MTL - Single Mom in the Eighties-Chapter 84 travel

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Kang Congxin has already bought the train ticket and packed his things. He only needs to go to the military compound to pick up the twins tomorrow and then go to the train station.

"I really envy you guys. You live so chicly. I was chained by my children and couldn't escape." Huang Limei said regretfully. In the case of not bad money, who would not want to travel? But life always has trade-offs. After the children learn it, they will be famous in the future, and they will have a lot of time and opportunities to go out and play. She said she was envious, but in her heart she was thinking that every inch of time is worth every inch of gold. With that time, it would be better to let the child memorize two more English words.

Wang Yani was really envious, and said: "My child is too young, she has to be hugged when going out, and it is inconvenient to go anywhere. When the child is older, she will leave. I must take her out for more walks."

Yan Ruxu said with a smile: "Then you have to wait. Our family Kangkang is almost 5 years old, and we have to hold him for most of the time when we go out to play. The child's bones are too soft, and the amount of exercise is too large. At least the child is tired, dehydrated, and has electrolyte imbalance. In severe cases, it will cause sports injuries, such as joint wear and ligament damage, which will affect the growth and development of the child. When we took the child to climb the Great Wall last time, the child tried to compete with others, but the leg cramped at night and cried in pain. He and his father were so frightened that they rubbed his calf for half a night, and almost went to the emergency room."

"Ah?" Wang Yani was shocked, and was shocked by Yan Ruxu's words: "I thought the child would be able to get rid of it after 3 weeks, my God! So that was the beginning." Wang Yani looked at Chen Yang and saw him bowing his head I didn't notice this, so I rolled up my right sleeve and said, "Do you think my right arm is very thick? It's used to hold children. My right arm is a whole circle thicker than yesterday's arm. I don't dare to do it now." Wearing a sleeveless dress is too ugly!"

Huang Limei: "Who didn't come here like this? Not only did I have problems with my arms, I also had problems with my waist. Now it's cloudy and rainy, and it still hurts. Ah, let's stop talking, Jiang Yun's face turned pale with fright." .”

Wang Yani smiled and said: "It's not scary, it's to introduce some experience to Sister Jiang, so that she can prepare mentally early. I was pregnant thanks to Sister Yan, who told me so much about pregnancy and confinement. I have avoided a lot of detours, and now I will learn the knowledge of raising children from you, and we can be regarded as passing on."

Jiang Yun was already thin, but she only got a bigger belly after she became pregnant, but she became even thinner. She was very worried that something might go wrong during the delivery and was always scared. As soon as she heard Wang Yani's words, she felt that it was very reasonable. With her own experience, she could figure out all possible situations that might arise during production and prepare in advance, which could greatly reduce the probability of accidents.

Thinking of this, her worry over the past few days seemed to disappear instantly. She smiled and said to Wang Yani: "Thank you, I especially need the guidance of my seniors."

So, throughout the morning, the three pregnant women in the 208 office shared their production experience, problems encountered during the production process, and other cases they heard in the hospital with Jiang Yun, complementing each other and checking for leaks. To fill in the gap, Jiang Yun took notes carefully.

It has only been a year since the birth, and Wang Yani, who still remembers it vividly, gave Jiang Yun a reassurance: "If you think you can't give birth, ask for a caesarean section. Although the recovery will be slower afterwards, the chance of danger is less. Don't listen to what others say The cut-out child is not good or anything, it’s all nonsense, and several children of the same age as me were cut-off, and they are extremely healthy.”

After the three of them finished sharing, not only Jiang Yun was no longer confused and worried, but even Chen Yang felt that he could teach others production experience.

According to the usual practice, those who have no work in the afternoon on holidays can leave work. After cleaning, Yan Ruxu asked his colleagues to leave work first, and stayed for a safety inspection. Power off, windows were closed, and items were put back in place. When he walked to the door, Secretary Gao suddenly When I came over, I was a little disappointed to see her holding the lock in her hand.

"Editor Yan, are you leaving?"

Yan Ruxu nodded with a smile and asked, "Are you looking for me?"

Secretary Gao nodded and said with a smile: "It's okay, you can go your own way, and you can talk after the festival."

He said so, but he stood still and did not leave. Yan Ruxu put down the lock and opened the door: "It's urgent. I'll call the doorman and ask the child's father to pick up Kangkang first."

