MTL - Siheyuan: The Final Winner-Chapter 7 Another side of Qin Huairu

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  Chapter 7 The Other Side of Qin Huairu

  When the snow dumpling was applied to her feet, Qin Huairu felt pain and cold.

   "Hiss..." She took a few breaths, frowned slightly, narrowed her eyes slightly, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

   "Hold up, just wait!" Jiang Ping'an comforted.

  Qin Huairu hummed, and said softly: "It's okay, I really want to thank you today, otherwise I don't know what to do!"

  Jiang Ping'an said: "Looking at your situation, I'm afraid you won't be able to walk within two or three days..."

  Before she finished speaking, Qin Huairu said anxiously: "Ah? What should I do then? I told my mother-in-law to go back tomorrow."

   "You also know her temperament, if she can't go back on time, she can't scold me to death?"

   "Peace, can you help my sister find a way, I will go back tomorrow no matter what, there is no delay."

  Jiang Ping'an shook his head slowly, glanced at her, and replied: "There is a saying that hurts muscles and bones for a hundred days, and your foot is a bit seriously injured, and it won't heal so quickly."

  When Qin Huairu heard the words, he immediately became depressed and fearful.

   To her, her mother-in-law, Jia Zhang, is not in a hurry, she usually only swears.

   But her man, Jia Dongxu, was different. If he made a slight mistake, he would punch him hard, so she couldn't help but not worry.

  For a rural girl like her to be able to marry in the city is a blessing of eight generations.

  So in her husband's house, no matter how hard and tiring Qin Huairu was, she would still enjoy it.

  No matter how bad her mother-in-law and men treat her, she will not resist, but worrying is essential.

  Jiang Pingan burst into tears when he saw Qin Huairu in the blink of an eye, and secretly sighed that this girl is really a natural white lotus.

   Regardless of Qin Huairu's sadness, Jiang Ping'an didn't persuade her anymore, squatted down, and slowly rubbed her feet.

   After a while, after wrapping his feet, Jiang Pingan got up and twisted the towel to help Qin Huairu wipe off the dirt on his body.

   "Sister Qin, don't worry, it really doesn't work, you send a family member of your mother's family to the city to say something!"

  Jiang Pingan saw her dead face, couldn't help but patted her on the shoulder, and reminded her.

  Qin Huairu shook his head, sighed, and said, "You don't understand."

   "Well, I don't understand, stand up quickly, and I'll wipe the mud for you." Jiang Ping'an reminded her by lifting her shoulder.

  Qin Huairu hurriedly raised her chest and raised her head, spreading her hands, the padded jacket all over her body was bloated, like a stupid duck.

  Jiang Pingan looked funny and started to help her clean up.

  Qin Huairu came back to his senses and asked doubtfully, "What are you laughing at?"

   "To be so close to a beautiful woman like Sister Qin, of course I want to laugh." Jiang Pingan smiled.

  Qin Huairu rolled his eyes, and said angrily: "It seems that Ping An really misses a woman, you should find a girl to marry earlier, so as not to talk nonsense."

  Jiang Ping'an said: "What you said, even if I'm married, I can't help but be greedy in front of Sister Qin!"

   "Giggle...then find someone who is prettier than your sister, so I won't be greedy." Qin Huairu giggled.

  Paused, she glanced at the room, and said curiously: "Ping An, I didn't see it, you guys are boring, have you saved a lot of money over the years?"

   "What money are you saving? No!" Jiang Pingan shook his head with a serious expression.

  Qin Huairu didn't believe it, cut his voice, and said: "Don't treat your sister as a fool, don't talk about how much you have saved, just talk about this house and the furniture in the house. These days, ordinary people really can't afford it."

  Jiang Ping'an smiled and said, "Don't believe me, when I built this house, I borrowed a lot of foreign debt, which was paid off at the end of last year."

   "As for the furniture in the house, I saved money from living and frugal. I asked Chen Mazi next door to come over to make it, and I also got a lot of favors. Otherwise, how could I buy everything?"

  Qin Huairu was skeptical and asked curiously, "Ping An, what is your current monthly salary?"

   "Not much, how many years have I only worked?" Jiang Pingan said vaguely.

  Speaking of which, workers’ wages are now publicized.

   It's just that when Jiang Pingan's salary was announced, it didn't attract others' attention.

  In addition, every time these buyers receive their wages, they are not in the same batch as the production workshop.

  Even the people in the back kitchen like Shazhu are not in the same batch.

  Although Jiang Ping'an has a high salary, he has never made it public.

   This caused the people in the yard to think that he had only recently become a regular at most.

  After Jiang Pingan realized this situation later, he was also happy to pretend to be poor, and he made mistakes, and his life was easier.

   Qin Huairu saw that Jiang Pingan didn't want to answer, so he didn't ask.

  But I felt that Jiang Ping'an's salary should not be too low.

   Among other things, Jiang Ping'an was the only one with bicycles and watches in the whole courtyard.

  Although his bicycle is from the factory, it is no different from his own.

   Think about it, Jiang Pingan is a technical secondary school student, and his starting salary is much higher than others. How could he be poor?

   "However, Jiang Ping'an's expenses are really high. He spends a lot of money. He built a house, bought furniture, and bought a watch. Even if he has some savings, it shouldn't be too much." Qin Huairu thought silently.

   Just as she was thinking about something, Jiang Ping'an patted her on the face.

  Qin Huairu was startled, came back to his senses, stared and said: "Good luck, you are getting better and better. I am a married woman. What do you mean by making a fuss?"

   "Yo! You turn your face so fast! Didn't I call you a few times, are you in a daze? Is this my fault?" Jiang Ping'an said with an unhappy face.

  Qin Huairu choked for a while, and calmed down, knowing that he had misunderstood, his face softened for a moment, and he smiled and said:

   "Uh, I was obsessed with thinking about things just now, it's my sister's fault, please don't take it to heart, by the way, what did you call me just now?"

  Jiang Ping'an said expressionlessly, "I'll tell you to turn over so that you can wipe off the dirt on your butt!"

   As he spoke, he threw the towel to Qin Huairu, snorted, and said, "Wipe it yourself, I'm too lazy to wait on you, so you don't think I'm a villain!"

  Qin Huairu blushed and said at a loss: "Ping An, aren't you embarrassing me? I wear so many clothes today that I can't even reach my elbows..."

   As she spoke, she narrowed her eyes, with tears in her eyes, took Jiang Pingan's hand, shook it, and said pitifully:

   "Ping An, you are a man with a big heart, so don't bother with your sister."

  Jiang Ping'an called her a good guy in his heart. It seems that this woman is born with the white lotus attribute.

  But he didn't bother Qin Huairu any more, took the towel in his hand, nodded and said:

   "Okay, forgive you once, turn over quickly, I cleaned it up for you earlier, so I can dry it sooner."

  Qin Huairu laughed suddenly, sat on the chair and wanted to turn over, looked around, but didn't know how to turn over.

  She looked up at Jiang Pingan blankly, with a questioning look in her eyes, meaning how to turn it?

  Jiang Pingan laughed loudly and said, "Go lie down on the bed, otherwise there is really no other way."

  Qin Huairu hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his hands, motioning for Jiang Pingan to hug her.

  Jiang Pingan stepped forward, hugged her by the waist, looked down at her little face, and said:

   "You are really, such a big person, why are you so stupid?"

  Qin Huairu's cheeks were flushed, and he gritted his teeth and said, "You're stupid! Don't say that about your sister!"

  (end of this chapter)