MTL - South Korean Entertainment Industry News Record-Chapter 13

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Zhang Che didn't know what the little girl's state was now, because he didn't even know that there was still a nameplate from a "kind-hearted person" in the gift box. He still had the last two gifts to give, one for Liu Zaishi and one for Liu Zaishi. A gift from the 4th FIN.K.L.

Zhang Che spent a lot of thought on the gift for Liu Zaishi, after all, he is his idol and neighbor. Therefore, Zhang Che prepared a special A-grade Korean beef + mushroom set, as well as ginseng and some traditional Chinese medicine tonics. These are not only for Liu Zaishi, but also for his parents, so the number is relatively large. The gift to FIN.K.L is much simpler, just one Korean beef suit per person.

In fact, in terms of friendship, Zhang Che's goal was actually to establish a relationship with Lee Hyori first. No way, he had to find a way to return the song "10minutes" that he got headaches for 3 days to its original owner. He was not arrogant to think that the DSP company would take the initiative to ask him, an unknown rookie composer, to write a song. , is still such an important Lee Hyori solo title song. The only way is to send the song to your door, even if the DSP company won't take care of him, at least you have to catch up with Lee Hyori and let Lee Hyori recommend it. So this gift is a step in making a good relationship in advance.

Zhang Che waited at home until 12:00 in the middle of the night, when he heard a sound at the door. He knew that no one else came back at this point, only Liu Zaishi.

When I opened the door, I saw that Liu Zaishi was taking out the key to open the door. Seeing Zhang Che opening the door, Liu Zaishi greeted him naturally, "Is Zhang Che still asleep?"

Zhang Che nodded and asked hesitantly, "Brother, you just came back... are you tired?"

In fact, Liu Zaishi recorded a day's program, and then held an evening meeting in the broadcast agency, and he was already exhausted. But now this situation makes it clear that Zhang Che has something to look for. He is somewhat obsessive-compulsive. He doesn't want to move today's affairs to tomorrow, so he stopped and asked Zhang Che, "You have something? Would you like to come to my house and tell me?"

Zhang Che thought for a while, shook his head, and said, "Brother, come to my house, it's not good to wake up my uncle and aunt at this point."

Liu Zaishi thought the same thing, so he followed Zhang Che into Zhang Che's house.

As soon as he entered the door, Zhang Che went to make tea, Liu Zaishi found a place to sit down, and when he turned his head, he saw the pile of gifts on the table, and was very curious.

"Zhang Che, are you planning to do business?" Liu Zaishi asked Zhang Che, who was busy in the kitchen.

"What, brother, what do you do business?" Zhang Che came out with the brewed tea and asked Liu Zaishi in confusion. Liu Zaishi pointed at the pile of gifts on the table and said, "Why do you buy so many goods if you don't do business? Han cattle, ginseng, mushrooms... Ah, I see, are you going to send them home?"

"What, brother, these are all gifts for you and some friends." Zhang Che quickly explained.

Liu Zaishi was puzzled, and asked, "This is not a New Year's holiday, what gift did you give, or did you give it to me?" Pointing at the things on the table, he smiled and said, "This is too much, how much are you in Korea alone? Are you planning to spend your days?"

Zhang Che handed the tea to Liu Zaishi, and then explained to Liu Zaishi: "Brother, these are Spring Festival gifts. You know, we Chinese people pay attention to reunion during the Chinese New Year, so I have to go home for the New Year, and there is no way to get along with them here. Relatives and friends spent time together, so I bought Spring Festival gifts in advance, and I apologize to my friends first."

As soon as Liu Zaishi heard what Zhang Che said, he also knew in his heart that although China and South Korea have Spring Festivals, there are actually some differences in the content. Zhang Che did this, but it was not a very good way.

Liu Zaishi didn't intend to refuse the Spring Festival gift. This is his intention, and according to Korean customs, unless it means to kill each other, the Spring Festival gift cannot be refused.

"Thank you then, I'll give you a gift when you come back." Liu Zaishi said to Zhang Che with a smile, "Is that what you're looking for?"

"Actually, there are other things to trouble you." After speaking, Zhang Che found 4 boxes of Han Niu suits from the pile of gifts, removed them and put them aside. Continuing to say to Liu Zaishi: "Brother, I have to trouble you to pass these four boxes to the four FIN.K.L. They have already left when they came back last time, and they didn't say hello. These are my rude apologies."

Liu Zaishi was silent for a long time, then stared at Zhang Che and asked Zhang Che with a serious face.

"Zhang Chexi, we don't know each other for a long time, right? Let's talk about it? Why?" Liu Zaishi was very serious. In fact, he had long felt that Zhang Che's attitude towards him was a little too enthusiastic. I used to think it was because of fans, but recently I feel more and more that it's not the same thing. Zhang Che doesn't look at him frantically, but he definitely admires him. Damn it, I am a comedian who deserves admiration.

Liu Zaishi had wanted to talk to Zhang Che for a long time, but never had the chance. First, the time between the two parties is not on the right time, and secondly, Liu Zaishi also doesn't know how to tell Zhang Che. Could it be that he pointed directly at Zhang Che's nose and asked what your intentions were?

It happened today that Zhang Che suddenly wanted to give gifts to the four FIN.KL people, Liu Zaishi decided to take this opportunity to ask Zhang Che properly.

But Zhang Che didn't understand, why? Why did Brother Shi call him "Zhang Chexi" so formally? He himself didn't know that it was because his usual speech and demeanor had caused confusion to Liu Zaishi. Seeing that Zhang Che didn't understand, Liu Zaishi decided to make it clear.

