MTL - Stand User in Marvel Universe-Chapter 14 Temptation and rejection

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"By the way, must the treatment be so scary? I'm afraid I brought someone, but they were scared away." Jenny, who had not given up, moved her chair and approached Dior, blinking her big talking eyes Staring at Dior.

On this point, Dior is most worried about it. Not everyone has the ability to withstand so much, and can accept all kinds of 'accidents' that may occur during treatment.

However, there is nothing he can do. The treatment of [Pearl Jam] is to destroy and reorganize after entering the human body.

So he decisively shook his head and said, "This is the magic of this diet formula. It is to accelerate the metabolism of the human body, and then Barabara ..."

Di Diao compiled a lot of plausible things before finally confusing the 'side effects'.

"Oh, I see."

"So when you are at Amway, remember to make sure that they have a certain level of preparation. It is best to bring only one person at a time, so that I will be more fully prepared and no strangers will see the strange scene. And scared. "

"OK, I see, what next?"

"Huh? What's next?"

After Jenny leaned back to him again, after almost pressing half of her body on him, she said with a wink, "Shouldn't you 'exercise' after dinner? Let's skip the boringness of watching movies directly Stage, go directly to your house to visit, or simply here ... "

A hand holding down Jenny's gradual sliding down, Dior looked at her very seriously and said, "Jenny, we are friends, you are really beautiful, but we are not suitable, and I don't want to be yours when you chat with other people in the future. Come out showing off 'toys'. "

Ji Zhenni's movement froze suddenly, and then asked inconceivably: "Did you keep rejecting me because of this?"

"Although I don't have a (crab) female complex, and I don't care if the other person has made a few boyfriends before going to bed with (crab), but your attitude towards this aspect really can't let me care." Saying this At the time, Dior was very frank.

Jenny stood up and looked at Dior, her face suddenly became very complicated. She admits that she has a lot of fun in men and women, not only 'philately' but also always likes to show it off or even compare it, but she has been I think this is the patent of a beautiful girl, and no man will reject her because of this 'trivial matter'. Dior is the only exception.

"Well, it looks like today's date ends."

Jenny has some regrets. Maybe her personality is a bit bad, but it ’s not easy for her to change for a man. She admits that she really feels more excited about Dior, but most of the reasons may still be That handsome and exciting face, if you meet a man more handsome than him, maybe everything is different.

"I see you off."

"No, I came by car."

I wondered, Dior handed her a coat.

Now in New York is the end of March, and the average temperature is around ten degrees. Although Jenny wears very little, it is not cold, so she just waved it and refused.

"Hold it up, you can tie it around your waist."

Ji Zhenni almost captured his jacket and blocked it at the fastest speed. She almost forgot the dilemma just now. If she went out like this, she would probably attract a lot of crazy eyes.

"Thank you."

Wu whispered a thank, and then Jenny fled. Although she was very open, she also had shame, which was too embarrassing.

Pretending to be ignorant of everything, Dior watched her trot into her car all the way, and then stepped on the accelerator to leave, presumably hurry to go home to change pants, cough.

"Guests behind, would you like to remind them to prepare an extra pair of pants?" Dior, who was in a good mood, hummed the tune while cleaning up.

Alas. . . . . . . . . . .

In this way, another two days later, He Jiachao, which had been closed for a while, reopened very low-key, but at this time it had been renamed as a fantasy restaurant.

Maybe it's bad taste, maybe it has some meaning here, anyway, Dior is very satisfied with the new name of the hotel.

怎么 "How did you change your name?"

I know that Dior Wilt came here to join the team and brought two flower baskets.

Not only he was surprised, but the neighbors here were muttering secretly. I didn't know that this restaurant was replaced by someone else. In short, none of them were optimistic that Dior could continue this restaurant, all watching in cold eyes.

"Because the business is different, the previous name is not applicable anymore. Let's go in and talk."

I honestly said that after the restaurant of Dior's restaurant was renovated, Will came for the first time, but it turned out a little daunting.

怎么 "Why ..... just a table? Hurry up and set it all out, it will be noon right away, where will everything be, I will help."

Dior immediately held Will anxiously and held down anxious Will, and then explained, "A table is enough ~ ~ I intentionally arranged it this way. Only when the person at the last table finishes the meal, Continue to entertain the next table. "

Weir stared at Dior hardly, Guang Ye was not addicted, and he directly touched his forehead.

"Go and go, go!"

"I didn't have a fever, did the Uncle Brando and Aunt He really hurt you too much? Go, follow me to the hospital now, I heard that Doctor Simon of XXX Parkway is very good at this kind of mental illness! "

As Will said, he was about to drag Dior to the doctor.

Even if you have never done business, you know how to set a table when you open a restaurant?

I also last wave of people to finish the meal before receiving the next batch of people, right?

I just opened the store like this, it should be yellow within a week.

"Hey, I mean it, no kidding, I'm not sick."

In the face of Will's pull, Dior's body has not moved. Since crossing, he has been relentlessly practicing Ripple Qigong. In addition, he has used the special ability of [Pearl Jam] to condition his body every day. His physical fitness has surpassed that of ordinary people. Where can small black potatoes like Will say that they can be pulled away?

"咦? When did you guys become so strong?"

"I have eaten a lot recently and have a lot of exercise. How about the fitness card?"

"Forget it, at that time I might as well sleep a few more hours. I don't know what happened recently. Several gangs who have taken root in the **** kitchen have been kicked out. We had fights every day. Yesterday there were still people. Damn it, **** it! "

After hearing about this, Di Di could not help but feel secretly praying not to be hit by him, at least he must get a substitute with a high force value to protect himself.