zhonghai will be worse

   He Yushui came for a while.

  Li Tianjiao wanted to leave, but Jiang Pingan took her to the station by bicycle.

   "It's not that I don't want you to take me home, but it's inconvenient." Li Tianjiao explained while sitting in the back seat.

  Jiang Pingan nodded and smiled and said, "I know, the compound must be heavily guarded."

   "It's really not a big courtyard, just an ordinary alley, just like yours." Li Tianjiao said.

   "But you have to go there, the neighbors know me, I must be asking questions, it's annoying!"

   Then she continued with a smile: "Most of my friends who are my age are married and have children now."

   "If I didn't go to college, I would have lived the life of a husband and a child, how could it be cheap!"

  Jiang Ping'an said with a smile: "Then why don't you go back in a hurry now, and go to the house I mentioned?"

   "No, you have no good intentions, so today is not as good as you wish." Li Tianjiao rolled his eyes and said with a smile.

  Paused, she narrowly said again: "Are you very greedy right now, hehe..."

   "Of course, you are so beautiful, if I am not greedy, it will be abnormal." Jiang Ping'an said bluntly.

  Li Tianjiao's brows were beaming with joy, a smile was written on his face, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. She liked Jiang Ping'an's compliments on her.

  She leaned on Jiang Ping'an's back, smiled like a flower, and whispered:

   "Let's pass some days, I'm not ready today, sooner or later it will be yours."

   After finishing speaking, her face was as red as an apple, and her winking eyes were like silk.

  Actually, Jiang Pingan really wanted it today, and she would not refuse.

  Growing up so much, I have never been so happy with Jiang Pingan today, and my heart is sweet.

  She is not a casual person, but after seeing Jiang Ping'an, she couldn't help but want to get close to him.

  After arriving at the station, Li Tianjiao got off his bicycle, feeling a little bit reluctant.

   The two chatted while waiting for the bus.

   "The house you mentioned, I will take the time to clean it up." Li Tianjiao said.

  Jiang Pingan gave her a key, saying that no one lives there now.

  Thinking that the two of them would have a private meeting, Li Tianjiao did not refuse, but looked forward to it.

   "There is nothing to arrange. The pots, pans, bedding, and so on are all in place." Jiang Ping'an said.

   "The sanitation can be cleaned up. I haven't been there for more than a week."

  Li Tianjiao blushed slightly, and whispered, "I'm going to bring some women's household items over there."

   "I'm going to move out from home, I'll live there from now on, you have to come and see me often."

  Jiang Pingan smirked and said, "Didn't you just say that you were not ready? Now I figured it out again."

   "Come on, I don't believe you don't know what I mean." Li Tianjiao said with a gouged look at him with a smile.

  Jiang Ping'an smiled and said, "Why don't you just pass by now, I'm so greedy for you!"

   "Bah, I won't give it to you if I say I won't give it to you today, and I'll see how you perform in the future." Li Tian said proudly and coquettishly.

   leaned into Jiang Ping'an's ear again, with a smile on his face, and whispered, "I'm very happy today."

  Jiang Ping'an was about to speak when the car came, Li Tianjiao quickly pecked him, turned and left.

  When she was about to get in the car, she stopped again, turned her head and said expectantly: "Remember, come to me often."

  Jiang Pingan nodded with a smile, waved his hand, and signaled her to get in the car quickly.

  Li Tianjiao showed reluctance on his face, bit his lip, turned around and got into the car.

   Arriving in the car, after she stood still, she looked at Jiang Pingan affectionately through the window.

   Almost couldn't help but run down, and promised to accompany him again.



  The first mother saw Yi Zhonghai sitting by the door, she was puzzled and asked, "Why are you sitting here?"

   "I'm waiting for Xueying to come out, and I want to do work for her alone." Yi Zhonghai sighed.

   "She and Zhuzi are actually having a good time. If they can not divorce, it is better not to divorce."

  The first mother said: "How about I go to Zhuzi's house and call Xueying directly?"

   "No, I'd better wait slowly. Leave me alone, I have my own measure." Yi Zhonghai said.

  He was sure that Chen Xueying would come out soon, and Yi Zhonghai knew her habits very well.

  Big Mom nodded and said, "Okay, I hope Xueying can listen to her advice, hey..."

   Sighing, she turned and went to help with housework.

   Not long after, Chen Xueying came out of the room and walked out of the courtyard, probably to go to the bathroom.

  After she left the middle courtyard, Yi Zhonghai got up, talked to the first mother, and went out.

  Out of the courtyard.

  Yi Zhonghai caught up with Chen Xueying, seeing no one around, so he whispered:

   "Xueying, are you free today?"

   "Master, you mean..." Chen Xueying stopped and asked with a smile.

  Yi Zhonghai smiled and said: "That's what it means, don't worry, I'm not here to persuade you."

   "Okay, then I'll take some time off to make sense." Chen Xueying said with a smile.

  She asked Yi Zhonghai to go first, and said that she would follow after going to the bathroom.

  Yi Zhonghai nodded and smiled, and walked to Chen Xueying's old house.

  Today's past is not just for meaning.

  Based on his guess, it is very likely that Chen Xueying hid the deed in the old house.

  If it is really there, he will help He Yuzhu get the deed no matter what he says today.

  Chen Xueying looked at Yi Zhonghai's background, suppressed her smile, her eyes were cold, and she sighed softly: "You are too impatient!"

  She, Chen Xueying, has been doing business for so many years, and she has never made any mistakes. The only thing she can do is to be cautious.

  How could she not know the relationship between Yi Zhonghai and He Yuzhu?

  Because she knew, she knew exactly how bad Yi Zhonghai was.

  While wanting to let He Yuzhu take care of himself, while sleeping with his woman, can such a person be a good person?

  So Chen Xueying was on guard against Yi Zhonghai early on.

  But Yi Zhonghai thinks he is smart and treats others as fools.

   "Since you are uneasy and kind, it's time for you to suffer!" Chen Xueying gritted her teeth.

  She was so determined that even He Yuzhu could be put to death, let alone Yi Zhonghai, an old bastard.

   After thinking for a moment, Chen Xueying let out a sigh of relief and turned to go to the toilet.


  Jiang Ping'an sent Li Tianjiao away, and was in no hurry to go home. He turned the car around and planned to see Ding Qiunan.

  As for Li Xinmei, who lives with her, she got a goal of further study last month and went to Jiangcheng.

   Originally, Ding Qiunan could also go, but she wanted to go to medical school, so she gave up this opportunity.

  After arriving at Di'er, Ding Qiunan was reading a book, and Jiang Ping'an came over, she was very happy.

  After getting along with Jiang Ping'an for a long time, Ding Qiunan no longer had a sullen face like before, but always smiled.

   "It's just in time for you to come, I have something good to tell you."

   After closing the door, Ding Qiunan held Jiang Ping'an's hand and said with a smile.

  Jiang Pingan asked with a smile: "Does your hospital have medical school indicators?"

   "Eh? You know?" Ding Qiunan was surprised.

  Jiang Pingan patted her on the forehead and said:

   "Do you think that indicator can fall on you without me saying hello?"

  Ding Qiunan suddenly realized, threw himself into his arms, and said with a happy face:

   "Let me just say, there is no pie in the sky, why didn't you tell me in advance?"

  Jiang Ping'an smiled and said, "I didn't know the indicator was down before."

   "It was when I transferred you to Hongxing Hospital, I told you there."

   "It is said that when the indicators come down, be sure to leave one for you, and they will remember it."

   "You should cherish this opportunity, I can get a lot of favors."

  (end of this chapter)