MTL - Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse-Chapter 587 The Attack of Prehistoric Behemoths

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"Dinosaur! Is it a dinosaur?"

"My god, I actually saw dinosaurs in this world?!"


"A lot, why so many!"

"It's too far away, I can't see clearly!"

In the east of Crystal City, where Xu Xin's tree house was originally located, at a glance, nearly a hundred huge dinosaurs were rushing towards them.

Because of its huge size and excessive weight, even a few kilometers away, the survivors of Crystal City can feel that the tree house is trembling as the group of dinosaurs march together.

"What is that?" Xu Xin asked directly among the explorers, "Is it really a dinosaur?"

Ji Zhaoyang obviously has improved eyesight, he may be able to see the situation over there clearly.

Sure enough, Ji Zhaoyang replied: "Dinosaurs have a huge head and are not very tall. They are about five or six meters long, but their body length is at least ten meters long. The hind legs are strong and developed, and they are responsible for running. The fore legs are small by visual inspection."

This describes...

Wang Lei: "Tyrannosaurus rex?! Is it a Tyrannosaurus rex?"

"That's right, according to my observation, it should be a Tyrannosaurus rex." Ji Zhaoyang continued to reply, "However, I know very little about dinosaurs, so I'm not sure."

According to Ji Chaoyang's description, this is indeed a Tyrannosaurus rex.


In this world, he had seen dinosaurs a long time ago.

The first time, it was the petrified pterosaur seen on the top of the snow mountain.

A natural giant with a wingspan of more than ten meters.

Later, in the underground world, he saw a whole piece of petrified dinosaurs.

Right in the center of the main vine bunch they were teleported up by a haircut, there were hordes of petrified dinosaurs.

And those dinosaur stone statues are not limited to pterosaurs, but all kinds of dinosaurs.

Unexpectedly, this time on the ground, I saw a group of dinosaurs!

"Is that area full of Tyrannosaurus rex?" Xu Xin asked.

"Yes. All of them, and, each one's size... seems to be exactly the same."

Is it really so!

Zhao Xiaochuan: "Those alien invaders used the genes of dinosaurs to resurrect dinosaurs!"

That should be it!

Dinosaur is a general term for some prehistoric reptiles. They are the overlords of the earth who mainly lived in the late Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, and have dominated the earth for a full 150 million years.

It has been 65 million years since the dinosaurs became extinct. In the face of this time dimension, the thousand years that Xu Xin and his group of survivors traveled through can basically be ignored.

Dinosaurs disappeared in the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event 65 million years ago. Scientists generally believe that a huge meteorite hit the earth, causing this mass extinction of life, and led to the demise of the overlord of the earth that has dominated the earth for hundreds of millions of years.

In fact, it is not completely dead.

Strictly speaking, the group of raptors they killed just now are descendants of dinosaurs.

Today's birds are the descendants of the dinosaurs that survived back then.

But seeing the real overlord of the earth tens of millions of years ago in this era is really creepy.

The last time I saw a stone statue, I had the feeling of seeing a fossil, but it was not so impactful.

But this time, a group of dinosaurs rushed towards them!

Or a group of Tyrannosaurus Rex!

The Tyrannosaurus rex is not that big among many dinosaurs, but among all carnivorous dinosaurs, it is definitely the top existence!

Whether the Tyrannosaurus rex is the most powerful and brutal dinosaur in prehistoric times is still undecided, but it can be said that in the era and region where the Tyrannosaurus rex existed, it is a well-deserved existence at the top of the food chain!

Those dinosaurs that can be compared with Tyrannosaurus rex either do not belong to the same era as Tyrannosaurus rex, or do not belong to the same continent.

It can be said that as long as the Tyrannosaurus rex is located, it is the overlord!

And now, there are hundreds of Tyrannosaurus Rex rushing towards Crystal City!

This is a real prehistoric monster!

Hundreds of heads!

At this moment, Xu Xin felt a sense of powerlessness in her heart.

If there are only a few heads, they may be easier to deal with.

After all, whether it is some people's personal strength or their big killer, they can all be fought against.

If there were more than a dozen of them, the battle might be more difficult, but Xu Xin believed that they could still win.



This is simply off the charts!

"Everyone, these tyrannosaurs obviously have very bright blood patterns on their bodies!" Ji Chaoyang said again, "They are obviously mutant creatures! The lowest is intermediate level, and it may even be..."

...and what the **** are mutant creatures!

There may also be advanced mutant creatures!

For mutant creatures of this level, ordinary explosive crossbow bolts might not even be able to cause physical damage to them!

Just tickling them!

Xu Xin wanted to curse.

How to fight this?

There is no way to fight this!

Hundreds of them are indeed a herd of beasts, but this kind of herd of beasts, Wen Guixin simply...

