MTL - So Pure, So Flirtatious-Chapter 2380 Wedding (4)

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"Oh, the trick is that the Ming media is screaming, and I have already held an engagement ceremony. I have said that, you are better than the nightmare!" Yang Ming said with a smile to Wang Xiaoying.

"Oh, I am the bodyguard of your Ming media, protecting all your women!" Wang smiled and looked at Yang Ming, then laughed.

Everyone knows that Wang Xiaoying is joking and not annoyed. Instead, she feels very interesting and laughs.

"Victoria, this is your ring. Don't call my master in the future. Now you are free and equal to everyone." Yang Ming handed the ring to Victoria, a beautiful woman, although Victoria was cheerful during this time. Many, but still called Yang Ming master.

"Yes, Master." Victoria said with a happy reception.

"..." Yang Ming is speechless.

"Xia Xue, congratulations, finally realized your dream of life, found a super long-term meal ticket, now let me give you a meal pass!" Yang Ming put the ring in the hands of Xia Xue.

"It's not easy, it has finally come true." Xia Xue said with emotion.

"Liu thrush, although you are in exchange for interests, but as we get along with each other, we are also a long-term relationship..." Yang Ming smirked at Liu Liumei and gave her a ring.

Liu Meimei naturally heard Yang Ming’s implication. She was stunned by Yang Ming. However, she and Yang Ming were different. She had long liked Yang Ming. Otherwise, how can he make him feel good?

"Little Xi. I am very glad that you have become one of us." Yang Ming smiled and gave the ring a sinking rain.

"Enn, Yang Ming brother, the rain is so happy, finally waited for this day!" Shen Yuxi actually knows that her relationship with Yang Ming is not very strong, Yang Ming was just to let her persist. confidence. I promised her to be her boyfriend, but the two people are better than the emotional foundation of Liu Meimei? They can all be born for a long time, and they are even more so!

"Little love, finally it's your turn, don't worry?" Yang Ming picked up the last ring. Asked with a smile.

"I am not in a hurry, good food is not afraid of late, in general, the last wife to enter the door is the most favored!" Alice laughed.

"Oh, sorry, for me, everyone is the same." Yang Ming said with a smile.

"That depends on who will seduce people!" Alice smiled charmingly. Looking at Yang Ming with a blurred look.

"Cough..." Yang Ming was speechless. When Alice first changed her identity, she was not too embarrassed to seduce herself. But after a long time, Alice became the previous Alice, but Yang Ming’s resistance now. The force is also very strong, and naturally it will not be fooled.

"Below, the bride and groom, toast to the guests present!" Sun Sikong's voice rang again, because the exchange of time is too long. Even though Yang Ming had long story short, it was a waste of more than an hour. Therefore, other arrangements for the wedding, such as the speech of the bride and groom, and the speeches of the bride and the bride, were not arranged. If the elders spoke again. It is estimated that it will be dark!

However, at this time, a voice rang: "Wait a minute, there is me!"

This voice makes the people present there a glimpse. I did not expect that at Yang Ming’s wedding, there are still people who dare to interrupt! However, the voice that came out was a girl who looked like a 17-year-old girl. She was a little thin, but her eyes were big, full of aura, very beautiful!

However, if this girl is not so beautiful, Chen Mengxi may not feel anything, but Chen Mengxi saw that the girl is so beautiful, and also said that the wedding is continuing, and the heart is "squeaky"!

However, on the surface, Chen Mengxi is still very friendly and looks at the little girl who is preventing the wedding from going on: "Little sister, what's wrong? Do you have anything?"

"Yang Ming brother, can you also smash me together?" The little girl asked very boldly.

Chen Mengyan frowned slightly, and glanced at Yang Ming, who was overwhelmed. He sighed in his heart. Is this 80% the swindling debt that Yang Ming had provoked before? Why didn't you bring people back together? Do people still want to force the palace at the wedding?

However, she is angry again. At this moment, she can’t face Yang Mingfa, and she can’t be against the little girl. At this time, she should show the style of a harem! She is the hostess of the island, so this is still a bit of a temper.

"Little sister, may be Yang Ming neglected, put you down, but it does not matter, my sister still supports you." Chen Mengyu in the spirit of family can not be raised, regardless of what is between Yang Ming and this little beauty The secret of man, she must accept this little girl at the moment, and wipe her **** for Yang Ming: "Just give my sister a ring, just give it to you!"

When Chen Mengxi said, he took off the extra ring in his hand and handed it to the little girl who was excited to come over!

After the little girl took the ring, she was very happy, only Yang Ming was a faceless speech! What does this have to do with him?

