MTL - Spiritual Recovery: Gamification of Reality-Chapter 145 Chen Shan love story

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  Chapter 145 Chen Shan Love Story

   "Fengcheng Times: "The tax bureau's external spokesperson has confirmed that it will launch an investigation into the tax issues involved in Tianming Military Industry Chairman Dong Tianming""

  "Landing Daily: "Fengcheng Tianming Military Industry Is Deep in a Tax Storm""

  《First report: "Who is the mysterious whistleblower?"》


  Xu Bai was sitting in his seat, drinking his first cup of coffee in the morning, and then, taking advantage of the break from work just now, he was browsing the latest news.

  A mysterious person threw a stack of evidence related to Tianming Military Industry's suspected taxation and Dong Tianming's bribery of the municipal council to obtain the project into the tax bureau under the watchful eyes of many media.


   This information completely detonated the public opinion circle in Fengcheng.

  As for how those media reporters learned the news in advance, according to several of them, they all received a call from a stranger the night before, so they squatted at the gate of the tax bureau in advance.


   They got big news.

  No, since yesterday, the news about Tianming Military Industry and Dong Tianming has always dominated the news headlines in Fengcheng and even in the Federation for the past two days.

  Because of this large-scale attention, just now, the tax bureau also had to respond, and held a press conference as soon as they got to work, expressing that they would thoroughly investigate Tianming Military Industry and Dong Tianming.

  Dong Tianming is finished.

  Xu Bai looked at the real-time report of Fengcheng Times, five characters like a repeater, sipped the coffee in his hand, and nodded involuntarily, agreeing with the repetition of these melon-eating netizens.

  In the Federation, there is a very classic saying.

   Only death and taxes are not exempt.

In the Federation, if you offend anyone, you can't offend the tax. Even the various bosses on the dark side of Fengcheng dare not pay taxes. Tax, the tax bureau will drive a tank and ask you to open the door friendly.

at this time.

  The barrage below starts to refresh.

   into the eyes.

  He just came across a photo of two tax law enforcement officers from the tax bureau taking Dong Tianming away from the villa behind him, and then his eyes fell on a certain melon-eating crowd in the background of this photo.

  Zhu Nianyan.

   Sure enough.

  Xu Bai raised his eyebrows.

   Sure enough, this girl did it.

  Xu Bai thought that the day before yesterday, according to the regulations, after going to work, he packaged Dong Tianming's information and sent it to Zhu Nianyan, and asked Zhu Nianyan what he planned to do.

  He really didn't want to care about it, but considering that the jurisdiction of Tianming Military Industry was within his 38th Branch Bureau, he still kindly reminded Zhu Nianyan about this matter after sending the information.


  Xu Bai has always kept a clear line between public and private.

   Unexpectedly, this girl went directly to the tax bureau's route, and the tax bureau was alarmed. Naturally, their 38th branch would definitely not rob the tax bureau of the case.

   After all, they are also afraid of being targeted by the tax bureau.

   While Xu Bai was refreshing the news, Su Meng, who was wearing a purple down jacket, also opened the door, greeted her and walked to the seat of Xu Bai who was browsing the computer.

   "Good morning, Master."

"Good morning."

  Xu Bai replied, looked up at Su Meng: "Not bad."

  The day I first entered the Tao, my level was still level 30.

  Three days have passed.

  Su Meng's level is already thirty-six.

  The realm of the third layer of foundation has been established.

  Xu Bai smiled and said, "The talent seems pretty good."

  Su Meng raised her chin a little arrogantly: "That's right, don't look at whose apprentice I am."

  Xu Bai laughed loudly: "I also listen to that."

   Chen Shan, who was sitting on the side, looked confused: "What talent, what the hell, by the way, have you spent so much time playing, master and apprentice?"

  Xu Bai ignored Chen Shan directly.

  Su Meng smiled and looked at Chen Shan. When she was about to speak, she couldn't help but shake.

   fought a cold war.

  Chen Shan also noticed it, and glanced at the heated indoor temperature: "It's twenty-two degrees indoors, is it still cold?"

  Su Meng shook her body, shrugged and said, "I don't know, maybe it's snowing outside today, and the temperature difference is too big, so there was a cold war."

  Chen Shan: "Really, I feel that it is quite comfortable to come in from the outside. By the way, I just saw that there are discounts in hot spring hotels in the suburbs. Find time to take a hot spring?"

   Chen Shan said this to Xu Bai.

  Xu Bai looked at Chen Shan, and didn't nod or shake his head, but asked, "Which day?"

  In the past winter, his parents would take him and his younger sister Xu Wei out of the city to soak in the hot springs.

  But since his parents passed away and his younger sister was hospitalized, Xu Bai seldom went there.


  Xu Bai visited the entire Fengcheng these days, trying to trigger the radar of the Resurrection Pill, but found nothing.

  Maybe you should be walking further.

  Xu Bai was already thinking about whether he should not be limited to Fengcheng, and just now he heard Chen Shan's proposal, and thought that every December is the peak tourist season for hot springs around Fengcheng.

   Maybe, if you go to the hot springs, there will be unexpected surprises.


