MTL - Starting Off With A Blacksmith Workshop-v2 Chapter 344 respective travel plans

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Start a blacksmith's shop Chapter 344 Respective travel plans

He used to use it on the Qingniu bus, and many bulletproof technologies have also been applied to Xiao Lizi's small car.

Li Zhenhua can bluntly say that apart from being damaged when colliding with a tank, the car he designed will hardly suffer any other damage.

The assembly of the car was still going on, and because some parts were too heavy on the way, he also put on the Chi You power armor. After having the power armor, his assembly work progressed faster.

For all the materials on the car, use the best ones, and never use sub-grade ones. That's really worth the money. As long as the car can be touched by hand, it is all wrapped in pink suede.

There is also the seat inside. He combined the design of a part of the child car seat to make the seat especially suitable for the little chestnut.

After Li Zhenhua put on the power armor, the progress of this car accelerated a lot. Five days later, this car was finally born from his hands.

He didn't evaluate the value of this car. If he really added all kinds of things, it is estimated that the total value of the car built by him should be at least three million soft sister coins.

Little Lizi, who has been with him all the time, has witnessed how this car was born. The sense of making a car from scratch, from parts to the composition of a car, has a great impact on the only three-year-old little chestnut. shock.

And at this very moment, other people's children are still happy about the children's electric car they own. Li Zhenhua's precious daughter already has a children's fuel car with a horsepower of more than 150 horsepower in advance.

It can be seen that Li Zhenhua loves his daughter, even if Xiao Lizi said to go to the moon to see it now, he might rebuild an aerospace plane, and then take Xiao Lizi to the moon for a walk.

The car in front of him has a total length of 2010mm, a height of 1038mm, and 890mm, a total power of 111kw, a total of 150.9 horsepower, a displacement of 1.36 tons, and a total weight of 1.36 tons.

The gearbox uses a seven-speed dual-clutch gearbox. Li Zhenhua tested the car in a virtual laboratory, and it can run up to 216 kilometers per hour.

The interior space of the car can only seat Xiao Lizi alone, but it is very comfortable for her to sit on her own. Of course, it is also possible to stuff a child in.

The car adopts a rear-mounted four-wheel drive power layout. There is no front trunk at the front of the car, but a large high-energy battery is arranged inside, and there is room for the installation of his subsequent particle energy shield.

In terms of operation mode, he has developed two modes, one is safe mode and the other is unlocked mode.

In safe mode, the maximum speed of the car is 15 kilometers per hour. In this mode, you can safely let Xiao Lizi experience the driving experience by himself.

In another unlocking mode, the speed of the car is unlocked, that is, it can run as fast as it can run, and this mode is not for children to drive, but Li Zhenhua uses remote control to control it.

And after this small car is built, he also plans to take it with him when he goes out to play this time. If they encounter other things outside, they can stuff the little chestnut into this small car to keep his daughter safe. escape.

After the car was fully assembled, Little Lizi had an excited expression on her face. She was still playing with a small hammer at the side, but after receiving Li Zhenhua's words, she immediately threw the small hammer aside.

The little girl ran to Li Zhenhua's side with a blushing face, hugged his legs and began to climb up, asking Li Zhenhua while climbing.

"Dad, Dad, is my car ready, can I drive out and play now?"

When Li Zhenhua heard Xiao Lizi's question, he took the little Lizi who was holding his leg off his lap, and hugged him.

"If little chestnut can give me a kiss, I think I should let little chestnut drive out to play!"

Little Lizi hugged his neck immediately, and put her mouth close to his face, kissing both sides of his face.

When Li Zhenhua was kissed by Xiao Lizi, his heart almost melted.

Then he crouched down holding the little chestnut, opened the door of the car, stuffed the little man into the car, and fastened the seat belt on the little chestnut.

After fixing the little chestnut in the car, Li Zhenhua took out a VR glasses from the blacksmith's workbench, and then put them on his head, while in his hand was a remote control like a model airplane remote control.

"Hey baby, how about we go find your mother now?"

As soon as Xiao Lizi heard it, she cheered happily in the car: "Okay, okay! I'm going to find my mother!"

In the cheers of Xiao Lizi, Li Zhenhua controlled the car with the remote control, and slowly drove out of the blacksmith shop. When he came to the road, he picked up the speed, and when the car went out, Ning One of Wei's team had already followed behind in a car.

The speed of the car on the road quickly reached 30 kilometers per hour. Such a speed gave the little chestnut in the car an experience that he had never experienced before, and his small face was very excited.

The car was remotely controlled by Li Zhenhua, and it drove towards the Kyushu Divine Beast not far from here. There was a car behind the car, which was driven by a bodyguard, and it was very close to the car.

When the car came to the gate of Kyushu Shenshou Company, it didn't even stop, because the gate pole at the gate was higher than the car. As soon as Li Zhenhua stepped on the gas, the car drove in from under the pole.

Of course the security guard on duty saw the car that just rushed in, but when the security guard just rushed out of the guard box, he sent the car driven by the bodyguard behind the car. The security guard immediately understood what was going on, and then said nothing.

The car drove all the way to Li Yun's work place, and the speed was not particularly slow. On the road, I met many employees who were curious about the car, but no one came forward to check it.

Because in their company, the employees have long been familiar with such things. They can even get close to military aircraft. The small car in front of them is obviously not as attractive as the military aircraft.

The car soon arrived in front of the office building where Li Yun worked, and drove to the window of Li Yun's office on the first floor. Li Zhenhua remotely controlled the car to sound the horn.

Then Li Yun, who was working hard inside, heard the sound of a horn outside the window, and then she came to the window and looked out the window.

