MTL - Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect-Chapter 18 Waitress

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Lao Guodao: "Little teacher, if you are interested, how about getting a ticket?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "Do you have money to earn?"

"I don't have to worry about it, I don't have the money to make it. I am guilty of going to fight with a corpse." Old Guo's face with a standard smile of a profiteer, with five fingers extending, "50,000 yuan, the labor costs of the police."

"Five thousand killed a corpse, not much." Ye Shaoyang said.

"Fifty thousand is not much?" The pony cried. "Dry it, I will do it!"

Ye Shaoyang gave him a white look. "What are you doing, what can you do?"

"I am going to give you an assistant. I will give you a cup of tea to send a water or something. When I get a little bit of money, I will do it. Hey." The pony smiled and smiled.

Lao Guoxiao smiled and said: "You let him go, maybe there is still use."

The three of them went out, and when they walked in front of the row of paper people, Ye Shaoyang suddenly stood and pointed to one of the paper people and said: "There is still half a month, this is an evil spirit."

Old Guo Jiao smiled and said: "What I want is that it becomes an evil spirit."

Ye Shaoyang frowned: "How to tell?"

"Come back, let's go."

Out of the hutong, Lao Guo asked them to wait. They drove a Poussin to the roadside. Ye Shaoyang didn't know the car logo, but the shape of the car could not be broken. It was definitely not a good car. After getting on the bus, I asked. "Senior brother, you said that you haven’t earned less in these years. How do you drive such a broken car?"

"Haha, this is called the wealth is not exposed, this area is the old neighborhood, if I am too prominent, they will definitely find me to borrow money."

Ye Shaoyang and Pony are looking at each other with a gloomy look. Every day, worrying about borrowing money from others, what is the point of this?

On the way to driving, the pony asked what is called the corpse, and Ye Shao was intolerant and entangled. He had to explain to him: "Ghosts, demons, corpses, and spirits are all graded. The ranks of zombies are: zombies, corpses, dead bodies, corpses. Wang, the characteristics are different. The corpse is covered with long white hair, also called white-haired zombies. It has been repaired for more than five hundred years. It is very powerful."

When Pony heard that the corpse was so strong, his expression was a little uncomfortable. He asked: "Is it worse than the water corpse I met last night?"

"The water corpse is just a disgusting appearance, only after a hundred years of cultivation, compared with the corpse, it is not in a grade."

The pony took a deep breath. "Well, you have to protect me when you get there."

"Reassured, rest assured." Lao Guo looked at him and smiled a little.

The car drove out of the city, opened on a township road for dozens of minutes, parked in a small town, Lao Guo pointed to a mountain behind the town and said: "This is a lonely mountain, the air defense hole is under the mountain, the front car can not enter Let's go over."

All the way to walk, just arrived at the foot of the mountain, Ye Shaoyang received a message from Zhou Jingru about her dinner, suddenly remembered this, regret it, it is important to make money by catching ghosts, but compared to the beauty, everything is a cloud, just go to the place, go back Certainly not, I thought about it, and returned one: The pony lost his love and committed suicide. I will accompany him to comfort him and invite you to dinner tomorrow.

Outside the air-raid shelter, an iron fence was temporarily added. There were four police guards next to it. Seeing the old Guo three came, one of them greeted them and said hello: "Guo Shifu is good, Zhao team called, you go in now? ”

Lao Guo replied that the police opened the iron fence and watched the three people go in. Hesitated and said: "Master Guo, do you want us to accompany you?"

"No, we can do it."

The police breathed a sigh of relief and nodded. "That's good, then good. Be careful."

Into the hole, the temperature immediately dropped several degrees, very cool, Lao Guo took a flashlight and walked in front, Ye Shaoyang lit up a long candle, let the pony hold.

"Is there a flashlight? What do you do with candles?" The pony is puzzled.

"This is a long candle, with seven stars of grass powder added inside, which can detect yin." Ye Shaoyang looked at the fire of the long candle, black with green, and said to Lao Guo: "There are not only zombies, but also ghosts. ”

Xiaomadao: "How do you see it?"

"Black fire represents corpse, green fire represents ghost." Ye Shaoyang is a little annoyed, "Can you stop, don't ask."

On the left and right sides of the air-raid shelter, there are many small rooms that are man-made. They are several square meters in size. Lao Guo explained that these are temporary shelters. If the air raids are too long, people who have taken refuge can temporarily stay here.

"The former tramps lived here. Since the zombies, there is no one." Lao Guo took a flashlight, and almost every one has a lot of sundries, and some are covered with mats or old clothes.

Ye Shaoyang sighed and was not easy to live.

After walking a few tens of meters away, the cave in front was divided into three. The flashlight was used to shine past, and each one could not see the end. Ye Shaoyang wondered: "How is this large scale?"

Lao Guodao: "You know, Shicheng was the key target of Japanese air strikes during the anti-Japanese period. This is the largest air-raid shelter in Shicheng. It can accommodate tens of thousands of people. If the place is too small, the police will use more police force and dozens of sprays. The musket went up, the corpse could not resist. The key is that it is too big, many places are still connected, not to come in a few hundred people, there is no way to search. I was lucky last time, only to find zombies."

Lao Guo took the two to the place where the zombies were last seen. In a shelter, a pile of white hair reflected the lights.

"What is this, mold?" The pony said, reaching out and touching.

Ye Shaoyang slaps on his hand, "Don't move, there is a corpse poison." In the hand, a layer of cinnabar was rubbed, and then a white hair was carefully picked up, and it was baked on a long candle and solidified into a black. blood.

It is indeed a white-haired zombie!

Just then, the long candle was suddenly extinguished. Ye Shaoyang was shocked in his heart, and he could let the long candle go out. There must be a close ghost, and he rushed out and told Lao Guo: "Going on the lamp!"

Lao Guo hurriedly picked up the three-color lotus lamp. This is the standard equipment for Maoshan Taoist to catch ghosts in dark places such as caves or ancient tombs. The lamp is led by cinnabar, which has three colors, which can both illuminate and capture the soul of the ghost. To make it impossible to change.

Under the orange light, you can see an ethereal figure floating from the depths of the cave.

"Is it a zombie?" The pony trembled.

"It is a ghost." Lao Guodao.

Ye Shaoyang pulled out the mahogany sword and waited calmly. Looking through the light, the ghost was slender and tied with two long braids. He was a female ghost wearing a pink pair of long skirts and a pair of embroidered shoes.

"This is... the ancient maid?" Lao Guo took a deep breath. "God, this is a ghost hundreds of years ago, at least it is a level of grievance!"

"What is the grievance?" The pony hid behind the two, a little sense of security, and opened the "100,000 why" mode.

"Ghost level, don't ask." Lao Guo was too lazy to tell him.

Ye Shaoyang waited for the female ghost to be close, a copper bean first sprinkled out, the female ghost was very agile to escape, the hand turned over, I do not know where to figure out a piece of wood, wet, and constantly red liquid dripping from above .

"Coffin board!" Lao Guo cried secretly. "Her life is a coffin board!"

Ghosts above the level of grievances will choose something that is sinister and sinister, pour into their own spiritual power, and cultivate themselves into their own life. The stronger they are, the stronger their attack power.

The female ghost waved the coffin board and hit the leaf Shaoyang. The black air was entangled, separated by several meters, and Ye Shaoyang had already felt the whole body cold. This female ghost was repaired, quite weak!