After Yan Ruxu finished calling the guard and made a gesture to pour water, Secretary Gao quickly asked her to sit down and said, "I just came out after drinking water, and there is nothing particularly important, I just want to chat with you first."

Yan Ruxu pulled a chair and sat down opposite him, and said with a smile, "Then I'll be all ears."

Secretary Gao: "What you suggested last time was to do a Hong Kong Island martial arts movie feature. I thought about it for a long time, and I also found a relationship to invite people from the supervisory unit to dinner. I asked his opinion on this issue, but he didn't give me it at the time. Answer, I came to me later and told me that the policy is now loose. We signed a joint statement with the United Kingdom in 1984, confirming that China will resume administrative sovereignty over Hong Kong Island in 1997. Last year's Spring Festival Gala also invited actors from there to perform. There are also film collaborations between the mainland and Hong Kong Island, and generally speaking, there are more and more cultural exchanges. That is to say, in principle, we have no problem doing this topic, but we need to pay attention to our position.”

This is good news. Yan Ruxu's special plan has been proposed for a long time, but due to the special historical reasons on Hong Kong Island, she has not implemented it. She just mentioned it to Secretary Gao. Secretary Gao has always been on the mind, thinking that the magazine will soon become independent, and no matter what, he must make the first shot after independence to win himself.

"That's good." Yan Ruxu said with a smile, "Recently, we have perfected the details of this plan. As long as it is confirmed that it can be published, we can immediately start to follow the plan. If possible, it is best to go to Hong Kong in person Island for interviews."

Yan Ruxu had mentioned this matter to Secretary Gao a long time ago, so he was not particularly surprised to hear this. He nodded and said without making a promise to Yan Ruxu, "I'll think of a way."

Yan Ruxu nodded, if they really can't go to Hong Kong Island, they still have backup plans.

Secretary Gao also said: "Recently, people in the magazine office are fluctuating, and they don't want to work. Many people are asking for connections everywhere, and want to be transferred back to the daily office. You focus on the content and quality of the magazine. Don't let them affect the quality of our magazine. Word of mouth."

Yan Ruxu nodded: "OK."

Secretary Gao stood up and said, "I just want to tell you about these things, and I will be at ease after I tell you. You have a good holiday, and we will talk after the holiday."

Yan Ruxu stood up, sent Secretary Gao out, watched him enter his office, and then locked the door of Office 208. The doors of the other offices were basically locked, and there were a few people who didn't leave. When they saw Yan Ruxu, they greeted her one after another. Their tone and attitude were less casual and more respectful.

Because Yan Ruxu is not only the editor-in-chief, but also temporarily acting as the editor-in-chief.

The original editor-in-chief officially retired last month. Yan Ruxu, the deputy editor-in-chief, was transferred to the logistics post by Secretary Gao after the editor-in-chief Qiu Dezhi insisted on reinstatement, and after the position of editor-in-chief was vacated, the word "deputy" was removed from Yan Ruxu's title. He temporarily took over the post of editor-in-chief.

It's not that Secretary Gao is using his power for personal gain or favoring Yan Ruxu. It's because he really has no one to use, because the magazine is about to become independent, and he certainly can't let the daily office drop another editor-in-chief. The editor-in-chief promoted a temporary generation.

Most of the employees of the magazine are the group of people who were transferred from the daily office at the beginning of the publication, and there are a few sporadic transfers and new recruits. The group of people who founded the society, except Yan Ruxu and Jiang Yun, who were transferred by themselves at their own initiative, were excluded and not reused, and some were too old to be promoted and wanted to change their status and then be promoted. Some of them were promoted, and several of them came here purely to dawdle.

Of course, there are many truly capable people in this group, including college students in the 1960s. But these people are either following the old ways and sticking to the rules. They are all in the 1980s, and their thinking is still stuck in the 1960s and 1970s.

Or they don't have a little idea and can complete the tasks assigned by the leader very well, but they only see the work at hand, and the leader pushes him one step and the other takes one step.

Such a person can't be promoted no matter what. What he wants is for the magazine to prosper and cater to the needs of the people, especially the young people, instead of going backwards and forwards. So after much deliberation, as long as his appearance is suitable, he can only be plucked with wool.

