MTL - Start Trading Space Battleship (From The Start, I Traded A Galactic Warship)-Chapter 232 : Hold a market opening fair

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Now that they have reached this stage, the leaders of Tolan civilization can't take care of the rest. They no longer cover up their power, and they swept the entire Dongtian in an instant, and Shen Shi did not make any resistance, and even let go. The defense of the Dongtian was opened, and everything was displayed directly.

This is a standard B-class transfer ship, and it is a standard Shinto civilization immigration ship, so standard that there is not even the slightest extra device.

But is this possible?

If nothing else, the elders of the Tolan civilization didn't even find the location of the relic they acquired from the Aonan civilization.

"You can't continue anymore, just quit." said a certain elder of the Tolan civilization with a high status.

"Withdraw now, our losses may be unbearable!" Others felt that they should continue to look for it.

"Can't you see it? The other party doesn't care about our detection at all, and we can't detect it. Such unscrupulous behavior will cost us a huge price every second!"


The exploration ended soon, and in a sense, it also represented the complete surrender of the Tolan civilization.

There are rules behind the scenes in the land of Gus, but this does not mean that the rules on the surface can be violated at will. In fact, the rules are absolute here, and their status even exceeds that of ordinary Gusi people. , second only to the ruling institutions in the ancients civilization.

That's exactly why.

When Tolan Civilization's behavior was exposed, their continued exploration has changed the nature.

It's just probing, but Guoguo's frontal invasion.

This is absolutely contrary to the status of the land of Gus.

Even if they are more powerful than human civilization has shown.

If powerful civilizations and powerful beings can unscrupulously attack weak civilizations on the bright side, then the ancient land would not have such a huge attraction to so many civilizations and individuals.

You must know that in the land of Gusi, the number of outsiders and their contribution to the entire Gusi civilization actually exceeds the Gusi people!

Therefore, Shen's act of letting go of the defense will not be regarded as powerless, but a symbol of strength and self-confidence. The confidence of human civilization will not be seen by the Tolan Civilization. Huge resources were plundered in their hands.

"Apply for arbitration." After Tolan Civilization stepped down, Shen Shi did not hesitate, and did not give Tolan Civilization the option of private solution. He directly used his five-level limit to apply for arbitration to the rules organization in the Land of Gus. .

time, point, event, evidence...

Everything is clear.

Although Tolan Civilization can refute it in reverse, in the face of such a reality, his refutation will only make his loss more.

Eventually, within an extreme amount of time, the Toran civilization surrendered.

A lot of resources have been punished to human civilization.

When everything settled down at a very fast speed, the high-level people of human civilization couldn't help but have a carnival.

"This wave earns more than the war."

"We are still worrying about how to conduct transactions after the trading market is established. Unexpectedly, one-third of the trading share of Tolan civilization will be cut in one breath, which is enough to support our trading market to prosper in time. "

"This time it's on a firm footing."

"If you can bring all these resources back, the mere Daik civilization will be wiped out by the backhand.)


This time, as some have said, the gain is greater than the previous gains of capturing the Marauders and the Aonang civilization through simple warfare.

Just on the surface, it is almost equivalent to thousands of B-class warships, which can almost be formed into a small fleet sent by B-class civilization.

Don't underestimate such power.

The grading within the German system is still quite strict, and there is a big gap between them. As some people have said, if all the resources in hand at the moment are all safe (this chapter is not over!)

Chapter 232: Holding the Market Opening Fair

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Bringing people back, let alone a Dyke civilization 3,000 years ago, even if it has reached the peak of the C-level Dyke civilization 3,000 years later, it can be directly destroyed.

However, unlike the excitement of the others, although Shi was also very happy with this harvest, he was very emotional.

Because he knows that the **** of the world's return has not been broken.

As long as there is one failure later, all this in front of you will be lost.

It's a good gamble.

Before the real walk out of the casino, all the meaning of winning and losing is extremely limited.

All in all, Shen Shi was ready for the next challenge.

But before that, this victory has bought them some time.

At least some forces of the same level as Tolan civilization, it is impossible to shoot at will.

Another three years have passed.

Under the high-intensity investment, the transformation of the current trading planet is finally coming to an end.

The entire planet now is completely different.

Seen from outer space, a green, ten miniature artificial stars are constantly sailing around the entire planet. Everywhere they go, a sky blue atmosphere shines. Although there is no sea, a large number of rivers and lakes can be seen on the earth. , and completely different from the life planet of One, the broken place has also been completely wrapped by green things, and every piece of debris has become a floating island full of vitality. The floating islands are firmly connected to each other, forming a unique environment.

If it is still on the Blue Star in the past, such a place is a natural tourist destination, and there will definitely be a large number of human beings willing to come here to participate and experience.

Even in the interstellar space, if you make good use of it, it can also be used as a unique wind.

"We can use this place as a high-level trading place and rent out these floating islands. I believe that the chaotic environment here will attract many people." Shi is currently planning the trading market.

"Indeed, in the trading market, the most important thing is not absolute order, but a place where you can fish in troubled waters." The individual market operations officer fully supported Shen Shi's statement.

"We can also guard here to a certain extent, so that when traders want to escape, they can easily plot from the gaps in these floating islands. I promise, this will Attract a large population."


To a certain extent, this is also a feature of the trading market in the land of Guth.

