MTL - Start with a Mechanical Hunter-Chapter 417 corporate warrior

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  Chapter 417 Enterprise Warrior

   Every super enterprise has its own security department. The security department of Tianping Technology is called the "Throne Department", a name that sounds very secondary.

  At this time, Han Tong, one of the captains of the Throne Department, received an order from his superior to pick up a new colleague.

   "A new colleague, or a mechanical transformation newcomer, join our department?"

  Han Tong's thick eyebrows bulged, and he slammed the list directly on the face of the person opposite, sneering:

   "Relationship household, isn't it?"

  Zhang Yu's secretary held back his anger and said: "This is a normal transfer of the company, with the signatures of all the responsible persons on it—"

   "Don't fool me with these!"

Han Tong stood up abruptly. His three-meter-tall body was muscular. What was even more frightening was that he had four arms. As he stood up, the flesh-like creatures could condense into terrifying patterns on the skin, which looked like It is the mythical war ghost Asura.

  Han Tong, member of Throne Bureau Headquarters, biological cell reformer, battle madman, level...level 60.

   This is a strong enterprise against the strong in the mother city.

  In fact, every branch of the enterprise will have such a super reformer sitting in charge.

  Although the ability of the cyber proving ground itself can handle 90% of the enemies, if the special spy team sent by a hostile company has specially developed equipment for the proving ground, someone needs to take action to deal with them.

   This person is Han Tong.

  As a super combatant of the Tianping Technology Headquarters, Han Tong can completely ignore Zhang Yu's face—even if they both belong to the big faction of the "armed faction".

  The secretary knew that this muscular monster was rebellious, but he didn't expect that he wouldn't even give face to the branch manager. He thought about it and decided to put it another way.

   "Captain Han, the super warrior we jointly developed with Marubeni is close to success. Would it be better if you were added to the development list?"

  Han Tong narrowed his eyes, stared at the other party for a while, and suddenly grinned: "You didn't say it earlier, I will naturally give the supervisor's face."

  Just when the secretary breathed a sigh of relief, Han Tong said coldly:

"However, let me tell you in advance that my subordinates are not very good-tempered, especially don't like mechanical scum, you can plug in people, but let him be a man with his tail clamped, otherwise if there is any conflict, both sides will lose face .”


   Half an hour later, a car stopped in front of the information desk, the door opened, the secretary poked his head out, and waved to Gao Gong.

  Gao Gong had expected it a long time ago, and got into the car with a blank face—with his current skull face, it is indeed difficult to make an expression.

   "This is your information, download it, and he will be your identity in the company from now on," the secretary handed over an identification chip.

  Gao Gong took the chip and inserted it into the interface.

  In an instant, a large amount of counterfeit information was posted, from birth to transformation, to 100% mechanized transformation, becoming a mechanical life, every step has traces to follow.

   "The efficiency is high enough," the hoarse electronic voice sounded from Gao Gong's throat.

The secretary was still a little worried, and said: "The Throne Department is different from other departments. It is a super department directly under the headquarters. You should keep a low profile for a while. Director Sun said that after a while, you will be transferred to our department." .”


  Gao Gong looked at the secretary with his hollow right eye socket, which made the secretary a little nervous, thinking why did this guy pretend to be a pirate with a prosthetic eye?

   There was no words all the way, and soon, the car drove into the balance branch with layers of defenses.

"Large energy defense network, biological radar, electronic tracking cannon, um, and some special auras, a branch makes people feel like they have come to a fortress, can it only be said that it is a giant-level defense?" , Compared with it, Unreal Union is not enough to see at all. '

In Liangzhou City, Tianping Science and Technology has become China. A super fortress built with 4D technology appears in front of you. A high mechanical city wall rises from the ground. Behind the city wall, hundreds of high-rise buildings are connected to each other, forming a huge In the steel jungle, countless people in suits or overalls passed by, hurrying.

Along the window, Gao Gong saw signal towers, evenly distributed behind the walls, even more in number than buildings, a large number of biological signals circulated here, and even because of the excessive number of signals, various illusions were produced, such as huge neural network, a large number of bone jungles, but people here seem to have become accustomed to it.

  Gao Gong felt a familiar atmosphere in these biological signals.

   That's my breath.

  What he has to do now is to restart the 'biological computer' integrated into the test site.

  Once the machine is turned on, to a certain extent, he will be able to master the power of this cyber proving ground.

   "It's here, be careful."

  The secretary gave a warning and left in a hurry. It was obvious that he didn't want to stay in this place any longer.

  The training base of the Throne Department not far away is like a prison for serious offenders. Thick metal walls are wrapped one after another. In this place, the biological signals are quite strong, even a bit too strong.

  It gives Gao Gong the feeling of a huge biological body.

   No one came to greet me.

  Gao Gong didn't take it seriously, hung the prepared work card around his neck, and walked directly into the throne room.

  The first feeling when entering is like coming to a high-tech slaughterhouse.

There are not many people here, only about a dozen of them, both men and women, are all muscular men. Some of these people are sitting on the wall, some are holding dumbbells weighing several tons high, and some are researching new models. arms.

   On the wall, there are all kinds of hands, feet, and heads, and countless needle-like debuggers are modifying the specific parameters of these organs.

A burly man with flowery arms stared at Gao Gong with the big copper bell. His dustpan-sized palm tore off his arm. He grabbed a new arm and smashed it on. Numerous granules were connected to each other and pieced together. Together, they moved a few times, and slammed the ground hard, and a huge deep pit appeared.

  ‘Pipeline biological prosthesis, this is a product of synthetic biology. '

  The industrialization of species and the assembly line of biological prosthetics are the sharp weapons of biological civilization against carbon-based civilization. On the battlefield, the effect is even more obvious. No matter which part of the body is broken, it can be restored immediately as long as it is reinstalled.

  ‘This kind of technology, I also want to get one for my camp! '

   "Mechanical trash!"

   "Industrial Waste!"


  Gao Gong didn't care about the abuse around him, and even found it interesting. He didn't expect that one day, he would be discriminated against because he doesn't have a **** now.

However, there is nothing to say about the biotechnology of Tianping Technology. What the naked eye sees are all second-order biological prosthetic bodies. Although these enterprise fighters are rare in number, they are at least elites above level 40, although they are not as good as A collider made of all-memory metal, but it is only a weaker grade.

   Equip them with some second-tier top-level equipment, and they even have the ability to tactically decapitate the mechanical mastermind.

  (end of this chapter)