Hearing this, Chen Shan turned his head to look at the computer screen. After a glance, he then looked at Xu Bai: "The twelfth is just right, and it will be Friday next week. Please take a day off and you can play for three days. How about it? I'm interested." No."

number twelve?

  Xu Bai took out his mobile phone, glanced at the calendar, but didn't see any arrangements for this day's schedule, and said with a smile: "It's fine, you can go out and have fun."

  Chen Shan's eyes lit up, and he looked at Su Meng.

   "Mengmeng, how about you?"

   "Of course I will go too."

  Su Meng smiled and said, "I will go wherever my master goes."

  Chen Shan laughed and said: "Great, I'll book the tickets right away, by the way, Mengmeng, that Xia Ziwei in the file room is your classmate."

  Xu Bai caught the key word, and looked at Chen Shan calmly.

   "Xia Ziwei?"

   "Yes, the one in the archives room. He was transferred from the No. 8 branch yesterday. I heard that he graduated at the same time as you."

   "I know, I invited her to dinner yesterday, what's the matter?"


  Chen Shan smiled slowly, rubbing his hands, revealing his true purpose, and smiled obsequiously at Su Meng: "Well, why don't you do me a favor and invite her."

  Su Meng was stunned.

  Xu Bai smiled.

  Su Meng reacted, and looked at Chen Shan suspiciously: "Brother Chen, aren't you an unmarriageist? Besides, don't you often say that only by staying single can you devote your hobbies to gossip?"

  Chen Shan looked serious: "Yes, but that was before I met Xia Ziwei. When I saw her for the first time, I even thought about the names of our five children in the future."

  Su Meng opened her mouth wide: "Five?"

  Xu Bai looked at Chen Shan speechlessly: "I don't remember you just glanced at her in the elevator yesterday."

  Chen Shan looked at Xu Bai to defend himself and said, "That look lasts ten thousand years."

  Xu Bai silently gave Chen Shan a thumbs up.

   Single dogs are not scary.

  A single dog in heat is the scariest thing.

  Su Meng's expression was a little tangled.

   This is not to say that she is unwilling to help. Although Chen Shan likes to gossip and often occupies the server of the police station to download some messy things, considering his single status, it is normal to just look at those things.

   After all, Chen Shan just watched, doing it himself is more moral than those who spend money.

  Looking at Su Meng's expression, Chen Shan clasped his hands together with a pious expression: "Please, Mengmeng, as long as you help me, I'll make all your coffee next year."

  Xu Bai raised his eyebrows: "A whole year?"

  Su Meng bit her lip, thought for a while, and then stretched out **** under Chen Shan's expectant gaze.

  Chen Shan was stunned.

   "Two years?"

   "No, it's two people, and my master's."


  Chen Shan was instantly unhappy. If he hadn't known that he invited Xia Ziwei alone, the latter would definitely not agree. He wouldn't even invite Xia Ziwei.

  But, to invite Xia Ziwei, you can only rely on Su Meng, but if you want to take Su Meng away, you have to take away Xu Bai.


  Chen Shan shook his head immediately, with reluctance written all over his face.

  Su Meng shrugged and said: "Forget it, I heard from Ziwei yesterday that her last relationship just ended, and she is currently single, but how long it can last, I will..."

  The voice did not fall.

  Chen Shan looked at Su Meng who turned around, got up quickly, and grabbed Su Meng's sleeve, quite a feeling of bowing down, afraid that Su Meng would really regret it: "Hero, I agree."

  Xu Bai on the side watched silently without speaking.

  It wasn't until the alarm center called and Xu Bai drove Su Meng to the scene that he asked curiously: "Can Xia Ziwei take a fancy to Chen Shan?"

   This is not Xu Bai belittling Chen Shan.

   Absolutely not.

  He knows Chen Shan very well, although he has been ridiculing him for being obscene, but in fact, this is just a joke between brothers.

   But he didn't know that Xia Ziwei.

  Maybe they became friends with Su Meng, how about it? Maybe their wealth is worse than Su Meng's, but it is definitely much better than Chen Shan's family.

   "I know what you are worried about, don't worry, master."

  Su Meng, who was sitting on the co-pilot, held one right hand, and motioned Xu Bai to look at the three copper coins in her palm: "When Chen Shan just mentioned it, I went to the river of fate to see it."

  Xu Bai looked at Su Meng: "How was the result?"

  Su Meng lowered her voice, looking very mysterious: "Two babies."

  Xu Bai raised his eyebrows.

   "So powerful?"


"That's good."

  Seeing Su Meng say that, Xu Bai breathed a sigh of relief.

after an hour.

  Xu Bai took Su Meng with him, and after getting out of the car, he glanced at the police car parked downstairs and the melon-eaters nearby. After pulling away the cordon, he walked towards the building.

   On the third floor of the residential building, the room near the stairs is open.

  Two trainee police officers were standing guard at the door, and after seeing Xu Bai and Su Meng's IDs, they quickly moved out of the way.

  Xu Bai and Su Meng walked to the bedroom where the crime scene was located.

   into the eyes.

  On a bed measuring 1.5 meters.

  A charred black corpse that seemed to have been burned was lying naked.


  (end of this chapter)