MTL - Spatial Farm Life: Raising My Kid, Abusing Scum, and Keeping Busy With Life-Chapter 268 Willing to

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  Chapter 268 Willingness

  Yuan Jiaqi was relieved to finish this matter, and was able to go home and have a look.

  It wasn't until he got home that he found out about Fengyun's going to serve as a soldier.

   "My lady, why didn't you tell me about such a big matter, my father is too unqualified."

   "What to say, say they're going, don't say they're going, you're already busy enough, you don't have time to take care of your family."

   "It's all bad for your husband, you should be punished, you should be punished"

   "How is the workshop?"

   "Production has already started, and a market has been found for a husband, so don't worry, lady."

   "Well, you can keep the profits from those workshops in the future, and pay taxes from there in the future. I won't ask any more questions, and I won't give you any more money."


   "As the trees grow, the amount of oil will increase every year. After the pine nuts can be produced, it will be an income. After ten years, it will not be a problem for the workshop to raise the land and support people. I have calculated it."

   "Miss, thanks to you, my husband's official career is so smooth."

   "Not necessarily, as long as you are willing to marry, it will be smooth."

  Yuan Jiaqi immediately lowered his face, "Lady, I am not an ungrateful person to be a husband. Besides, I like ladies, not them."

   "Yo, you can show your face"

   "No, I'm not trying to put face on my wife, but what my wife said makes me very unhappy. I will only have my wife for most of my life in the future. The lady knows it well and always uses words as her husband,"


  Qiao Mai grinned, Yuan Jiaqi looked at her seriously.

   "In the eyes of my husband, a lady is the most beautiful, a lady is the best, and a lady is the worst!"

   "My heart was full of joy when I said it, does this count as your confession to me?"

  Yuan Jiaqi blushed, "Lady, what I say for my husband is the truth. In my husband's eyes, no one can compare to my wife. It is enough for me to have a lady in my life. I will never mention other women in the future."


   "Do you want to start a small stove for Feng'er and Yun'er for the husband's trustee?"

   "No, my son, with his real skills, there is no need to start a small stove."

   "Then how bad is it if I, as a father, don't do something for them?"

   "Then let's take care of the workshop. Soon our two sons will get married, and we need to prepare the dowry. We are going to be parents-in-law at a young age! Haha!"

   "Eh, that's pretty good, we can be grandparents early."

  Qiao Mai imagined a granddaughter in his left hand and a grandson in his right hand, and immediately felt chills all over his body.

  She is only in her twenties, and she is about to become a grandmother, which is really weird.

  The two sat down and drank tea and sighed, "The eldest daughter-in-law is the Princess, it would be embarrassing if the dowry is short of one hundred thousand taels of silver."

   "Well, our second son is also a high-minded master, and the dowry will definitely not be less when the time comes, and Chuan'er, whose mouth is as sweet as honey at a young age, will definitely attract the little girl's liking."

   "And our Ling'er, the dowry should be thick, so we can't be underestimated,"

   "To put it bluntly, they are all losers"

   "Haha, you, when they all get married and start a business, how about resigning as a husband? At that time, the two of us will travel around, see the beautiful mountains and rivers of the Ming Dynasty, and experience the folk customs of different places."

   "Let's talk about it at that time. The plan can't keep up with the changes. Once they get married, they will face having a baby. They are all new parents, and they can't do it without us."

   "Anyway, I can't help you as a husband, and only a person with such a history as the lady can help them."

   "Maybe, we won't be needed then, besides, are you willing to resign?"

   "Being willing, in fact, as a husband, I want to travel around the world, see all the great rivers and mountains in the world, and have a wife to accompany me, which is what my husband wants all his life"

  Qiao Mai watched the man in front of him speak emotionally, and nodded slowly, "Okay, as long as you need, I will accompany you."

   Fast forward to mid-July, the rain was pouring non-stop, and the old emperor looked at the Yuan family's Qin Zhe in the imperial palace, his hands trembling with excitement.

