MTL - Stand User in Marvel Universe-Chapter 756 Try something else?

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At the base, Steve, Natasha, and Kuaiyin, who finally showed up, listened to Dior's talk, and all of them frowned, and the haze on their faces seemed to be a dark cloud.

They didn't blame Dior for worsening the situation and causing the infinite gems to be destroyed, but they felt infinitely confused about the future.

The motivation for everyone to continue is to think that one day they will be able to regain infinite gems, ring their fingers again, and pick up those who disappeared.

However, Dior now tells them that Gao Tianzun is dead and the infinite gems are also destroyed.

For them, this is like a thunderstorm, and it means that everything is a foregone conclusion, and they have no chance to redeem it.

Dior's adventure, they couldn't judge right or wrong, but as far as Dior explained the situation at the time, they all knew that it might be the best opportunity, otherwise think of the six life forms that turned into infinite human gem They were controlled by Gao Tianzun, and they shuddered!

I really want to be successful by that person. He does n’t need to do anything. Almost the entire universe is reduced to his back garden. Play whatever you want!

I can ring today and listen to what's happening. Tomorrow, I will play which planet as a bowling ball.

This is not a joke!

So I can only say that the goddess of fortune was not on their side, so that she lost all her power in the end.

"Can you confirm this result?"

I was silent for a long time, and Steve looked up reluctantly.

Dio sighed: "I wish I was wrong, but unless a miracle occurs."

The air was quiet again.

Then I heard Natasha took a deep breath and said, "I believe in Dior's judgment, we can no longer hope on this road. Now that is the end of the matter, we must find other ways to restore it all! "

"I admit what you said makes sense, and hope we cheer up, but if we can think of the second way, we won't stand here waiting for a miracle."

Steve looks very helpless and exhausted. Even if he is as tough as him, he can't bear the damn, breathless pressure!

He even thought about it more than once, if he should just give up, anyway, human beings have not become extinct, and all pain will gradually weaken and disappear with time.

In order not to "fall" and forget those who can't be forgotten, he also participated in small exchanges regularly held by survivors who lost their loved ones to console each other.

Then he forced himself to smile at all times, and he swears that he had never laughed as ugly as an old zombie who had died hundreds of years suddenly popped up and smiled in the mirror.

"Steve, if you even give up, then there is really no hope at all. I think that since the six infinite gems can be omnipotent, even killing everyone with one click, So if the universe is so large, will there be more magical items, such as ... "

比如 "Seven glass beads, if you gather them, you can summon the dragon, make any wish?"

Dior interrupted Natasha.

"Maybe, who knows, I didn't know that the world was so big ten years ago, there were aliens, **** demons, mages, avatars ... and infinite gems. Since so many unexpected things are It's real, so who knows there won't be more magical things, I mean something more magical than infinite gems will appear. Maybe ... maybe we will find it. "

Listening to Natasha's words that she did not believe, Steve and Dior did not respond for a while, and Quicksilver dropped a word and left.

"I'm going to train. Don't call me for dinner."

Anyone can give up, but he won't, because his sister is still waiting for him.

He is not good at making plans, but he can wait, even if it is ten or twenty years ... As long as he is alive, he will wait forever.

And there was an invisible flame burning in his heart. He remembered that once after training, he found Dior and asked about the ability of time. He heard the nasty guy jokingly say something, maybe fast. To the extreme can not only achieve the effect of time pause, but also can reverse time.

Di Di swears that he said it casually at that time, because in his impression, it seems that Superman next door has done similar things, flying around the earth in various ways, and then time is really reversed.

Pilcher was only listening as a joke at first, but now ...

He decided to try!

There is no good way anyway now, in case he really succeeds.

"Pillcher has been desperately squeezing his own potential during this time, and on several occasions he has even been fainted in the training field ..."

As soon as Yin Yin left, Natasha said quietly.

At this time, Dior was thinking seriously about the idea proposed by Natasha. If the most powerful item in the Marvel world is the infinite gem, then of course it is impossible!

There must be something better than infinite gems, but he really has no impression, and he doesn't know where to find those things.

In addition, he also knows some real big names, such as the life court, OAA, transcendence, etc. ~ ~ but he is even more difficult to find, even if he does not exist in this world Be sure!

So this idea seems to have more possibilities, but it is actually a dead end. It is a poppy tempting to go to the abyss. It is simply unrealistic.

If you really devote your energy to this imaginary possibility, it is estimated that all your life will be in vain.

But in fact, like Quicksilver, he didn't have any thoughts of giving up. The reason why he just opened up to refute was just that he didn't want to waste time and energy on useless possibilities.

Regarding the situation at hand, seriously, he couldn't think of any other way. He could only hope that the content of some discussion posts he saw on the Internet before he came to this world.

He thought about it carefully, after ruling out some discussions with pure brain holes, and the answer of ‘it ’s funny’, the remaining few may still have some theoretical support.

And the most likely one of them is probably the quantum field. After all, Complex 3 is finally intrigued by the Easter eggs trapped in the quantum field.

But what exactly can be done in the quantum field, Dior just blinded his eyes.

能够 Can quantum fields open up the dimension wall and open up parallel worlds? Then join forces with another parallel world Avengers to force everything back?

Or are there any secrets or treasures hidden in the quantum field that can directly return the disappeared people?

At first, Dior did not pin his hopes on these uncertain possibilities, but maybe he should really try now.

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