MTL - Spellcasting is a Permanent Addition and My Skills Are All Forbidden Spells-Chapter 89 Clear the secret realm! Rewards are distributed! City Lord Trial Knot

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Chapter 89: Clear the secret realm! Rewards are distributed! The City Lord Trial is settled!

 Looking around, the Demon God noticed something was wrong.

 He found that only a few people were trembling around him.

 But there are more people left, but they are not afraid at all!

 This is not the attitude that mortals should have towards gods.

"Destruction...what did you do here before?"

 A trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of the Demon God.

 This is not the attitude that mortals should have towards gods.

 The God of Destruction has clearly arrived here.

 But these humans don’t have the slightest awe.

 Scanning slowly, the Demon God looked coldly.

However, he had no intention of taking action.

Lu Cheng, who can control his beliefs, is not here, so there is no point in threatening these people.

Moreover, the energy of the incarnation of light and shadow is also limited. He had already consumed a lot by exploring the surroundings.

 And in the settlement.

Everyone was silent, but the news in the community chat was flowing quickly.

 “Damn it, it’s this **** **** again!”

 “It’s not stopping day by day, let’s do it with him!”

 “This time it’s not the same as last time? Forget it, I can’t control it anymore, just **** him!”

 Many people are eager to give it a try.

With the experience last time, they have become a lot more courageous.

 Looking at the messages passing by in the settlement chat, the survivors were dumbfounded.

This light and shadow is at least a hundred meters high, and it is more terrifying than the monster wave.

 But the chat in the settlement was full of fighting spirit, and it was about to start!

 “Are all the people in this settlement... so fierce?”

One survivor was trembling and his mind was in confusion.

“Everyone, wait a minute! Contact Lu Shen first and ask him what to do!”

 At this time, Li Tianyu spoke urgently to dissuade everyone.

 Last time the God of Destruction came, he was the first to rush forward, second only to Wei Meng.

 So he knew that their attack did not hit the gods at all, and they did not even see the health bar!

 The only one who really caused harm to the gods was Lu Cheng!

If you really take action, you will show your timidity!

 “Okay, let me try!”

 “I can’t contact Mr. Lu Cheng!”

 "Me too...the prompt is that the distance is too far and the private chat failed!"

Everyone was shocked.


 Cold sweat broke out on Li Tianyu's forehead. He knew better than anyone else that the situation was critical.

 He raised his head and looked at the huge black-red light and shadow.

Lu Shen is not here, is this thing really something they can compete with?

 But the next moment, he opened his eyes wide.

 I saw that in mid-air, the light and shadow of the gods began to dissipate!

 The black and red light and shadow quickly dispersed, all the light converged together, and disappeared in just ten seconds.

 “What are you doing?”

 “He’s gone…what’s going on?”

 Everyone in the settlement was a little confused.

 And among the clouds, a little black and red light loomed.

 It is the divine particle of the demon god.

 He did not leave, he just changed to a form that consumes less.

 Divine particles cannot carry much energy. He needs to wait until Lu Cheng appears, and cannot maintain light and shadow all the time.

 “There is something wrong with this settlement…”

 Think about the attitudes of other humans in the settlement.

 The Demon God had a vague premonition.

That Lu Cheng, there is a high probability that he will not be afraid of him!

With threats alone, it would be difficult to get the banishment scroll back.

However, after all, he decided to wait.

The energy of these two divine particles is exhausted, but they can be recharged.

 The ten coins that can be paid to the God of Destruction are truly traded and cannot be spent in vain.

Hide in the clouds, the demon **** waits for time to pass.

 Half an hour, one hour, two hours…

In the blink of an eye, three hours passed, and Lu Cheng still didn’t show up!

“How dare a human make the gods wait... I’ll see how you can settle this debt!”

The demon **** was impatient and his anger was rising.


 At the same time, in the soul-stirring secret realm.

Lu Cheng sat and rested with his back against a dead tree, feeling very comfortable.

 The monsters in the secret realm have been eliminated by him, so there is no danger.

Now, just guard the ghost reincarnation pool, kill the ghosts that spawn every hour, and wait for the countdown to end.

 【Remaining time in the secret realm: 1 hour, 11 minutes, 59 seconds...】

 Glancing at the countdown, Lu Cheng was in a very good mood.

 In the past few hours, his fireball skill has been upgraded to level 8.

 Meteor Fire Rain has also been upgraded. Level 2 Meteor Fire Rain can fire 35 fire stones, and the cooldown time has been reduced to 90 seconds.

In addition, several other damage skills have also been upgraded by one level.

However, the biggest gain is the endlessly absorbing passive!

Glancing at the passive layers, Lu Cheng was satisfied.

 Now, he has cast more than 6,000 spells.

 With less than 4,000 casts left, Endless Drain can reach level 3!

 When you upgrade to level 2, Endless Drain unlocks 10% of true damage. What will you unlock when you upgrade to level 3?

Thinking of this, Lu Cheng had some expectations.

