MTL - Starting from Zero-v23 Chapter 3 (23 volumes) Ultimate Welfare

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"Boss, what's your situation?" As soon as I finished the notice, I heard a voice from the gate. As the cauldron rice went on time, he said, "You just disappeared for a few days. What's going to happen when I come back so loudly?"

Instead of answering the cauldron, I asked with a smile, "Why are you here so soon?"

The cauldron rice slumped to its own position, then picked up the spiritual spring water on the table and took a sip. After finishing it, he said, "I just researched the map information in the map room on the side, and hurried to hear your call. Come here. Boss, where have you been these last few days? "

"Now I will explain it to you for a while and everyone will say it again. You still have to wait for me. I will tell you all at once."

"Oh, all right! Who calls you the boss?"

As soon as the voice of the cauldron was over, I heard a crash of armor at the door. As soon as I turned around, I saw Hongyue came over with a lot of helpers. She was still signing what documents while walking, and the person next to him took the documents. Just went out, but a new file was submitted. Hongyue blocked the file handed in, and looked at me and said, "Where have you been these days?"

I said before the cauldron and rice: "Do n’t ask about Hongyue, the boss said he would wait for everyone to come and make it clear again."

After listening to this, Hongyue nodded and walked to the first position on my left side to sit down, and then continued to look at the documents. Later men saluted me and handed in two documents.

Afterwards, the core members of the Bank's meeting began to appear in a continuous stream at the door. Within a few minutes, there were no less than 200 people in the large conference room. With the expansion of the Frost Rose League, the number of the main staff of the Bank is also increasing, and some of them have been recruited by Red Moon. I am not very familiar with it, but only have a rough impression.

After these people arrived, the door of the conference hall was closed at my sign. The rest of the scene was only a group of managers in the sub-guild.

After the door was closed, the room quieted down, and everyone's eyes were on me at the top, waiting for me to say the purpose of this gathering.

Looking around, the guild is here as long as the leadership is not here except Rose. It seems that my time is quite accurate, and the provinces have notified them one by one.

After organizing the language a little bit, I said, "How long have you been with our Frost Rose Alliance? How much contact you have with me, but you can be like-minded people who can enter our Frost Rose Alliance. . The scale of the Frost Rose Alliance can not develop without today's efforts. "

Cauldron rice suddenly interrupted me and said, "Boss, all my brothers, don't need to engage in these sensational things? You can just say anything if anything. As long as you say it, except for my wife, I guarantee that my brows are all Don't wrinkle. Oops ... "

The cauldron rice was knocked by the ice cream next to it before it was finished, causing a laugh around. The atmosphere was also slightly relaxed. Since I was thinking about how to tell you about this time, my expression has been very heavy, so many people at the scene also began to worry, the atmosphere was indeed too depressing.

I glanced at the cauldron rice with a smile. The kid looked silly. Actually it's fine.

After everyone laughed, I said, "Yeah! The cauldron rice is right, everyone is a brother, so do n’t be so restrained. In fact, you do n’t have to be so nervous. This time, things are a little special. But it should be considered a kind of welfare Correct."

"Boss, you don't need to make such a bitter and bitter feud, do you?" "What made me think you were going to do something big?"

"You're right, this welfare town is a big deal." I glanced around the people on both sides of the table. Then he said, "Some of you know, some don't know, my identity in reality is actually special. Although things in the game have nothing to do with reality, but that's just appearance. Players are outside the game after all Real people. So of course things outside the game will be brought into the game, which is inevitable. My identity in reality is also this kind of existence above the cusp, if you often watch economic news Maybe you should know me. My character's appearance has not changed much, but I can still guess my real identity. "

After hearing what I said, one of the foreign players I was not familiar with said, "Chairman, are you really Shenlin? The next heir of the Dragon Margin Group."

"Have you seen my profile?"

"I saw your introduction in a magazine before. At that time, I felt like you and the chairman, but I didn't dare to confirm it for a while, but it seems to be true now."

I nodded and said, "Yes, I am Shenlin, the son of God Jianguo. Longyuan Group is also my family business."

The crowd below me did not respond much, because these are high-level guilds, and I have not deliberately concealed my identity. Although I have not officially introduced it, generally everyone still knows my identity, naturally everyone I didn't react too much to my identity announcement now.

