MTL - Starting Off With A Blacksmith Workshop-v2 Chapter 337 Good news from delivery room

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In order to allow the factory to roll out aerospace fighters according to the work instructions in the future, the instructions he is writing now are extremely rigorous.

It is not enough to be rigorous, but it needs to be detailed, so this requires him to write clearly how much torque is used by the screws at each moment of the fighter.

Not only the requirements for the workpiece, but also the requirements for the environment, what temperature and humidity are used for which part of the assembly, all of these must be detailed.

It is conceivable that the workload of compiling such a homework instruction book is huge, but in order for him to escape from it in the future, he can only do so.

After finishing this work, it was also possible for him to work in this area because of the brain wave translator he made in the early stage.

"First Evolution"

That is to say, in the virtual laboratory, he records all the manufacturing of parts and the subsequent assembly process to form a complete process.

It is also because of the existence of the virtual laboratory that he has a very fast speed in the progress of this work.

Along with the handicraft operation instructions, under the transmission of his brain wave translator, the number of words is increasing at a constant speed.

It is said that the blueprint of an airplane can be filled with a train, and the instruction book he is compiling now has even more words in total.

The craft instruction book is slowly taking shape, and in reality the aerospace fighter is slowly being assembled in his hands.

As soon as he did this work, it took several months to pass, and during this time, the internal situation of Kyushu had undergone great changes.

The first is the change in the weather. The weather is finally not as frequent as before. Although minor disasters still occur, major disasters are not happening.

This kind of weather change is beyond human control, and all that can be done is to make the greatest efforts to reduce the losses of the people.

Kyushu has already done a great job in terms of the weather. The weather problem is not only in Kyushu, just like the Otari in the southern hemisphere. Their upper floors just lie flat.

When there was a wildfire in Kyushu, it was a concerted effort to overcome the difficulties, but they just let the forest burn. Their fire has been burning for a year, but no one can save it.

After more than a year of burning, 5% of the entire forest in Otani has disappeared. Don’t feel that this proportion is very small. The area affected by the fire is more than 2,400 hectares, which is one-third A country of steel chariots was burned.

The weather problem has been alleviated, the rainfall along the Yangtze River has also increased, the Sanshanjia Hydropower Station can operate at full power again, and the energy situation in various places has been greatly eased.

And at this time, the Sunstar energy cores distributed throughout Kyushu are gradually shutting down. In some places, the energy supply is sufficient, and the Sunstar energy cores are no longer used, and they are then recycled.

One after another, the sun stars stopped their current work and were regrouped by the military. After the sun stars were gradually recovered, Wang Yuesheng felt at ease. He was afraid that Li Zhenhua's progress would slow down the overall progress of the space fighter. .

Isn't there a saying called two-way running, and their current situation can be regarded as a manifestation of two-way running.

More than a month passed quietly, and the progress of the space fighter in Li Zhenhua's hands on this day finally reached the point where the solar star energy core needed to be assembled.

After reaching this step, he gave himself a two-day vacation and took a good rest for two days. After returning to the workshop, he could only contact the higher-ups for the assembly progress of the aerospace fighter. Sunstar Energy The core is also time to come back.

The phone call was directly made to Wang Yuesheng, who gave a report on the current progress of the air combat fighter, and then talked about the need for the cooperation of the sun star.

After Wang Yuesheng heard his words, he said very straightforwardly that he would call the military aircraft to deliver the energy core to him as quickly as possible.

Then, after the two of them finished talking about the business, they exchanged pleasantries for a while, and hung up the phone after the politeness, and Li Zhenhua's purpose of the call was achieved.

The day after the phone call, a 20 Fat Ji transported a Sunstar energy core to him.

Once the energy core is in place, then his follow-up work can continue, and the assembly of the aerospace fighter begins again.

In fact, at this time, he has already compiled all his work instructions. He only needs to find some skilled workers and assemble them strictly according to the instructions, and he can largely complete the follow-up assembly work.

But now he doesn't want to hand it over like this. He has succeeded countless times in the virtual laboratory, but he hasn't created a fight in reality. The reason why the assembly work has not been handed over.

The follow-up assembly work is actually not that difficult for him, because the accuracy of the assembly is there, and his housekeeping skills are useless.

Although it was not difficult, it was cumbersome. All the work had to be carried out carefully. Even if he wanted to speed up the rest of the work, it would not be much faster.

The assembly work is complicated and boring, but he is a person who can endure the boring, and the time passes slowly under this circumstance.

The assembly work of the aerospace fighter is still going on according to the normal schedule, and the time has passed for another three months.

And three months later, in the exclusive workshop of Kyushu God Beast Li Zhenhua, a Super Raptor was parked. From the outside, this aerospace fighter is so small. Of course, this smallness is compared with the previous aerospace plane. .

He finally assembled all the air and space fighters. Looking at the fighters in front of him, he felt very proud.

And after completing this aerospace fighter, his whole heart is also relieved, and he no longer has to feel the feeling of having a mission on his body.

Since he started working on a giant high-precision machining center, he has not really relaxed for two or three years. He has always finished one project and then started another project.

He is really tired of the feeling of being chased by tasks, he wants to be free now, give himself a complete vacation, think about nothing, do nothing, just play at home with his wife and children .

The space fighter was built by him, and his desire to rest was finally realized, and he had already made up his mind that as long as the space fighter was handed over smoothly this time, he would not care about the rest.

No matter who came to him for something, he would reject it with straight words, without leaving any room for it.

Feeling the space fighter in front of him, and the nine huge containers beside the space fighter, those containers contained all the parts of the remaining nine Super Raptors, of course Does not include the solar star energy core.

