MTL - Start Binding: High-quality Male God System-Chapter 353 Relief of the heart, Changsha night market tour

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  Chapter 353 Relief of the heart, Changsha night market tour

  Li Songlin escorted his girlfriend out of the airport in this way, and the reserved car was already waiting at the spot.

   Put the things in the trunk, and the two got into the taxi together.

   "Young man, are you bringing your girlfriend home for the New Year?"

  The driver looked at the couple, and couldn't help expressing his desire.

   For those who drive taxis, whether to gossip or not is obviously a special skill.

   Another thing is that when Li Songlin got in the car and greeted him, he spoke the local dialect from Hunan, which made the uncle feel very cordial.

   Once you come and go, don't you become more enthusiastic.

   "Yeah, let's go to the urban area first, and then bring my girlfriend back to meet my family."

   "I look pretty at this girl, and my family will definitely like it, but it seems that you are not too old?"

  According to the driver's vision for many years, it may be that he will go to college.

   But with that whole body bearing, you don't need to think too much to know that it is not a child that an ordinary family can raise.


  This is the gap between people. Who doesn’t want to give their children a good growth environment so that they can have confidence no matter what they do.

  Children raised in different environments can see the huge gap when they are placed outside.

  Whether it is the way he speaks and behaves, or the spirit and spirit displayed on his body, this is the case.

   It is said that the dragon begets the dragon, the phoenix begets the phoenix, and the son of a mouse burrows in the ground.

  The words are rough and the rationale is not rough, no!

  Yang Xiduo looked at her boyfriend who was chatting with the driver uncle, and felt that he looked very relaxed at this moment.

  Yes, at the moment of landing, she clearly felt Li Songlin's relaxed state.

  If he was in Shanghai, he would definitely not have such a familiar chat with the driver, at least in her impression of this semester, she never did;

   But that’s okay, we’re going on vacation together, and my boyfriend is in a good mood, so my mood can also be better~

  Thinking of this made her feel a little better.

   After all, when it comes to traveling, Yang Xiduo has basically been to all over the country and famous scenic spots around the world.

  With my mother, brother, and teacher, I have been to many places.

  These are different from the trips here, and she is undoubtedly looking forward to this trip even more.

   It would be great if I could get closer to Matsubayashi!

   Having been together day and night this semester, the relationship between the two has indeed become more and more sweet, but in the end it is lacking.

  Time is one thing, experiencing it together is another.

  Compared to the stickiness between other couples, the two of them are not so that, but it is also more comfortable.

  No one feels bored, and everyone has their own time. This way of getting along is very suitable for two people.

  However, this love trip is the first time. When I went back to my hometown, not only was Yang's mother there, but the main activity area was in the village, so how could it be the same.

  Thinking of this, the corners of the eyes of the whole person can't help but look more excited.

   While chatting with the young man, the driver uncle couldn't help but smile knowingly as he looked at the girl's affectionate eyes looking at his man.

  This is the case when I get older, I especially like to see the sweetness of the juniors, and I look forward to this day.

   Not knowing what to think of, he sighed for no reason.


   "What's the matter, Uncle?"

   "Isn't this looking at you young couple and reminding me of my eldest daughter~"



  Hearing this, Li Songlin and Yang Xiduo looked curiously at the driver uncle.

   And that person seemed to have found a confidant, and he couldn't help opening his chatterbox!

  My niece is now twenty-seven years old, and she is about to turn three, but she just doesn't want to talk about friends.

  As soon as she said it, she returned to the feeling that she likes to be single, why do you want a man when you are comfortable;

  In short, it was useless for the husband and wife to persuade them, but it was not because they were worried about themselves or something.

   Not to mention, with the unique tone of this Hunanese, the sense of the picture is instantly overwhelming.

  For a while, Yang Xiduo actually found it very interesting. You must know that her parents wanted her to stay at home for a few more years, and they repeatedly told her not to cross the line when interacting with Li Songlin;

   Forget it, parents have their own troubles, she just needs to be obedient.

  Of course, they can only listen to the driver's uncle's housework and not comment too much.


   Soon, the two of them and one cat arrived at the hotel booked in advance.