Here, there is actually not much profit in open and honest exchanges. Instead, the real and the false are intertwined. Various transactions that use the rules and evade the rules can often achieve riches.

Even if it is only a very small part of the rich, the vast majority of people will become victims, but so what?

No one would ever think that the land of Gus was really an upright image. For those who had entered the land of Gus, the existence of the plunderers was well known.

Those who are willing to gamble and fight will always be the majority.

Don’t let those weak and low-level people, even a huge and powerful civilization like Tolan civilization choose to gamble, and can only silently swallow the consequences of losing the gamble)

Anyway, as the bookmaker, the more intense the gambling, the more they earn.

As the construction of the market officially started, Shen Shi's attention at the moment was also on the upcoming challenges.

The failure of the Tolan civilization did make some people quiet for a while, but the establishment of the trading market meant greater opportunities.

"You need a grand trade fair to announce the opening of the human trading market." Shen Shi received a notice from the Land Supervision Council.

This is not a hard rule, but a subtle rule. If there is such an auction, the title will naturally be much weaker.

No matter how chaotic the management is, no matter how there are opportunities, a trading market with no strength will not attract many people.

So, this is Yang.

If human beings want to do well, they will inevitably reveal more things. If they do not do well, they will show weakness, then more (this chapter is not over!)

Chapter 232: Holding the Market Opening Fair

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will rush in.

However, Shen Shi already knew about this future and was ready.

"Let's go out and keep the trade fair procedures to a minimum, and attract all people or forces who want to trade." Shen Shi ordered.

In the past three years, not all quasi-civilizations have shrunk to one place.

Shen Shi sent a large number of humans out.

Many even settled directly in the rest of the market.

It is not difficult to get the news out.

However, many people are now expressing concern.

"Those with great treasures are big forces. Even if they really want to trade, they can do it in their own venues. Will they really come?" Todd asked on behalf of some people.

Now, everyone understands that human beings are far from being able to gain a firm foothold in the land of Guth.

If you want to reach the status and level of the rest of the people in a short period of time, and the rest of the civilization has worked hard to achieve, you must either show a strong force or pay a huge price.

From the beginning of human civilization, they have obtained the fifth-level authority, and since they obtained the fifth-level trading market, they are aware that they will face a lot of challenges in the future.

Therefore, many people are worried that the rest of the forces will unite and refuse to come. In this case, their opening trade will be a direct failure.

And this is out of their control.

However, Shen Shi was not worried at all.

"They will come. Not only will they come, but they will also come up with various treasures. Even the Tolan civilization has prepared a large number of advanced devices to trade with us." Shen Shi said.

All faces.

They don't believe it, they just don't know why.

After all, as long as it doesn't come, human civilization has already been defeated.

"You are not used to the style of the land of Gus." Shen Shi shook his head and explained slowly, "First, what they need is not a victory, but a great victory, swallowing all our fat at one time, and If they don't come, we are indeed defeated, but it is only less popular at the beginning. As long as there is time, there is still a chance to rise slowly. Second, what matters most here? Interests! Only interests! Don't look at the reduction Trading fees, they do have their own trading platform, but in the same way, people will not bring what they want to their trading market for trading. Every trading market has a trade meeting. Trading opportunities that can meet the trading conditions that are difficult to meet on weekdays, and thirdly, when they come, there will be more opportunities to start.”

For the three reasons, Shen Shi actually said it relatively simply.

The rest of the people aren't really less than that.

However, they did not have the confidence of Shen Shi.

Shen Shi, who knows the future, clearly understands how lively the market opening fair this time is, and even more clearly knows how much crisis and opportunity it contains)

He even suspects that if he wins again this time, the accumulated victories will be enough to shackle the future and explode all the tiredness! A future that will change dramatically.

"Get ready." The order was conveyed, and all the humans in Gusdi began to act.

In fact, as early as when human civilization first arrived, the news that a new trading market was about to open had spread at a rapid rate.

The largest number in the land of Gus is not the Tolan family who has relocated civilization, but the rest of the civilization individuals and teams who come to look for opportunities. Many of these existences are from B-class civilizations.

Yes, don't look at the B-class civilization is strong enough, but the strong is the whole text, not the individual.

Therefore, a large number of individuals of the B-class civilization ran to the land to seek personal development.

A large portion of the Class B units that are circulating on the market today originate from these individuals.

And the opening of a new trading market is a possibility for these individual individuals or small teams.

Because, when the news spread, the trading planet of human civilization immediately became lively.

Every day, you can see a large number of ships passing by, and these ships are of different levels (this chapter is not finished!)

Chapter 232: Holding the Market Opening Fair

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Very large, it even looks like a predator, quite a few people come to rent land, some of them must know the crisis that human civilization may exist at this However, the low cost of new market development The cost is still enough to attract these people to gamble.

Of course, Shen Shi left these things to the rest.

After all, that's why he brought so many people here.

Of course, there are some special and powerful forces, and Shen Shi still has to come forward in person.

At this moment, it is such a force.

And the reason why Shen Shi came forward is also very simple - this is an ancient force)

Not all Gusi people enjoy the huge benefits of being a bookmaker. In fact, many Gusi people have penetrated into the huge peripheral trading market.

Chapter 232: Holding the Market Opening Fair

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