After circling the plane several times, he became more and more admired for himself, and a proud and proud mood emerged leisurely. The expression on his face was the same as Wang Yousheng standing in front of the newly seized warehouse in Bright Sword.

The complacent Li Zhenhua took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, and played it directly to Wang Yuesheng. Before the call was connected, he hummed a cheerful song himself.

"Today is a good day, everything you want can come true..."

Wang Yuesheng, who picked up the phone, heard Li Zhenhua's happy singing from the phone before he had time to speak.

The joy in that singing voice can be easily heard. Wang Yuesheng held the phone and listened quietly, not intending to disturb his singing at all.

Li Zhenhua was on the other end of the phone, still singing, but then he noticed something was wrong.

He has been singing for such a long time, but he still hasn't heard the busy signal of someone speaking or no one answering the phone. With a trace of doubt, he took the phone away from his ear, and saw that the phone was connected at this time. Yes, and it's been almost a minute.

Even if he was a fool at this moment, he knew why he felt something was wrong, and then he thought of something, the song he sang just now must have been heard by the old man opposite.

Just when he was a little embarrassed, he heard Wang Yuesheng's voice on the phone.

"Oh? It's very nice to sing. Why don't you sing, Li boy? Go ahead and sing. I didn't expect you, kid, to sing such an old song. I thought you would like something like Fan's big bowl of wide noodles. song!"

In Wang Yuesheng's words, there was obviously a hint of teasing. This kind of teasing obviously didn't have any effect on Li Zhenhua. After he figured out something, it was obvious that he was shameless.

"Okay, old man Wang, what kind of big bowl of wide noodles is that called a song? Listen to me sing the battle song of the strong army for you later!

Now listen to me, I have something serious to ask you, I believe that as long as you listen, you will be very happy!

No, not only happy, I guess you have to put down the work at hand and fly to the scene to watch directly! "

Wang Yuesheng heard him say that, and the hints in that words are so obvious, even if he is stupid, he can be famous, so what is Li Zhenhua talking about!

"Comrade Li Zhenhua, you mean to say that the aerospace fighter has been born in your hands, right?

is that true? If it is, I will report to my superiors now, and you will wait for me, and I will go to the military flying now!

You tell me an accurate word! Is it real! "

When Wang Yuesheng asked, there was already a hint of impatience in his words, and of course he was looking forward to Li Zhenhua's answer.

At this moment, Li Zhenhua didn't speak, but just held the phone in his hand, laughing there.

"Hey hey..." Li Zhenhua's series of laughter made Wang Yuesheng understand the meaning directly. They all laughed like this, which was obviously what he guessed.

"Don't just laugh, kid, give me a letter, otherwise I really don't dare to spread false information!"

"Old Wang, old Wang, old Wang, bah, anyway, it's what you think, the space fighter is really finished, you can go to the big brothers to report the good news, and you should come as soon as possible Find me!

When you come, I will leave this mess to you, and then I can have a good rest! "

Wang Yuesheng didn't care about what Li Zhenhua called him earlier, besides, there was nothing wrong with Li Zhenhua calling him that, he was indeed an old man.

All his focus was on what Li Zhenhua said later, the aerospace fighter is finished! This means that they can have professional combat aerospace aircraft in the future, aircraft suitable for space warfare!

Rather than what it is now, holding an aerospace plane that is strictly an armed transport plane to get in the way.

He is indeed right to think so, but if his thoughts are heard by Lao Mei and other countries, they will have to scold him at Versailles.

An armed transport aerospace plane has already bullied them so much that they can't hold their heads up. If there are more professional models in service, then it's okay?

"Academician Li Zhenhua, this is the end of our call. I will report the good news to the boss now. You can wait for me at home obediently!"

After Wang Yuesheng finished speaking, he hung up the phone, and Li Zhenhua put the phone in his pocket, completely ignoring Wang Yuesheng's reaction.

Instead, he stood under the aerospace fighter, put down the hanging ladder that came with the aircraft, climbed up the ladder, sat in the cockpit, and felt the real experience of the aerospace fighter~www He was sitting in the air-space fighter and playing, while Wang Yuesheng in Beiping was in a hurry, rushed out of the office, and ran towards the office of the military chief.

Many passers-by and soldiers were particularly puzzled, wondering what the problem was, why they were still so anxious despite having two gold stars.

Wang Yuesheng didn't pay attention to the attitudes of the people around him, and still ran upstairs quickly. He didn't even want to wait for the elevator, so he went directly to the stairs.

Panting, he ran out of the stairwell, and when he was about to approach the military chief's office, he slowed down and straightened his clothes.

There was no obstacle at the door, and he walked directly into the office of the head of the army. When he was at the door, he had already adjusted his mood, but now when he wanted to introduce it to the head of the army, he became excited again.

Still not breathing evenly, Wang Yuesheng, who was so excited that he was speechless, went around the desk and came to Juntou, took his hand and walked towards the door.

The military leader, who didn't know why, was really confused by Wang Yuesheng's operation at this time, and didn't know what the old man was doing.

"Old Wang, let go, where are you going to take me? Can you calm down your heart? Explain the matter clearly to me!" The head of the army had a look of helplessness, and just let Wang Yuesheng Pulling it out is not such a thing, so now that I have not been dragged out of the office, I quickly asked it out.

After hearing the question, Wang Yuesheng also calmed down. Wang Yuesheng stopped, took a deep breath, and then returned.

"The air-space fighter has been manufactured. Comrade Li Zhenhua just called me! After I hung up, I came to report the good news to you. Now I want to take you with me. Let's go to Dongshan to have a look!"