MTL - Spellcasting is a Permanent Addition and My Skills Are All Forbidden Spells-Chapter 84 Divine deal! Second turn challenge!

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 Chapter 84 God’s Deal! Second turn challenge!

 “How long have you been waiting?”

 The God of Destruction glanced over and saw that the energy of light and shadow was constantly escaping.

This means that the energy of the divine particles that make up this light and shadow is almost exhausted.

"Destruction...what is it that is worthy of leaving your consciousness?"

 The Demon God's light and shadow spoke, seeming to be questioning and expressing emotion.

 This is in the realm of God. Even though it is just a light and shadow, when he speaks, it still causes the space to fluctuate in all directions.

 “Spread the faith.”

 The God of Destruction showed a smile.

Hearing this, Demon God Guangying frowned slightly.

 He has countless followers in the Western Continent, so naturally he will not believe this statement.

To plunder faith, you only need the incarnation of divine particles. Wherever you need to use divine consciousness, check carefully.

However, he didn’t ask again.

 The gods will also plot against each other, and you can’t get the answer by asking.

 After thinking for a moment, the Demon God went straight to the point: "I exchange for a settlement or a person in your place of faith."

He also knew that referring to a single settlement in this way would be too clear and his purpose would be easily exposed.

 To confuse the line of sight, it is more appropriate to choose a few or a range of settlements.

 But the Eastern Continent is not his place of faith.

 It has to do with faith, which is very sensitive among gods.

  To have a settlement is already a bit out of line, and more benefits must be exchanged.


 The God of Destruction showed a hint of curiosity.

This kind of thing doesn't happen often.

 “Which settlement belongs to which country?”

“Daxia Kingdom, settlement number 1024, Lu Cheng.” The demon **** announced his name.


 The God of Destruction paused for a moment, concealing his question: "Why?"

 “He has the exile scroll in his hand, I want to get it.”

The demon **** didn't hide anything. He wanted to act on the other side's territory. Lies were meaningless.

Moreover, this kind of thing cannot be kept secret for long.

 “Hmm? found the ‘container’?”

As expected, the God of Destruction spoke louder.

 The Demon God raised his eyes and had no intention of answering.

He thought for a while and then offered the price: "Ten divine particles, the nearest divine pillar, lend me one use."

"make a deal."

 The God of Destruction agreed directly.

Hearing this, the Demon God was slightly startled.

 The price he gave was on the low side, leaving room for counteroffers.

The other party agreed directly, which surprised him.

 Suddenly, the Demon God noticed something was wrong.

 The God of Destruction’s answer was a little unusual.

And just now, when the settlement number was mentioned, the God of Destruction paused, and he also noticed it.

 “There’s something wrong with that settlement?”

 The demon **** was suspicious.

But immediately, he shook his head.

 It didn't matter to him.

Even if something goes wrong, it cannot threaten the gods.

He didn't want to open up the faith in the Eastern Continent now, just to get the exile scroll.

 “Then it’s a deal.”

The Demon God made a move with his palm, golden light burst through the air, and ten divine particles fell into his hand.

“Okay…the divine pillar is now open to you.”

 The God of Destruction smiled and accepted the divine particles, "Happy transaction."

 The Demon God glanced at him, flashed, and disappeared immediately.

 Wait until the demon god’s light and shadow disappear.

 The God of Destruction smiled even brighter.

 He suffered a loss in that settlement and lost a divine particle.

His spiritual wanderings are also for this matter.

He would naturally not tell the other party such a shameful thing.

"Haha... you can't blame me. After all, I only collected ten divine particles."

 The God of Destruction is happy in his heart.

The demon **** will suffer the same loss as he suffered at the beginning.   …

 At the same time, in the secret realm.

Stepping into the secret light door, Lu Cheng suddenly felt the light and shadow changing in front of his eyes.

  【Ding, you have entered the second-level secret realm: the origin of the Dementors. 】

The environment here is abnormal and can accommodate the existence of souls such as ghosts. A large number of dementors hunt ghosts here and multiply, thus using this place as one of their origins. 】

As soon as he entered the secret realm, Lu Cheng heard a reminder in his ears.

  【Ding, you have soul resistance and are immune to 1 soul attack damage. 】

“Will this secret environment cause soul damage?”

 Lu Cheng raised his eyes.

But fortunately, the damage is very low, and the soul resistance is enough to save.

 Then, he quickly surveyed the environment.

 In the secret realm, the sky was dark red, the surrounding vegetation was withered, and the ground was cracked, making it look extremely desolate.

 He was in a dry forest, and the trees were crooked, barely providing some concealment.

Not far away, there was the sound of fighting.

Lu Cheng raised his eyes and saw two groups of monsters fighting.

One of them is a large number of dementors, and a small wave of ghosts are surrounded by them, and they are fighting constantly.

“Is this where the special effects of the soul-stirring sphere come from?”

 Lu Cheng's heart moved.

 This point was mentioned in the introduction to the secret realm.

 Looking at it now, it is indeed the case.

  Dementors and ghosts are natural enemies, and may be the relationship between prey and predators.

 But for him, this is the best thing!

 In this way, he has two kinds of monsters to hunt.

"I hope... there will be more ghosts in the secret realm, so that I can collect a thousand souls."

Lu Cheng said silently in his heart.

  The soul-stirring orb is full of energy, and the experience bonus it provides is quite good.

He was thinking that the outcome of the battle in the distance had already been decided.

The number of ghosts was too small and they were all killed in a short time.

 The ghost corpse was like a crystal, a thin piece being eaten by this group of dementors.

At this time, a dark wind suddenly blew in the sky, and a large number of ghosts came from a distance, more than the number of dementors.

This group of ghosts rushed towards them and instantly started fighting with the Dementor monsters.

The single combat power of the ghost is higher than that of the Dementor. Soon, the battle will be over.

 The ghosts attached themselves to the corpses of the Dementors, and soon sucked the corpses dry.

 Looking across, Lu Cheng's heart moved.

 The two monsters feed on each other's corpses.

Then gathering the corpses, will it attract a large number of monsters?

He has to stay in this secret realm for twelve hours, and his growth will definitely not be interrupted.

Just as he was thinking about it, a ghost discovered him.


With a neighing sound, the ghost rushed directly towards him!

 Suddenly, the surrounding ghosts were also alarmed, flying towards the ground with a huff!

Lu Cheng waved his hand, the staff flashed silver light, and his skills exploded.

 The next moment, fireballs exploded among the ghosts!


The explosion sounded, and a large number of ghosts were blown away and spread into thin slices on the ground.

 With soul resistance skills, these ghosts are no different from ordinary monsters.

 Suddenly, a series of system prompts sounded.

  【Ding, you killed the wandering ghost (level 27), gained experience value +4715, and the source energy limit +0.31! 】

 【Ding, you killed the wandering ghost (level 27)...


 【Ding, you killed 11 wandering ghosts (level 27), gained experience points +51865, and the source energy limit +3.41! 】

 And around Lu Cheng, white light lit up.

  【Ding, you have reached level 20, and you have gained +3 in all attributes and +25 in free attribute points! 】

The white light flashed past, leaving behind a burst of comfort.

 He had little experience to begin with, but after killing these ghosts, he was immediately upgraded.

 Immediately, Lu Cheng opened the storage space and prepared to take out the soul-stirring ball.

 At this time.

 He saw that the Challenger Medal was shining with brilliance!

  【Ding, you have reached level 20, you can check the second transfer challenge requirements in advance! 】

 (End of this chapter)