MTL - Spiritual Recovery: Gamification of Reality-Chapter 14 Talker in the old factory (recommendation for newcomers)

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  Chapter 14 The Speaker of the Old Factory

  As soon as Xu Bai got out of the car, he felt like returning to the world.

  The jingling electric cars on the street are placed at the gate of the community, and the tricycles lined up are full of vegetables, various fruits, and big fish and meat that have been killed.

  The lively hawking, and a taste of life that is hard to describe in words, but can be called the taste of life in the air.

   This is where Xu Bai lived since childhood.

  As an old factory community located in the DC area, like other communities, it is in an awkward position in Fengcheng.

  Simply speaking, the city council has wanted to demolish and rebuild this community since 20 years ago, but it has not been successful until now.

   On the one hand, many people feel that it is difficult to leave their homeland;

   But these have nothing to do with Xu Bai.

  He doesn't care much about where he lives. With the money to improve his life, he would rather save it for his sister's medical expenses.

after all…

  A home with relatives is a home, but a home without relatives is just a place to sleep for Xu Bai.

   That's all.

   "Hey, Xiaobai, you're back."

   "Yes, Uncle Xu."

   "It's time to get off work, Xiaobai."

   "Yes, Aunt He."

   "I haven't bought groceries yet, just in time, take some back from me."


   "Don't, give, give."

  By the time Xu Bai walked through the gate of the community and arrived under his own building, he already had several bags filled with various vegetables, fish and pork.

   It's still the kind that doesn't cost a penny.

   Xu Bai did not seek this by relying on the tiger skin of the Fengcheng Police Station on his body, but the aunts and uncles in the community enthusiastically gave it to him.

  Xu Bai looked down at the bags in his hand, and shook his head helplessly.

  This amount, let alone today, I'm afraid I can't finish it in a week.

  Thinking in his heart, Xu Bai took out the key, opened the old-fashioned access control of the corridor, and then walked into the corridor with the bag in his hand.

   "Dude, extortion?"

   "No, it should be given voluntarily."


  After Xu Bai was discharged from the hospital, land agent Zheng Sen and female agent Gu Hongyu, who had been following Xu Bai from afar, stood not far away, looking at Xu Bai who was carrying a bunch of things into the corridor.

Zheng Sen and Gu Hongyu were sitting at a stall eating Chaos at the entrance of the community, looking at Xu Bai who went up to the second floor and continued to climb the stairs from a distance: "Didn't you see, basically, those people gave it forcibly, right?" It seems that I am afraid that he will not accept it."

  Gu Hongyu frowned.

   "This guy, is he so popular?"

Gu Hongyu thought about Xu Bai's attitude when she and her colleagues went to the hospital, then looked at the aunt who was packing up the dishes, and said curiously: "Auntie, the one who passed by just now, the one where these peddlers are rushing to give things Man, who is it?"

   Aunt Wang, who was packing up the dishes, was slightly taken aback.

   Next second.

  Aunt Wang knows who the person Gu Hongyu is talking about is now.

   "Oh, you mean Xiaobai?"

   "Yes, why are these people rushing to give things?"

   "That's because everyone likes Xiaobai."


  Aunt Wang looked at the doubtful look on Gu Hongyu's face, smiled, and said something about Xu Bai.

   Simply put.

  In the entire Jiuchang community, not every household has helped Xu Bai's family.


  Xu Bai must have helped every family in the entire Jiuchang community, some even more than once.

  From helping others to look after their children, to accompanying grandmas and grandpas who live alone to go to the hospital to register, to helping the children of various families with tuition for free...

   Generally speaking, it is just one sentence.

  In the entire Jiuchang community, you can mess with anyone, but if you mess with Xu Bai, then you are offending everyone in the entire Jiuchang community.

  In the Jiuchang community, even if Gao Qiang came, he couldn't speak well.

   Gu Hongyu was astonished to hear that, and always felt a little unreal. After all, Xu Xiaobai, who was anxious for justice in the words of her aunt, and the reckless Detective Xu she saw were completely two people.


   "High strength?"

  Gu Hongyu frowned, and asked curiously, "Auntie, who is this Gao Qiang?"

The aunt held the dishes in her arms: "The boss of our Fengcheng Qiangyi Group is also our old neighbor. He has been trying to lead the demolition of our area for the past two years. We don't understand, but we know one thing anyway. , Xiaobai does not nod, we will definitely not agree."

   Finished speaking.

  Auntie held the dishes, turned around and walked in.

  Gu Hongyu regained consciousness and looked at her colleague Zheng Sen: "Why do I feel that we don't know the same person?"

   Zheng Sen drank the soup in the bowl.

   "Stop feeling it, we should go."

   "Stop staring?"

   "Look at it again, I'm afraid we will be beaten to death here."


  Gu Hongyu was taken aback for a moment, then followed Zheng Sen's gaze to look not far away.

   into the eyes.

  The aunt who had just cleaned up the dishes was at another door, talking with a group of people, looking towards them from time to time.

   Good guy.

   Gu Hongyu was shocked again.

ten minutes later.

  Xu Bai received a call from a neighbor, telling him that Aunt Wang, who opened the chaos store, met two bad guys who inquired about him.

  In Aunt Wang's mouth, Zheng Sen, who looks ordinary, is described as a deer-headed mouse-eyed, with thieves' eyebrows and mouse-eyed, while Gu Hongyu is described as a woman who is indiscreet at first glance.

  After hearing this, Xu Bai once wondered if Liu San had come back from the dead.

  But soon, Aunt Wang's son called out the surveillance, printed photos of Zheng Sen and Gu Hongyu, and showed them to Xu Bai.

   Only then did Xu Bai know that the person who inquired about him was from the Department of Homeland Security.

   "Brother Bai."


   Didn’t get into university, didn’t go out of town, Wang Qiang, who stayed at home and helped the chaos shop at home, looked at Xu Bai who was holding the photo: “Do you know these two strangers?”

  Xu Bai smiled: "I know you."

  Wang Qiang nodded, and glanced at Xu Bai's face: "Are you here to trouble Brother Bai?"

  Xu Bai smiled, looked at Wang Qiang: "Why, I hope your brother Bai is in trouble."

  Wang Qiang quickly shook his head: "That's definitely not the case. If these two people are looking for trouble for you, I'll turn around and say something in the group, and make sure that the next time these two people step into our old factory, they will never come back!"

  Xu Bai's mouth twitched: "There is still no return, ours is not a copycat."

  Wang Qiang chuckled: "Isn't that what I mean? Brother Bai, as long as he doesn't have any troubles, don't be afraid of any troubles. Tell us, the old and young people in the old factory will support you."

  Xu Bai smiled, and patted Wang Qiang's shoulder: "Okay, go back and help your mother."

  Wang Qiang quickly responded, said something, then turned and left.

  Xu Bai stood in the corridor, looked out of Jiuchang Street, smiled, turned around, and returned to the empty, even cold and unpopular home behind him.


  (end of this chapter)