After I announced my identity, Hongyue, who was sitting on the left, suddenly asked, "Do you announce your identity at this time? Is that what you said is related to this identity?"

I nodded and said to the following people: "Yes, Vice President Red Moon's guess is very correct. What kind of company Longyuan Group is? Everyone should have some understanding. It is not a large company in the traditional sense. Longyuan Group is actually a heavy industry group mainly focusing on military industry. Although we also have many industries in other directions, we are still mainly a military industry group. High-tech weapons are our main products. And because we The industry direction of the group, we will naturally know something that ordinary people cannot know. "

"What do you mean?" A European player asked. I'm fairly familiar with this player, he is one of the players recruited earlier in our guild.

"I ’m struggling with how to tell you because this time it ’s a very big secret. I ca n’t tell you anything about it in advance. It ’s already a violation to tell you that there is such a thing, but My status determines that I still have a certain amount of control. Therefore, I decided to use my own power to fight for some benefits for everyone. "

"President, isn't the big thing you said related to the probe spacecraft sent by the United States at the front end?" Someone asked.

I reached out and stopped other people from speaking, and then said, "I can't explain, I can't leak any information. So don't guess, I can't tell you anything whether you guessed right or wrong. I just ask you to trust me? "

Some were beyond my expectations, and everyone responded very quickly. After I finished speaking, everyone shouted, "Of course, trust." Although everyone's expressions and languages ​​are different, the order is slightly different. Listen It was a bit confusing. But at least everyone said they would trust me, which moved me.

"Everybody's support has moved me, and I haven't bothered to fight for these benefits for you. Well, I now officially inform you. Please come to this address within 48 hours."

The God of War projected an address in the air with my words, and everyone reacted differently after seeing it. Players in China are okay, and foreign players have responded very much. Many people were surprised and asked: "This is the address in reality! President, do you mean that we come to China to meet in reality?"

I nodded and affirmed: "Yes, this time the benefits are not in the game. And there is no way to send them by mail. You have to come by yourself, or I can't send the benefits to you."

After everyone heard me, those foreign players were obviously hesitant. After all, they had to go abroad suddenly, and this range of movement was a bit large. But after thinking about it, no one spoke against it. At least everyone acquiesced in their decision to come to China.

Seeing that people did not ask questions such as not coming, I went on to say, "I still have something to tell you about the issue of benefits this time. First, the value of benefits is very high, which is unimaginable to you. The point. It is as precious as your life. Although I ca n’t tell you what kind of benefits, but I use my credit to guarantee. When you come to me and really get this benefit, you are absolutely Would agree with what I said today. "

"No less than our lives?" Said a Japanese girl. "That means it can't be bought for money?"

I nodded and said, "Yes, you ca n’t buy this thing even if you are a rich man without my relationship. This is a benefit that cannot be measured with money. Please believe my value of it. The value of this benefit is absolutely Invaluable. "

"Boss, you don't need to persuade, we will definitely come. Don't say this is a welfare, even if you want to have a meeting in reality, we have to come together. Everyone said, right?" This is a What domestic players say, after all, it is not particularly troublesome for domestic players to take a trip to Nanjing. Anyway, now the high-speed rail and aircraft transportation capabilities are exaggerated, and they will arrive in a few hours. It is too late to arrive at noon in the morning. Having lunch is not a big deal.

Domestic players basically have this meaning, and foreign ones are a little hesitant, but everyone has said they will come. Even if it's not for welfare, I just ask them to feel it necessary to take a trip. After all, my authority in the Frost Rose Alliance is absolutely guaranteed.

After seeing everyone expressing their opinions, I went on to say, "Then, there is a second issue to pay attention to. The 48 hours I give you are not for everyone to waste time on the road. At the speed of the current civilian transportation network, If we start now, even if we live opposite the earth, everyone will be able to arrive within 15 hours. The reason why 48 hours are for everyone is to make you think carefully about the people and things to bring. "

"Why are there people and things?" Someone asked in surprise.

"I have more than one set of benefits for you, but I put them according to human hair, which means that everyone who comes here can get a copy of the same benefits. Of course, I will not give benefits to unrelated people for no reason. So I need you to think clearly. Everyone is an important member of the Association, so the benefits I give will be much better than ordinary members. Now you can start thinking about your relatives and friends, and then draw up a list immediately. Please note that the people on the list are ranked according to how important they are to you.

