MTL - Spiritualist In Korea-Chapter 17 track

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   "Yellow has no waist, guess who I met in the ice cream shop? Give me a hint, it's your junior."

   Tiffany, who didn't want to talk about Li Mo any more, felt her phone vibrate and pouted, but she picked it up and looked at it.

   "Junior?" Tiffany took a little interest, sat up straight, leaned on the head of the bed, tilted his head, "Li Mo who has not debuted should not know him, so he must have debuted."

   "According to the nature of this satyr, it is estimated that it will not be a man, so who else is left?"

   Suddenly remembered, isn't f(x)'s captain Victoria also from China?

   seemed to think of something funny, a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, Tiffany called Victoria's phone.


   "Yeah, it's delicious, thank you Mom V." Krystal looked at his favorite mango smoothie, took a sip, and hugged Victoria, who was treating her as a coquettish coquettishly.

   "V's mother only takes care of Krystal, and I'm too busy." Shirley on the side was a little jealous.

  Amber and Luna watched the play with a smile, and the busy members in the group began to compete for the favor of the captain again, so they couldn't make it.

  Victoria smiled bitterly and was thinking about how to change the subject so that the two little guys would stop arguing when the phone rang.

   "Hey, Tiffany-senpai?" Looking at the caller ID, Victoria didn't know what Tiffany, who was far away in Japan, was looking for her.

   Krystal and Shirley's attention was also diverted by the call.

   "Hello, is that Victoria?" Tiffany's lazy voice came over the phone.

   "Inner, Senior Tiffany, what's the matter?" Victoria asked politely.

   "Are you in a smoothie shop in Hongdae now?"

   "Hey, how did the senior know?" Victoria exclaimed, and the other members next to her were also surprised. Could it be that Tiffany has clairvoyance?

"Hee hee, I won't say the reason. Please help me to see if there is anyone in the store wearing black-rimmed glasses, about 1.83 meters tall, with an ordinary appearance, about 23 years old, male, He should be there alone."

  Tiffany Barabara said a lot, but Victoria only remembered one important point. She asked her to find a man. Could it be Senior Tiffany's boyfriend?

   "Senior Tiffany, is that man your boyfriend?"

   Tiffany on the other side of the phone exclaimed: "How is it possible? Victoria, you think too much, in short, you find him, then teach him a lesson for me, and I'll treat you to dinner when you go back."

   "Huh?" Victoria couldn't help laughing, what the hell! She didn't come out to mix, how to teach an adult man, thank God if he didn't teach him a lesson.

   "That's it, please, Victoria." After that, Tiffany hung up the phone, leaving Victoria at a loss.

   "Mum V, what is Sister Pani looking for from you?" Krystal asked curiously.

  Cui Xueli, Amber, and Luna are also full of desire to find out. They made her captain embarrassed like this with just one phone call. It seems that things are not easy!

  Victoria hesitated for a while, but still shared the request from Tiffany with her teammates.

   "What!" Krystal looked absurd, this Sister Pani is too unreliable, right?

   They are idols, not private detectives, nor gangsters.

  Cui Xueli didn't care about this. After listening to it, she found Li Mo's figure with great interest, and finally found a very suitable object by the window.

   "Mom V, look at that person, is that the one Tiffany said?"

   Cui Xueli pointed to Li Mo's side with a mysterious expression.

The members of   f(x) began to secretly monitor Li Mo, but to their surprise, Li Mo was about to leave!

"How to do?"

   "I didn't complete the request of Senior Tiffany, will she be taught a lesson when she comes back?"

   Thinking of the terrifying scenes of the seniors of Girls' Generation, and Tiffany looks silly and cute, but has the title of "Yellow First Sister" in the company, punishing the juniors and being selfless, Victoria's body couldn't help shaking.

   "Should we follow him?" Cui Xueli came up with an idea.

   "Are you going?" Everyone looked at Cui Xueli absurdly. They were public figures. They went to follow a man. If the media reporters knew about it, it would be unclear when the water was washed.

   "Of course it's not me, I'm giving advice to V's mother. Although I really want to go, I have already made an appointment with a friend to go shopping." Cui Xueli said calmly.

  Victoria looked to Amber and Luna for help.

  The two shook their heads again and again, "We don't have time either."

  Finally, the innocent Krystal is pushed out to carry out this difficult task with Victoria.

  Poor Krystal, before she ate half of the ice cream, she was dragged by Victoria and left behind Li Mo.

   In order not to be discovered, the two put on hats and held parasols.

   Not to mention, no one really recognizes them.

  Li Mo didn't know that there were two little tails following him behind him. After eating the ice-cold smoothie, the whole person's mood improved.

   Walking on the streets of Hongdae, I didn’t want to go home for a while. When I passed a musical instrument store, my eyes lit up and I went straight in.

  When I was in college, I saw my roommate practicing guitar hard to get a girl, and he once wanted to learn too. However, after witnessing the hard-working roommate playing the guitar downstairs and being splashed with water, he gave up the idea.

   Now, I'm totally interested, so I picked up a moderately priced guitar for beginners in a musical instrument store.

   He was so happy, the poor two girls waited outside until they wanted to die.

   "Mum V, can I go back, I'm so uncomfortable!" Krystal complained. She is similar to her sister Jessica, they are both afraid of heat, and now she is uncomfortable, and the iconic splayed eyebrows are pulled down, indicating that the owner is in a bad mood.

  Victoria is not feeling well either. It is said that illegitimate fans usually follow them, and sometimes they also experience what illegitimate fans experience on weekdays.

   "Crystal, bear with me, I'll invite you to a barbecue later."

   "Okay." Krystal pursed his lips and responded listlessly.

   Finally saw Li Mo come out with a guitar, and then followed up with energy, and saw him enter the bookstore again. Victoria and Krystal looked at each other, not knowing what to say.


  Victoria made Krystal give up.

   After waiting for a while, Li Mo finally came out, and then he intercepted a taxi and prepared to go home.

   "Come on, Krystal, hurry up and follow." Victoria hurriedly greeted Krystal, got into another taxi, and asked the uncle driver to follow the one in front.

   "Ouch, little girl, is your boyfriend cheating on you?" The uncle driver didn't seem to know the two and asked curiously.

   "Haha." Victoria smiled bitterly, not knowing how to answer.

  The driver uncle smiled, as if he understood something.

  Krystal leaned weakly against Victoria as if he had been through a big battle.

  Just like that, two taxis arrived one after the other.

   "What should I do, Mother V, it looks like that person is going home, we've been in vain for so long." Krystal looked at the back walking in front of him resentfully, and his tone was very resentful.

   "Let me ask Tiffany-senpai."

  Tiffany, who was sleeping soundly in her bed, received a call from Victoria in a daze. She didn't know what she asked, and hung up after a few random answers.

   "What did Sister Pani say?"

   "She said go on."

   "Ha, we've all gone home, what should we do?"

  Krystal smiled. He usually knew that this sister was unreliable, but he didn't expect it to be this level.

   "Forget it, let's go, it's nothing to be taught by the seniors." In this situation, Victoria had to give up.

   "No, that's all. If we give up, wouldn't we waste an afternoon?" At this time, Krystal bit his lip and said in a very unwilling tone.

   "Mom V, let's visit directly and see if he will let us in!"

  Victoria looked at Krystal in horror, how bold, the girl now!