Of course, he knows very well that a leader can't blindly put pressure on other people's tasks and not give benefits. He gives Yan Ruxu all kinds of conveniences and benefits within the scope of his power and responsibility, and coaxes them. Yan Ruxu is not a person with a tone, and even taking on the role of editor-in-chief does not actually increase the workload, but instead allows her to control the style and direction of the entire magazine without being restrained.

Wang Wenqiang, who has always been envious of Yan Ruxu openly and secretly, since his wife and sister-in-law came to the door, made him look ugly in front of the whole magazine staff, and was severely criticized by the leadership, his status in the magazine has plummeted. Of course, he wasn't labeled as having an improper relationship with Han Mei, otherwise, the position of editor-in-chief might have been lost. However, the stain remained.

Of course he also knew that the editor-in-chief was about to retire. For this position, he had been soliciting connections and going through the back door long in advance, but Secretary Gao, who had no choice but to play a decisive role, refused to accept him. As Yan Ruxu was getting more and more attention from Secretary Gao, and his voice in the club was getting higher and higher, Wang Wenqiang already knew that he was out of luck, and he was afraid that Yan Ruxu would go up and wear small shoes for himself in the future. Now he is very respectful to Yan Ruxu, I want her to forget her previous rudeness, and at the same time, she is looking for relationships everywhere, and wants to be transferred back to the Dazhong Daily community.

Yan Ruxu is now doing well in the magazine.

When I walked to the door and greeted the guard, I saw my jeep still parked in the distance, and the guard said, "Your Chief Jiakang came back to pick you up after picking up the children."

Yan Ruxu smiled and chatted with him, and hurried to the car.

"I told you to go back first, why did you come back to pick me up again?" Yan Ruxu sat in the back seat and said with a reproachful tone.

Kangkang said with a grin, "Father said it was too hot for you to walk back by yourself."

Kang Congxin smiled and said, "Sit down, I'm driving." Then he turned his head and started the car.

Yan Ruxu couldn't help looking forward, and when he saw Kang Congxin looking over in the rearview mirror, the two could not help but smile at each other.

Yan Ruxu turned to look at Kangkang's little dirty face, took out a handkerchief and wiped it for him, and said, "Go crazy again, look at this face, it looks like a little tabby cat."

Kangkang let her wipe his face with his face up, looking extremely obedient. Yan Ruxu immediately sensed that something was wrong, and asked, "What are you going to do wrong?" This kid only behaves like this when he is guilty, otherwise he won't cooperate at all when his face is wiped, and he will hide everywhere.

Hearing this sentence, Kangkang's face immediately revealed a look of panic. Obviously, he didn't expect his mother to know, so he hurriedly looked over to his father.

Kang Congxin said: "The mother I met with you at the same time, there is no time to tell the truth."

Kangkang agreed with his father, looked at his mother, and hurriedly lowered his head to play with his fingers.

Yan Ruxu slowly folded the handkerchief and said, "Kangkang, you know mother's principle."

Kangkang nodded: "I know, if you confess, you will be lenient, but if you resist, you will be strict."

Yan Ruxu: "Then why don't you invite them?"

Kang Congxin: "You promised your father to tell your mother yourself."

Kangkang hesitated for a few seconds, but said truthfully, "Mom, Mingming and I fought."

"Fight, are you injured?" Yan Ruxu hurried up and down to help his son check.

Kang Congxin said: "There is a small bruise on the calf, it's not serious."

Sure enough, Yan Ruxu found a small blue spot on the child's leg, and heaved a sigh of relief. When children grow up, they often have bumps and bumps on their bodies. Sometimes when I ask them, the children will be at a loss. They can’t remember when they got it, and it will hurt if they don’t touch it, so adults and children don’t care too much. .

Kangkang has a calm personality, a good temper, a sweet mouth, can talk, and is not stingy. He is very popular in the kindergarten, and the children love to play with him. The child has been in the kindergarten for two years. Haven't had any conflicts with other kids.

She was surprised when she first heard that the child was fighting, but the child was not injured, and with Kang Congxin's calm expression, she knew that the problem should not be serious. Seeing the child's timid look, for fear of scaring the child, Yan Ruruo rubbed the child With a soft voice, he said, "Tell mom, why did you fight with Mingming?"

