MTL - Start Trading Space Battleship (From The Start, I Traded A Galactic Warship)-Chapter 298 : The timeline changes again

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Shen Shi, the incarnation at that time, didn't even understand the research of the fantasy army, so how could he have the energy to study the original energy spores.

But now it's different.

The addition of Shen Shi's words almost clearly shows his interest in the original energy spores.

And when this news was passed to the Sisok civilization, Sheila found it again.

"The original energy spore comes from a relic device, but it is not expressed in the form of a device, but a technology. Because when we got this technology, there was already a big missing part, so we concentrated on Qianmeng's Most of the top forces, after hundreds of thousands of years of research, still have few results." Although Sheila didn't express his position directly, it was obvious that he was a little worried that the human interstellar empire was wasting too much time on the original energy spores.

No one can understand the original energy spore better than the people of Qianmeng.

They don't even care that this technology leaks to hostile forces.

From this alone, we can see their confidence in the original energy spores.

"Hundreds of thousands of years, that is to say, Qianmeng has already found this technology at the beginning of its establishment?" Shen Shi keenly discovered the information in Sheila's words.

"To be precise, the Thousand Leagues were established because of the original energy spores." Sheila recounted the initial history of the Thousand Leagues, "At that time, the Thousand Leagues hadn't appeared yet, and within our known universe, there were five The most powerful civilization, there seems to be endless wars between them. It was not until the emergence of the original energy spore technology that these five civilizations had the possibility of cooperation—one alone, only grabbed part of the technology, and together Only then can the power of the original energy spores be brought into play, and this initial 'five alliances' is the embryonic form of the thousand alliances."

Shen Shi nodded.

It seems to understand why technologies such as the original energy spores are highly shared within the Qianmeng.

I'm afraid that apart from the difficulty of researching the original energy spore technology, this "rule" has also been passed down from the beginning of the establishment of Qianmeng.

Perhaps, Qianmeng was able to attract so many civilizations by relying on the sharing of this technology at first.

Shen Shi also remembered the information from the beginning of the establishment of the Mudd system.

Same war, same unity.

The rancher might have obtained the power of the fantasy legion at that time, and based on this power, the Mudd system was established.

Relic civilization is really unfathomable.

Shen Shi's thoughts surfaced at once, but they were only fleeting. He quickly said: "It's okay, we're just giving it a try. If we fail, we will seal it up."

"Yes." Sheila nodded.

He didn't really come here to prevent the human interstellar empire from researching the original energy spores.

But just to show the interests.

It is even more expressive.

It shows that Hisok has really joined the human interstellar empire, and will not show any hesitation in any aspect or detail.

Don't think that cosmic civilizations that are so powerful at this level don't care about these details, on the contrary, they care more and pay more attention to them.

Once a decision has been made, there is little hesitation.

However, in the future history that Shen Shi knows, Hisok really has the idea of ​​betraying the human interstellar empire. After all, their joining is largely based on lies of insufficient information. After the true level was gradually exposed later, the interior of the Hisok civilization also suffered a lot, and there were different voices.

Although those rebel forces and representatives were suppressed in the end, that turmoil still had a considerable impact on the human interstellar empire that had just begun to be established.

Only when Shen Shi developed the correct use technology of the original energy spores could this internal turmoil be smoothed out.

However, since he knew this, Shen Shi would naturally not let it appear again.

As if nothing happened, he discussed the next thing with Hisok civilization.

Although it is roughly the same as the treatment of the ancestral civilization, which is to relocate the entire civilization using the holy land to the void, the Sisok civilization is after all one of the most powerful civilizations in this galaxy, and the number of subordinate civilizations under its name is one of the most powerful. Inexhaustible, so its addition is still very different from the ancestral civilization. At least, the Hisok civilization at this moment has begun to connect several major subordinate civilizations.

In the end, it may not be possible to take away all the subordinate civilizations, but most of them can definitely be taken away.

For a while, the movement in this star field began to increase.

A large number of people and devices from various civilizations began to migrate towards the location of the ancestral spirits, and then disappeared, and were directly transferred to the barren land to rebuild their own civilization.

It is impossible for such an action not to attract the attention of the other powerful civilizations.

At first, they remained silent.

But when the Hisok civilization also began to increase migration, they could no longer remain silent.

For this level of interstellar civilization, the territory is not a resource, but the various civilizations and materials contained in the territory are important resources. Another purpose of their enclosure of the Sisok civilization is to take advantage of it. Taking this opportunity, he took a big bite out of the Hisok civilization and the rest of the territories under its jurisdiction.

If the entire Sisok civilization is relocated, it will undoubtedly harm their interests.

More importantly, for such a powerful civilization in the Thousand League to leave quietly in front of their eyes, this will undoubtedly damage the interests of the entire Thousand League.

You must know that no matter how fierce the internal fighting is, the interests will only be transferred within the Qianmeng. After the rest of the Qianmeng know it, they can only accept this reality no matter what. If it completely fell to an unknown civilization, and the entire civilization, together with all the intelligent civilizations in this area, and all useful resources disappeared, this would also become a reason for the remaining powerful civilizations of the Qianmeng to attack and punish them.

In addition, they are not sure whether this mysterious force will target them after they harvest the Sisok civilization.

In any case, the situation has evolved to such a point that they cannot ignore it.

Just as the Sisok civilization began to act, more and more temptations from other civilizations also began to invest in the location of the ancestral civilization.

The number is increasing.

There are more and more means.

And after all the temptations were detected and controlled in advance by Shen Shi, who had mastered the future, these civilizations also realized that it was basically impossible to rely on these small means to detect intelligence information, and they began to mobilize the fleet. All kinds of devices began to mobilize in this direction.

What you want to do is already on the surface.