Wen Guixin: "They are too big, I'm afraid my abilities won't be of much use! I'm afraid it will take at least ten minutes to infect them, and it's too late!"

As soon as Wen Guixin's ability encountered a giant beast, it would be turned off directly, and it had no effect.

Behemoth's... herd!

Who would have known that they would face such a terrifying enemy lineup?

Qin Yunlong: "They are also giant beasts, right? Will the role of the Crystal City be useful to them?"

"...The possibility of being useful is very low." Xu Xin looked at the group of dinosaurs on the distant skyline, "It's not because of the blood of giant beasts that they are so huge, they are of this size themselves.

The crystal city's white light can only affect creatures with the bloodline of giant beasts, but these dinosaurs... only have blood streaks mutated. "

Based on what Ji Chaoyang said about the size, these tyrannosaurus rex were obviously of normal size.

It doesn't have the blood of a giant beast at all.

Thinking about it, the other party already knew that the crystal city would affect the creatures of the giant beast's bloodline, so naturally they would not repeat the same mistakes.

It is impossible for these tyrannosaurs to have the blood of giant beasts!

This is the ordinary Tyrannosaurus Rex revived by technology, and then mutated with blood streaks, becoming a blood streak mutated creature!

Unexpectedly, the alien invaders obtained a controllable blood-striped monster by this method!

Creatures with the bloodline of giant beasts will develop self-awareness of resistance, so that they will no longer obey the control of the bloodstripe, so the alien invaders have not completely controlled the bloodstripe giant so far.

That's why they set up such a laboratory and such an underground prison in the underground world.

But now...they have successfully controlled the blood-striped monster!

Since the bloodline of giant beasts will affect the control of the bloodlines, they can directly find ferocious giant beasts that can be huge without relying on the bloodlines of giant beasts. It won't be long!

Using dinosaur genes to resurrect dinosaurs fully met their expectations.

This caused the current scene, hundreds of blood-striped giant Tyrannosaurus Rex rushed towards Crystal City!

Ji Chaoyang said in the group again: "We still have time, the speed of those tyrannosaurs is not as fast as expected, and it even feels... a little slow?"


Xu Xin was slightly taken aback, and then his eyes lit up: "Yes, that's right, the running speed of Tyrannosaurus rex should not be very fast!"

Researchers believe that juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex can run at a speed of up to 72 kilometers per hour, while adult Tyrannosaurus rex can only reach 18-40 kilometers per hour, and its physical performance is optimal when walking at a speed of 7.2 kilometers per hour.

The forelimbs of Tyrannosaurus rex were atrophied, and they ran with two strong hind limbs. They might be able to run for a short time, but most of the time they were walking.

Their body structure cannot support them to run for a long time, and running with such a heavy weight on both legs for a long time will put a huge pressure on the hind limbs.

At this time, the tyrannosaurus rex group facing outside the city basically confirmed the conjectures of the scientists.

This group of tyrannosaurus rex didn't rush towards this side, but... walked towards this side step by step.

The speed is not fast, that is... about ten kilometers per hour.

For this group of blood-striped tyrannosaurus rex, this speed is probably effortless.

This is saving energy and accumulating strength for the next attack!

And at this speed, they may take more than half an hour to reach here.

Let those present take a breath.

But that didn't really relax them.

It's just... pushing back the puzzle they couldn't solve for half an hour.

"At least we have some time to think." Qi Xuefei said, "We won't be unprepared to face this group of prehistoric giants."

"It's only been half an hour..." Wang Lei was obviously a little frustrated, "Half an hour, how could there be a way to deal with it. Our defense will not fail, right?"

Zhao Xiaochuan: "...Fail if you fail, at least we still have the Crystal City! They are absolutely impossible to destroy the Crystal City."

"I'm afraid now is not the time to think about dinosaurs." Xu Xin suddenly said in the group, "Everyone, those guys who drilled holes in the ground are almost here!"

Just now, he received a message from Qin Fu. Qin Fu informed Xu Xin of the latest underground situation.

The forty-six creatures the size of tigers and leopards in the ground are now less than 30 meters away from the ravine they dug!

The closer they got to this side, the smaller their excavation movements were, and the slower they became.

However, when the fight on the ground had settled, even such a small movement was still captured by Xu Xin's hearing enhancement at this time.

Of course, at most he could only hear some changes in the ground, and the real investigation still needed to rely on Qin Fu.

Wen Guixin: "The next one is coming soon!"

Zhao Xiaochuan: "Aim our weapons at the ravine!"

Xu Xin: "Basically, they are at a depth of about five meters, and they will definitely be dug out of the ravine."

Ji Chaoyang: "Proceed with caution. It's best to wait until most of them have dug out and enter the ravine before attacking, otherwise the ones behind may not probe directly."

