MTL - Start Binding: High-quality Male God System-Chapter 354 This...can you eat something from the world!

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   Once or twice, it doesn’t move...

   Immediately, Yang Xiduo turned his head, looked at her boyfriend full of doubts, and couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

  【Why don’t you leave, I’m about to pass out, please mess with me~(д;)~】

  My girlfriend’s expression is not easy to understand, he really hasn’t eaten stinky tofu for a long time, especially the local ones in Changsha;


  That thing, just like durian and snail noodles, those who love it will love it to death, and those who want it will die.

   "I want to eat that..."

  Li Songlin pulled his girlfriend's hand, his eyes full of anticipation.

  Suddenly, Yang Xiduo seemed to be stuck in a bug, in a dilemma.

【sky! That stuff really stinks, brother, let's...can't eat something from the world? 】

  I thought that the stinky tofu all over the country is the same, after all, they are all called Changsha stinky tofu. (In her impression.)

   But today she has seen it, and this is completely different.

  Although it was only far away, Yang Xiduo really didn't want to get close.

  Uncomfortable JPG;

  On the one hand, it is the boyfriend's little expression full of expectation, and on the other hand, it is the pain caused by my sensitive sense of smell.

   There is nothing more difficult than this, which made her even more entangled.


  Not going?

   I'm going to suffer, I really don't want to go...

   "Why don't we go and eat other delicious food, they are actually quite good;"

  The expectation just now seemed to disappear in an instant, but I don't know why Yang Xiduo seemed to see the disappointment of the person in front of him materialize.

  So he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, thinking in his heart that he should die!

  When she felt that her boyfriend was holding her hand and was about to walk to other stalls and shops, she took a deep breath and pulled Li Songlin towards the source of the smell without thinking.

   There is quite a sense of magnificence that knows that there are tigers in the mountain, and prefers to travel to the tiger mountain.

  【Isn’t it just Changsha stinky tofu? Boyfriend can buy it if he wants to eat it. You can’t just follow your own preferences! 】

   Li Songlin understands her, why can't she understand Li Songlin?

   Not to mention, after the little girl figured it out, her strength unexpectedly became a bit stronger.

  ? ? ?

   Seeing the huge difference in the expressions of his girlfriend before and after, he couldn't help being surprised.

   "Eat, let's come here, since you want to eat, you must go, you can't have any regrets, I won't allow it!"


  Here, Li Songlin was just putting on a look forward to it, but he never thought that the silly girl would be unexpectedly serious.

   Thinking about it carefully, she really didn't make herself feel bad after being together, not even the slightest bit.

  Thinking of this, his whole heart couldn't help being filled.

  If you can't speak provocative words, then treat her well in the days to come and don't let her lose.

   After making up his mind, he wasn't too entangled in this matter.

  Calm down, seeing Xiduo's breath-holding expression, she couldn't help but smile.

  【My girl is really cute, I can't hide her little expression;】

   Don't look at her covering up well, but don't forget about Li Songlin's situation now.

  His observation ability is not a simple observation ability, there is no point that he can miss in the smallest details.

  Since Xiduo wants to play haha, then just pretend to be a fool, and there is no need to annoy the little girl.

  Within reason, he always believed that men should give way to and spoil women.

  Of course, it is not enough to just talk about it, but to implement its ideas in all aspects of life.

  Aside from the current gender antagonism, Li Songlin thinks that a man should look like a man.

  Unless the conditions are really bad, the man who invites the woman to dinner should pay for it.

  Think about it carefully, it was you who took the initiative to invite girls to dinner, and they didn’t think they had to come, but they asked for AA when they came, this...

  Of course, personal ideas are different, but he didn't force everyone to be the same.

   "..., is... is... here...?"

  How proud I was just now, how embarrassing I am now, especially when I look at the moldy tofu with fuzz and smell the smell that is getting stronger.

  For a while, I felt that I couldn't breathe anymore, and my little face flushed instantly from holding my breath.

   died young, this strength is too great!

   "If you can't stand it, you force yourself, you little idiot."

   After speaking, he took out a pink medical mask and put it on for her.

   "When did you buy it, Brother Songlin?"

  Yang Xiduo was healed by her boyfriend's deodorant and masks around her, and asked curiously with her eyes raised.

   "I just bought it later, it's not a good time to use it."

   She smiled knowingly in disbelief at Li Songlin's remarks.

   "Hee hee~(˙︶˙)~"

   During the semester with him, how could she not know what kind of character he is.

   This is a man who is considerate of everything, and he will never have to worry about other things when going out with him.

  As long as you book the place you want to go, he can arrange it in an orderly manner.

  Mother Yang discovered it when she went to Guilin with them, and she praised Yang's family for this.

  But the purpose is to combat his own son's temperament that the fox's tail will go up to the sky with a little achievement.

   "Everything can be arranged in the pine forest, look at you, brat..."


  To this day, Xiduo still remembers her brother's sad and wronged expression, which is really interesting.

  So, at this moment, she is not surprised why Li Songlin carries a mask with him.

  Undoubtedly, this preparation solved her embarrassing situation at this time, how could it make her unhappy?

   "Do you really want me to eat this?"

   "Eat, I'll buy it for you!"

   Laughed a few times in my heart, and then looked intently at the stinky tofu stall owner.

   I have to say that the taste of this thing is still so right. Looking at the servings of Changsha stinky tofu, he ordered one without hesitation.

  The boss's hand speed is very fast, and it was done in a short time!

   And he ate it as soon as he left, not to mention that the crispy, delicious, juicy taste was really delicious.

  It’s still a familiar taste, and it’s still a familiar taste, paired with the spicy taste of Hunan, the expression in the eyes is indescribably satisfied.

  The food in the front is also delicious, but compared with this special snack, there is still a gap;

  Because his girlfriend was around, he ate very quickly, and even rinsed his mouth with water after eating.

  Maybe it was not enough, so I went straight to buy chewing gum and chewed it, hoping to dissipate the taste.

   "Is it really so delicious?"

  The way her boyfriend ate just now greatly increased her appetite, so she couldn't help asking suspiciously.

   "How should I put it, people who like it like it very much, and people who don't like it don't like it very much. This stuff is very similar to durian and snail noodles."


  Durian is a kind of fruit that I used to like very much, and the snail powder was brought into the pit by my boyfriend this semester, and it became her favorite for a while.