Even the Sisok civilization had to start paying attention.

"They really can't wait any longer." Sheila found Shen Shi, "But we still need at least three hundred years to complete the relocation."

It is not a simple matter to relocate the whole family when it is so powerful that it is at the level of Sisok civilization.

Not to mention that they are not the only ones who need to relocate.

For three hundred years, this was because Shen Shi sent many beings with holy places to assist the left.

Otherwise, the sailing time from the farthest place to the Zuling base alone would probably exceed this figure.

However, this time is enough for those civilizations to launch a full-scale attack.

However, compared to Sheila's worries, Shen Shi was very calm.

He already knew all this from the future.

Even in the original history, human beings have successfully resolved this crisis, let alone now.

"Don't worry." Shen Shi said somewhat mysteriously, "In another forty years or so, you may be able to give those old opponents a real 'surprise'."

"Are you surprised..." Sheila confirmed Shen Shi's emotions, and she really didn't have the slightest worry, so she felt relieved.

To be honest, facing the mysterious and powerful human interstellar empire, he didn't think the encirclement and suppression of these civilizations would be effective.

After all, the powerful leap ability possessed by the opponent is enough to allow them to easily mobilize a large number of legions at any time.

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What Sheila is worried about is that the Hisok civilization has not been valued by the human interstellar empire.

However, at this moment, Sheila could not imagine what the surprise Shen Shi said was.

Until forty years later.

Facing the technology that Shen Shi showed him, Sheila's emotional shock could not be concealed at all.

"Is this really the original energy spore technology?" He was unimaginably excited, "How is it possible, how did your lord do it? It was only a hundred years ago! There is such a technological breakthrough! It is no longer possible to harvest life." The original energy spore, this is the original energy spore that no longer harvests life! Our entire Qianmeng has spent tens of thousands of years researching this project, and no one has ever succeeded!"

The entire Qianmeng's tens of thousands of years of research has yielded no results, but it was successfully researched by the human interstellar empire in just over a hundred years?

Just from this comparison alone, it's not hard to imagine Sheila's disbelief at the moment.

He looked at the results of technical experiments over and over again, looking at the parameters over and over again, and had to admit that the original energy spores, the relic technology that means the origin of the Thousand Leagues, are indeed in the hands of the human interstellar empire, ushering in True brilliance!

Although he has recognized the choice of Sisok civilization more than once, but at this moment, all he can feel is luck.

Yes, lucky!

Fortunately, that primitive race activated the devices left behind by humans. Fortunately, the ancestral civilization attracted human civilization. Fortunately, they were at the moment of life and death at that time, and then made the decision to join humans!

At this moment, not to mention being besieged by the rest of his old opponents, even if he offended the entire Qianmeng and was besieged by the entire Qianmeng, Sheila would not worry anymore!

This breakthrough original energy spore technology alone is qualified to establish an interstellar social system stronger than Qianmeng!

"There is no such an exaggerated comparison of strengths, but we happen to have mastered the relevant relic technology to make up for the lack of the original energy spore technology." Facing the extremely excited Sheila, Shen Shi was still very calm, Just asked calmly, "How? Can such a technology solve your current crisis?"

"There is absolutely no problem!" Sheila said decisively, his emotions were still fanatical, "My lord, you may not understand the significance of the original energy spore technology to Qianmeng, but even if you don't consider the actual significance brought by this technology, just This breakthrough technology is enough to make many Qianmeng civilizations join us!"

Shen Shi nodded slightly.

Of course he knew this.

In the history of the No. 4 future line, it was only after Shen Shi achieved this technological breakthrough that the human interstellar empire experienced a second round of rapid growth, which really triggered the Mudd system and the Thousand Leagues. System attention.

Now, this moment has been moved forward by more than two thousand years.

Of course, Shen Shi still remembered the crisis.

"Try not to release this news on a large scale, at least at the current stage, we don't plan to have a meaningless war with the entire Thousand Leagues." Shen Shi ordered.

Sheila obeyed thoughtfully.

This sentence actually contains a lot of information. One of the possibilities is that the strength of the human interstellar empire is not as strong as Sheila's impression.

Of course, if this possibility is known before this day, there may be changes, just like in the history of the No. 4 future line.

But for the moment, Sheila didn't care.

To put it bluntly, even if the real strength of the human interstellar empire is weaker than the Sisok civilization, just relying on the original energy spore technology in front of us, coupled with the powerful leap ability, the human interstellar empire In the future, it will not be much weaker than Qianmeng.

What's more, the strength currently displayed by human beings alone is obviously stronger than them.

After Sheila left, with a thought, Shen Shi separated an avatar and came to the fourth future line.

Sure enough, the status quo of the No. 4 future line has once again undergone considerable changes.

Where the new world line was born, there are always many places that can be changed.

Not to mention, it was the new type of original energy spore technology that was born more than two thousand years in advance. UU reading

"Qianmeng began to distract us more than 2,000 years ago..." Shen Shi once again realized that Qianmeng attached great importance to the new type of original energy spores.

In today's No. 4 future line, although the number and quality of the civilizations that have taken refuge in the human interstellar empire have more than doubled before the change of the timeline, most of them are from the Qianmeng, but human beings The galaxies controlled by the interstellar empire have been reduced to only three.

With regard to these three, they were still continuously suppressed by Qianmeng.

It's almost at war.

It even had to let the human interstellar empire place most of its main forces in the barren areas, and continue to hide in the east.

To describe the result of this timeline change in one sentence, it is "the strength has increased, and the situation is more dangerous."

"Sure enough, even if we try our best to keep the new original energy technology secret, as long as we want to rely on this technology to attract the civilization of the Thousand Leagues to join, it is impossible to keep it completely secret." Shen Shi said to himself in his heart.