   "Great, great, if there are such good wheat seeds, then the people in the north will no longer suffer, and the treasury will soon be full, that's great."

  The emperor was so excited that he grabbed a handful of the wheat that came with the memorial and looked at it again and again.

   "God, God bless me, Daming."

  The emperor immediately summoned the chief officer in charge of Sinong, and handed him the small bag of wheat seeds, along with a book on fertile land.

   "Hurry up and find the most fertile land to try planting, and let me know when it's harvested, and I will personally supervise the harvest."

   "Yes, Emperor"

  Don’t think that the emperor will believe anything reported to the lower levels. He wants people to practice it. If it is as good as what is said in the memorial, the emperor will give rewards.

   So we still have to wait, but the Yuan family is not in a hurry. It has already been implemented on his side, and the people are willing to follow suit.

  He first promoted it within Shexian County. Zhu County Magistrate and Wang Zhifu knew about it a long time ago. As soon as they got the exact news, they came to Qiao Mai to ask for wheat seeds.

  Anyway, the request for credit for the memorial has been reported, so Qiao Mai generously gave Zhu County Magistrate 5,000 catties of wheat seeds, and Wang Zhifu 10,000 catties for them to watch and promote.

  Because there is a guarantee from the government, and the wheat seeds are free, many farmers are tempted.

  The promotion of new wheat varieties in other places was not so smooth, but it went very smoothly in the north of Shexian County.

  Qiao Mai is not in a hurry. If he wants to popularize the new wheat species, there is no time.

  She still has a lot of new punishment seeds in her hand, which she provided for the Ming Dynasty, such as upland rice and high-yield cotton, which are urgently needed by the Ming Dynasty.

   Only when ordinary people had enough to eat, wear enough, and not worry about food and drink, could the Ming Dynasty be truly prosperous.

  Although Qiao Mai did not raise saplings for County Magistrate Zhu, this guy encouraged the people to plant trees. He wrote the benefits of planting trees on a notice and sent officials to various villages and towns to publicize it.

   He also lobbied wealthy households in the county to donate money and materials. First, he planted cold-resistant trees on both sides of the official road, but only in his county.

   This guy is just a little selfish. Fertilizers are not cheap at all for magistrates in other counties, and he only tosses in his own territory.

  After the county magistrates in other counties heard about this, after much deliberation, they finally called on the people in their own counties to follow the example and start planting trees.

  The nine counties in Acropolis have all started planting trees.

   Farmers know how to raise seedlings themselves. Some trees can be planted in front of and behind houses in many villages.

  Many people only know how to plant fast-growing trees, and some people plant some fruit trees in their own yards.

  There are all kinds of trees, each with its own careful thinking. No matter what, the direction of planting trees is correct. At least the branches pruned every year can be used as firewood.

  Northern winters can’t be done without firewood. For this alone, the benefits of planting trees are very obvious, not to mention that they can be used for their own use after they grow into trees.

  Long is long-term. Because of the early trees in Shexian County, the harvest began within a few years.

  Many families who planted pine trees with the county magistrate have also started to learn to cut oil and sell oil. No matter how much they earn, as long as they sell to workshops, it is an income.

   This is undoubtedly a great benefit for the people of Shexian County who are suffering from bitter cold.

The Yuan family showed Qiao Mai the first month's income of the workshop, "Miss, look, this is only the first month, and the safflower oil workshop has made a net profit of five hundred taels of silver after deducting all expenses. This is only the first month. The pine oil in a forest, the shampoo cream earned six hundred taels of silver, and the pine oil earned more than one hundred taels of silver, adding up to more than one thousand taels."

   "Well, it's more than 10,000 taels a year, which is not bad. When those forests grow up, they will produce more oil."

   "Yes, I believe it won't be long before the products from our workshop will be sold all over the Ming Dynasty"

  (end of this chapter)