MTL - Starting from Zero-v23 Chapter 40 mine

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In fact, the power of the new star is far more than an exaggerated speed. This guy's electronic warfare capabilities are also unparalleled. Please search () to see the most complete! The fastest updated mines here have long known that we are coming, and the country's troops are stationed here, plus this is originally a uranium mine. Of course, there are very good security facilities around, including powerful ones. Fixed radar group. However, even if there is a large fixed ground radar station, and under the premise of knowing that we are coming in, the following people did not find our infiltration at all, even until the new star has begun to prepare in the designated area already prepared. After landing, only the huge hull of the New Star was discovered with the naked eye.

In fact, the following people saw it with the naked eye because it was an ordinary transition and it was not in combat, so the new star did not start optical camouflage. Otherwise, only after the spacecraft landed on the ground, someone came over and accidentally bumped it to find it. The spacecraft has docked there.

Although we sent a notice here before departure, the speed of the new asterisk was too fast, so when I landed, I was still taken aback by the people, but fortunately the son-in-law was always online, otherwise someone would come to us. Shot.

When the new asterisk first appeared, it surprised the people below, and the guy still surprised everyone after landing. On the one hand, I was surprised at the hugeness of this alien warship. After all, this thing is about the same size as the aircraft carrier, and the appearance may look slightly larger. After all, it is relatively slim, so it looks large. But what surprises everyone more is not its volume, but its black technology.

After landing, the new star did not expand the landing gear and stopped on the ground. Instead, it hit eight fixed anchors directly and hovered at a height of about two meters from the ground like a landing airship. In other words, this thing actually has a constant anti-gravity device.

Generally speaking, no matter how advanced the equipment is, it is of course necessary to shut down when not in use, because as long as the machine starts, it will necessarily consume energy. Devices that can be left on when not in use, then there are only two possibilities. Either this thing consumes very little energy, it doesn't matter if it's on all the time, or it just doesn't consume much energy.

No matter why the new star does not need to turn off the anti-gravity engine, it is an incredible black technology anyway. Human beings want to get rid of gravity without using huge energy as the price. Except that hot air balloons can be suspended easily, most human aircraft need to consume very large energy in the sky. Even gliders. The energy required during take-off is also considerable. However, a space warship that is one size larger than the aircraft carrier of the New Star can actually remain suspended, which is quite remarkable.

We did n’t know what the outsiders thought inside the spacecraft. As soon as the spacecraft stabilized, we jumped directly from the hatch opened by the spacecraft.

This is another special feature of the new star. Its cabin door does not have a spiral ladder for getting on and off the spaceship, because the physical fitness of our dragons is too good, a distance of two meters. For us, we went up in a small jump, there was no need to get anything out of the spiral ladder to assist. If you really need to transport goods in and out. There is also a dedicated lifting platform on the spaceship, so the usual personnel entrance is directly a door, there is no escalator or anything at all, at most, some handrails are made on the side of the door for easy grasping.

When I took Ling and Xiaochun, Yeyue, and Everett to jump off the spaceship, the people below still ran here because they had just received the news that we were here and hadn't waited to arrive. We have arrived at the parking place arranged here.

There were many people who came to meet us, and there were more than thirty people at a glance. The four or five who are in front of the average age of 50 or more should be the main staff, and the others are probably like classmates.

We take the initiative to come up. Naturally came to them soon. After saluting a military salute, I opened my mouth. "Hello everyone, I'm Shenlin. You should all know my identity, so I won't introduce myself." After that, I introduced Ling again, and then asked, "So, please ..."

The man in the middle, who looks like sixty years old and very capable in a suit, said, "I am Wang Guodong, a special commissioner of the State Council. I am in charge of this matter." He said and introduced me to a military uniform Get up about fifty-year-old officer. "This is Major General Liu Yetong, who is responsible for the security work in the mining area." Then he turned to another person who looked slightly younger than Liu Yantong. "This is Dr. Han Han, the technical director here. The rest is You do n’t need to introduce me? ”

The man Wang Guodong said was a woman in her fifties who was in a suit like him and looked quite masculine. But I really don't know this one, but I know she's the one of us. Because she has an identity chip on her body, this stuff is available to all employees of Longyuan. She is still a high-level implant type, which is the type that requires surgery to be removed and installed. Most of the ordinary employees are on ID cards. Inside, no surgical implant is required.

I simply scanned her identification chip and immediately knew her information. She was just sent by our group to take charge of the liaison work, because the remains of aliens were found here. So the country needed professionals to take over, so she was sent over.

I nodded to say hello to everyone, and then asked directly: "What do we need to do now?"

Wang Guodong's special commissioner said: "You have two jobs now, but in fact they are one thing. You need to find a way to go to the bottom of the mine to see if there are survivors buried underneath. The other is to inspect aliens. In the case of ruins, we need to know what the ruins look like and whether they have excavation value. "

I nodded to understand.

It seems that things are slightly different from what I thought. The government apparently intends to abandon this mining area. Siran nuclear material is also a necessity for immigrants, but this thing does not mean that there is absolutely no place to add it, and because our country has a base on the moon, the helium three reserves It's high, but it doesn't need much nuclear material. In this case, anyway, it will be a short time to start immigration, and it will obviously be uneconomical to try to dig this mining area and leave nothing to be mined. Therefore, if the alien remains below have no development value, the country may completely abandon this mining area.

After figuring out the situation, I said, "Can you send me the information you have now?"

"It's here." The company's liaison officer handed over a universal memory, and I stuck it directly on my ear, and returned it to her two seconds later. "Okay. I've finished downloading."

