MTL - Steady Development From Douluo-Chapter 144 Contra Education Committee!

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   Chapter 144 Contra Education Committee!

   "You guys are making trouble at the Royal Academy, wait for me!"

   "Quick! Go to the academy and call someone!"


   Carrying Xue Beng, all the disciples who were guarding the door disappeared in a short while, and they looked like shit, typical of serenity.

   "Su Xun, will it be too impulsive?"

  Leng Mengyao looked at Su Xun, and everyone else's attention was also on Su Xun.

   With Su Xun's temperament, although he has a dark heart, he definitely can't make a move.

   Especially here is the gate of the Royal Academy, this is not a trivial matter!

   "I haven't shot for a long time, my hands are itchy, don't be surprised!"

  Su Xun rubbed his fists. He sounded apologetic in his words, but his appearance didn't mean any guilt at all, but rather...

   is not addictive!

   "That's how it should be, otherwise the people at the Royal Academy would think we're soft persimmons!"

  Flander also stood up domineeringly, and seemed to agree with Su Xun's approach, and even wrote satisfaction on his face.

   Of course, if he didn't know that Flender had already communicated with Liu Erlong and finally joined Lanba Academy, perhaps Su Xunzhen would have been moved.

   "The Dean is domineering!"

  Su Xun's mouth twitched slightly, giving Flender a symbolic thumbs up.

"low profile!"

  Flander immediately waved his hand, his eyes were full of smiles, and he was about to ask Su Xun to continue his praise.

   Seeing Su Xun and Flender singing in harmony, everyone was very strange. They always felt that something was wrong, but they couldn't tell.

   "Okay, let's go in and go directly to their dean!"

   Ignoring the curious eyes of everyone, Flender waved his hand and stepped into the gate of the Royal Academy first, and everyone had to keep up.

   "Su Xun, what's going on?"

   Watching everyone leave, Leng Mengyao tightened Su Xun's arm and asked curiously.

   "We'll leave the Royal Academy later and go to other academies, you'll understand then."

   squeezed Leng Mengyao's face, Su Xun replied with a smile.

  Not at the Royal Academy?

   Hearing this, Leng Mengyao's face was extremely strange. They have all come to the Royal Academy now, and they still won't stay here. Could it be that there is a better academy than the Royal Academy?

   Seeing Su Xun selling off, Leng Mengyao pouted mischievously and had to bury her inner doubts.

   The Royal Academy is worthy of being the official academy of the Heaven Dou Empire. Its luxury is far from comparable to other academies. The white marble is everywhere, and the castle-like building looks pleasing to the eye.

   Among them, it can be seen from the students that the spirit masters of the Royal Academy can be divided into three levels, Tianwei level, Tianzhi level, and Tiandou level!

   Among them, teachers and students are naturally included.


   Students who have just entered the school, those who are less than 25th grade are Tianwei grade, those between 25th grade and 30th grade are Tianzhi grade, and those who are above 30th grade are Tiandou grade.


   Teachers above grade 40 and below grade 50 are Tianwei grade teachers.

  Between grades 50 and 60, they are teachers of Tianzhi.

If    exceeds 60, he is a Tiandou-level teacher.

   The dean of the Tiandou Royal Academy is held by the emperor himself. The vice dean, Prince Xue Xing, has only general supervision power.

   The three of them are Soul Douluo above the 80th level, and they have a very high status in the Heaven Dou Empire. Even the Great Emperor Xue Ye should treat each other with courtesy. They are Bai Baoshan, Zhilin, and Mengshenji.

  Bai Baoshan, an eighty-five-level defense weapon spirit, Wuhun Tianxing Furnace, strong in defense but weak in attack.

  The Tianxing Furnace is somewhat similar to Su Xun's Bagua Furnace. Since the opponent is a defense spirit master, Su Xun also doubts whether his Bagua Furnace can also be used as a weapon.

   But thinking about the appearance of him holding a stove and smashing people, Su Xun felt horrified, it was so embarrassing.

   The remaining two...

   Zhi Lin, an eighty-three-level control-type spirit master, martial spirit Tian Qingteng, plant-type martial spirit, very similar to Tang San's Blue Silver Grass, but not as good as the latter at the level of blood.

  The last one, Dream God Machine!

   The eighty-three-level control-type battle spirit master, the Wuhun black demon, although it is a control type, the black demon's strangeness and speed are no less than that of the agile attack type.

   The three elders of the Royal Academy, the two control departments and one defensive, and the fact that one of the main battles has neither a strong attack type nor agile attack type soul master, which is really shocking.

   After staying in the reception room for a while, Su Xun and others met the three teaching committees of the Royal Academy under the leadership of Qin Ming.

   Mengshenji with strong white hair, Bai Baoshan with a chubby body, and a tall and handsome man!

   "Chair, this is my teacher, Dean Flender!"

   Seeing the three elders waiting at the door, Qin Ming immediately greeted them and introduced them to Mengshenji.

   Afterwards, he introduced the three elders of the education committee to Flender.

   "Everyone is a guest from afar, don't be restrained, please come inside!"

   Mengjinji looked extremely kind, without any pretense at all, and invited people in directly.

  Shrek Academy can cultivate the generation of Qin Ming, and the teachers are all soul emperors, and the team of disciples can also make a white emperor battle team...

   With such a talented person, you should be a corporal of courtesy!

   "Chair, please!"

  Flander immediately bowed, but did not dare to walk in front of the three elders.

  According to their status, the three are the elders of the Royal Academy!

  By age, the three are seniors!

  According to his strength, in front of the three Contras, Flender did not dare to be presumptuous.

   When people give you face, you have to take care of yourself, but you can't slap your face to make you fat!

   The three elders of the education committee smiled, and then walked in the front, but they were communicating with Flender intentionally or unintentionally.

After    took their seats, the three Mengshenji noticed the abnormal situation before they could speak, and their brows suddenly wrinkled.

  According to the status and seniority, the teacher and the teacher talk to each other, and the disciple must not sit down. How can this young man...

   "Dean Flender, this little friend is also a teacher in the academy?"

  Meng Shenji pointed at Su Xun and said curiously.

   With his eyesight, he could tell at a glance that Su Xun was definitely around 20 years old.

   "This is Su Xun, a new teacher of Shrek Academy and a former student of Shrek Academy. After graduation, he became a teacher in Shrek Academy."

  Flander replied truthfully, but when he introduced it, there was a hint of pride in his eyes.

   The strongest person in Shrek Academy was trained by Shrek Academy, and he is only 20 years old this year, so the three of you may not be able to fight!

   And I, Flender, the dean!

   I ask you, are you jealous or not? ?


   Hearing this, Mengshenji's brows furrowed even more deeply, and his eyes seemed to cast aside Qin Ming, who smiled shyly, but he forgot to introduce Su Xun.

   (end of this chapter)