  Because of the kitten, Li Songlin has fewer choices.

   But that's the case, he didn't think about fostering the little guy in a pet store or anything;

  It has never been a simple pet, but it has been with its partners and family all the way.

  Don’t underestimate the two and a half years of getting along with each other. One is the cub who grew up with him when he was a baby, and the other is the day and night that he accompanied him to grow up.

   The relationship between one person and one cat is obviously no longer a simple pet relationship in Li Songlin's eyes!

  Yang Xiduo also likes the little guy very much, but if she wears makeup or perfume, [Supper] will be very resistant and refuse to approach him.

  Fortunately, I don’t like makeup very much, and there is nothing wrong with having a plain face. Only then does one person and one cat gradually become harmonious.


   "Huh~ so cold!"

  Hearing this, Li Songlin looked at the stomping appearance of the pink and tender girl in front of him, and gently rubbed her head.

   "We'll be here soon, and we can have a good rest afterwards! But remember to call your uncle and aunt later to report the itinerary."

  The warm voice came to the eardrums and Susu numbly made her nod obediently in response unconsciously.

   "Sir, Ma'am, do you want to book a room or..."

  As soon as they approached the door, it was automatically sensed to be opened, and the waitress inside appeared in front of the two with a smile on her face.

  The two of them confirmed their identities. After taking the room card, they stopped bothering the waiter and dragged their luggage to the direction of the room together.

   "Hoo ~"

   Entering the hotel, the ice and snow outside will be isolated!

  The warm air-conditioning breath undoubtedly saved Yang Xiduo's life.

  Looking at Xiduo's expression, his smile became even brighter.

   I don't know why, but the days spent with the little girl have always been very interesting.

  She has a lot of topics to chat with you, as long as she stays by your side, you will be the only one in those moist and translucent eyes.

  The mind is clever but real and cute. It really makes Li Songlin the more he understands and gets along with him, the more he likes it.

  The value of likes is constantly accumulating...


  Until one day, he believed that "like" would eventually turn into "love", and become a lover who will stay together for the rest of his life in the future.

  He was not very sure about this at first, but after getting along with him this semester, he couldn't understand it any more.

   Actually, to confirm whether your heart is moved or not, it is very simple, just ask yourself.

  In this flashy era, too many people regard feelings as a game, and for them, love and not love are just toys in their hands.

  The impact of concepts is what Li Songlin felt after arriving in Shanghai;

  Whether it is for such a concept or the person who implements it, he has always had an attitude of keeping a respectful distance.

  Everyone has their own right to choose, the big deal is to have different ways and not to conspire with each other.

"What are you laughing at?"

  Yang Xiduo caught a glimpse of her boyfriend's brilliant facial expression, and unconsciously swallowed a few times.

  Damn it, the resistance to this guy is weakening day by day...

   No wonder the mother often warns her not to cross the line, who can bear this look?

  Good character, strong ability, handsome!

   A man who treats me so nicely gets along with me day and night, and she, Yang Xiduo, is not a piece of wood.

   Sure enough, men are not necessarily the ones who feel greedy, and women don't give in too much when it comes to lust.


  Thinking of this, she couldn't help but secretly spurn herself, and kept thinking about the scene her mother said that if she dared to cross the line, she would directly break her legs.

  Li Songlin looked at the girl's various expressions, how could he not know that something strange started to start in her little head again!

   Laughing lightly, he took him into his arms again and walked towards the room.


   "Stupid, get somewhere~"

   "Huh? Oh~ who...who is the idiot, you are!"

   Stomped his feet, puffed his cheeks, and entered the room angrily.

  Li Songlin was not annoyed, but followed him into the room with a smile.

  Helping my girlfriend put things away, checking for her whether there are monitoring and other unstable factors in the room, I just went to my room.


  The moment the door was gently closed, Yang Xiduo felt ashamed and flustered.

  Good guy, I really can't save myself!


   Throwing herself on the bed, rolling herself under the covers, she was caught in a battle with herself.

   Waited until the mood calmed down, and then poked his head out of the bed.

  He touched his cheek with his hand, feeling a little hot, and couldn't help cursing himself.

