MTL - Starting from Zero-v23 Chapter 23 Proper use of nuclear material

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After interpreting the data of playing this nuclear bomb, I began to think about how to make this thing scrap. Alas, this kind of thing must not be simply left here, and if this gadget is found in Japan now, it is definitely international news. Moreover, the most important point is that once a world-class nuclear weapon is found in Japan, it will inevitably cause panic all over the world, and Japan will become a target of public criticism.

If it was a year ago, if anyone told me that there was a nuclear bomb in this place, I would surely pull the news media around the world to expose it, even if I thought of any way. The Japanese government, which can definitely do it, is in a scorch. But not now! The immigration plan seems to be coming to an end. At this time, stability is needed instead of chaos. So now instead of making this a disgusting Japanese, we have to help them wipe their buttocks. Who told me a year ago that I would do this kind of thing for the Japanese, I definitely sprayed his face, but now I have to do it, this is really a mess!

Focusing on the nuclear bomb again, I packaged all the scanned results and data to the mental network, and then the son-in-law began to organize scientific researchers to study how to solve this. Of course, in order to prevent the situation from expanding, so few people know the truth. In addition to sending a notice to the heads of state, only the people in our own high-energy physics laboratory know some information, and everyone else They were not informed without notification.

Fortunately, this group of people is very fast. After waiting for about ten minutes beside the nuclear bomb, I heard the advice given there.

"The detonation of a nuclear weapon is very difficult, and it does not explode casually. Therefore, as long as the detonation device is not activated during handling, it is not as dangerous as ordinary bombs. The real danger is actually radiation, but your location It's underground and can be easily closed even if there is a leak. So the threat is not great, "said a researcher responsible for final communication with me.

"Then what should I do now?"

"We analyzed the data of this nuclear bomb, and finally came to the conclusion that you had better disassemble the nuclear bomb on the spot, completely disassemble it, and then absorb it."

"Ah?" The answer given across me almost dislocated my chin. "What did you just say? Absorb? How can a nuclear bomb be absorbed?"

"Let me explain this." My mind network was suddenly connected to another set of signals, and unlike the previous signals of the mind network, the matter was communicated by dark matter, which means that the pilgrims were in peace with I contact.

"You guys know too?"

"Yes." The leader of the pilgrim explained flatly: "This kind of secret needs to be kept secret for you. For us aliens, there is no need to keep secret, anyway, even if we know it, we ca n’t tell Someone. "The leader of the pilgrim said and continued:" About the nuclear weapon in front of you, my suggestion is to assimilate it with programmable atoms. You also know that programmable atoms can assimilate any substance, But different atomic structures will bring completely different German attributes, so it is best to have as many types of atoms as possible in the composition of programmable atoms, so that you can form a variety of objects when needed. For example, if The programmable atoms on your body are all made of iron atoms, so if you want to make a soft clothes, it will be more difficult, on the contrary. If the programmable atoms on your body are all hydrogen atoms, then the protection ability will be Very bad."

After hearing this, I probably understood the meaning of the pilgrim leader, and asked tentatively: "Do you mean that if I disassemble all these radioactive materials into programmable atoms, then I am carrying nuclear fuel with me?" "

"No, just as human beings process petroleum into various fuels, it is actually very wasteful. If radioactive materials are simply consumed as fuel, it is also very uneconomical. To maximize the use of radioactive elements, do not simply extract Energy. It's about treating it as a substance. "

"I don't understand." I said honestly.

The leader of the pilgrim thought for a moment before proceeding and said, "Battery. Do you understand the battery that can be repeatedly charged and discharged?"

I thought about the principle of the battery a little bit, and then contacted my own knowledge about atomic energy. Finally, I combined the information I received from the leader of the pilgrim, and it finally made me understand.

"Your consciousness is to use radioactive material as an energy battery. When it has energy, it can be recharged. When the energy is insufficient, you can let it release energy in the opposite direction, right?"

"This is just one of them. Most of the atoms of radioactive elements are heavy particles, and their atomic weight is relatively high. So they can produce very exaggerated physical properties. In addition, because radioactive materials have energy, they can directly let energy A stable flow cycle is formed inside, this cycle ... "

Suddenly I understood what the pilgrim leader meant. He interrupted him directly and said, "Can your consciousness use radioactive material to form a constant energy shield?"

"You finally understand."

Listening to the meaning of the pilgrim leader is obviously dissatisfied with my understanding ability, but there is nothing I can do. I have just come into contact with the high-end knowledge they have transmitted, and I have no time to organize it systematically. In this case, I can understand Just fine. If you change people, you can't understand these things without decades of study!

In fact, just as the principles of many high-tech products are actually very simple, some black technologies mastered by pilgrims are just like magic weapons to the earth people, but the principle is very simple.

Regarding the energy shield composed of radioactive material, this theory has not been proposed in the human knowledge system, but the application of this technology by pilgrims has penetrated almost every aspect of life.

It is very complicated to explain this principle, but there is something very similar to this principle on earth. This kind of thing is so common that almost everyone has seen it. And this kind of thing is-magnet.

Yes, there are magnets everywhere.

Magnets are magnetic and can absorb iron, cobalt, nickel, which is a metal element, as we all know. But many people don't know how magnets generate magnetism.

Everyone knows the principle of electromagnetic induction. Electric current can generate magnetic field, and magnetic field can also generate electric current. This is not too difficult. But few people know that there is actually a current in the permanent magnet.