At this time, a roar came from the Ghost Reincarnation Pool, and ghosts floated up from the pool.


Lu Cheng stood up with his staff and rolled up the fireball.




 A round of fireballs fell, and soon, the wave of wandering ghosts was cleared, and several white lights burst out.


 Looking across, Lu Cheng raised his eyes.

 This wave of ghosts exploded into a composite scroll!


  【Synthetic Scroll (Two Turns): After use, materials within two turns can be synthesized into finished props. 】

  【Synthesis cost: 100-500 mana. 】


 “Two-turn scroll!”

Lu Cheng’s eyes lit up.

The monster explosion rate in the secret realm is quite good. In the past ten or so hours, he has exploded twenty or thirty monsters with only white equipment.

As for the synthetic scrolls, three were also revealed, but they were all for one turn.

 Now, finally, there are two reels.

Lu Cheng opened the storage space and took out the Devil's Key and the Exile Scroll.

 Putting these two materials and the synthesis scroll together, a system prompt rang in his ears.

  【Ding, a synthetic material has been detected. Do you want to synthesize it? 】


As Lu Cheng's mind turned, the composite scroll lit up and wrapped the two materials.

Not long after, the light faded, and a black card engraved with golden patterns appeared in front of him.

  【Ding, the synthesis is successful, you have obtained the Demon Exile Pass. 】


  【Demon Exile Pass】

  【Special props】

  【After holding the pass and reaching the second level, you can enter the secret realm of the Demon Exile. The maximum time for a single entry shall not exceed 1 hour. If you time out or die, you will be teleported out of the secret realm. 】

  【Remaining number of entries: 8/8】


 “It is finished.”

Picking up the black card, Lu Cheng smiled.

Now, he can enter and exit the Demon Exile.

 This secret realm is full of demonic monsters, and the experience rewards are quite generous.

 More importantly, you can also find opportunities to go to the abyss!

Thinking of the abyss, Lu Cheng felt a little hot in his heart.

 In previous lives, the abyss was an extremely important strategic area.

Just the equipment and skill books dropped by the abyss monsters are much better than the outside world.

 And there are a lot of rare resources inside!


 It is no exaggeration to say that although the world disaster of [Abyss Invasion] brought extremely heavy losses.

 But the opportunities and benefits that humans gain in the abyss are even greater than the losses!

 Thinking of the treasures in the abyss, Lu Cheng felt hot.

However, he was not too impatient.

 The Demon Exile has level restrictions, and he has to reach level 30 first. Putting away the pass, Lu Cheng looked at the Ghost Reincarnation Pool.

 【Countdown to breeding monsters: 57 minutes and 42 seconds...】


Lu Cheng nodded slightly.

 Now, there is a little more than an hour left in the countdown to the secret realm, and there is just enough time.

  After collecting this last wave of ghosts, you can release the BOSS in time.

 After killing the mobs, there are still a few minutes left.

 With his current damage, a few minutes is enough to deal with the Ghost BOSS!

While thinking about it, Lu Cheng took out the Origin Stone fragments and absorbed the energy.

 Now, his source energy limit is nearly 2,000, and the damage increase provided is quite terrifying!


 In a blink of an eye, an hour passed.


 The ghost's cry rang out, and ghosts emerged from the reincarnation pool one after another.

 Lu Cheng had been waiting aside and immediately waved his staff.

 A few minutes later, this wave of ghost monsters was also cleared.

Holding the staff, Lu Cheng looked at the Ghost Reincarnation Pool.




 Once a fire ball falls, the durability of the ghost reincarnation pool is reduced by one step.

Lu Cheng kept firing fireballs continuously.

“Bang, bang, bang…”

Soon, the ghost soul reincarnation pool was permanently emptied and shattered.

  【Ding, you destroyed the ghost reincarnation pool and obtained free attribute points +20! 】

The system prompts.

At the same time, there was also an extremely shrill ghost cry!


The ghost soul reincarnation pool was shattered inch by inch, and a huge group of ghosts spread out from the base, almost covering all the space in front of him!


  【Nightmare Ghost】

 【Level 35, Bronze BOSS】

 【HP: 4.58 million/4.58 million】

  【Characteristics:? ? ? 】

【Skill:? ? ? 】


Lu Cheng tried to use the True Sight, and then heard the system prompt.

 The level difference is too great and no effect can be seen.

However, Lu Cheng doesn't care.

 It’s enough to see the health bar!

 The staff in his hand lit up, activating the Embrace of Source Energy.

 The next moment, meteors and fire showers hit directly!

 “Boom boom boom…”

Thirty-five flints rolled and roared out!

This meteor shower, he used 500% of the skill increase, leaving some advance time for the BOSS's magic resistance!

“Bang bang bang bang bang…”

 The flint fell, and the Nightmare Ghast's blood volume dropped rapidly.







 The damage numbers pop up one after another, and the BOSS’s health bar is instantly cleared!

