MTL - Siheyuan: The Final Winner-Chapter 515 Xu Damao's blind date failed, and the roster was sought after

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  Chapter 515 Xu Damao's blind date failed, and the roster is sought after

   "Shoveling the snow! Come out and sweep the snow!"

  In the morning, the snow stopped, the sun came out of the clouds, and Liu Haizhong yelled in the courtyard with his stomach full.

   "Don't stay in the house, each family sends one person out to sweep the snow, don't be silly, move quickly!"

   Soon, the yard became lively.

   When he came to the courtyard, Liu Haizhong saw Mrs. Jia holding a shovel talking and laughing with a group of women, and said loudly:

   "Jia Zhang, it will be your turn to clean the compound in a few days, don't be lazy, I will watch!"

   This is Jiang Ping's punishment for Chen Xueying and Jia Zhang last time.

  Ms. Jia Zhang glanced back at him, and said expressionlessly, "Got it!"

  I look forward to the next month of snow, so that I don't have to clean the compound.

   "What's wrong, I think you seem a little reluctant?" Liu Haizhong frowned.

   "Do you want me to report to Director Jiang, and talk about your matter?"

  Ms. Jia Zhang's complexion changed, and she said with a smile: "How can it be, don't worry, I will clean up well."

   "Hmph, I hope so, don't cheat, I will check the sanitation every day." Liu Haizhong said with a cold snort.

   "If I find that you are perfunctory, don't blame me for being unreasonable and extending your punishment time."

   As he spoke, he walked to the front yard at a pace that he thought was more majestic.

  Jia Zhang looked at his back, his face changed, and finally gritted his teeth and said:

   "The fox is pretending to be the tiger, what the hell!"

  A woman answered: "Don't talk about it, the second uncle's official authority is getting bigger and bigger now!"

   "That's right, I used to just show off as an official, but now I have become the squad leader of the joint defense team, and I have more confidence."

   "Know how to curry favor with people, put on an old face every day, and go to Jiang to report to the factory manager, just like a dog's leg."

   "Keep your voice down, Master Ren Er is very prestigious now, I heard that Liu Guangqi will go to the joint defense team next year..."

   "The King of Hades is nice to see, but the little devil is hard to stop. Is he the kind of person you are talking about? How kind is the director of Renjiang Factory!"

   "I discovered that the bigger the official, the better the temper. On the contrary, the petty officials have a lot of shit."


  The front yard.

   As soon as Liu Haizhong came over, he ran into Xu Damao who came back from outside.

   Seeing his frustrated face, Yan Bugui, who was bending over to sweep the snow, straightened up and said with concern:

   "Da Mao, didn't you go on a blind date? Did you miss out?"

  Xu Damao nodded, sighed and said, "It's easy to say anything else, but I despise me as a second marriage."

   "What happened to the second marriage? I don't have any burden, it's just that I don't have a good reputation."

   "But the other party is a deadhead, saying that the second marriage is not good, no matter how you explain it, it's useless."

   Liu Haizhong stepped forward and asked, "Didn't you let the introducer know everything before you met?"

   "It's the bottom line. It's because of this that I think it's very promising." Xu Damao replied.

  Yan Bugui pondered and said: "So, the other party said that you are married twice, it's just an excuse."

   "It should be that after you met, you had other bad performances, which made the other party miss you."

  Xu Damao nodded and said, "I thought the same way back all the way."

   "But I just can't think of anything that I didn't perform well. In other words, I performed super-level today."

   Liu Haizhong said: "Could it be because you performed super-level and appeared vain, making the other party feel that you are not reliable?"

   "Eh? It's really possible." Yan Bugui answered.

   "Da Mao, this blind date is a step-by-step process. I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Prudence is the most important thing."

  Xu Damao thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "I'm acting more prudent today, and I'm not vain."

   "Forget it, there is no fate, I have to meet another girl in the afternoon, I don't believe I can't find a wife."

   As he spoke, he pushed the bicycle and left.

  Yan Bugui smiled, turned his head and asked Liu Haizhong: "Old Liu, what's the situation with Guangqi in your family?"

   "It's useless to persuade you to wait until you become a full-time employee before getting married." Liu Haizhong said with a sad face.

  Seeing that her son has grown up and reached the marriageable age.

   But the other party has the right idea and is not in a hurry to get married, which makes him very distressed.

  If it was Guangtian and Guangfu, he would directly serve them with sticks and beat them up.

   But Guang Qi is his big brother, it's too late to feel sorry for him, and he can't beat him, so he can only let him go.

   "By the way, what about your Xiecheng? Haven't you been trying to find someone for him? Have you got any results?"

  Yan Bugui shook his head and said: "During this time, I met seven or eight people back and forth, but it didn't work out."

   "If Xie Cheng didn't like the other party, if the other party didn't like Xie Cheng, what do you think is this?"

  Liu Haizhong suggested: "Your family's conditions, if you really can't do it, go to the countryside and find one. You can't let him be a bachelor, right?"

   "That won't work. You have to find someone in the city. Otherwise, if there is no food ration, the whole family will be dragged down." Yan Bugui shook his head.

   Paused, and then said: "What's wrong with my family's conditions? It's not too bad, right? If you have a house and a car, what else?"

  Speaking of which, his second-hand bicycle was still earned by picking up garbage, but it was very respectable.

   These days, even second-hand bicycles are not affordable for every household.


  Li Tianjiao had tears on his face, obviously he had just cried not long ago.

  At the moment, his face is rosy, energetic, and his face is full of happiness.

  In the warm bed, there is a faint fragrance and inexplicable breath.

  The two lay down hugging each other, looking at each other.

   "I want to treasure that towel." Li Tianjiao said shyly.

  Jiang Ping'an raised his eyebrows and said, "Whatever you want, I don't think there is anything to hide, it's not hygienic."

   "It's okay, I brought a box and herbs, and it will be hygienic if you put it in the box." Li Tianjiao smiled.

  Jiang Pingan laughed and said, "Okay, I didn't expect you to have premeditated, who among us took advantage?"

   "Of course it was you, you chased me, and you made me fall in love with me, hum..." Li Tianjiao wrinkled his nose and said.

   "You still have the nerve to say that at Xu Damao's house that day, I almost made a fool of myself. I haven't settled this account with you yet!"

  Jiang Ping'an pecked her and whispered, "Aren't you going to settle the score with me today? We're even!"

   "You're a good boy, but today I gave you the most precious thing." Li Tianjiao said with a stare.

  Suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly said: "By the way, the roster you gave me last time is very popular in school, and many students want to join it."

  Jiang Ping'an frowned and said, "What is it? I am full of elites from various schools. Not everyone can be registered."

   "Yes, the more this is the case, the more the students want to join, and feel that it is an honor." Li Tianjiao said.

  Jiang Pingan shook his head and said, "Forget it, just maintain that amount, and I'm too lazy to do this."

   This was unintentional, he really didn't expect this to happen.

  (end of this chapter)