Wang Lei: "Brother Xin, your pangolin..."

Xu Xin glanced at the gully outside the window: "They have already dug down and are on standby."

Wen Guixin: "Remember to let them bring me one or two, I'm easy to infect. I can easily infect creatures the size of tigers and leopards."

Qin Yunlong: "That Tyrannosaurus Rex..."

Everyone was silent for a while.

In the distance, a group of Tyrannosaurus rex paced towards this side without any haste, one by one, as if they didn't pay attention to this world tree at all.

As if their goals must be achieved.

Of course, Tyrannosaurus Rex is not a herd animal, and a hundred Tyrannosaurus Rex will not fight among themselves if they act together. Obviously, they are also controlled by someone.

Let the Tyrannosaurus rex come pacing like this, I am afraid it was also instigated by the controller behind it.

This group of tyrannosaurus rex may have a burst speed that can travel fast, but they cannot maintain it for a long time. Even the blood-striped tyrannosaurus rex may not be able to avoid this situation.

Similar to Mimi.

Therefore, at this time, they are obviously conserving their energy.

However, letting Xu Xin and the others see the whereabouts of the Tyrannosaurus rex so clearly and giving them time to prepare, actually exposed the conceit of the controller.

Obviously, the other party looked down on this side.

The other party probably felt that even if they were given time to prepare, there was nothing they could do. It would be better to let the dinosaurs save a little effort and only use their strength when they arrived in Crystal City, so that they would be safe.

can only say…

The other party's approach is indeed very reasonable.

The only way they can deal with the Tyrannosaurus rex group is to attack with all their strength.

Throw all their various weapons and resist hard.

There is no way, they are now the defensive side, and the opponent must save the enemy, they are inherently at a disadvantage.

I can only resist!

But before that...

"Deal with the underground creatures first, they are coming!" Xu Xin could already hear the rustling in the ravine.

Obviously, the creatures below are about to dig out!

Sure enough, things were completely in their expectation.

On the soil wall of the gully, there was a sudden "click", and a sharp claw stretched out.

This sharp claw seemed a little strange why there was no soil and rocks in front of it, so it grabbed it twice in the air.

Then the sharp claws like Wolverine directly grabbed into the rock wall below, as if touching tofu, and easily inserted into it.

Then, as soon as the sharp claws exerted force, a big hole was immediately pulled out from the earth wall.

Countless soil debris fell and fell into the gully.

And a head poked out from it.

"Huh?" Xu Xin's eyes widened immediately, "It's actually..."

Then, he narrowed his eyes slowly: "Yes, if you think of digging holes, it should be them."

He couldn't be more familiar with this head.

Isn't this the head of a pangolin?

There are bloodstains all over it!

This should be the group of pangolins he saw underground!

The pangolin Aifei and the two little pangolins were picked up by him because they were excluded by the pangolin group!

After that, the burrow connecting the pangolin's habitat disappeared, and he never encountered another pangolin.

But unexpectedly, this group of pangolins actually participated in this plan!

Fortunately, the giant pangolin did not come.

However, even if the other party comes, they will be affected by Crystal City and become one of their own.


This group of pangolins should also have some giant beast blood, right? They are much larger than normal pangolins!

Now, they dug out of the ravine...

Sure enough, Xu Xin found that the bright blood patterns on the pangolin's body suddenly dimmed a lot, and the pangolin seemed to be stunned suddenly.

There was no action for ten seconds.

"It's really... no effort at all!"

I'm afraid the other party didn't consider the situation of getting out of the ground at all.

After actual testing, they knew that the bloodline of giant beasts would not be affected by the crystal city in the five-meter-thick soil layer, so they let this group of pangolins with bloodlines of giant beasts carry out the underground house-stealing mission.

But they didn't expect that the members of the explorers sensed their mission in the ground, and used the most stupid method to dig a circle of ravines directly in the world tree!

Now it seems that this stupid method is the most effective.

Directly expose this group of pangolins to the influence of Crystal City!

Surrounding The heavy crossbow on the world tree of the explorer members has been aimed at the bottom.

"Don't attack!" Xu Xin immediately reminded everyone in the group.

"Wait a minute!" At the same time, Ji Zhaoyang also said in the group.

It seems that he also noticed it.

Wang Lei: "This has been drilled out a lot, right? If you don't shoot, they will... ah, one will fall!"

A pangolin emerged from the hole it had dug, then lost its grip and let out a high-pitched cry. One side rolled into the ravine.

The scene was a little funny at one point.

Ji Zhaoyang: "These pangolins have the blood of giant beasts, don't act, just wait and see what happens!"

Xu Xin also took up the conversation and said, "They are likely to be our help!"

(end of this chapter)