MTL - Spellcasting is a Permanent Addition and My Skills Are All Forbidden Spells-Chapter 95 Time to expand! Is the intelligent monster taking action?

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Chapter 95: Time for expansion! Is the intelligent monster taking action?

Lu Cheng was delighted when he received the private message.

 This is good news!

Now, the city preparatory tasks have reached the final stage, and all that is left is the last settlement sealing stone!

At the moment, Lu Cheng's mind was spinning and he checked the private chat.

 This private message was sent by Wei Meng.

“I am located on the suburban highway and found a settlement seal stone. But... the situation seems to be a bit special!”

As he was watching, Wei Meng received another message.

“When I discovered them, they were moving with the Flame Heart Stone on their backs, and I’m following them now!”

 Saw this message.

Lu Cheng’s eyes lit up.

Were these monsters moving when Wei Meng discovered them?

The settlement seal stone must take root in the ground so that it can continuously absorb the energy of the settlement hub.

 Normally speaking, unless you feel threatened, you will not move at will.

However, there are exceptions!

 When exceptions occur, it often means that the reward will also increase!

 “Suburban expressway…”

 Lu Cheng thought for a moment, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

 This location happens to be not far from the Lava Flower Demon’s forces!

From this point of view, these monsters are abnormal, most likely because of this.

 “I’m going over now, I’ll be there in about half an hour.”

 Evaluating the distance, Lu Cheng thought to himself and replied.

He went on this trip to sweep away the lava flower demon forces.

Now, the preliminary tasks have not been completed, and the ordinary monsters outside are only around level 30, and it is no longer very profitable to kill them.

 With his current combat power, he must be more efficient in killing monsters by leapfrogging levels!

 The distance between the two is close, which saves trouble.

 “Okay! My location may change, please report back at any time!”

 Wei Meng quickly replied.

Close the chat panel, Lu Cheng opens the storage space and pours out a lot of ice stones.

There may be flame heart stones among the Lava Flower Demon forces, but they may not be able to contain them when the time comes, and a wave of inventory will have to be cleared.

 【Ding, 341 units of Ice Soul Stone have been stored in the settlement hub! 】

The bronze tree sapling swayed slightly, and the brilliance inside it lit up, enveloping all the ice stones in it.

 After clearing the inventory, Lu Cheng set off immediately.

 “Huh? Boss Lu Cheng is on his way again, it’s so hard!”

 “It’s midnight now...?”

 In the settlement, many people saw Lu Cheng.

“You guys think, could it be that Boss Lu Cheng is looking for the settlement sealing stone?”

 Some people have made speculations.

Now, the prerequisite tasks are about to be completed, and the last settlement sealing stone is left!

From this point of view, Lu Cheng went out in the middle of the night, probably because of this!

“Big brother Lu Cheng is working so hard, we have to work harder too!”

 Suddenly, many people became energetic again.

They can't help with other tasks, but building a few houses is still no problem!

 Now, there is only one last shiver away from 100 houses.

Had it not been for guarding against the devil's light and shadow, everything would have been completed by now!

 Immediately, everyone got busy.


 At the same time, Lu Cheng kept walking and hurried on.

 There is nothing wrong with him, but Wei Meng's level is not high, and it may be dangerous to follow him.


 All around, monsters roared one after another.

 In the distance, dark energy continued to surge, and monsters appeared among them.

Glancing at it, Lu Cheng didn't pay attention.

 After the catastrophe, new monsters will appear every day and descend on their corresponding areas.

 To prevent monsters from coming, the only way is to use a border order to convert an entire area into a safe zone.

However, it is too early to do this now.

 After upgrading the city, the settlement territory will be expanded again, and the effect of the border order will also be improved.

 At that time, it will be the time to expand the territory.

 Ignoring the monsters around him, Lu Cheng hurried on.


  Half an hour later.

Lu Cheng has arrived near the suburban expressway.

 “I’m here, where are you?”

 Lu Cheng's mind changed and he sent a message.

 On the other side, Wei Meng’s message alert sounded.

  “So fast!”    After receiving the news, Wei Meng suddenly burst into joy.

At this time, he was very nervous and his clothes were wet with sweat.

 The level of these monsters is too high, more than ten levels higher than the monster wave in the morning.

 He is only at level 9 now. Once he is discovered, he may not be able to run away!

"I'm at the expressway toll station. These monsters are more than a hundred meters away from me, and they are walking out of the city carrying the sealing stone!"

 Wei Meng replied quickly.

 After receiving the news, Lu Cheng nodded slightly.

 Wei Meng's position should not be far from him.

But now, it’s pitch black everywhere and it’s hard to see the direction.

At the moment, Lu Cheng raised his hand.

 From the staff, a ball of light condensed and flew towards the sky.


With a soft sound, the light ball bloomed.

 Suddenly, white light shone out, illuminating a large area around it.

 This is the skill he just learned, the flash technique.

 In the future, you will master light attribute energy. This skill can cause considerable damage to dark attribute monsters.

But now, it mainly plays a lighting role.

With the help of the light, Lu Cheng scanned quickly and quickly found the toll station.

At this moment, Lu Cheng put away his staff and hurried on.

 A few minutes later, he saw a figure hiding in the corner.

 “Brother Lu Cheng, here! I’m here!”

 Seeing Lu Cheng, Wei Meng was overjoyed.

 He was extremely nervous along the way, and finally Mr. Lu Cheng was waiting for him!

Following the direction of Wei Meng's finger, Lu Cheng quickly discovered the monster.

 A group of grass monsters as tall as one person are walking on roots.

 Among them, there is a grass monster that is extremely huge, with a sealing stone wrapped in grass leaves.

However, although they are grass monsters, these monsters are all dark red and bring up high temperatures when they walk.

 “Fire monster?”

Lu Cheng raised his eyebrows.

 The direction in which these monsters are heading is exactly the lava flower demon force.

 Furthermore, they both belong to the fire attribute.

 In this case, the situation is obvious!

In all likelihood, it was the work of an intelligent monster among the lava flower demons.

Stepping closer, Lu Cheng threw out his True Sight.



 【Level: Level 25】

 【Health: 25200/25200】

  【Status: Being attracted by the lava flower demon. 】


Glancing at the status of the monster, Lu Cheng nodded inwardly.

it is as expected!

This group of monsters is trying to transport the settlement sealing stone to the lava flower demon forces.

 Absorb the energy of the settlement seal stone, and the totem of the monster force can be upgraded.

"It seems... from the lava flower demon's influence, the harvest is probably not small!"

Lu Cheng thought to himself, took out his staff and stepped forward step by step.

 As he gradually approached, he quickly attracted the attention of this group of monsters.


The largest fireweed is still moving forward wrapped in the settlement sealing stone.

Around him, fireweeds were swaying, moving their roots, and approaching Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng took his time and raised the Gifted Breathing Staff.

 At the tip of the staff, there was a flash of lightning and the electric charge crackled.

 In order to maintain speed, he didn't take many shots along the way.

There are more than a hundred monsters in this batch, just used to test the power of thunder storm!

 And in the rear.

Seeing that Lu Cheng was about to take action, Wei Meng couldn't help but hold his breath.

These are level 25 monsters. He doesn't dare to touch them. If they touch the edge, they will be killed.

However, if it’s Mr. Lu Cheng, it’s definitely not a problem!

 (End of this chapter)