MTL - Spellcasting is a Permanent Addition and My Skills Are All Forbidden Spells-Chapter 104 Natural selection wins! Let’s see if settlement No. 77 delivers goods!

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Chapter 104 Natural selection wins! Let’s see if settlement No. 77 delivers goods!

(Chapter 101 was revised at around 11:19 noon on the 14th. About 200 words were added to the second half. You can take a quick look. By the way, the starting point is based on the first upload. Any more words will not matter. If you subscribe before or after 11 o'clock, you don't need to spend any extra money, and now you don't need the paragraph in brackets! QAQ)


 【Ding, you killed 15 Thunder Crocodiles...】

 The fireball bombardment took away batches of monsters, and Lu Cheng's natural selection points soared.

In the blink of an eye, it exceeded 25,000, and we were very close to winning!

at the same time.

 Under the water, the giant lightning crocodile and the colorful murloc were looking forward to it eagerly.

 In front of the two of them, the two totems were wrapped in dim light and had reached the final stage of upgrading.

 “A medium-sized force…”

The giant thunder crocodile murmured, his eyes full of eagerness.

When its power is upgraded, it will be able to break through its limits and reach the threshold of the second rank.

Just as it was thinking, the two totems in front of it suddenly lit up with white light!

 “It’s done!”

The giant thunder crocodile looked up, extremely excited.

 After waiting for so long, we have finally upgraded to a medium-sized force!

 I saw that the two totems were trembling, and the brilliance gradually became brighter, reflecting a bright light under the water!

The brilliance flows from the surface of the totem, triggering waves of energy surges!


 The totem buzzed, and two waves of energy surged up, pouring into the bodies of the giant lightning crocodile and the colorful murloc.

 Suddenly, the giant lightning crocodile felt that the energy in his body was extremely surging!

 And its level has also begun to rise!

 Level 31, Level 32, Level 33…

In just a moment, it reached level 36!

 The energy infusion gradually weakened, and the giant lightning crocodile opened its eyes with joy on his face.

 With the help of the power upgrade, he has been promoted to a full 6 levels. What an improvement!

 Then, he looked at the colorful fishman aside.

 In terms of strength, this murloc is much stronger than that. I don’t know how many levels it can reach.

 But at this glance, the giant thunder crocodile found something was wrong.

 There is obviously a constant flow of feedback energy, but the level of the colorful murloc is still level 30, and it has not moved at all.

"what happened?"

 The giant thunder crocodile was confused.

At this moment, the colorful murloc suddenly glowed with silver light and began to transform!

 Seeing the silver light, the giant lightning crocodile understood.

The other party took this opportunity to upgrade to Silver level!

 Suddenly, it couldn't help but feel envious.

 The level reaches Silver, which is much better than his level 6 improvement!

“If I advanced into the catacombs, would I be the one promoted to Silver level now?”

 The giant thunder crocodile muttered in his heart.

 A moment later.

 The fish-man has completed his transformation and opened his eyes.

 “The silver level bigger than I thought!”

 It felt improved and was very satisfied.

 Then, his eyes turned to the water.

 Having allowed this human being to torment for so long, now it’s time to kill him!


 And by the river bank.

 A fireball exploded, and Lu Cheng immediately realized something was wrong.

 Originally, the experience provided by Thunder Crocodile was around 4,000.

 But the fireball he fired just now killed 10 Thunder Crocodiles, but brought 55,000 experience points!

“Is this...the monster’s power upgraded?”

Lu Cheng looked happy when he guessed the reason.

 In this way, the rewards can also be greatly improved!

Thinking in his mind, he kept his hands on and fired out fireballs.

 Monsters fell in droves, and his natural selection points continued to skyrocket!

 At the same time.

 In the community, everyone stared at the standings and were excited.

Now, Lu Cheng's points have reached 29,000, while the Japanese side only has about 16,000 points!

This huge lead made them all feel at ease.

This natural selection is different from the past. The God of Destruction is standing behind the opponent, and the sense of oppression is too great.

But fortunately, Lu Cheng took direct control of the situation as always!

  In settlement No. 1024, the atmosphere finally relaxed.

 And on the other side.

In settlement No. 77, a group of people were kneeling.

 Under the leadership of Iwasaki, everyone gathered in the center of the settlement, densely packed in a large area.

 “O great God of destruction, please send down your divine grace and save your believers!”

Iwasaki prayed loudly and kowtowed respectfully.

 “May the Lord God give you divine favor!”

Behind him, the entire village also bowed and kowtowed, and there was a chorus of ringing.

However, even though more than 10,000 people kowtowed, there was still no response.

Iwasaki’s face looked extremely ugly.

Now, he will regret it to death!

 He followed the oracle of the God of Destruction and launched this natural selection.

 When he saw that his opponent was a Xia settlement and had no faith, he felt complacent, thinking that he was a sure winner. But I didn’t expect that this would be the result!