   While thinking about it, Yang Xiduo just remembered that he actually forgot to contact his parents to report!

  So, he quickly packed himself up and sent out the news of his safe arrival one by one.

  Father Yang is at work, so he hasn't replied yet, but Mother Yang, who is resting at home, called directly with a video invitation.

   "Beep beep beep~"

   "Why did you arrive so late, it shouldn't be, Duo Duo!"

  At the other end of the video, Yang's mother is applying a mask, and the servants beside her are helping her with a massage. How comfortable and pleasant that look really is.

   "It's been a while, I'm tidying up the room?"


   What kind of room to pack, it is a hotel, the kind that you can directly check in.

   But knowing it was the same thing, Mother Yang didn't intend to point her out, but there were more inquiries in her words.

  The tacit understanding between mother and child for more than ten years made Yang Xiduo realize that there might be fraud, so he responded obediently.

   But after the topic was over, Mother Yang seemed to mention something like remembering to promise her mother, don't...

  Don't say anything, you don't need to ask to know what it means, what can she do, naturally she nodded obediently.

  After the report was over, Yang Xiduo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

   Call me a good guy, how did the communication between mother and daughter turn into a verbal temptation in the chat;

  Of course, at the moment she is more guilty, after all, after arriving in Changsha with her boyfriend, she has a lot of thoughts about him.

  cough cough cough~

  But she is still sensible, and some people just think about it, that's all.

   Li Songlin was naturally unaware of his girlfriend's change of mind, and happened to tidy up his room.

   During the past few days in Changsha, this is the hotel. Naturally, I have to adjust it according to my own habits.


  The little guy came out of the cat bag, jumped onto the soft bed very freely, lay down between the two pillows, and looked at the busy owner with his little head.

   "You, you are a little heartless;"

  Looking at its cozy little appearance, Li Songlin stopped what he was doing and seemed to rua the little guy angrily.


  The little guy whose hair was shoved down became even more lazy.

  Don’t say it, it might be the tossing and turning of the plane and the taxi, [Supper] fell asleep within a short time while the quilt was in his arms.

  Hearing the familiar snoring sound, Li Songlin couldn't help showing a smile, and then gently put it on the bed and let it fall asleep.

   After packing up, he left the room and led his girlfriend to the night market here.

  When traveling anywhere, the night market is always a must-see.

  Although there are many assimilations, differences can still be seen in the subtleties.

  The two went to the Pozi Street Night Market in Changsha. They held hands and ate and strolled along the way, which was very pleasant.


   "Just give me the spicy one, you may not be able to bear it, you eat this sugar oil cake, it..."

  Hearing her boyfriend talking about it in her ears, and feeling the lights, crowds, and bustle of the night market, she was filled with a happy smile.

  The joy of the journey of life is never the scenery, but the people who accompany you to see the scenery.

  Many times people say things are right and people are wrong, but that person is no longer there.

   Fortunately, she has someone she likes and he is by her side. She knows that the current story of the two is just the beginning.

  Happy, heartless, this kind of getting along is indescribably comfortable.

  Li Songlin, who had tightened his strings, couldn't help but put a smile on his face in such an atmosphere.

  Happiness is a kind of energy that can be transmitted, and it will make the surrounding atmosphere extremely light, just like the two of them at this moment.

  The cold and snowy winter can't shake this beauty, but it adds a bit of color to it.


   "Hee hee~"

  The two held each other's hands like this, walking among the crowd flowing among the lights.

  In addition to being spicy, Changsha also has sweetness, but the proportion is smaller.

  If that's the case, it's easy to fill Xiduo's internal organs.

  All kinds of aromas are elegant, and in this winter, they get into the noses of the passers-by mischievously.

   "Suck ~ **** ~"

  Yang Xiduo is no exception, holding Li Songlin's hand, where is the excitement going.

  In addition to playing, he is also paying attention to the flow of people around him, protecting his girlfriend and running around.

   "It stinks!"

  Among the aroma of delicious snacks, a strange smell entered Yang Xiduo's nose.

  In just an instant, she put on a mask of pain, holding Li Songlin and wanting to leave...

  (end of this chapter)