MTL - Starting from Zero-v23 Chapter 69 Kill everything

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The attack method fortunately prepared is not Long Yan, but a plasma spray. The organ of this attack is actually a dragon horn, but it is actually sprayed out of the dragon's mouth, which looks like a lucky mouth. A white light spurted out, but it wasn't.

When you need to use this skill, fortunately, you will first use your own biological energy control system to generate control capabilities, and then use dragon horns as antennas to form high-temperature plasma in your mouth. The rest is a purely physical operation. Fortunately, he will use his huge vital capacity and special structures in the mouth to blow the plasma out, but this is not the whole driving force of the plasma. The antenna of the lucky head ... I am a horn, and still control and provide part of the power for the plasma to move forward. The air pressure in the mouth is only to provide the initial speed, similar to the catapult used when the aircraft is launched on an aircraft carrier.

Although the operation process is like this, when you look at it from the outside, you are lucky to open your mouth, and then a white light flashes, and it hits the escape cabin in front. Of course, a plasma is emitted instead of a light beam. The reason why it looks like a beam is that high temperature plasma will emit heat and radiation, so there will be white light, and because it moves too fast, it will be on the retina and the camera lens The afterimage is left behind, it looks like a beam of light, but in fact ▲▲▲▲, m. + ↙om's plasma in flight should be a standard inverted drop-shaped structure.

No matter what the lucky attack looked like, it was quick and accurate anyway, the escape hatch in front was hit instantly, and then the shell was directly penetrated through a hole. The high temperature of 20,000 degrees instantaneously vaporized the surface structure of the escape capsule, and a high-voltage discharge reaction burned down the nearby circuit system.

Of course, the escape cabin is not so fragile. The design goal of this thing is to be sturdy and stable, so there are many spare lines and systems that won't catch the soul. But no matter how hard it started, this time. The escape capsule immediately deviated from the channel. The escape cabin that did not dare to fly too high was originally intended to fly over from the overpass, but due to a sudden shot, the height of the escape cabin dropped briefly, and as a result, it was drilled from under the upper deck of the overpass And, unfortunately, before hitting it completely, I bumped into a bridge pier.

The escape hatch is of course very strong, but the pier of the overpass is not soft. Accompanied by a loud noise. The entire bridge pier was instantly smashed into shards of sky and sprayed out like a heavy rain, while the escape capsule itself sank because of the impact stall.

If it was a human aircraft, it would definitely fall even if it didn't smash immediately, but the Sith escape cabin recovered its power after a brief flameout and pulled the bow. After the escape capsule descended, the road surface on the ground was rubbed a bit in the second half, then rebounded, and the escape capsule actually returned to the road with green smoke. Then continue to rush forward along the street.

"Damn!" We found that we did not successfully intercept the target, and we had to speed up the pursuit again, but this time it didn't seem to be completely fruitless. At least the **** external weapon system on the escape bay was reimbursed at least when it hit the pier just now. We can now directly see that the 7-shaped transmitter is almost twisted into a twist.

Without this weapon, the other party can only fly all the way. It cannot pose a threat to people and residents on the roadside. The other party will not have time to stop and hurt civilians. As long as we don't stop chasing them, we dare not stop.

The escape capsule that rushed up the Jinzhai Road again crookedly still intends to continue to run forward with the previous strategy, but did not expect how far we had to run before we catch up again and another plasma spray. This did not hit completely, but only wiped the escape capsule, but the discharge effect caused by the plasma still caused the other party to have a serious control failure. It can be seen that the escape capsule became obviously very unstable, and left the kilometer and rushed directly into the Xishan Scenic Area. This is another sparsely populated area that is just right for our attack.

Rarely has such a good opportunity in the urban area. Lucky and me immediately started letting go of each other. I lie on my lucky head and use the highest power mode of the portable rifle to continuously attack the escape hatch in front of me. Lucky's various spit skills are also changing tricks. Although the flight path was unstable due to the unstable flight route, it escaped a lot of attacks due to the disaster, but was still hit several times.

This is considered to be very serious. The runaway escape capsule could no longer maintain the course and began to circle to the left. After bypassing the sky above the Biyu Garden District, rushed to the Yangtze River West Road. It can be seen that the other party still tried to fly along the highway, but because it was beyond control, the escape capsule flew over the southwest corner of Shushan New Village, and then crossed the West First Ring Road to enter Tuanjie Village. However, at this time, the problem of the power of the escape capsule was obviously more serious. The height-decreased escape capsule wiped the corner of the 105 hospital building and began to spin, and then magically returned to the Yangtze River West Road.

The escape capsule in the spin accidentally did not know why the direction control was resumed, and the normal course was gradually restored. No longer spin, but the height is only more than two meters. Is it possible to wipe some of the vehicles along the route? Several electric poles and street lights were hit, but they quickly pulled up again.

The things of the Sith Empire are really the same as those of Mao Zi. They are so durable that they can still fly. But that's it for now. Fortunately, I did not dare to fire because I entered the densely populated area again, but I was still attacking. Compared to the lucky attack, my gun is more powerful, but the accuracy is high, so I can still seize the opportunity to fire at some time, and I was lucky to hit three more rounds.

The first two rounds seem to be of little use, but the third round doesn't know where they hit, of course, it may be that the previous damage finally broke out. Anyway, the escape capsule suddenly started to fall down, and then played a triple jump on the ground as if it was floating in water. By the third touch, it had completely lost control and plunged into the doorman of the Champs-Lido area. The room, then the whole escape capsule began to roll forward, passed through a large residential building, smashed through the outer wall and rolled into the interior of a hotel building, and was stuck at the height of the second and third floors, not in the lobby.