"Yang Hua, what are you doing? What mess? Isn't it still?" A male voice also rang at this time, it was Yang Ming's former friend Li Fatzi! Before, Yang Hua suddenly stood up and went to the stage. Her sister Yang Mei did not know how to do it. She quickly went to call Li Fatzi who was going to the toilet.

As a result, Li Fatzi was shocked after listening, and quickly ran to stop, I did not expect things have evolved into this situation!

"No, my sister, brother-in-law, I like it here. I like this island. I also like Yang Ming brother. I want to marry Yang Ming, so you can move to this island and you will never need it again. It’s the kind of fearful days before!” Yang Hua said reluctantly: “And, my sister has promised!”

Li Fatzi suddenly had some silence. Yang Hua has never liked the business he did. At this time, he suddenly stood up and made this decision. I am afraid that apart from Yang Ming, I would like to help myself and her sister to leave their previous lives. However, can Yang Ming accept it?

Chen Mengyu also found that something was wrong at the moment, and he seemed to have misunderstood something. This little beauty is not a woman of Yang Ming!

"Yang Hua, you want to stay on the island, with your sister, brother-in-law, it is not impossible..." After Yang Ming’s mistake, the bitter smile said: "We have no relatives, but they are all surnamed Yang, I But you recognize that you are a sister, you don't have to marry me..."

"Mystery sister has promised, give me a ring!" Yang Hua is raising the ring in his hand, reluctantly said.

"..." Yang Ming looked at Chen Mengyu with a speechless voice. Chen Mengxi also knew that he had misunderstood. Sorry to Yang Ming spit out his tongue, but the wedding must be carried out, and it can not be so stalemate, so Chen Mengxi can only It will be wrong.

"Yang Ming, do you want Yang Hua to participate first? Anyway, you will gradually cultivate your feelings in the future. It’s not a minority to be a lover of a younger sister. Anyway, you haven’t done it before." Chen Mengyu said.

"...nightmare, are you boasting me or hurting me?" Yang Ming has some helplessness, but this is the end of the matter, and it can only be wrong first...

This little storm did not affect the wedding. Next, the bridegroom and the bride toasted the guests, but the bride had an additional Yanghua. Although she did not wear a wedding dress, she could see that Yang Hua today. It is also dressed up by myself, and the appearance is not inferior to other women.

Li Fatzi and Yang Mei were invited to the wedding. As for Yang Hua and Yang Ming who brought her back to China, she asked her to contact her family, but she insisted on staying with a girl and strongly disagreed. On the other hand, if you have a man, you can use it as a labor force. If you have a girl, don’t you have to spend money to support it?

In this case, Yang Ming did not insist, and he randomly placed Yang Hua in the side of the violent San Li, and helped him to do some office work in the office. As a result, he did not expect that Yang Ming could be secretly loved... ...

At this point, Li Fatzi and Yang Mei are only happy. They actually admire Yang Ming’s relatives and friends living on this island, but Li Fatzi asks himself that Yang’s relationship has not yet reached that point. Well raised, I did not expect Yang Hua to stand up and solve it!

Whether Yang Hua is married to Yang Ming or a younger sister of Yang Ming, they can all stay on the island in a logical way! Li Fatzi has long been tired of his previous work and wants to retire. Now that there is such a good opportunity, why not?

The wedding banquet lasted until more than ten o'clock in the evening, and the guest and the host enjoyed it. The final step of the wedding was the bride and groom, who broke into the bridal chamber. But so many brides, who is the first room?

Just when Yang Ming changed his clothes and hesitated, he found that the bride was gone! Yes, Yang Ming glanced at the bride's dressing room and found that it was empty! Isn't it good to wait for yourself to change the equipment and discuss the things into the house?

Yang Ming has some helplessness. He took a look at Bihai and Innovation Yao who are next to him: "What about them?"

"Dream of the first time they went back to the manor... We are not good at blocking..." Bi Hai smiled bitterly.

"Forget it, I will go find them..." Yang Ming looked up at the direction of the manor, but saw a scene that made him excited. The brides were actually in a room... This is Yang Ming I can't imagine the situation...

Huh? Who is that? Yang Minggang wants to rush to the past, but suddenly found that Yang Hua is actually among them!

This... Yang Ming suddenly hesitated, go or not?

At this time, Yang Ming’s cell phone rang, and Yang Ming saw that Chen Mengyu had called, so he picked up the phone.

"Husband, come to the top bedroom of the manor, I am here waiting for you..." Chen Mengyu said calmly.

"This..." Yang Ming bit his teeth, rubbed his feet, and he was wrong...