Seeing that the opponent is about to win, the God of Destruction has yet to make any move!

But he had no choice. He had no way to intervene in this level of natural selection, so he could only place his hope in the gods.

Iwasaki felt secretly resentful and stood up, ready to kowtow again.

 But at this moment, a crisp cracking sound suddenly sounded and spread through everyone's mind.

 Subsequently, there is a system prompt!

  【Announcement: On the Daxia side, challenger Lu Cheng's points reached 30,000, and settlement No. 1024 won this natural selection showdown! 】

  【Your settlement is defeated in this natural selection, and everyone will have 20 points of all attributes deducted! In addition, the settlement hub level has been reduced by one level! 】

 “Now, it’s over…”

Iwasaki’s face turned pale.

He was the one who led this natural selection. Now that he has lost, he is afraid that he will not even get a chance to apologize and will be torn alive by the people in the settlement!

 Behind him, a huge commotion broke out in the crowd!

"You bastard! I told you not to mess around with natural selection! Tanaka has already said it before, that Xia country settlement is not simple, why didn't you listen?"

  One of the people at the long table earlier was furious.

 But his voice was directly covered by the sound waves.

“Why should everyone deduct attribute points? In this natural selection, whoever initiated it will deduct it!”

“Iwasaki Nagahide is also a waste. He prepared for so long in advance and still lost to the Xia people!”

“It’s not just his fault! Why not pick a weak Xia settlement? Knowing that the other party is powerful, you still want to die?”

There was an explosion in the Japanese settlement. Everyone was angry and cursing.

 But soon, they couldn't curse anymore.

 In the night, a red light enveloped everyone, instantly covering everyone!

 Those who are entangled in the red light will have their attribute points drop rapidly!


Someone was wailing, their attribute points were drained, and they fell to the ground with a plop.

Beside him, wailing and falling to the ground could be heard one after another.

 In the divine realm, the God of Destruction looked at this scene coldly, without any intention of interfering.

This natural selection was originally a temptation for him.

These people are his believers. Even if they die, he will receive a benefit, and he will have no loss if the settlement is destroyed.

Furthermore, if he wants to peel off the lava core crystal, the hub of this settlement will be destroyed sooner or later.

 The God of Destruction shook his head slightly and ignored it.

These people are no longer able to offer sacrifices. If he wants to get the lava core crystal, he has to wait until Iwasaki Nagahide returns.

 And in the center of settlement No. 77.

The lava crystal, which is the hub of the settlement, was also wrapped in red light, and there was an overwhelming clicking sound inside.


 Looking at more and more cracks on the lava crystal, Iwasaki felt despair.

Although his settlement hub is still at level zero, it has 94% experience and is about to be upgraded to level one.

 The punishment of natural selection, regardless of experience!

 Sure enough, the next moment, the sound of shattering sounded!

With just a click, the lava crystal exploded and sparks flew everywhere!

 What sounded at the same time was a system announcement!

  【Ding, the settlement hub has been destroyed, and your settlement has fallen! 】


 In Settlement No. 1024, the scene is completely opposite.

 Those white lights fell from the sky and fell on everyone's heads, causing their attribute points to increase!

 “Hahaha... It’s so cool! This time it’s 20 points for all attributes!”

“I thought it wouldn’t work this time... but it turned out that I still underestimated Boss Lu Cheng!”

 Everyone is beaming.

 Got 20 points of all attributes for nothing, this is so happy!

 “I won again by lying down... When I change my job, I will just change to a woodcutter!”

 “It’s so hard not to be held back! Try to pick ten more stones tomorrow…”

 Some people are secretly excited.

 They can't help in combat, so they can only use resources.

At this moment, a bright light suddenly appeared in the sky, and the reward for the raise was received.

A light green light group flashed continuously, and energy was poured into the settlement hub.

 Suddenly, the settlement hub experience began to increase.

 In just a moment, it has increased by 18%, and there is only the last 12% of experience left to level up!


 At the same time.

On the bank of the river, monster corpses were scattered all over the place, and all of them had been killed.

 And Lu Cheng was bathed in white light.

 “The God of Destruction is a nice person.”

 Feeling the increase in attributes, Lu Cheng felt comfortable.

As long as he has enough combat power, these two gods are tools for exploding gold coins.

 He ranked first in points, and the reward he received was doubled, with a full 40 points of all attributes!

Moreover, that’s not all!

 Winning the natural selection with his own hands, he can also seize an item from the opponent's settlement.

 Now, it depends on whether settlement No. 77 will deliver the goods!

Thinking of this, Lu Cheng had some expectations.

 But at this moment, there was a sudden big wave in the river!


Huge waves rose, and a crocodile with a huge head broke through the water and rushed towards him like lightning!

 (End of this chapter)