MTL - Spiritualist In Korea-Chapter 15 Tiff

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   "Yellow has no waist, are you the only one?"

   As soon as Li Mo opened the door, the first sentence he said made Tiffany's good mood worse.

   "To disappoint you, Taeyeon didn't come with me, did she?"

  Tiffany pouted, a little dissatisfied, no girl wants to be a foil for other people, even the best friend.


  Li Mo answered honestly.

  Tiffany finally knew that Li Mo had the attributes of being incomprehensible in addition to his vicious tongue.

   If I were another boy, I would definitely not say that.

   "Come in, if anyone sees it and rumors spread, you will be the one who suffers."

   This sentence is thoughtful, but after Li Mo's next sentence, it begins to reveal itself again.

   "You really don't worry about me, you dare to come to the man's room alone at night."

   "Aren't you afraid of accidents?"

  Tiffany is committed to becoming a female hooligan like Jin Yuanxi, how could Li Mo be frightened.

   "I'm afraid that some people have thieves but no courage."

   Hearing this, Li Mo paused and said nothing.

  Tiffany, who had regained a city, was overjoyed. Seeing the suitcase on the side, he asked, "Isn't there another game tomorrow? Didn't you watch it?"

   "One viewing is enough. Anyway, my purpose of coming to Japan has been achieved. It doesn't matter if I see it or not." Li Mo replied while lowering his head and continuing to pack the model aside.

  Tiffany rolled her eyes at Li Mo, is this guy only Taeyeon in his eyes?

  To say that jealousy is a bit exaggerated, there must be envy.

When    came to Li Mo, Tiffany also leaned down and asked curiously, "Are you still playing with models?"

   "Yeah. Why, like that woman Kim Won-hee, laughing at me for being childish?"

  Li Mo raised his head, but saw something he shouldn't have seen, and hurriedly lowered his head and pretended to continue packing.

  Tiffany felt a little strange, and following Li Mo's line of sight, she was so ashamed that she quickly stood up straight.

  In summer, girls usually dress cool. After the concert, Tiffany found an excuse to go back to the hotel first, and changed into a random dress, which was a little **** short-sleeved top.

   Just now, he leaned down and opened a big neckline, which gave Li Mo a big advantage.


  Tiffany's ears were all red.

  Li Mo knew that he was wrong, so he didn't refute, so he packed up his stuff. But the scenery I saw just now kept replaying in my mind, and I couldn't forget it for a long time.


  Li Mo thought to himself, although he didn't have a waist, the rest of the place was quite predictable.

  Thinking of this, I involuntarily raised my head to take a look, but directly met Tiffany's eyes.

   "Does it look good?"

  Tiffany suddenly showed off her smiling eyes and asked with a smile.

   "Cough, it's pretty." Li Mo scratched his head, embarrassed like a child who did something wrong.


  Tiffany let out a coquettish snort, and the crescent smile disappeared immediately, squinting, and said coldly: "Forget what you saw just now, if you look at me squinting again, be careful to slap yours!"

   pouted and stretched out two fingers, making a scissors-like threat.


  Li Mo couldn't help laughing, is there such a threat? But this idiot is pretty cute.

   "What are you laughing at?" Tiffany is a little confused, this guy is sick, don't you see that he is threatening him?

   "No, I just remembered something." Li Mo shook his head, stopped packing, and asked Tiffany directly, "Tell me, what's the matter with me? Could it be that you fell in love with me at first sight and couldn't wait to confess to me?"

   "You're thinking too much. Like Sister Yuanxi, I like handsome guys. Your style is not my style."

   "It's really superficial, when will a man like me who is full of connotation find a woman who knows how to appreciate it?"

  Li Mo suddenly looked up at the ceiling forty-five degrees and said with emotion.

   "Hee hee, I don't think you will ever find a woman who appreciates your 'intension' in your life." Tiffany started to attack Li Mo without any pressure.

   glared at Tiffany, Li Mo said angrily: "If you have something to say, hurry up if you don't have it, or I will be wild, you don't want to leave."

"You dare?"

  Tiffany, this silly girl, really got a three-point true biography of Jin Yuanxi's female hooligan. Li Mo was speechless and wilted.

  Fortunately, Tiffany did not strike any further, saying: "Your rose wine is very good, I want to know when it will be available."

   "I don't know, I don't know the specific progress of the work. When will it be able to be put into production, it will have to wait until the preparations are completed."

   "I see." Tiffany was a little disappointed.

   "However, it's not impossible to solve it." Li Mo rolled his eyes and thought of a good idea.

   "What's your idea?" Tiffany's tone suddenly changed, "Don't think about those perverted things."

   After saying that, he was a little angry and prepared to leave.

   Li Mo was a little confused, so he said, "What pervert! Could it make you pervert just by calling me oppa?"

  Tiffany stopped and looked at Li Mo suspiciously, "Is this the request?"

   "Yeah." Li Mo said angrily, "Huang has no waist, you are helpless!"

  Tiffany pouted and complained, "Who knows what you're thinking?"

   "Hey, forget it, I have nothing to say to you."

  I'm in a hurry, if Li Mo really wanted to do something, Tiffany would have been eaten to the bone.

  Tiffany saw Li Mo's disheartened look and knew that he was a little angry, so he stepped forward and grabbed his arm, and said pitifully, "oppa, don't you get angry?"

  's soft and glutinous voice, combined with silly girl Tiffany's very disguised cuteness, Li Mo was shameless and his mood improved again.

   But on the surface he still had a straight face.

  Tiffany looks cute, but is actually very shrewd inside. Seeing Li Mo being so stupid, how could he not understand.

   secretly rolled his eyes at Li Mo, this guy is too easy to settle, right? Has he never been in love? Such a low-level coquetry made him so happy?

  Tiffany guesses the truth by accident.

  It's a pity that she didn't go into it, otherwise she might catch Li Mo's handle.

"Cough cough." Li Mo got rid of Tiffany's hand and held his hand without showing any trace, and said sternly, "It's impossible to put into production right away, but I can brew some by myself, but I will wait until I return to Korea. Row."

   "Thank you oppa." Tiffany smiled with satisfaction.

   "Don't be too happy, you need money."

   "Huh?" Tiffany couldn't believe it, "You can give it to Taeyeon, why can't you give it to me, and let me call you oppa?"

"Uh." Li Mo thinks it's true, "then I'll give you two bottles too, if you want any more, you'll have to pay for it. Don't stare at me, the materials, and the labor I paid, can't be free, right? President, I'm very busy."

   "You're busy and you still have time to come to the concert?" Tiffany complained.

   However, the goal was finally achieved. After exchanging mobile phone numbers with Li Mo, he left with satisfaction.

   The next day, Li Mo and Jin Yuanxi returned to Korea.

  I wanted to stay in Seoul for a few days, but I received a call from Cha Hyunjae and rushed back to Goyang City.

   "Uncle Hyun Jae, why are you looking for me in such a hurry? I don't know if I just came back from Japan, I'm exhausted." As soon as they met, Li Mo began to complain.

  Cha Hyunjae glared at Li Mo, and then introduced to a middle-aged man next to him: "This is Li Mo, and he made the rose wine I gave you."