Seeing that the child was still clasping his fingers, Yan Ruxu went on to say: "Mom knows that Kangkang is not a bad boy who fights casually. There must be a reason for the conflict with Mingming. Then you can talk to mom about it?"

Kangkang nodded and said, "Mom, I didn't mean to fight with him. I told the kids in the class that I was going to play in Hehuadian tomorrow. They said that Hehuadian was not fun at all, but I said it was very fun. He ran over and bumped into me, knocked me down, and I got up and knocked him down."

As Kangkang spoke, he peeked at his mother with his eyes, and involuntarily reached out and scratched his little butt. He wondered if his mother was angry.

When Mingming's father came to pick him up, he heard that he got into a fight and scolded him severely, and even pulled his pants and hit his buttocks. The sound of "slapping" made his buttocks turn red. "Crying, frightened Kangkang.

So when I saw my father, I wanted to hold my father's hand and leave quickly, but the teacher still saw it and called me to the side. Kangkang knew that the teacher must have reported his fight to his father. He thought, his father is taller than Mingming's father, and his hands are bigger than Mingming's father, if he is hit by his father's palm, it must be very painful!

It's a little scary, but he has to be strong! After a while, if Dad is as angry as Mingming's Dad and wants to beat him, he will endure it and definitely not cry! The children in the class envied him for having a good father, so he had to pretend that he didn't feel hurt, and he had to discuss with his father whether he could not take off his pants when beating him.

Dad finally finished talking with the teacher, and Kangkang was nervously thinking about how to negotiate with his father, but his father picked him up and shook him with a smile on his face, and said, "Boy, you are good at it. Will there be a fight?"

"Dad, are you not angry?" Kangkang carefully observed his father's face, seeing that he was not angry, he couldn't help but burst out laughing, "Dad, you are really my good father!"

Kang Congxin snorted, but didn't say whether he was angry or not.

Dad is not angry, but mother is definitely going to be angry. Not only did Kangkang make an inch, he discussed with his father: "Dad, can you not tell mom about my fight with Mingming today?"

Kang Congxin thought for a while and said, "I won't say yes, but you have to take the initiative to confess to your mother."

Kangkang was a little disappointed, but he still let out an "oh".

In fact, Kang Congxin didn't say anything about his son's fight because he didn't know whether what he had instilled in the child was correct. He grew up in the army. He decided at a very young age that he wanted to be a soldier when he grew up. He trained with his brothers since he was a child and received wolf education. Their fights are not called fighting, but competition. It is a routine operation. One wants to knock the other to the ground.

In his cognition, when someone beats his child, his child fights back and beats the other party. This is a must. The beating is purely what he deserved, who dared to provoke him without the strength!

Therefore, Kangkang was not wrong, but he didn't dare to encourage Kangkang because of this, and he didn't dare to comment on whether his retaliation today was right or wrong, for fear of leading the child astray. He decided to entrust this arduous task to Comrade Yan Ruxu. She educated the children so well, and he was also very curious about how she would deal with the children's problems and what she would say to the children.

So at this moment, Kang Congxin, who was the driver in the front seat, was listening to Yan Ruxu's conversation with Kangkang with a curious and learning attitude.

Across the safety seat, Yan Ruxu hugged Kangkang, and asked him with a smile: "Does Kangkang think he did something wrong? You can say it boldly, mom won't scold you."

Kangkang became more courageous, pouted and said, "Mom, he did it first. I don't think I did anything wrong. I was talking about Hehuadian to other children, and he said it even though he had never been to Hehuadian. Hehuadian is not fun, and it pushed me down, and it hurt my **** so much that I wanted to cry. When I got angry, I pushed him down, and he would jump over and beat me, so I sat on him If he didn’t say that Hehuadian is not fun, I wouldn’t quarrel with him, if he didn’t push me, I wouldn’t push him, if he didn’t want to hit me, I wouldn’t sit on him!”

After swallowing several times on the way, and almost biting his own tongue, Kangkang finally finished the long sentence.

Yan Ruxu couldn't help but look at Kangkang with admiration. He and Kang Congxin, who parked the car and came down to help their mother and son open the door, looked at each other and said, "When did our son have such eloquence, can speak such a long paragraph, so logical, and know how to progress step by step?" , did you teach it?"