Lucky and I followed each other and landed outside the building a second later. The building was in chaos at this time, and many people ran out, but saw the landing of the lucky claws. The first few people suddenly braked and sat on the ground with a fart. The people behind were also scared to death, turned around and wanted to run back.

In fact, luck is not intended to scare people down, but it suddenly slows down and land, and definitely needs to wave forward hard. Plus lucky shapes are inherently fierce, so it's not surprising that they are scary.

Looking at the crowd below, I stood on my lucky head and shouted with a loudspeaker: "Don't be dazed, run to both sides. Stay away from here."

My reminder made people recover a little bit. Although they are still scared, they are lucky in their heads. This shows that they are not the kind of beasts that nobody cares about. The degree of natural horror has dropped a lot. Then I will tell you to run away. . This makes it even clearer that I didn't come to hurt everyone, so many people who have responded quickly have risen to help the people around them or start running away by themselves.

I also had no control standing here to direct the evacuation and jumped from my lucky head into the large hole on the second floor of the building opposite.

The escape capsule did not come out from the back of the building. Before the impact, it was not fast enough. There was not enough kinetic energy to pass through the building, but it was stuck inside. When I entered from here, I saw a pile of ruined rooms, and it looked like nobody was there. But a cleaner fell to the ground opposite the rip on my right. I sent a message to the lucky guy outside and asked him to dig people out. I ran forward myself and saw a middle hall through the disappearing gate. But now it is basically in ruins.

The escape capsule was just across the hall, as if it was stuck on the outside wall of the guest room.

I quickly ran over and found that the hatches I could see were all closed, so I took out a high-frequency vibrating blade and started to cut it, but I just heard the notification in the mental network as soon as I inserted the sword. The son-in-law saw the place and ran out through the window behind the building through the satellite, that is, the escape cabin was now empty.

"I rely!"

After hearing this, how can I still have time to cut the hull! Hurrying forward with a sword. A bowed bang smashed through the door of a nearby room, and a scream came immediately inside. I didn't expect that there were people in this room that were not injured.

Of course, I did n’t have a person in charge of the room. I ran directly across the room and then covered my face with both hands. I ran through the back window and jumped out.

Many people have gathered on the ground outside the hotel, and I looked around immediately after I landed. It turned out that the other person was no longer visible. However, the map of the Mind Network was immediately transmitted. I opened it and found that it was our real-time satellite image. It looks like an optical imaging satellite has changed its orbit to our head's synchronous orbit.

According to the image, the number of people running out from the other party is still quite large, there are actually 18 people. Of course, I still don't know that there will be more people on Ling's side, mainly because the volume of this escape cabin does not look like it can hold so many people.

Although the number of people on my side is not as many as Ling's, the enemies on my side are definitely several times more powerful, because 15 of my 18 targets are all Marines, and only three are The warships did not know how the Sith had divided their ships. However, I guess the biggest possibility is that we were pushed too tightly at that time. This group of people was evacuated urgently, and there was no time for grouping. The other party is an army in the interstellar era. The reason for the grouping of battleships and marines should be known, but the situation at that time was too late to group, and only an escape capsule could be found nearby.

After seeing the map, it was easy to handle. I immediately started to run forward, and at the same time informed the luck behind me.

Fortunately, he did not catch up immediately, but extended his claws into the building, first pulled out the escape hatch, and then opened the explosion-proof door with his claws and took a look inside. It was important that those who left were not to lead us People create opportunities.

After confirming that the escape cabin was really empty, he was lucky and threw the escape cabin directly to the ground, then jumped forward, opened his wings and emptied again. After crossing the hotel, I was lucky to see me and the Sith in front.

At this time, the Sith in front was almost out of the zone, and I was still half a block away from the other party. It ’s not that I ca n’t run each other, but because the **** just used a very rare weapon, the penetration is not good, the braking effect is super strong, and the coverage area is too large, I have been downed several times in a row Time.

Fortunately, after taking off, he went straight to the road ahead, and then hit a crossroad directly, which just blocked the group of Sith who rushed out of the area.

Seeing that the lucky block was there, the group of Sith was immediately a sudden brake, and then the two guys in the front wanted to shoot with their guns, but they were drawn by the lucky tail across the road, and they did n’t know how much to penetrate. Layers of walls, then buried by a pile of rubble.

It was found that they couldn't stop the other side, and the remaining Sithians immediately started running across the road, but fortunately they went up and swept one claw, and the rest immediately raised their guns to shoot. However, the kind of weapon that works well for me is obviously not enough for luck. Fortunately, luck was not affected at all. I went up and patted two with my claws, and then flew two with one tail. In less than ten seconds, the casualties of the Sith at the scene were almost halfway. The remaining people were scared and did not dare to fight back, rushing directly into the area opposite.

Fortunately, because the body is too big ~ ~ and dare not directly hit the residential building, so I can only jump up and fly over, but this delay has already ran out of the gap in the opposite building and rushed to the diagonally opposite road. on. These guys have power armor on their bodies, and they run faster than the 100-meter world champion. They rushed to the road over there in a blink of an eye, and then went into the opposite Yulan Xincun district without hesitation.

Anyway, these guys have thoroughly understood the situation, knowing that we are avoiding casualties around them, so they deliberately look for such densely populated areas, anyway, the more people around us, the worse we will start. In turn, many people are good for them, because they don't need to care about the people around them, but they can use these people as shields and hostages, making us very passive.

"What about people?" I asked when I saw luck at the intersection.

Fortunately, he gave me a general direction directly in the Mind Network, and then took off again.

This place can't fly, there are crowds running around, screaming one after another, fortunately they dare not step off, they can only take off and assault from the air.

Poorly, I can only continue to run on the ground. Fortunately, the sith **** did not run faster than me, so I soon blocked the guys in the center of the district. (To be continued.)