MTL - Star Reborn: Into the Wild with Cubs Live Streaming-Chapter 403 Teleport to Demon World 1

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  Yin Xuehan didn't know at all that she was teleported this time because something went wrong with her ancestral brain.

Speaking of which, Zunao is also considered unlucky. He was on the side of Haoyue Empire, and he had almost swallowed up the two systems, but he didn't expect that the boss of those two systems would have a little trick to swallow Zunao. There is a hidden danger lurking in the system.

And it was this hidden danger that caught Yin Xuehan, who was the host, was originally supposed to be sent to the demon world, but for some reason on the way, she was sent to a safe primitive world, so this hidden danger directly repositioned Yin Xuehan, This positioning directly positioned Yin Xuehan in the world of demons.

  At this moment, Yin Xuehan is on the way of teleportation, and now she also knows why she teleports from Xiaofei.

   But the problem now is that Zunao is temporarily trapped in the Haoyue Empire, and there is no way to come back. Zunao is depressed, so there is no way to help Yin Xuehan now.

Yin Xuehan looked at the surrounding Xinghai, and then looked directly at her portable space. She saw her husband nervously staying in the portable space. He should not be able to see the outside now. What Long Xu is most worried about now is, what will he do? Have you been with your own wife?

"Honey, don't worry, you came with me." Yin Xuehan's face was filled with a smile, saying that she was also afraid of being alone this time, after all, think about her giving birth in the wild at the beginning of the game, think again This time, she is pregnant again, and she will be sent to the demon world.

  If it was her own, she would have nothing to be afraid of, but she was afraid that her child would be eaten by ghosts and ghosts.

  Long Xu finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard his wife's voice, thank goodness! Fortunately, he followed, otherwise he would have missed his wife's pregnancy again. Although his wife didn't mention it clearly, he noticed some changes in his wife during this period, and he knew Yin Xuehan the most. Well, naturally it's Long Xu, he knows his wife's body well, it's said that he knew about it earlier than his wife, he just wanted to see how soon his wife would know she was pregnant.

  My daughter-in-law knows now, and according to his calculations, Xiaofei probably reminded her. However, no matter what this time, he will stay by his wife's side.

   "What I'm most afraid of is leaving you alone in a strange world again." Long Xu was really afraid of losing his wife.

   "Brother Xu, don't worry, we are together this time." Yin Xuehan suddenly thought of something at this moment, "Xiao Fei, is the live broadcast coming?"

  Xiao Fei said at this time, "It should be in the portable space."

  Long Xu scanned the space, and then said, "The network is disconnected now."

  Yin Xuehan smiled, "It's a pity, they won't be able to see such a beautiful sea of ​​stars."

  When Yin Xuehan was talking to Long Xu and Xiao Fei, everyone in the live broadcast room was kicked out of the live broadcast room, and after that, everyone couldn't get in. Everyone was in a hurry.

After all, they are all old fans of Yin Xuehan's live broadcast room, and now they can buy one piece of fruit every day, and everyone relies on fruit for their livelihood, and most of them now have primary weapons, what everyone wants now is high-end Tier weapons.

  These fans rushed to the Xingwang forum one after another, and everyone began to ask the anchor what happened.

   "What happened? Where is our Hanhan anchor?"

   "Ah! I'm going crazy, why did our anchor get lost?"

   "By the way, can people with game helmets still enter the game?"

   "Any hypocrites? Tell us, what happened? I'm so scared!"

   "I'm so scared too! The anchor must not lose us!"

   "It's not the anchor who lost us, it's us who lost the anchor now!"

   "That's right! We lost the anchor, we should have organized a meet and greet with the anchor if we knew earlier."

   "Anchor, we only separated for half an hour, and I started to miss you again!"

   "Anchor, I miss your thirty-two minutes and six seconds."

Those who say these words are old fans who have stayed for a long time. To be honest, they can’t do without the live broadcast room now. Almost all the things they usually use when they go out to do missions are bought from Yin Xuehan’s live broadcast room. They also learned some skill books, and they plan to continue learning.

  Speaking of which, the old fans miss the anchor, and the new fans are also very anxious. Some of them haven't bought the novice weapons yet, let alone those advanced weapons.

  Everyone is asking where the anchor went.

   Until Yin Fengxiao issued an announcement, "I would like to inform all netizens that my sister Yin Xuehan was teleported to another world. The network is temporarily disconnected on the way. When my sister settles down, the network should be restored."

  Yin Fengxiao saw it with his own eyes, the live broadcast ball disappeared with the prince, so they must have entered his sister's portable space together.

Yin Fengxiao sighed, he felt that his sister should have known that she would leave a long time ago, or else he would not have prepared so many cultivation resources for himself, and the next two nephews will be under his control, and he will practice hard , You must not embarrass your sister.

  Yin Fengxiao contacted Xiaozhi for a while, and asked if his own portable space could be connected with the portable spaces of the two little guys?

  Xiaozhi thinks it is possible, Xiaofei told him a formula, and soon, Xiaozhi connected Yin Fengxiao's portable space with Big Baby Bei's space.

Yin Fengxiao entered the portable space, and then directly watched his nephew and niece go to get out of class and play after class through the portable space. When he saw a large group of girls surrounded Dabao when the get out of class was over, he couldn't help frowning Well, if this is the case, he is really afraid that Dabao will be full of powdery smell in the future.

  Yin Fengxiao has decided that he will take Dabao to train, and it is indeed time for Dabao to train now. My sister and brother-in-law don't know what's going on, so the two little guys have to train.

  Yin Fengxiao has already planned to raise his nephew and niece into baby chickens.

I have to say that this uncle is really more reliable than his parents. Yin Xuehan and Long Xu treat their two children like sheep, but Yin Fengxiao doesn't do that. In his opinion, Dabao's future will be inherited. How can the emperor be able to do it without elite education?

  Although my sister has a lot of treasures and has taught the children a lot of books, but now they still need their own strong physical fitness.

Yin Fengxiao has already planned to take out his training experience, and he has also started to record it in his memo. Now that he has an idea, he must write it down, and he can also let his partners see if there are any deficiencies. .

  At this moment, Dabao, who was chatting and laughing with the little girls, suddenly sneezed. He suddenly seemed to have a feeling of being calculated. What's going on?