MTL - Six-Year-Old Child, Baojiao, is Busy with Kingdom-Building-Chapter 431 agree

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  Chapter 431 Consent

  Qiu Sheng and Xiao Chuan walked out, looked at the younger sister with a gentle expression on his face, and said, "Jiaojiao, is there anything you can do to see elder brother?"

   "Well, Jiaojiao has something to ask Big Brother."

  Jiaojiao's arms were sore from holding Miaomiao, Xiao Chuan looked at it and hurried down to take the cat from Miss' arms.

  Seeing that there is not even a maid beside Jiaojiao, Qiu Sheng frowned and said, "This little guy is quite heavy, and Jiaojiao's body is still growing, so don't get seriously injured by too much force. Next time, let the maid follow and hug her."

  Jiaojiao smiled, waved her hand casually and said, "It's okay, brother, I didn't let them follow."

   As she spoke, Jiaojiao walked into the room first.

  Qiu Sheng smiled helplessly, patted her head, "You girl."

  The two entered the house, and Jiaojiao couldn't wait to ask: "Brother, did Brother Song Dong tell you about Sister Qing Lan?"

  Qiu Sheng was not surprised to hear that, Song Dong and him mentioned that Jiaojiao was intimate with the city lord Narong.


  Qiu Sheng took his seat, and then pulled away the chair beside him, motioning for the younger sister to sit down and talk.

  Jiaojiao hurriedly came over and sat down, then looked at her elder brother helplessly, and asked in a low voice: "Brother, do you agree to Sister Qinglan's request?"

  Qiu Sheng chuckled, but did not answer, but poured a cup of tea for the little sister, and asked when passing it over, "What does Jiaojiao Zhirong want to do?"

  Jiaojiao choked, under the gaze of her eldest brother, she couldn't tell a lie, touched the teacup, nodded and said: "Jiaojiao knew it by accident, it's not that sister Qinglan didn't tell me."

  Qiu Sheng nodded, and continued to ask: "Jiaojiao is here tonight, but is she going to speak for City Lord Rong?"


  Jiaojiao answered neatly and cheerfully, and looked at the elder brother sincerely with her **** and white eyes.

   Naturally, she would not let her elder brother take risks, but just wanted to ask sister Qinglan what she was going to do with these herbs.

  Qiu Sheng was taken aback by this girl, rubbed her head, and said with a smile: "Brother believes in Jiaojiao, so just ask Jiaojiao whatever you want."

  Jiaojiao was a little embarrassed, her cheeks were puffy, she hooked her fingers and asked, "Brother, I think Sister Qinglan is a good person. Why does she want to buy medicinal materials? She is not afraid of violating the regulations."

  Qiusheng didn't expect Jiaojiao to ask the point right away.

  He looked a little more serious. Although Song Dong didn't say the reason for Rong City Lord, he also knew something about the court.

For example, when the first emperor first came to the throne, he restored Chicheng's policy of tax reduction and exemption for many years, transferred 30,000 elite soldiers to 20,000, and then ordered the lord of Chicheng to return to Beijing once a year to return to his command. The power of the city lord Rong is afraid that the city lord Rong will unite with the forces of the rivers and lakes to threaten the court.

  The city lord Rong traveled thousands of miles to the capital, only to buy medicine, and also to offer favor gold, there must be no other way to act like this.

   The reason should not have been told to Jiaojiao, but since the little girl asked, she must want to know.

  Qiu Sheng turned sideways and ordered: "Xiao Chuan, keep guard at the door."

  Xiao Chuan hurriedly nodded, and replied: "Yes, young master."

  Xiao Chuan hugged the cat and walked towards the door. Miao Miao, who was not willing to do so, jumped out of his arms and curled up at Jiaojiao's feet. It wanted to listen closely.

Qiu Sheng glanced at Mao'er, organized his words and said: "Chicheng under the charge of Rongcheng Lord has scarce supplies, especially medicinal materials. The medicinal materials that Rongcheng Master wants should be needed by the people or soldiers of Chicheng, so he took the risk of doing so. The risk comes to the door to buy."

