MTL - Since 1981 Health School-Chapter 5 2 yuan for medical expenses

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  Chapter 5 medical expenses of 2 yuan

  Chen Qi went to the back room, and took out a lidocaine needle, a needle tube, and a debridement kit from the space operating room.

  The most important thing is that when he picked up the mysterious scalpel and held it in his hand, he felt a sense of unity between the knife and man.

  Chen Shu and Chen Hua knew that their elder brother was a medical student, but they had never seen him show his skills, so they were full of curiosity and gathered around the table to watch the operation.

   I saw that Chen Qi first slapped lidocaine on both sides of the proximal end of the finger, waited for a while after the finger was numb, and then disinfected it, and then took out the scalpel.

  The moment he took out the scalpel and prepared to do it, the scalpel seemed to come alive. Chen Qi felt that he was not operating to cut his nails, but that the scalpel was actively guiding him how to perform the operation.

  In less than a few minutes, a part of the nail on the affected side was cut off, and then the thick liquid was drained, disinfected again and then bandaged. The operation process was very fast and the operation effect was perfect.

  The patient saw the entire operation process, including Chen Qi's professionalism, and finally saw the gauze-wrapped fingers. The middle-aged man was very happy.

   "Doctor Chen, this, this is all right?"

   "It's not good. You'd better go to Barefoot Doctor every day to change your dressing, and then take some anti-inflammatory drugs. It will take about a week or two to fully recover."

  Chen Qi exhorted while tidying up, this feeling is like having a minor outpatient surgery in his previous life.

  The middle-aged man was naturally grateful, and finally took out 2 yuan from his pocket and put it on the table.

   "Doctor Chen, it's been a lot of hard work. You know that people in our mountains are poor, so don't feel too little."

  Chen Qi scratched his head, and then took it. After all, he did the mental work, and he also had a debridement kit and an anesthetic.

   "That's fine, I'll accept it bluntly, and be careful not to touch the water when you go back."

  After the middle-aged man left, Chen Hua and Chen Qi looked at the two 1 yuan RMB with the pattern of a female tractor driver on the table, full of curiosity.

   "Brother, in such a short period of time, you have earned two yuan? This eldest sister has to memorize bricks for 4 days, and she can pay me a semester's tuition."

  Chen Qi flicked the banknote, curled his mouth, that's it? 2 yuan? If this is in later generations, the pre-operative examination fee, operation fee, and drug fee will add up, and if you don’t have 1,000 yuan, don’t even think about leaving.

   How do I spend some extra money I made by accident?

  The three siblings sat at home together, their chins resting on their hands, thinking about this question.

  The younger sister, Chen Hua, thinks it should be handed over to the eldest sister, and save up for the next semester's tuition.

  The little brother Chen Shu thinks that he should buy some meat to eat, because he hasn’t eaten meat for half a year, and now he wants to go up to eat a bite when he sees the pigs raised by others.

  Chen Qi felt that Chen Shu was right, he should buy meat.

  The main reason is that the scene of the silly elder sister carrying bricks under the scorching sun shocked him too much. He had thought about being reborn to suffer hardships, but he never thought it would be so hard.

  Compared to the three scholars in the family, the silly eldest sister is the one who needs nourishment the most.

   "How about, let's go buy meat now, and give the eldest sister a surprise when she comes back?"

  Chen Shu jumped three feet high: "Okay, okay."

  Chen Hua intends to object, but when he thinks of the fat white meat, he really can't resist this temptation, "Okay, then go buy pork."

  The three brothers and sisters did what they said, regardless of the scorching sun outside, each put on a broken straw hat, and rushed to the commune barefoot.

  Xingtang Commune is located in a small market. Although the sparrow is small, it has all internal organs.

  For example, movie theaters, supply and marketing cooperatives, non-staple food stores, health centers, primary and secondary schools, police stations, governments, and even a small mini guest house.

  The three brothers and sisters of the Chen family walked for nearly an hour before arriving at the commune. The three of them were full of curiosity, and kept looking around on the road.

  Chen Shu and Chen Hua rarely come to the commune once in normal times. To them, the commune is like a "big city" full of prosperity, and there are novelties in the supply and marketing cooperative that they have never seen in their life.

  Although this is obviously just a small mountain village commune that cannot even drive a car.

  For Chen Qi, a newcomer, he is full of curiosity about everything in the 1980s. After all, he has never experienced this era, and it feels like he has arrived in Hengdian Film and Television City.

  The buildings on the street, the clothes of the common people, and the red slogans on the wall all gave him a feeling of "experience tour".

  The three of them walked around and stood at the entrance of the supply and marketing cooperative for a long time. Seeing the bottles of soda on the counter, the three of them, who were dry, hot and thirsty, swallowed their saliva.

   But when they saw the price tag of 20 cents, the three of them could only shake their heads, and left without a care.

  Chen Qi never dreamed that he was reborn back in 1981, and he couldn't even afford a bottle of soda. It was such a failure.

   It seems that how to make money during the summer vacation and how to support the family is the next most important task.

  The three of them came to the non-staple food store. When they saw the piece of pork, Chen Shu and Chen Hua both exclaimed:

   "Brother, look, there are so many pork."

   "Master, how much is a catty of pork belly."

  The pig butcher wearing a dirty apron looked impatient: "Go, go, look at you, do you have money?"

  Chen Qi waved the two one-yuan bills in his hand.

  The pig-killer was taken aback for a moment, and said with a smile:

"Hey, can't you tell, these hillbillies are really rich, Nao, this pork belly costs 1 yuan a catty, look at this big fat meat with four fingers thick, isn't it beautiful, 1 yuan and 2 cents a catty, this lean meat is 1 yuan 9 cents a catty."

  Chen Buer felt that his ears had misheard. Lean meat was actually 25 cents cheaper than fat meat?

  Which silly X would buy fat meat?

  In his previous life, when he went to the cafeteria to eat, he picked out the fat whenever he encountered it. The fat in his mouth was full of cholesterol, and the little nurses who loved beauty even avoided it.

  Chen Qi decided to remind the other party: "Master, you, did you miscalculate the price?"

  The pig-killer was upset: "How can you make a mistake? It's also in our commune. If you go to the city, everyone will rush to sell it, and you need meat tickets to buy meat. Do you hillbillies have any?"

  If you want meat tickets, in Xingtang, a purely agricultural commune, no one can eat pork. Obviously, the common people have great opinions, so they don’t want meat tickets, but the price is a little bit more expensive.

  Chen Qi thought he was smart, so don’t blame me for taking advantage of the loopholes, took out the money and slapped it on the meat table:

   "Just give us two catties of lean meat."

  The pig butcher was taken aback for another moment, and then a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Okay, two catties of lean meat, look at it, the scale is high, 1 yuan and 9 cents, this is change, please keep it."

  Chen Qi paid the money, and holding the lean meat hanging by a straw rope, he felt extremely beautiful, and shouted at Chen Shu and Chen Hua:

   "Let's go, there is still a dime left, let's go buy popsicles."

  (end of this chapter)