 The next moment, the system prompts.

  【Ding, you killed the Bronze-level BOSS: Nightmare Ghast, gained +1.57 million experience points, and gained +14.5 source energy limit! 】

  【You alone killed a Bronze BOSS of the same level or above, and received +105 free attribute points! 】

  【Ding, you have reached level 23, and you have gained +3 in all attributes and +25 in free attribute points! 】

  【You have gained 35 reputation points! 】

 Suddenly, white light surged from Lu Cheng's body.

Having surpassed more than ten levels and killed the BOSS, the experience is extremely rich. Even after upgrading, there is still a lot left.

 At the same time, the entire secret realm began to shake.

 After killing the nightmare ghost, the sky in the secret realm seemed less dark, and the air began to return to normal.

However, if you want to pass the level, you still have to wait until the countdown ends.


Lu Cheng stretched out his hand.

【Ding, the nightmare ghost (bronze level) was successfully refined, and the source energy limit was +145, the intelligence was +18, and the mana limit was +219! 】

  【Ding, the number of entries in the Source Energy Illustrated Book +1! 】

 After refining it, Lu Cheng glanced at the characteristics of the nightmare ghost.

This nightmare evil spirit has three characteristics, but they are all ghost types and need to be transformed into ghost life.

 Seeing that it was of no use, Lu Cheng stopped paying attention and began to clean the battlefield.

 This nightmare ghast also exploded with a piece of bronze-level equipment.


  【Soul Water Cloak】

  【Top Column】

 【Quality: Bronze Level】

【Wearing requirements: level 20 or above, physical attribute above 150, strength attribute above 100. 】

 【Physical defense +400, spell defense +588】

 【Physique +40, Agility +45, Intelligence +10】

  【Special Effect 1: The wearer's water and ice attribute skills gain +5% damage increase. 】

  【Special effect 2: Provides water walking function, the wearer can survive in water for a short period of time. 】

  【Special Effect 3: In the accommodated state, it can be accommodated in other top slot equipment, does not occupy the equipment slot, and can be disassembled. 】



Glancing at the effect of the cloak, Lu Cheng raised his eyebrows.

 Now, the equipment on his upper body is still the Lonely One's armor from level 5.


 This soul water cloak does have special effects and does not occupy the equipment slot.

It seems that the Aloofman suit can continue to serve for a while.

Lu Cheng made a thought and equipped himself with a soul water cloak.

 Suddenly, a veil was shrouded behind him, looming.

 Soon, this feeling disappeared and everything returned to normal.

  【Ding, the accommodation is successful, the soul water cloak is being accommodated in the Aloof One's battle suit! 】

The system prompt sounded, and the properties of the soul water cloak were also added to the body.


 Lu Cheng was very satisfied.

 After collecting the loot, he looked at the secret realm countdown.

 【Remaining time in the secret realm: 0 hours, 4 minutes, 59 seconds...】

 Next, just wait for five minutes to end.

five minutes later.

As the countdown reached zero, a teleportation door opened in front of Lu Cheng.

  【Ding, enter the teleportation light door and you can leave the secret realm! 】

Lu Cheng stepped into the light door, and the light and shadow in front of his eyes suddenly changed, returning to the previous valley.

At the same time, the system prompt also sounded!

  【Ding, the second secret realm: the origin of the Dementors has been cleared, and the rewards have begun to be calculated! 】

 【The secret realm rewards have been settled, you have gained experience points + 4 million! Complete the level alone and get extra rewards, free attribute points +50! 】

  【You have gained 30 reputation points by clearing the secret realm alone! 】

  【You get a silver-level treasure chest! 】

 As the light beam fell, Lu Cheng’s experience began to rise.

 This second-level secret realm provided him with a total of 4 million experience points!

Lu Cheng felt very comfortable bathing in the brilliance.

 In this way, he is not far away from reaching level 24!

 Then, he heard a clang and a silver treasure chest fell in front of him.

 “Next, is the trial mission…”

 Opening his eyes, Lu Cheng looked at the panel.

This secret realm has been cleared, and the last round of trial tasks has been completed!


 Lu Cheng's mind was spinning.

 The next moment, the system prompts.

  【Ding, settlement successful! You have completed the City Lord Trial mission! Rating: Perfect! 】

  【You gain free attribute points +400! 】

  【You have obtained all permissions in the settlement! 】

  【All permissions: You can choose to accept or expel settlement members, and choose whether to allow them to enjoy various settlement increases. At the same time, you can choose to turn on or off various settlement functions! 】

  【You gain a privileged function: anchor the city! 】

 【The trial task rating is perfect, and the number of transmissions has been increased from 3 to 10 times per day! In addition to the settlement hub, you can set up 3 additional anchor points! 】

 【Extra anchor point range limit: must be within 300 kilometers of the settlement! 】

  【You have obtained the perfect level city master authority! 】

   Four thousand words, not divided into chapters, there is also QVQ in the evening



 (End of this chapter)