MTL - StarCraft In the Palm of Your Hand-Chapter 761 Movement of the Orion Arm

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Just as the Dasen battle was going on. In the distant Orion Arm, a long-buried conspiracy is going on, maybe...

After Yang Ying asked the Zerg to let Aura and the Galanians go, and asked her to return to the Orion Arm with those races who were unwilling to continue the expedition, Aura completed this task meticulously.

Among the tens of hundreds of races in the expeditionary force, quite a few races were disappointed with the expedition, thinking that it was not worth fighting with the Zerg with human lives.

They joined Aura's fleet one after another, preparing to return home.

Surprisingly, the Cyclos and Loyas also responded to Ola's call, Sharo took all the Cyclos expeditionary forces, Sallyan the Great and Sidiron took all the Loyas expeditionary forces, All embarked on the return journey back to the Orion Arm.

This was obviously beyond Ola's previous expectations.

In her opinion, there are still quite a few races in the expeditionary forces of various races, driven by motivations such as adventurous spirit, strong self-confidence, or ambition, they choose to continue to fight against the Zerg.

Especially Cyclo and Loya, almost all of their fleets have the strength to blow up a Perseid Arm. Among other things, the Cyclo's hundreds of thousands of Star Destroyers fired their main guns. It can wipe out all the creatures living on the living stars of the Perseus Arm ten times!

It seems that they should not have decided to abandon the expedition plan because of such a setback.

It's just that the doubts are all doubts, Aura has no reason to refuse the two tribes to return to the Orion Arm, after all, she was the first to issue the initiative.

The other tribes in the expeditionary force originally intended to continue developing the Perseus Arm, but when they saw the Galanians, Cyclos, and Loyas retreating together, they suddenly lost their confidence and changed their original minds. Followed the big team back.

The current situation of the Perseus arm is that the three most powerful tribes of the Orion arm are about to withdraw, the fourth-ranked singer has not come at all, and the fifth-ranked Kusta star has been wiped out by the singer. The strength of the remaining races and The prestige is not enough to convince the masses, and no matter how hard the expeditionary army tries to hold on, it will be nothing more than a mess of loose sand.

If you don't leave now, when will you stay?

Only a small half of the races, and some explorers with a small team size, still stay in the Persian Arm. In their view, the fewer people who compete with them, the higher the risk, and the greater the benefits they can get. . Although the Zerg occupies a large number of planets in the Perseus Arm, there are still many planets that are not occupied by the Zerg.

According to scientific statistics, there are more than one million habitable planets in the entire Milky Way, and there are an average of 250,000 habitable stars in each of the four major spiral arms (most of them have not been discovered, the Milky Way is too vast ), the number of planets occupied by the Zerg is only a few thousand, not even ten thousand. In their view, they still have a lot of opportunities!

Of course, not long after, they were all used as food by the Zerg, and a few of them did discover new planets, but at that time, the Perseus Arm had completely become the territory of the Zerg, and the Orion Arm races were unwilling to take the risk. The risk of offending the Zerg entered the Perseus arm.

Besides, after the expeditionary force returned to the Orion Arm, Ola wanted the expeditionary force to disband on the spot and return to their respective positions, but Sharo proposed to hold a plenary meeting, and there was a proposal that he wanted to announce to all races.

There is no affiliation between Aura and Sharo. Although the Galan Stars are powerful, they can't control the Cyclos. However, she also wants to know the reason for Sharo's meeting, so she participated in the meeting.

At the meeting, Sharo made a rather tempting proposal.

"Everyone, you also know about my Shaluo's past. Tens of thousands of years ago, I joined the army of the Great Galactic Empire of Atlantis. That is the current Empire of True Humans. In fact, even today, I still have Those old friends kept in touch."

"What! The Real Human Empire has been closed for more than ten thousand years, yet Your Excellency Sha Luo is still in touch with them?" There was a lot of discussion in the audience for a while.

"That's right." Sha Luo stood on the podium, looked around, and said slowly, "I have an old friend who is quite influential in the Human Empire. I met him once recently. He has a task entrusted to him. I help, and I am willing to share this task with you."

"What task?" A voice from the audience immediately asked, "What reward will I get after completing the task? That big shot in the real human empire should not be stingy."

Some people also said: "Since Your Excellency Sha Luo needs help, I'm afraid this task will not be easy. Let's talk about it first, and let's discuss together, how about it?"

Sha Luo smiled slightly: "As far as I know, a race in Orion's arm offended that big man. Since it is inconvenient for him to make a move, let me do it for him."

The people below the stage looked at each other, and they all looked at Aura's face, because apart from the Garan Stars, Shaluo didn't need allies to deal with any race here.

Aura also frowned, and shouted, "Shaluo, what do you want to do?"

Seeing this, Sha Luo shook his head lightly: "It's not you Garan people who offended that one."

"Who would that be?" Everyone looked in the direction of the Loyas.

"Don't guess randomly." Shaluo said the answer, "It's a Protosian."


This answer was beyond the expectation of everyone in the audience. Although Protos has been in the limelight recently, defeating the Berk people and occupying the entire territory of the Berk Empire, but it is a new race after all, how could it offend the real human empire?

"Haven't you ever thought about where the super high technology of the Protosians came from?" Shaluo reminded, or misled, "Could it be that they were born with it?"

Everyone in the audience quickly understood: "Your Majesty Sharo, what you mean is that the Protoss stole technology from the human empire, or they escaped from the empire at all... No wonder there is such a powerful technology."