If you find it difficult to decide, imagine you are all on a cruise ship. Now that the cruise ship is about to sink under terrorist attack, you have a lifeboat in front of you, but it can't hold everyone. When this lifeboat can only carry one person, who will you let go to get the hope of escape. Who will you let up when the lifeboat can hold two people. By analogy, the number of people that a lifeboat can carry is constantly increasing, and this standard is used to arrange the order of the people you value. Oh yes, don't forget you and yourself. It's also important that you get on board.

Remember, there are everyone you know on the cruise. Only those who climbed the lifeboat had hope of survival. Those who are left must die, and fill in this as a standard. Also note that this is not a brain teaser, don't think about the possibility of mess, just rank the order among the people you know. Oh yeah, and one more thing, the members of our bank do not need to join this list. Because they will also enjoy similar benefits. Please start thinking about it now. I need the list in ten minutes. "

Everyone clearly felt that my words seemed to have a very clear purpose. Some people even had a vague idea, but hesitated for a long time without asking.

When we recruited the Frost Rose League, we were very strict, and almost all the members joined the elite. Moreover, here are the leaders, the elite among the elite, dare not to say that they are all geniuses, but at least 80% can be guaranteed to be highly intelligent business people. The brains of these people are easy to use. My words were so directional, so they vaguely guessed. It's just that they don't know exactly what it is.

Just because I was not sure, someone wanted to ask, but I have said it many times before, and I won't say the specific content. So they hesitated again. But here are all elites, after all, some people still think of how to ask.

In the end, it was Su Mei who asked the question. This little girl was originally a gifted child. After thinking about it for a while, she finally couldn't help but tentatively asked, "Brother Ziri, that ... I have a lot of beautiful clothes that I like very much. Can I bring them all?"

At this point, everyone at the scene gathered together on my face, because they were already guessing the possibility.

The ones I said before are really too purposeful. Although I have not guessed what the specific situation is, these people have already made a rough judgment. Everyone's judgment is that there may be a major global crisis in the world, and this crisis must be very serious, and it may even threaten everyone's life. What I call welfare is to provide some kind of shelter, which can protect everyone from disaster.

This speculation has specific clues. For example, the reason why everyone is sure that this disaster is worldwide is that I want to convene people in the guild, not players in a specific area. This shows that this crisis can not determine the specific scope or is worldwide, so the guild needs to be convened. , Because our Frost Rose League players are all over the world, there are people from many countries. This requires the convening of everyone. Otherwise, I only need to convene people in the dangerous area, there is no need to build such a large scale.

Secondly, everyone judges that the threat is very serious because I said that the benefits may be more precious than their lives.

What is more valuable than everyone's life? Of course, everyone's own life is tied to the life of the family. I asked everyone to choose the order of intimacy of relatives and friends, which is obviously a rhythm to bring relatives together. If you just come to receive the prize and leave immediately, then there is no need to bring relatives, but you need to bring relatives, which means that this should be a welfare that cannot be carried, or it is not a specific item at all. Only then will there be no way to move, only for everyone to come over. Everyone speculates that this should be some kind of shelter, so that everyone's life and the lives of relatives are preserved. If so, this welfare is really many times more important than the life of one person!

After guessing so much content, everyone urgently wanted to verify it, but I said before that I would not disclose the content, so it is obviously inappropriate to ask directly. However, Su Mei's problem is very clear. Ask me directly if I can bring a lot of clothes. I should be able to tell a lot of information from the words and tone of my answer.

I also guessed what Su Mei meant, but after a little thought, I finally decided to give more accurate information, so that they could pay more attention to it. As for the issue of leaks ... Actually, I didn't say anything, so they really don't have much to say. Even if you preach the end of the world, you need to have a specific content at least. You do n’t know anything about the end of the world. This kind of unreliable information cannot be taken seriously by someone, or it may be regarded as entertainment Information to understand.

After thinking clearly, I looked at Su Mei. Very seriously: "Except for special items of some memorable significance, don't bring them, just two favorite sets of clothes change."

