MTL - Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect-Chapter 17 Corpse

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Ye Shaoyang went to bed to make up, sleep until noon, wake up to see Chen Yu is gone, the pony is still sleeping.

Ye Shaoyang thought about it and decided to go to the outer door brother and quickly pick up the business and earn some money. On the road, I took the car and ate, and the thousand pieces that Master gave were quickly spent. Every time he thought about this, he was indignant. Once again, the curse of Qingrui was violently raped by female ghosts.

"Get up!" Ye Shaoyang squats on the pony's buttocks. The pony owes his two life, and he is not very polite to him.

The pony rolled over and said: "Thunder public does not sleep, let me sleep again."

"Who said that Lei Gong does not hit the sleeping person, do you want me to call Lei Gong to give you a try?" Ye Shaoyang took out a Lei Lei, and made a curse.

The pony climbed up immediately. Ye Shaoyang used this trick to deal with the old banyan tree last night. After he smashed it, he burned it. He was too deep, leaving almost a psychological shadow.

The pony blinked and nervously said: "I just dreamed again."

No way! Ye Shaoyang was shocked, he was in the next door, and the horror bell did not ring. Is this evil spirit able to avoid his own horror bell? "Quickly, what's the dream?"

The pony pointed to the poster of Teacher Cang. "I really dreamed of Teacher Cang, dreaming of sunbathing with her on the beach, several beauties beside me to give me a leg, feed me to eat seafood..."

Ye Shaoyang wiped his sweat and glared at the pony: "You are not dreaming, you are doing a spring dream!"

"Help me find out where this place is, taxi drivers can find it." Ye Shaoyang took a note from his pocket and gave it to him.

The pony looked over and said: "This is the old residential area in the southern suburbs. It is full of hutongs everywhere. It is very difficult to find. What are you doing here?"

"I live here with a foreigner, I am going to find him."

"No phone?"

"He has been down the mountain for 20 years. Whenever he came, he only left this address."

The pony wiped the sweat. "Okay. Then you can only pray that he has not moved, and that place has not been demolished."

Ye Shaoyang was not familiar with Shicheng, afraid that he could not find a place, so he pulled the pony together.

An hour later, the two people came to the southern suburbs of Shicheng by car. This place is a real old district. There are hutongs everywhere. The two of them walked through the streets and asked for it. After half an hour, they finally found their destination in an old alley: Lao Guo funeral line.

"Since the funeral line is opened, it is also named Guo. It must be that he is right." Ye Shaoyang put a heart down.

"How did your brother do this business? It’s too expensive." The pony stunned.

"What do you know, scorpion."

In the center of the store, there is a coffin, a wreath of firecrackers on one side, and a paper man on the other side of the wall. A man is painting the five senses for the paper man, using a cinnabar pen, a stroke of painting, very focused, right The two entered the door and turned a blind eye.

Ye Shaoyang stood behind him for a long time and said: "You are a coffin shop, the yin is heavy, you paint the paper people too much like real, easy to form evil spirits."

The man sneered and didn't look back. "What are you doing?"

Pony big thorn asked: "You are the owner?"

"Do you buy coffins?"

"Hey, buy coffin is also for you. We are Maoshan Taoist!" The pony was depressed.

The man turned his head and glanced at him, smiled contemptuously, and continued to work in his hands.

Ye Shaoyang let the pony stop, clear the scorpion, and screamed: "A mountain door is deep like the sea, walking on the rivers and lakes by people." - I just came down from the mountain, want to mix the society, but also rely on you to help.

The man turned back and looked at him strangely. He said, "Your surname?"

"Last name Zhang." - I am a descendant of Zhang Tianshi, who is also a Taoist.

"Where are you going?"

"A mountain in the south." - The Daomen Nanpai is a Zhengyi faction, and Maoshanzong is also among them. If you answer a view of the north, it is the North School, the whole truth.

The man then asked: "What's on the mountain?"

Ye Shaoyang replied: "The thatched grass is everywhere." - Maoshan.

On the face of the man, he smiled and asked: "Do you have flowers or weeds?" - The outer door or the inner door.

Ye Shaoyang said with a smile: "A single seedling for sixteen years." - The inner door, and is a single pass, worshipping the teacher for 16 years.

The man’s eyes are bright: “Little teacher?”

Ye Shaoyang holds a fist and respects: "Guo brother."

The man took a deep breath and said with excitement: "I haven't returned to the mountain in 20 years. Is Master good?"

"It's still like that, it's not serious."

The man laughed and completely let go of his heart. He dared to say that Qingyunzi was old and unfair, except for his rumored disciples, who else?

"Come here, enter the house." Push open the inner door of the store and ask Ye Shaoyang to go in.

The pony looked at the dumbfoundedly. "I rely on the underground party joints. I have so many secret words, and the clouds are in the fog."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "There are too many swindlers in the rivers and lakes.

Behind the inner door is a small living room. Lao Guo soaked a pot of tea and told Ye Shaoyang that he was old and very upset about Maoshan.

"When I was twenty-two years old, my family was killed by a corpse. I myself had a corpse poison. Thanks to Master's rescue, I went under the master's door. Unfortunately, the qualifications were dull and difficult to enter the inner door. I stayed under the master's door. In the past five years, I learned some skills and went back to my hometown to open this store."

Speaking of this, Lao Guo sighed. "I have missed Master for so many years, but you also know that Maoshan has rules. Once a foreign disciple is a teacher, he will not go up the mountain for the rest of his life. You are really amazing in the younger brother. In his early twenties, he will get Master's true biography is still the only inner disciple. Brothers."

Ye Shaoyang scratched his head: "I am going to college in Shicheng now, I will live for a long time, what good is the brothers?"

Lao Guo understood it when he heard it. "You came at a time. There is a job recently. I can't take it alone. I am looking for someone to join me. The younger brother is very good at law. It is definitely no problem."

Ye Shaoyang is a singer. Although Lao Guo is a foreign disciple, he has also learned some Maoshan techniques. Even he is uncertain. He is definitely not a general genie. He is busy asking: "What is it?"

"The corpse!"

"The corpse?" Ye Shaoyang was amazed. "Is there a corpse in the city?"

The pony inserted, "What is the corpse?"

Lao Guo gave him a look: "Who is he?"

"My classmate." Ye Shaoyang said, "Guo brother, you continue to say, what is this ghost corpse?"

Lao Guo ordered a cigarette and said: "There is a place called Stone Mountain in Shicheng. There are many air-raid shelters underneath. It is warm in winter and cool in summer. It can also shelter from the wind. Many tramps and scavengers live in it. Since last month, there have been tragic deaths in the rogues. Every time, the heads are smashed and the brains are sucked out. The police can't find the murderer. They have to seal the air-raid shelter and no one is allowed to enter or leave."

"One night last week, a policeman in charge of the guards also died, just like the dead: his head was bitten, his brain was sucked dry, and the other guard was lucky to escape. When he came back, he said that it was a zombie. The police believed that it was a psychic incident and found me. I didn't take it seriously at first, and went straight into the bomb shelter. It was really lucky. No, it should be said that it was unlucky. I found the zombie. I saw it. Changbai Mao..."

Ye Shaoyang stunned: "White hair, that's really a corpse, you can't fight it."

"Yeah, I knew that it was not an opponent at first glance. I ran away when I pulled my legs. Fortunately, the realgar and glutinous rice that I brought with me on that day blocked it for a while, otherwise my old life was also confessed."