MTL - Spellcasting is a Permanent Addition and My Skills Are All Forbidden Spells-Chapter 88 Burn BOSS characteristics! Surround the gods!

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Chapter 88: Burn BOSS characteristics! Surround the gods!

 At this time, another prompt sounded.

  【Ding, your reputation reaches 150 points, and you get the honor: Advanced Challenger! 】

  【Advanced Challenger: After unlocking this honor, your health will be permanently increased by +400, mana +400, and all attributes +20! 】


Lu Cheng glanced over and was immediately delighted.

 The reputation value reaches the standard, and the second level honor is also unlocked.

  Normal advanced mage honors, blood volume and blue volume are all 200, and all attributes are 10 points.

 Switched to advanced challengers, everything is still twice as high as before!

 This is pretty good.

 Honour bonuses are stackable, and the more you unlock, the greater the increase will be.

Nodding slightly, Lu Cheng continued to wave the staff.

 There are still about 400 mobs around, and he has a lot of experience, so he will not miss them.

 Not long after, the mobs were cleared up.

 Looking at the experience bar, Lu Cheng was very satisfied.

 Not long after he reached level 22, the experience bar was almost halfway through.

 And now, the secret realm is not over yet.

 After clearing out the ghost side, you can level up again!

However, we need to take stock of the harvest first.

Coming to the body of the soul-obsessing monster, Lu Cheng stretched out his hand.


【Ding, you have successfully refined the soul-stirring source monster (bronze level), you have obtained the upper limit of source energy +105, health +209, and strength +15! 】

  【The number of sources included in the Source Energy Illustrated Book +1. 】

 After refining, Lu Cheng was about to pack up his equipment when he heard a system prompt!

  【Ding, the number of illustrations included in the illustration reaches 13, and the bonus effect of the source energy illustration is unlocked! 】


Lu Cheng’s eyes lit up.

 Previously, this illustration bonus had not been unlocked.

 Now, the requirements are finally met!

The minimum inclusion requirement is Black Iron level, and the bonus provided by this illustrated book is not bad at all.

Thinking of this, Lu Cheng looked forward to it and hurriedly checked.


  【Yuan Neng Illustrated Book】

[Bonus effect: The current collection number is 13. When the collection number reaches 15, you can select a characteristic from the included 0-1 rotation illustrated book and copy it into the source energy illustrated book. 】

  【After completing the re-engraving, the holder can enjoy the bonus of this characteristic. The effect exerted depends on the degree of fit. 】

  【The included feature list is unlocked and can be viewed. 】



Lu Cheng was shocked when he saw the bonus in the Source Energy Illustrated Book.

 This effect is more powerful than he thought!

 Can you actually...replicate the characteristics of BOSS?

You must know that a large part of the reason why many BOSS are powerful lies in their characteristics.

 Even some powerful characteristics are comparable to high-level talents!

Although, the burning limit is between zero and one revolution.

 But within this range, there are also many powerful properties!

Lu Cheng took a deep breath and looked at the list of characteristics.


  【Included features: 34 items】

  【Lord of the Ant Colony: The ant creatures you lead receive a 10% attribute bonus. When the number of ant colonies exceeds 1 million, the bonus is doubled. Fit degree 4%]


  【Infinite Strength: Every time you level up, you gain an additional 5-20 points of strength. Fit 26%]


  【Secret Realm Leader: When in the secret realm under your control, all attributes are increased by 10%-45%. Fit 17%]


 【Multiple recovery: Life recovery +10 per second. When receiving damage exceeding 10% of one's own blood volume, it is increased to +100. It can be stacked up to 10 times. Fit 25%]


  【Demon Descendant: Each time you upgrade, the purity of your demon bloodline increases by 1%-5%. Fit 0%]


 The light curtain unfolds and each feature is revealed.

 The BOSS he refined has all its characteristics, all of which are included in it.

 Lu Cheng checked quickly.

 Now, these characteristics in his hand are very average.

 To say that it is better, it only has a multiplier recovery, and its practicality is also average.

But fortunately, he doesn’t have to choose between these.

The characteristics of the first-turn BOSS you kill in the future will also be included.