When this answer came out, many people frowned, because my meaning was very clear, this is the meaning of not having to go back, otherwise it would not be possible for them to bring memorable items. Ask them to choose the closest and most important person before. Now I need to bring memorable items again, that means I ca n’t go back!

Despite believing in my credibility and authority, some people still asked indefinitely: "Chairman, can't you really get the benefits in our own hometown?"

The crowd was quiet again for a moment, waiting for my answer. I thought about it and said, "I really ca n’t give benefits to where you are. I can only give you these benefits when you come to me, but if you do n’t come, maybe you can get the same benefits, but That's definitely not what I provided. And, the probability of you staying in your hometown to get this benefit is not 100%, and you probably won't get it. Then ... "

I didn't go on, but everyone knew what I meant. Now they are 100% sure that this is a worldwide disaster, because I said that they may get this benefit when they stay in their hometown, which means that this benefit may be a refuge. If left, the government should organize asylum, but this asylum is certainly impossible to cover all citizens. No country has ever managed to keep the nation in the face of a disaster. Such a government does not exist. So, if you come to me, you will get 100% asylum. If you don't, then it depends on the local government's enforcement capacity.

Although temporarily uncertain what the specific disaster content is. But everyone has begun to speculate that it may be a world war. Because I said before, I am the successor of Long Yuan, and Long Yuan is the military industry group. The information that a military industry group knows in advance is likely to be a world war, and it may well be a nuclear war. If that kind of thing really happens ... it is very likely that the left-behind guards will die! In contrast, with the ability of the Longyuan Military Industrial Group, the probability of having a nuclear shelter is absolutely 100%, which means that even if a nuclear war occurs, I do have a way to shelter them.

Although the speculation is a bit biased, I have to say that the meaning is probably correct.

After the situation has been basically determined, everyone will no longer test it. Many people start writing directly, but some people don't immediately start writing. A player asked if he could bring a pet, saying that he had been a dog for many years, and he had been regarded as a family member, and he did not want to leave it.

I hesitated a little for this, and finally thought about it and said, "You can use it as one of the family members by the standard I just gave, and you decide how many people go on the lifeboat, but you have to know that When you go up, you will occupy a position, which means that someone cannot go up. "

When the other side heard the words, his expression was obviously depressed.

Someone soon asked: "Excuse me, how many benefits can we receive? I mean how many people can that lifeboat take away? Although you can keep increasing, you can't take everyone?"

"Your lifeboat has 7 seats, but don't forget that you also need a place yourself, or you decide to give up your life and let other people get on board. I don't object, but please think clearly before you decide."

"So what about the other members in the guild?"

"You are senior elite members, so there are more places. There are five senior members, three ordinary members, and two reserve members. They all include their own seats."

"I'm starting to envy those unmarried orphans!" A member of the country said frowningly.

I shook my head helplessly: "I'm sorry everyone, I have limited ability, this is already the limit!"

The crowd didn't say anything when they heard me, and they started thinking about how to fill out the list. But after a few minutes, someone asked, "Boss, if we don't have that many places ourselves, can we write a few names for our friends?"

I looked up and talked about a foreign player ~ ~ After seeing me look at it, he explained that he grew up in an orphanage, except for his girlfriend, there is nothing special. Two places are enough, but the remaining five places do not want to waste and want to be a good friend. His good friend is also here and is also a leader of our guild. This guy is more exaggerated. He has five children, plus his wife and his parents. There are already nine people. In addition, he has a younger brother and two younger sisters. The relationship is particularly good, so the quota is really not enough. It happened that his friend didn't use that many places, so he wanted to ask if he could transfer it.

I thought for a moment and said, "As long as you agree, you are free."

"Thank you very much, President!" The guy stood up excitedly and gave me a bow, then sat down and started thinking about the list, because even if he had borrowed these places, he still didn't feel enough.

In fact, this kind of thing really happens, let alone a few places, even if there are a dozen places, it is not enough for most people. Our network of relationships in life is complex and huge. Although we don't really care about everyone, it is unlikely that there will be only one or two concerned people. Of course, if there are only one or two concerned people, then It only means that you are too lonely.

"Okay, it's almost time, everyone gives the list to the army god, let me count." To be continued ~ ^ ~ Enable new website