With a proud look on Kang Congxin's face, he helped his son unfasten his seat belt and said, "I didn't teach it. I was surprised by the child." return.

The child giggled and burst into laughter within a few moments.

Kangkang's voice exudes carefree and pure joy. Yan Ruxu especially likes to watch the scene of the father and son playing together, which fills her with a sense of ironing. This is a game that their father and son especially love to play, but Kangkang is now 108.1cm and weighs 42.6kg. When he was taking care of his son, the health doctor said that he was taller and heavier than children of the same age.

The child grows taller and heavier, and I don't know how long the two of them can play this game.

"Okay, okay, stop playing, after a while, it's time to hiccup again."

Kang Congxin put Kang Kang down, hugged him in his arms, kissed him twice fiercely, and said, "Son, why are you so capable!"

Being pricked by his father's beard stubble, Kangkang backed away, his little face was flushed, his **** and white eyes were shining brightly, he put his arms around his father's neck, his face was full of pride: "I'm a bit capable!"

He turned to look at his mother again, as if he wanted to see if his mother had heard what his father had just praised him for.

Yan Ruxu didn't want to cause any psychological burden to the child, just now the child's timid look made her feel distressed, so she smiled at the child, and Kangkang's small **** stood out even higher.

Yan Ruxu could tell that Kang Congxin was really happy because the child spoke so well, and he was expressing his attitude towards the child's fight, and supporting the child in a disguised form.

Yan Ruxu pushed him: "Hurry up and go home, everyone on the street is looking at you."

With that said, he opened the satchel to look for the key.

The road here has already been repaired, and both sides of the road have been padded and sidewalks have been made. Kang Congxin's car just parked on the curb, which does not affect pedestrians walking, and can also enjoy some shade.

When Yan Ruxu was about to open the door, he turned his head and saw a mule cart parked in the shade of the wall not far away. The mule was quietly grazing with its head down. On the wooden cart were neatly stacked a lot of large emerald green watermelons, bright and attractive. It was covered with a layer of wormwood to shade the sun, and an old man wearing a straw hat was sitting at the base of the wall smoking a pipe. This is a farmer from the countryside in the suburbs of Beijing. He drove into the city early in the morning, and walked around the city selling snacks. The big guys still buy their food, one is fresh, and the other is cheap, but unfortunately there is no fixed stall, when you meet them, you have to be lucky.

In summer and autumn, they bought several kinds of fruits such as small cherries, muskmelons, plums, crabapple fruits, pines, etc. The sweet and sour taste is slightly astringent, and they are quite delicious.

"Hey, it's still the old man who sells watermelons. Let's go buy some and bring them to Grandpa Kangkang and grandparents when we pick up the children tomorrow."

Yan Ruxu recognized the old man selling melons. He once bought melons from him. They were very ripe and very sweet. Later, he wanted to buy melons again, but he never met him.

"Wow, Malaysia!" Kangkang asked his father to put him down excitedly, and ran over there by himself.

"That's a mule, not a horse." Kang Cong touched his pocket again, not forgetting to tell Kang Kang: "Don't get too close, it will kick people."

Kang Congxin took out a 50 cents one and a one yuan one from his pocket. He went to refuel in the morning and spent all his pocket money all at once.

Yan Ruxu looked at him and smiled, took out a five-yuan bill from his pocket and handed it to him: "Vice President of Tangtang Group, is there only one dollar and fifty cents in his pocket?"

Kang Congxin: "It's okay to pretend to have so much money to blame the pressure pocket, and I don't have much money to spend."

The two went to the melon stand and asked the old man to pick 6 large melons weighing more than ten kilograms. They planned to eat one for their own family and give two to Grandpa Kangkang's house. As long as this kind of watermelon is not bumped and stored in a cool place, it will not be a problem to store it for ten days.

After returning home, Kang Congxin first put the melon in the shade, then put a basin of cold water in it, soaked the watermelon in it, and let the coolness of the cold water soak into the watermelon, so that it would be cool but not too cold to eat in the afternoon I have diarrhea.

After the family of three had finished eating, Kangkang was too sleepy to take a nap, and the two of them also lay down on the bed, ready to take a nap. October is about to enter, at noon, the place where the sun shines is still very hot, but the room is very cool.