Since the appearance of Protos was indeed quite dramatic, and the speed of development was also a triple jump, it was easy for the representatives of various ethnic groups to believe Sharo's misleading words, and temporarily put them aside even if they had doubts.

Sha Luo nodded: "According to my old friend, the Protoss have advanced technology that far surpasses the level of other races, and they will have many trump cards, which cannot be dealt with by the strength of one or two clans."

"That's why Your Excellency Shaluo wants to share this mission, that's why." Representatives of all ethnic groups in the audience nodded.

"Just based on your one-sided words, Mr. Shaluo, it's probably not in compliance with the rules to ask all races to unite to deal with an Orion-armed race." Aura thought for a while and said.

"Indeed." Shaluo raised his hand and threw a wafer, making it float still in the void. Said, "This is an official document issued by the senate of the real human empire, which designates the Protoss as the enemy of the empire. It has a personal seal signed by the regent of the empire. The fourth-level existence here should all pay tribute to those who lived thousands of years ago. In the era of the Great Galactic Empire, the form of official documents of the empire should not be forgotten, so you can check it out.”

Before the words fell, several spiritual forces circled around the chip and read the information inside. Emperor Salian said with a smile: "Sure enough, this is the most authentic and highest-level official document of the empire. There are many anti-counterfeiting methods on it, even if you, Shaluo, want to forge it, you can't forge it."

Sidi Lun also said: "As we all know, the Berkes are a friendly race of our Loyas. In the events of the Berk Empire, the Protoss have already had a grudge with us. If Lord Sharo wants to deal with them, count us Loya."

"Okay!" Shaluo said, "The Loya Empire is willing to help me. Of course that's good. Once this task is completed, I will share the technology of the Protos tribe with all the tribes involved in the operation."

Hearing what Shaluo said, the representatives of all ethnic groups in the audience were immediately delighted. They had also heard about the technical level of the Protoss. It was something that made them quite jealous. The Immortal Arm was attacked by the Empire of True Humans, and all races were preparing for an expedition, and no one could spare the energy to use their methods against Protos.

Now that the expedition has been forced to end, all ethnic groups have failed to achieve the expected results. After returning, I am afraid that they will all be blamed by the people. Their failures will be written into the history of the race and will be remembered forever by future generations.

But now there is such a chance of remedy, the Protos race seems to be far worse than the all-pervasive and super-reproductive Zerg. If the excellent technology of Protos is used as a substitute, it can at least reduce some people's feelings towards them. blame.

Representatives of various ethnic groups communicated with each other with eyes and telepathy. They are all figures with considerable voice in the expeditionary forces of their respective races. Even if they cannot make a decision on the matter on the spot, they will pass the news to those who can decide the matter senior figures.

"The Protoss are just a group of upstarts in the Orion arm. Using the strength of our entire expeditionary force to eliminate them is like turning a corner on the way back to see a scenery. Victory is simply within reach!" A certain race in the audience The ** emperor stood up and said to the representatives of the surrounding ethnic groups, "I don't know what you are hesitating about? Such a simple matter, do you still need to discuss it?"

He turned to Shaluo and said, "I am Hadu, the emperor of the Soyaka Empire, and on behalf of our Soyaka tribe, join the crusade against the Protos tribe!"

"Your Majesty Hadu is indeed courageous." Sha Luo nodded to show his approval, and then said to the representatives of the various races, "Time is limited, and those races that have not given an affirmative answer within two standard hours, I will treat them as abstentions."

The representatives of all ethnic groups immediately became tense, and the voices of asking for instructions, discussing, persuading, and arguing became more urgent.

"I won't join." A cold voice made the surrounding noise was Aura from Planet Garland, "What our clan needs now is to rest and attack a peaceful Our innocuous race does not conform to our habits."

"As you please." Sha Luo showed a sharp gaze, which was fleeting, and shook his head, as if very regretful.

After two standard hours, the representatives of all ethnic groups in the audience basically had their results. Including the Loya people, more than forty ethnic groups joined Shaluo's crusade team, with a total strength of nearly 15 million warships!

Since it takes a lot of time for the expeditionary forces of various races to gather from dispersal to assembly, and there is a distance of tens of thousands of light-years between the Perse Arm and the Orion Arm, when the expeditionary forces of various races returned to the Orion Arm, Shaluo held the meeting. At that time, it was the time when the battle of Dasen was about to start.

The reason why Shaluo set this deadline is because he received corresponding news from Sandvor not long ago, knowing that the Telan people allied with Protos were being dragged in the empire, and the two extreme powerhouses Yang Ying and Even the blade cannot support Protos, and this is a good opportunity to eliminate Protos.

While leading the Alliance Army in the Battle of Dasen, Sandvor was also thinking about attacking the Protoss of Orion's arm, and he had bribed Shaluo a month ago, laying the groundwork for this move.

Even if Yang Ying knew about it, he had to give a compliment. He was really scheming.

It’s just that Shaluo doesn’t know that Sandwoll has concealed many things from him, just like Yang Ying suddenly has more than a dozen extreme powerhouses with unknown origins. Instead of telling Shaluo about this, Sandwolf blocked Shaluo from talking about it. The perception of this matter also cut off the intelligence line operated by Sha Luo in the empire, so that Sha Luo knew nothing about it.

After all, Sandvor just regarded Sharo as a high-level cannon fodder.

[...Chapter 761 The text of the Orion Arm's changes is updated the fastest...] @!

(to be continued)