Someone may refute: "Nonsense. Who hasn't seen the magnet? Why don't I know the magnet has electricity?"

Yes, the magnet does not discharge to the outside. This is also the reason why permanent magnets become magnetic for a long time, because there is an internal current in the permanent magnet itself. Free electrons are constantly exchanged between the atoms inside the permanent magnet. These constantly exchanged electrons are chaotic in general matter. Disorderly, but in a permanent magnet, this electron flow is directional, they all flow in a fixed direction, and a magnetic field appears.

Because these electrons always flow between the atoms inside this magnet, they will not discharge to the outside. So the magnet is actually neutral, you can't detect it is charged, and it will not discharge to the outside. The effect of this situation is that the potential energy of the electron will not be lost, so the magnetic field will not disappear easily, but will persist for a long time. After all, the electron flow inside the magnet must also observe the law of conservation of energy. If the magnet is really discharged to the outside, then it will definitely lose its magnetism because the electron potential energy disappears. This is why the electromagnet is not magnetic as soon as the power is turned off, because it is not magnetic generated by internal current cycling. When the current is released, the natural magnetic field disappears.

After knowing how the magnetic field of the permanent magnet is generated, look at the radioactive material in reverse.

We all know that radioactive material itself carries a lot of energy. Because the decay of radioactive material will lose mass, and mass will not disappear for no reason. According to the mass-energy equation, the lost mass will be converted into energy, and everyone knows how powerful this energy is, after all, nuclear weapons rely on this energy. Of course I am talking about the atomic bomb. The energy of the hydrogen bomb comes from fusion instead of fission, but both will also lose mass and release a lot of energy.

Under normal circumstances, whether the radioactive material is decaying, fissioning or fusion, the result is the same. The mass will decrease, and the lost mass will be released by a variety of mixed radiation and thermal energy methods. This will wait until the mass loss of the radioactive material is almost the same. Radioactivity will gradually decrease and eventually lose its radioactivity.

However, if a method is used, the radioactive material does not radiate energy to the outside, but transmits the energy radiated by itself to the next radioactive material atom, what will happen?

The situation is simple, this creates a cycle. Each radioactive material will fission, and then transfer the energy to the next atom, which itself loses mass due to fission, decay or fusion reaction, and loses energy at the same time. However, the same thing happened to the next atom in the previous time segment. It lost mass and released energy. However, the energy released by the previous atom did not disappear, but was reabsorbed by it, so the energy was replenished, and the mass lost by the atom was restored again. When each atom carries out this transfer, a complete closed chain will be formed, and energy will be continuously transferred in the whole of this radioactive material. The interior is equivalent to an uninterrupted nuclear reaction, and Its strength is very high.

This powerful and terrifying energy will continue to circulate in the material, which is equivalent to the energy released by an atomic bomb explosion, all confined to the inside of a piece of radioactive material, you can imagine what a terrible energy it is flow.

However, no matter how terrible this kind of grace is, it is super stable in itself. Because the energy only circulates inside, the energy will not be released, just as the magnet will not discharge to the outside, and this radioactive material will not emit radiation to the outside, because the energy is trapped inside, it is on the whole. Into a substance without any radioactivity.

What happens when such a substance is formed? The answer is simple. An indestructible substance was born.

The internal form of this substance is condensed by nuclear energy, and the surface atoms are constantly undergoing nuclear explosions, but the energy of the explosion has been flowing inside. At this time, if an external force is involved, then what it has to do is to destroy this chain reaction, and the reaction itself is based on the overall nuclear explosion of this radioactive material, that is, unless the energy intensity of the intrusion exceeds this The total amount of energy that a block material can release as a whole during a nuclear explosion, otherwise it cannot destroy the block material.

After understanding this, we came to a conclusion. The strength of this substance depends on its volume.

Of course, this is the ideal state, but according to the information given to me by the pilgrim leader, the material actually completed is actually very close to the ideal model itself. In other words, this substance is really indestructible.

"There is no application example in the data you gave me. Can you tell me how strong this kind of thing is in the end?" I asked.

The pilgrim leader paused for a moment and said, "You know, the specific situation is related to the size of the armor itself, but I can give you an approximate figure. If you use this material to make a power armor, then even if you use It dropped from the geosynchronous orbit and left it unpowered to fall, and there will be no scratches on the surface after hitting the ground. "

"What if a space battleship uses this stuff?"

"That strength will be more than eight times the strength of the individual armor."

"Is it only eight times?"

"Yes ~ ~ This is the limit. After all, reality is not an ideal model. There are many other factors that limit it, so what is actually created will not be so strong. No matter how big you make it, eight times is almost the limit. Our inference is that its limit will be infinitely close to 8.316 times the strength of individual power armor, but this value can never be reached. "

"That's an exaggeration too!"

"That's why I let you choose to devour that nuclear bomb. But this is just a transition product. When you come back, I will use our dark matter to make some simple adjustments to your radioactive armor to produce more exaggerated effects."

"Thank you. I'm going to absorb the radioactive material here now and make some programmable atoms."

"Wait a minute, I'll send you this synthetic method of armor, and you can directly form this armor after you convert it into programmable atoms. This is not only safer, but also does not cause radioactive pollution, otherwise Wherever you go you will be like a mobile radioactive source. "

"Thank you so much." Indeed, if I didn't do this, I estimate that after I have absorbed the radioactive material in this nuclear bomb, when I go out, it is estimated that as long as I stand on the ground for a while, the surrounding radius will not be 500 meters. Alive. (To be continued ...) u