Yan Ruxu snuggled into Kang Congxin's arms, only then did she realize that the conversation with Kangkang hadn't been finished yet, and she hadn't expressed her opinion on the child's fight today.

Kang Cong told her about the cause and effect of the fight that Mr. Xiaqiu learned about.

Teacher Qiu was not in the classroom when the incident happened. She asked the children later. What the children said was subjective, but it was not far from what Kang Kang said. They all quarreled with Kang Kang first. Kangkang was pushed down first.

Kang Congxin asked, "This is not considered a fight, but just self-defense. I think my son is right."

As he spoke, he observed Yan Ruxu's expression. That appearance was simply an enlarged version of Kang Kang.

Yan Ruxu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and asked him: "Then if I think it's wrong for my son to fight?"

Kang Congxin took a choke, and after a long time to organize his words, he said, "Yanyan, kindness does not mean cowardice. If you are bullied to the top, you don't say anything. If you are honest, they will bully you even more. Our country was in the 1950s. The reason why we fought, why we went to the southwest battlefield, is to beat those who dare to bully us to the ground, so that they will fear us from now on, and dare not bully us again. We love peace and do not take the initiative to cause trouble, but some people When it comes to us, we have to let them know that we are not easy to mess with!"

As soon as he heard Kang Congxin's words, Yan Ruxu was too embarrassed to continue teasing him. Thinking about it carefully, the truth is indeed the same between people and countries.

Yan Ruxu smiled, and said, "Okay, you're right, as for Kangkang, you can represent the two of us and talk to him."

"Promise to complete the task!" Kang Congxin kissed his daughter-in-law loudly on the forehead. I am happy that my ideas are recognized by my daughter-in-law, and I am also happy that Kangkang's behavior is not blamed by my daughter-in-law.

Since Kang came back, the changes in Kangkang are obvious, more lively, cheerful, and bold. In the past, she tried her best to make up for the lack of father. She thought she had done her best and raised Kangkang well, but now she realized that Kangkang in the past was like a little snail nesting in a snail shell. Confined by her within a limited safe range, she plays with herself alone in the safe range. Only when she pokes out of the snail shell does she realize that the outside world is so fun and exciting.

Yan Ruxu told him again, saying: "Kangkang is too fond of climbing poles, don't let him think that with your backing, he can be domineering in front of the children, and don't let him think that it's okay to get into a fight." He won’t be punished, let him develop the habit of hitting people with his hands, and become a bully.” Kangkang was already taller and stronger than other children of his age, and he often trained with Kang Congxin. I am afraid that the children will fight and gain sweetness.

Kang Congxin: "Don't worry, I have experience."

Yan Ruxu remembered Kangkang's bababa phone call again, not only laughed, but said: "How did Kangkang become so eloquent all of a sudden? That passage is so logical, it must be a child of seven or eight years old." level to have."

Kang Congxin thought about it and said, "I'm afraid I learned it from Kang Chenxi?"

Yan Ruxu thought about Kangkang's expression and tone, and patted Kang Congxin's chest, "Really! That child Chenxi is very talented in language. I have heard her quarreling with her second sister-in-law. She can quote classics, quotes, and set people up. , the second sister-in-law can't beat her at all."

Kang recalled one thing again, and said with a smile: "I heard from Grandma Kangkang that when the second sister-in-law and the three moved back home, the second sister-in-law put Chenxi and Xuguang in her room. Xuguang found toys to play with. Chenxi was chattering beside her, talking non-stop, which annoyed her so much that she could only hide, and Chenxi followed her wherever she went, and she was waiting at the door when Grandma Kangkang went to the bathroom Grandma Kangkang bothers her and is afraid that she will fall. Being annoyed by her every day makes her feel better and better."

"This child, I think she can develop into broadcasting and hosting. I will ask her if she is interested, and help her find a teacher in this field or focus on studying in the class. She has a skill. She can be a small host or a small announcer. Participating in debate competitions, even if you don’t study well in the future, you can be specially recruited into a good university.”

"Yeah." Kang stroked her smooth hair again.