Send the message to everyone using the Mind Network, and I said, "So I'll start now?"

"Of course, if you are convenient, the sooner the better, the people below may not be able to persist for too long."

The situation below is actually not as bad as expected. indeed. A landslide occurred in this place, but the mining area did not completely collapse. Uranium is different from ordinary mines. It is not just a small coal kiln just to dig a pit. The repairs below this mining area are the same as those of the air-raid shelters, even more exaggerated than the air-raid shelters. The entrance is wider than the highway toll station. A dozen cars side by side were fine. Of course, it is not so large, but it can still have a width of more than six lanes. The top of the cave is also very high.

However, this situation is limited to one hundred meters at the entrance, but not further inside. It's not that the inside of the mine is not as good as the outside, but because the cave caused by the collapse in the inside blocked the cave, so the passageway inside became very narrow.

It can be said that this channel is not completely blocked, but the entrance is blocked by a large number of obstacles caused by the landslide. The current situation is that the gap left by the collapse inside is too small for people to get out, and many obstacles are supporting beams and large rocks and concrete blocks. Anyway, it is something that humans can't move. Large machinery cannot be driven in at all, and if large machinery is needed to dig in a little bit, it may take a very long time, and if large machinery is to be passed, the aisle needs to be widened. Big. It may also cause a collapse again, so this method of excavation is somewhat undesirable.

However, if there is no large equipment. It is difficult to break through these obstacles by manpower and things that can be carried around. This is the difficulty of rescue. But we are much more convenient.

We humans have the same destructive power as large machines, and humans are the same size, so we can get in very easily. If there are some steel bars or cement blocks that are blocking the road, no matter whether they are punching holes or moving away, we have a way. This is our advantage.

The group of people who came to pick us up did not send us to the mine, but the headquarters at the foot of the mountain and we briefly introduced the situation. It took less than five minutes to get the job profile, and then someone sent us to the vicinity of the mine.

In fact, the real mining area is far from where the spacecraft landed. It was better when I was down the mountain. After driving into the mountain, I found that all the soldiers standing on the roadside were wearing chemical protection suits. After all, this is a uranium mine. Although there is no radiation from the mountain, the road from the mountain to the third I started to feel a certain level of radiation in the same place, of course, this will not cause any harm to the human body. However, when two thirds of the mountain passes, the radiation intensity may already hurt people. But the soldiers in the mountains all wore three defense suits, so it was not a big deal.

When the car that brought us over stopped at the real mine, I realized that there was already a rescue frontline command. Originally, the headquarters under the mountain should be placed here, but when the landslide appeared, cracks appeared on the ground surface to cause radiation leakage, and the radiation intensity in this place had reached the point where it could be killed in half an hour without protection. This kind of ordinary radiation protective clothing can't be completely blocked. The soldiers here will know that they are all wearing heavy protective clothing like space suits. In fact, this thing has almost caught up with the power armor, but it has no bulletproof capability and is specially designed to deal with high-intensity radiation.

The soldiers who sent us did not dare to get out of the car at all, they only wore ordinary protective clothing, but they were sent to us with armored personnel carriers equipped with three defense functions, so as long as they did not get out of the car.

Because it has been explained very clearly before, we do n’t need to know anything here after we are put down. We will meet directly with the person in charge here, and then the other party will send eight accompanying persons to go with us to save people.

These eight people were originally staff members in the mining area and were familiar with the environment below, and they were all military origins. They are not wearing simple protective clothing, but simple power armor with three defense functions. This thing is said to be a simple version of power armor, mainly because this is a power armor for mines, a type of power armor specially prepared for this radiation zone mining operation. The main strengthening direction of this gadget is radiation protection, followed by the function of power armor, but because it is not designed for combat, the function is very serious.

These people are different from our mission. Five of our missions were to open the road and inspect the remains afterwards, while the main mission of eight of them was to lead the way and transport rescue supplies.

Because there may be wounded people below, and there may be damage to the radiation protection equipment, you need to bring some radiation protection equipment to handle the situation in case. Anyway, they are mainly responsible for rescue, and we are mainly responsible for opening the road.

Each of the eight people was carrying a large box with rescue equipment inside, and of course we were light and we only wore our own power armor and didn't even snap on our helmets, because the radiation did not respond to us at all. However, the soldiers who saw us all looked like a ritual of attention all the way. After all, those who did not wear protective equipment under this radiation intensity would hang up for a maximum of ten minutes, but we did not respond at all. Definitely not the normal state of human beings. However, the people here are soldiers of the army, and they are secret troops, knowing what should not be said and what should not be asked ~ ~ After entering the cave, we saw some vehicles parked at the entrance of the side. The shape of these cars looks like a lunar rover, all of which have only iron shelves. It is said that it is difficult to move in and out of the car if they have protective shells. It is more convenient for them to simply turn into iron shelves. some.

We saw the collapsed passage through the opening of the cave. Not to mention, it is really not completely blocked. The fallen earth and stone piled a dam like a dam in the passageway, but the distance was enough for one person to stand up and walk past.

We climbed this ridge and found that there were still many people digging the aisle behind. After all, the entrance in front was not blocked, and it was easier to come over here, but the part they were digging was not easy to go. Almost all the roads on this side were blocked, but in the middle you can see some steel beams forming a triangle space, barely able to pass people, but the order above is not allowed to pass, because the past is likely to increase the number of victims.

I looked at the channel and said to Everett: "It's up to you." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for referrals and monthly passes. Your support is my greatest motivation. .)