"Zhang Che, it is said that our entertainment industry is the most complicated one, but I have been in this industry for ten years, and I am somewhat confident in how I see people. Although we have not known each other for a long time, you have I can't see how good it is for the time being, but at least I can be sure that you are not bad. But you are so enthusiastic about me, how can I say it, I know myself, if you treat Senior An Shengji and Senior Choi Minzhi like this, I can still I understand, I'm a little apprehensive about you being a half-popular comedian like me. The most important thing is that you still have to give gifts to FIN.K.L. If they were in their prime, I would think you were a star chasing, but now I really I don't know what you are going to do, can you give me the bottom line?" Liu Zaishi rarely completely opened up what he was thinking, and put all the things he couldn't understand these days on the table to talk to Zhang Che.

Zhang Che was somewhat frightened, he did not expect Liu Zaishi to say such a sentence. After having known each other for so long, he understood to some extent that Liu Zaishi's real life is not the same as what he sees on TV. In reality, Liu Zaishi looked easy-going, but he was actually very cautious and would not show his feelings so easily. So when Liu Zaishi said this, Zhang Che was somewhat frightened. This was the first time he saw Liu Zaishi's emotional expression.

"Brother, it's not that I don't say anything, but that you won't believe it," Zhang Che gave such an answer hesitantly.

Liu Zaishi was a little angry. He actually knew that it might be because he was tired, or because the new program was not going well recently. Anyway, he was out of control today. But they got out of control and got such an answer.

"How do you know if I believe it or not?" Liu Zaishi's eyes flashed a stern look.

Zhang Che also knew that Liu Zaishi would not let him go if he didn't explain anything today. But I can't say that I know that you will become a national MC in the future, and Lee Hyori will become the invincible queen. If you say that, you will be forced to be deported as a lunatic the next day?

After thinking about it, he organized the language and spoke to Liu Zaishi carefully, "Actually, brother, you know that I didn't come to Korea to study, right?"

Of course this Liu Zaishi knew that, joking, he went to South Korea to study Chinese language and literature. It would be a joke to get this diploma back to China. This is also what Liu Zaishi is most worried about. You, a Chinese student, came to South Korea to learn Chinese, and you made it clear that you didn't come to study, so what did you plan to do when you came to South Korea? What is the purpose, why does he appear around me and my family, and worship me for no reason. It's a good coincidence, just in case. . . . . . . Liu Zaishi couldn't think about it anymore.

However, Zhang Che continued: "Actually, the influence of the Hallyu wave has become more and more influential in recent years, and I have been affected to some extent. So I originally planned to come to Korea to see if I could make my debut as an artist. Unfortunately, I found out that it was actually the case. It's not as simple as I thought. Brother, don't you know, I actually went to the interview to be a trainee." Zhang Che smiled, "I think it's funny to think about myself, and I go to the interview when I can't even speak Korean well. As a trainee, I naively thought that being a Chinese would help me, and those planning societies chose me as an idol because of the Chinese market.”

Having said this, Zhang Che pointed to his face mockingly, "That's the problem, bro. Look at my appearance, even YG, who doesn't pay attention to appearance, also brushed me off in the first round of interviews. , S.M and JYP, I didn't even pass the front desk. I don't have any dramas, I thought it would be good to be an actor, and then I went to an acting training class, and people told me that unless my acting skills reached the level of Song Kanghao and Choi Minsik, I would be a trickster all my life. After thinking about it, I can either be a comedian or only behind-the-scenes production. I don’t want to just go back to China with a Chinese diploma. I’m not good at being a comedian for the time being. You know best, this industry is not just about talent. , but also rely on hard work and qualifications. So I am going to learn composition and then slowly try to learn to make albums step by step. Comedians can't be lost, I also expect Godo to teach me, said Maybe he will be my brother's descendant in the future."

Zhang Che threw the grievances he suffered in the past six months and some plans for the future to Liu Zaishi. Liu Zaishi was a little dizzy hearing this. However, when he heard this, he probably understood Zhang Che's purpose in coming to Korea, so he put down the biggest worry in his heart. Zhang Che wants to be in the entertainment industry, whether he is a comedian or a behind-the-scenes actor, and he is also a fan of his own. People are not afraid to ask for something, but they are afraid of not asking for anything but still being nice to you, but listening to Zhang Che laughing at himself, he couldn't bear it, and comforted him: "Don't be discouraged, you look like this, you have already made your debut, you are at least better than you. Let's be strong... Uh, actually behind the scenes is pretty good. Although the artists are glamorous, they are actually very hard work, and if you look at the entertainment industry, no matter how big the stars, if they enter the show group, they are all PDs, and the writers have the final say. It's pretty good behind the scenes, um, pretty good." But he went on to ask: "Eh? No, what does this have to do with the gift you gave to FIN.K.L?"

Zhang Che said awkwardly, "Brother, I didn't hear that Lee Hyori wants to solo, but I just have a song that I think is quite suitable for her, so if I want to have some relationship, it's the best, but it doesn't matter if I don't. Manage your connections."

Liu Zaishi was a bit dumbfounded. There were many things in the entertainment industry where gifts and relationships went through the back door, but it wasn't as straightforward as Zhang Che did. You just want to have a relationship and find someone who is familiar with FIN.K.L. What's the use of finding him, he is really unfamiliar. But this is the first time Zhang Che has entrusted him to do business. If you can think of a way, you can think of a Welcome to reading, the latest, fastest and most popular serial works are all .com~Mobile users please go to read.