In the afternoon, Kang went to work again, and Yan Ruxu took Kangkang to the store to buy some food for tomorrow. This time it was not only my family of three, but also two children, Kang Chenxi and Kang Xuyang. Although I was already familiar with the two children, it was the first time I brought them out alone. Yan Ruxu didn't know if he could take care of them, so he just thought It’s always a good idea to buy more delicious food.

After getting along for more than a year, the Kang family really had nothing to say to themselves and Kangkang. Although Xiao Hongying sometimes had innocuous emotions towards herself, such as showing her status in the family or saying something sour, Yan Ruxu didn't take it to heart, it was not because of her generosity, but because Xiao Hongying The care for the elders of the Kang family cast a filter on her, so that whenever Yan Ruxu saw her, she could only see her good.

If she hadn't abandoned her husband and brought her two children to accompany Bai Fengmei, Kang would probably not be able to see his mother after returning from the new one. He didn't know how painful it was. Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety have been a dilemma. Even iron warriors are flesh and blood raised by their parents. The feeling of abandoning family members for the sake of the country is like tearing life into two pieces.

Yan Ruxu was lucky that when Kang returned, his family was still there.

Xiao Hongying has many advantages. She educates the two children very well and treats Kangkang very well. When she buys things for twins, she often buys a copy for Kangkang.

Because of these, Yan Ruxu is also willing to treat them well, so she is also willing to do such worrying and troublesome things as taking other children out to play.

The train is at 11:10 in the morning, the starting station of Beijing Railway Station.

The three of them finished their breakfast, and after waiting for Aunt Hua to arrive, they explained some things, and asked her to bring back the food, melons and fruits that she couldn't hold back, and picked some fresh vegetables, and put them together with five watermelons. to the car.

Before departure, Yan Ruxu checked the luggage again, especially the documents, which were very complete. ID card, household registration book, marriage certificate, letter of introduction, her and Kang Congxin's respective work certificates, trade union membership cards, just in case, Kangkang's birth certificate, and his own press card. They were all in her satchel, scattered.

Beijing City started to apply for ID cards two years ago. She and Kang Congxin both have them, but they have to be used together with the household registration book. Many provinces outside the city have not yet started to apply for ID cards. It is not very useful to bring them, but the color Thinking like this, it doesn't take up space anyway, so just take it with you.

Because they went by train this time, they didn’t bring too much luggage. They used a military backpack to pack a family of three’s laundry service, towels, toothbrushes, etc., and prepared a handbag for a group of five people to eat on the road. Kangkang happily packed his things by himself, put on his back the schoolbag newly given by Xi Yuanzheng, which was painted with little monkeys, and put his own stationery and drawing paper in it, saying that he would go to Hehuadian to paint. Yan Ruxu and his wife let him torment and did not interfere with him.

First, I went to Yan's house, put down the watermelon and fresh vegetables, chatted with Yan Ruyu for a few more words, and left. During the holidays, Yan Liangshen is even busier. He has to be on duty all day to ensure the safety of residents, property, and supplies of various livelihood materials during the holidays. He also has to deal with various emergencies. As I said, I called him again yesterday, so there is no need to say goodbye to him in person.

Then, they went to the compound of the military region, where Kang Congxin would leave the car and follow the car of the military region to the train station later.

The dragon and phoenix twins didn't bring much stuff, each of them had a backpack, and the two of them had already carried their schoolbags, waiting at the door, as if they couldn't wait to leave. Xiao Hongying kept rolling her eyes at them, and complained to Yan Ruxu: "In the early morning, they made the whole family riot, running around the room looking for things, and they couldn't sit still like thorns growing under their buttocks. Hold on, I will go out to have a look later, and I will call you to urge you to come over quickly, saying that I am afraid that I will not be able to catch the train. I was so angry that I gave two slaps to each of them before it stopped."

The twins originally wanted to help the third uncle move the melons, but Kang Congxin didn't let them move them. One was afraid that they wouldn't be able to hold on halfway and then they would drop the melons to the ground, and the other was that their arms were sore from the sudden and long-lasting force.

"Third Uncle, it's not that we don't work, it's that you don't use us." Kang Chenxi said.

It's really small-mouthed, Kang Congxin smiled and said, "Yes."

"Then next time my mother says we are lazy, you have to speak for us."

Yo, she really knows how to fall into the trap. Kang Congxin simply entered into her trap and said, "No problem."

The author has something to say:

2022 is about to pass!