Lu Cheng's mind turned and he quickly selected a target.

 The BOSS in the monster force is often powerful.

 Their characteristics are naturally not weak either!

 After sweeping around, there will be more choices.

Thinking of this, Lu Cheng felt eager.

However, we still have to wait until the trial mission is over.

 He calmed down his excitement and finished cleaning the battlefield in three strokes. The soul-stirring monster exploded two black iron weapons, both of which were warriors. Lu Cheng glanced at them and stuffed them directly into the storage space.

 Then, he rushed towards the west.

Over there, there is a level 35 bronze BOSS waiting for him.


at the same time.

 Above the clouds, at the divine pillar.

 A trace of impatience flashed in the eyes of the Demon God.

 He has spent seven or eight hours here at this divine pillar.

 Fortunately, the golden light on the map is already very strong, and it will be completed soon.

 Finally, ten minutes later.

Golden light spread all over the map, and then dissipated into pieces, disappearing into his body.

 The Demon God snorted coldly and clasped the divine pillar with both palms.

This time, the divine pillar shined brightly, reflecting the heavy clouds and shrouding them with a layer of golden light.

By the time the light faded, the demon god’s light and shadow had disappeared.


at the same time.

Settlement No. 1024.

It was getting late, but many survivors were too excited to sleep.

 Most of them were discovered and brought back to the settlement today.

On the road, many people had doubts and apprehensions.

 But after entering the settlement, their previous doubts quickly disappeared!

This settlement actually has a protective shield that can block monsters below level 30!

And... In addition, there are many magical functions that they have never seen before!

 Skill tower for exchange, storage, and even learning skills…

 This made all the survivors extremely excited.

 Not to mention anything else, just a protective shield is enough for them to be happy for a long time.

“Hey, you know, I met a big guy. He has thirty or forty points in each attribute! I really don’t know how he did it!”

“I met one too! The total attributes are almost 200 points!”

“Really or not? The total of all my attributes is only over 40 points. 200 points is too exaggerated…”

 In the corner, several survivors were chatting happily.

With safety assured, their tense nerves finally relaxed and they started talking more.

 But at this moment.

 Suddenly, there was a sudden storm in the sky above the settlement!

"what's the situation?"

A survivor was stunned, feeling that the sky had suddenly turned dark.

Several people around him felt the same as him, and they were all a little confused.

 “Quick, quick, quick…look!”

Suddenly, someone spoke, as if they were so frightened that they couldn't speak clearly.


A few people looked up and were stunned.

I saw a little bit of black and red light shining in the sky, moving in the air.

Outlined by black and red light, a huge light and shadow like a **** was drawn!

"what is that??"

The survivors felt a buzzing in their heads and received a huge shock.

 But the next moment, they were hit even harder.

Looking at it, the light and shadow of the **** actually moved...

 The demon **** turned his head and scanned the surroundings.

 Then, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

 This is indeed Settlement No. 1024.

 However, that Lu Cheng was not in the settlement.

His trip was for the purpose of banishing the scroll, and nothing else was meaningful.

 “The energy expended for this purpose...will be charged to your account.”

 The Demon God closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened them again, his pupils were filled with light!

This black-red light sweeps and shines extremely far.

 At the same time, the energy in his body continued to escape.

 However, after looking around for a week, Lu Cheng was still nowhere to be found.

"Could it be said that...this person is in a secret realm?"

 The Demon God’s eyes were filled with doubts.

 Only in this way can we explain why he cannot be found.

 But if this is really the case, it will be difficult to handle.

 In the Eastern Continent, he needed the help of believers to spy on the situation in the secret realm.

 Withdrawing his gaze, the Demon God couldn't help but frown slightly.

He suddenly discovered that at some point, the mortals in this settlement were vaguely surrounding him.

  1. I haven’t slept since 8 o’clock yesterday and I have to post it now. I’ll catch up on some sleep and try to update QAQ. Currently, I owe [2/2] updates!

    2. Thank you all for your recommendation votes, monthly votes, and rewards! I've been writing a little slowly these days, and I didn't have time to make statistics, so I banged my head first!



 (End of this chapter)