  What Qiusheng said was what he thought, he knew his sister well, even if he told her the truth, Jiaojiao would not talk nonsense.

Jiaojiao smiled and breathed a sigh of relief, lowered her eyes and smiled at Miao Miao at her feet, and said to her elder brother: "I knew that Sister Qing Lan is not the kind of person who is selfish. As the lord of the city, she has to protect With so many people, the common people will inevitably have a headache and fever, without medicinal materials, it is absolutely impossible."

   Miaomiao drooped her head, with a stubborn look, just now he clearly heard Song Dong say that, and he didn't say it was for the common people and soldiers.

  Qiu Sheng nodded and said with a smile, "Yes, so the elder brother agreed."

  Jiaojiao was taken aback for a moment, and called out excitedly and worriedly: "Brother..."

   Is this going to cause big brother trouble?

  Seeing this, Qiu Sheng lightly shaved her soft face, and said, "It's all right, since big brother dares to do this, he's not afraid of that."

  At first he was a little hesitant when he heard about it, but when he thought of Rong Yan's many times of help, and the city lord Rong came to take risks for the common people, he shouldn't stand idly by regardless of emotion, reason, public or private.

  So when Song Dong finished speaking, he thought about it carefully, and finally agreed.

  As City Master Rong said, the city is currently in chaos, and the risk is lower than usual, so it is relatively safe.

  Jiaojiao was relieved after hearing what her elder brother said, and she was also happy for Sister Qinglan in her heart, so she got up and hugged Miaomiao before leaving.

   "Brother rest early, let's go see sister-in-law together tomorrow."

   After finishing speaking, Jiaojiao slipped away.

  Qiu Sheng listened to his younger sister's fragile sister-in-law, and chuckled, thinking of the person who was about to become his wife, his brows and eyes became more gentle.


   Rong Jia,

  Rong Yan came back when it was getting dark, and when he came back, he was surrounded by his mother, grandmother and sisters. Everyone talked about it, and he talked about what happened to Jiaojiao.

Mother Rong said with a smile: "Oh, looking at our Jiaojiao up close now, she looks pretty good, she really looks like that little fairy. I think she has better looks than the girls from the aristocratic family, and her personality is more lively and lovely. She is respectful and sincere to others. , It’s so rare.”

  Rong Qinglan patted Adi, and praised her heartily: "You have a good eye, Jiaojiao is quite to my liking, and you are not bad at all."

  Rong Yan heard such a high praise from the second sister, raised his eyebrows and raised the corners of his mouth, and said calmly: "Then thank her second sister."

  Rong Qinglan heard that he was playing tricks, raised her hand with a smile and punched him lightly, "Little girl is still young, take good care of her, after all her age is there, don't let people look down on you then."

  Rong Yan's complexion turned dark, he is in full bloom, no matter how old he is.

   Listening with a smile on his face, he laughed unceremoniously, and echoed: "Xiao Liu, it's hard for you to have such a day, remember to take good care of this face."

  Rong Yan: "..."

  Mother Rong and Mrs. Rong secretly looked at each other and smiled. Mrs. Rong felt sorry for her grandson, coughed softly and said, "It's okay, it's okay, you girls are just joking."

After all, Mrs. Rong took her grandson's hand in a rare way, and coaxed: "They are all little girls, Yan'er is generous and doesn't care about it, let's have dinner, grandma specially stewed Buddha Jumping Wall for you, these days in the palace You are tired from running around, but you have to make up your body."

  Rong Yan glanced at the little girls, curled his lips and helped his grandmother to leave.

  The group of little girls left behind smiled helplessly.

Rong Yan helped his grandmother to the hall, and Mrs. Rong suddenly asked secretly: "Yan'er, you were the first to tell grandma. Now the whole family has seen Jiaojiao, but grandma hasn't seen her yet. How long will it take?" Take it home and have a look?"

  (end of this chapter)