When Li Yun saw the small car under the window, she immediately understood that this should be the small car Li Zhenhua built for Xiao Lizi, and when she looked into the small car, she had a strange expression on her face stand up.

Then he walked out of the office and came to the side of the car outside the office building.

When Li Yun just stood beside the car, the door of the car opened automatically.

"Honey, is this car handsome, Little Lizi? How do you feel when you see your precious daughter appearing in this way?"

Li Zhenhua was still talking to Li Yun complacently, but soon he saw something was wrong through the VR glasses, because Li Yun's face became particularly fierce.

"My daughter has been delivered, and I will leave her to you. Go home early at noon!" Li Zhenhua didn't care about anything else, just said a word, and then disconnected the remote control from the car.

Li Zhenhua took a deep breath in the blacksmith shop, and then took off the vr glasses from his head.

"Phew, it's so dangerous, I almost got scolded on the spot." He muttered to himself, and then went to busy with many things for travel.

Now during this period of time, he has designed the main means of transportation for their family of three to travel.

Now, as long as he gets all the design drawings of this car out of his mind with a brain wave translator, he only needs to send all the design drawings of this car to the factory, and then he can enter production.

Fortunately, he had already laid out the field of bulletproof vehicles in advance, and the previous cooperation with the eldest son car directly came in handy.

After Zhang Zi Auto received the car design drawing he sent, it immediately drove a bulletproof off-road truck in their hands off the line, and started manufacturing directly according to the design drawing he sent.

And according to the current production progress of the factory, he was given an estimated completion time.

After the Iveco he redesigned entered the production stage, he sent an application to the Kyushu Guard Corps through Ning Wei's channel.

The content of the application is to allow him to produce a weakened version of the Qingniu bus for his own use, and he will keep the special design of the Qingniu bus strictly confidential, and will not disclose the structure of the bus.

His application was submitted by Ning Wei, and the superior of the security regiment who received Ning Wei's application in Beiping had no decision-making power over this matter, and then the application was handed over to the desks of the big bosses.

Of course, the bosses didn't refuse his application, and they didn't want to refuse, Li Zhenhua was too important to Kyushu.

His application now is undoubtedly strengthening his security measures, and doing so just hits their fright. Even if Li Zhenhua didn't have this application, the upper echelons of Kyushu are considering continuing to strengthen his security.

After the application for the production and use of the Qingniu bus was approved, he began to study the bus used for travel.

During the period when he was working on his own travel plan, the two planes he produced had stole the limelight internationally.

First of all, the debut of the Super Raptors changed, which once again made the countries of the world restless for a while. After seeing that Kyushu did not continue, they settled down.

Now that the mission of the Super Raptor has been determined, this super fighter will stay in the space above the earth orbit for a long time, carry out continuous orbital flight, and shoulder the task of maintaining the national security of Kyushu.

What the aerospace plane has to do is a bit cumbersome. It is not delivering goods and personnel to the Tiangong space station, or delivering goods and personnel to the moon.

And some time ago, they also undertook another task, which was to transport the helium three production laboratory of the Kyushu Academy of Sciences to the moon by aerospace fighters.

The first thing to go up is the production equipment, and then the scientists. After they go to the moon, their mission is also very clear, that is, to set up a helium three production factory on the moon.

These old experts who study the production of helium three are usually in their fifties, and of course there are also young ones, but they are also forty years old.

It was such a scientific research team with an average age of 50 years old who flew to the moon in an aerospace plane and became the first scientific research team to break out of the earth in Kyushu's outward exploration.

This is an attempt of great significance. The step Kyushu has taken is considered to be at the forefront of the world. This action was unprecedented, even when Lao Mei was at the peak of the aerospace industry, he had never reached such a height.

When the first factory on the moon is established, it means that Kyushu has truly entered the realm of exploring outside the earth.

Now if you want to talk about who is the number one in extraterrestrial exploration on earth, it is definitely old mold, but if you want to say who is the number one in implementation, it is Kyushu.

When the aerospace plane delivered enough supplies to the moon, there were plenty of people and supplies on the moon.

The lunar reserve materials at this time can be used continuously by 500 people for five years. As long as there are no major changes in it, this estimated result can be achieved.

Don't forget that the base on the moon was developed as an agricultural base at the beginning. With the continuous construction of the base on the moon, I believe that one day, the moon will reach the point of self-sufficiency.

As for the Tiangong space station, due to the existence of space planes, the total internal area of ​​the current space station is three times or four times larger than that at the beginning.

The number of people on orbit has also changed from the original three to five people to the current scale of 20 people on orbit. There will be astronauts returning to Earth midway, and some people will come to the space station to perform tasks.

Since the appearance of aerospace planes, Kyushu has advanced by leaps and bounds in the exploration of outer space.

When the space station and moon base in space all the reserve work is done, the task load of this aerospace plane can be regarded as reduced.

Especially after the Super Raptors changed to take on military missions, the transportation missions became less and less. It was also at this time that the Kyushu Space Agency made a major decision to send a space exploration team outside the earth.

The ultimate goal of the team is Mars in the solar system, and the vehicle of the exploration team decided to use the aerospace plane, and of course they did not forget Li Zhenhua's previous instructions.

The service life of the Sunstar energy core on the aerospace fighter is only three years, and then a Sunstar energy core that should have been used on the Super Raptor was taken out and installed on this aerospace plane.

When there is enough energy, the next thing will be easy to handle. The cargo compartment of the original aerospace plane has been modified for life.

And make full use of the space inside, not even a little waste.

Then there is to fill it with supplies that can last five people for ten years, whether it is water or other things, everything must be fully prepared.

Don't forget, the ultimate goal is Mars, with a distance of 55 million kilometers in between!

-----Off Topic-----

py is a book, small seedlings, urban farming, if you are interested, you can read it!

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