MTL - Stand User in Marvel Universe-Chapter 755 True friend, 1 person is enough

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Natasha froze for a moment, and then cast another look at Dior, asking, which meant that such a simple girl, where did you lie to?

The word "good people" is probably not related to them.

Even Steve, who looks like a good guy, has a lot of blood on his hands ...

And how can she answer if she can be a friend for the first time?

Fortunately, at this time, Dior could not help but cover his face and stood up to release Naitasha. "Her friends are relatively few, and her family is also very strict. The specific situation will be explained to you later."

Natasha breathed a sigh of relief. Facing the pure eyes of Lucy, and her nearly perfect face, she was really under a lot of pressure. If she changed someone else, she would have been lying for a long time.

When she stepped onto the Kun-style fighter plane, Lucy looked a little lost. "Isn't she willing to be my friend?"

Dior felt that he was about to get rid of internal injuries, but he could n’t get angry. He could only resist the urge to vomit blood. Wen Yan explained: "Making friends is not as easy as you think. You must first contact each other for a while and get along and talk Slowly close the distance between the two people, and then logically become friends, instead of asking others if we come up, can we be friends, this is too rigid, it will also make each other very embarrassed, you know? "

Palau nodded thoughtfully, "It was so complicated to make friends."


It's true.

True friends are precious. As for those wine and meat friends, there are no dog legs. Don't tarnish the sacred word of friends.

Di Di still remembers that when he was in elementary school in the last life, his father once said to him, "If a man can make a true friend in his life, he will not be a failure in this life."

At that time, he always didn't understand, I felt friends, I have a lot, many people in the whole class are my friends.

But over time, junior high school, high school, college, and then into society ...

才 He really understood why his dad had such a complicated expression on his face when he said this.

Friends who can truly make friends, don't need many, one person is enough!

I can't have a friend like this, even if it's worth it in this life.

Being able to have more than one such friend means that you are a very successful person!

I'm optimistic, it's not a career success, it's a human success!

If you don't even have a friend who can share everything with you at the end, no matter how much money you have and how big your career is, you can say that you are a loser in terms of life and life!

No matter how bright and beautiful the shell is, it cannot hide the lonely heart.

Maybe someone would say that the heights are extremely cold, and the kings are lonely. But from ancient times to the present, how many such cases are there, don't those former emperors long for a friend who does not mix any mess?

It is because Qian Qian easily knows her friends and is hard to find, so this love will be precious.

Dior of the last life is a complete loser. 'Thousands of gold' was not found, and 'confidants' were not found. Instead, he mistrusted some so-called 'friends' and miserable himself, holding three thousand yuan in January. His wages will be gritted and he will take out more than two thousand to lend to his "good friends" who have a house and a car, and when he needs money, even if he doesn't have the money to buy medicines, his friends find them With the excuse, I don't plan to pay back a penny.

At that time, when he was hiding in the rental house by himself, he really understood what his father meant by that sentence.

Then he suddenly realized that he had decided to break all connections, and took it to court for a few hundred dollars, just like a crazy dog ​​who had all the money back.

Then his "reputation" stinks in the circle, and many people who think they have lost face start to hack him in various ways, almost crippling him and losing his job.

But even then, he didn't think he was doing it wrong!

Because some people feel so good about themselves, it seems to be a charity to be friends with you, and borrowing your money is about you.

In this regard, Dior just wanted to say a word to these people: "Go to your MB! What a bit of Lao Zi special to come to your door to send you money to spend?"


What kind of face are you worth?

Su Ning deserves to talk to me?

It is also because of this unforgettable experience that Dior has become such an extreme character after coming to this world.


奥 Dior, who was caught in the memory, didn't know how many times his expression had changed, how scary.

After being called back to reality, he rubbed his face subconsciously, and then reorganized his mood, "I'm fine, just think of some bad memories, let's go, when I have time, I will teach you how to go It's not easy to make friends with others, and some people are not worthy to be friends with you. You must remember this. "

的 Lucie nodded ignorantly about this matter. Although he didn't quite understand it, Dior was a good person. He should be right to listen to him.

At this time, it was noticed that Natasha could not help but chuckled and sat in the driver's seat, and fell into a poor little guy ~ ~ After a while, the Kun-style fighter stopped steadily On the tarmac in front of the Avengers base.

Steve stood alone waiting for them, apparently he couldn't wait to know what was going on.

After getting off the plane, Dior took a step forward, and after not knowing what he thought, he turned to Luce and said, "You can try to learn the culture and customs here. Admiral Pilis's etiquette Do n’t use it anymore, it ’s easy to misunderstand and maybe cause trouble. ”

"Well, I know, I learn quickly."

It was then that Dior took her with satisfaction and moved on.

说 What he said is indeed a fact. Aside from the clichés that are commonplace in the countryside, if someone finds out that there is an Admiral Pilis on the earth and was once a king daughter, it will be lively!

The current earth can no longer afford to toss, and even if it is tossing, you have to wait for it to recover.

Di Di will never admit that he thinks that Lucy's etiquette is too middle-second, especially when she looks so beautiful, it is not good to be misunderstood.

"Coming back? How's it going?"

Although there are some criticisms about Dior's current style of action, Steve will definitely not be in a quarrel at this moment, unless Dior suddenly blows the wind and kills the capitals of the countries. Then, even if Steve wants to continue I can't stand it!