MTL - Steady Development From Douluo-Chapter 145 Test, pick the best?

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  Chapter 145 Test, pick the best?

   At the Royal Academy level 40, he can be a teacher, and he wants to come to Shrek Academy. However, the Soul Sect, who is about 20 years old, still makes Mengshenji three people look at it differently.

   However, since he is a former disciple of the academy, according to respecting the teacher and respecting the Tao, shouldn't he be sitting at the bottom of the table?

  Why, but sitting in the second seat, only under Dean Flender?

   Seeing Meng Shenji and the three of them looking at him, Su Xun was also full of helplessness. Originally, he should have been a master or Zao Wou-Ki.

   However, Grandmaster is not very interested in this kind of entertainment, and his strength is the lowest, so he took the initiative to sit at the bottom of the table, but hid quietly.

   As for Zao Wou-Ki and the others, knowing Su Xun's strength, naturally they can't let Su Xun sit at the end of the table to hide from leisure.

   At this time, when Shrek Academy's hard-core strength is displayed, what is the matter with hiding behind the strongest member?

  Nothing else, you must be the assault squad!

  So, Su Xun was pushed to the second position.

   "Little friend Su Xun is really young and promising."

   Mengjinji smiled and nodded, then looked at Flender:

   "Our Royal Academy can fully agree to your request."

   "You will be the teachers of the Royal Academy in the future. Of course, Shrek Academy will also remain. If you want to leave, we will definitely not stop you."

   "That's more..."

  Flander was overjoyed and was about to be grateful when he saw Zhilin standing beside him and interrupted Flender:

   "Don't be too busy to thank you. Although I heard that your hospital is very strong, you have to come up with something convincing, and use this as a basis to make us believe in your potential."


   Hearing this, Flender and the others shrank their pupils, but there was no anger in their hearts. They thought about this for a long time.

   Heaven Dou Imperial Royal Academy, if you can get in just for fun, that would be too much of a joke!

   "I don't know what the elders mean?" Flender handed over his hands with a very respectful attitude.

  The three of Zhilin looked at each other, had an invisible exchange, and then nodded, as if deciding something.

   Zhilin pointed at Su Xun and said, "The strength of Shrek team is evidenced by Yu Tianheng and Teacher Qin, and I can't go wrong."

   "But we still don't know the strength of your academy teacher. If this little friend can support me for a minute under my pressure, the three of us will never stop me. I sincerely welcome everyone to join the Royal Academy."

  (⊙o⊙) what?

   Looking in the direction of Chi's finger, Flender and the others were immediately stunned.

  Detect Su Xun?

  I rely on you, you pick the strongest test to test, can you detect the effect?

   If you want to release water, there is no need to do so. The other teachers in our Shrek Academy are also very strong.


  I generally don't laugh, Flender, unless I really can't help it!

"definitely no problem!"

   Fearing that Zhilin would go back on it, Flender agreed immediately and looked at Su Xun.

  Look at you, don't embarrass our college!

   The corners of Su Xun's mouth twitched slightly, and he had to stand up under everyone's attention, and bowed his hands to Zhi Lin.

   "Su Xun, please enlighten me!"

   His heart was full of helplessness, even if the titled Douluo came, the coercion of spirit power would not help him, let alone Spirit Douluo.

"it is good!"

   Zhilin nodded, raised his hand and began to release the pressure of his own spirit power, which enveloped Su Xun.

   In the beginning, Zhi Lin only chose level 30 spirit power. In the face of the coercion of high-level spirit masters, it is not bad for ordinary spirit masters to be able to survive two-thirds of the level.

   According to Zhilin's estimation, Su Xun's strength is probably around level 40, and the pressure of level 30 is probably not a problem.

   Sure enough, being able to break through to the Soul Sect at such an age must have its own advantages. Mengshenji nodded with satisfaction, while Zhilin gradually increased his soul power.


  's spirit power was raised to level 40. Seeing that Su Xun not only did not release his martial spirit, but also did not reveal his spirit power at all, the three of Meng Shenji were immediately horrified.


   Seeing the expressions of the three Mengshenji, Flender and the others suddenly laughed, thinking that they were the same at the beginning, but now it is finally someone else's turn.

   "Good boy, it's not easy!"

  's eyes narrowed, Zhi Lin directly raised his soul power to level 50, and he was also a little afraid that Su Xun would collapse his soul power.

   But to his astonishment, Su Xun was still fine, his martial spirit was not revealed, and his spirit power was not revealed.

  Relying only on the flesh, he is resisting the coercion of his own soul power!


   Where did this monster come from!

   "Stop it!"

   Just when Zhilin was about to strengthen his soul power again, he saw Meng Shenji waved his hand and stopped him directly.

   Zhilin frowned slightly, and he didn't understand why the Dream God Machine was like this. If he continued to increase his soul power, he would definitely be able to measure the limit of this kid, but why...

   "Your hospital really gave us three old men a surprise!"

  Meng Shenji smiled mysteriously at Flender, who was humbled and ashamed, then Meng Shenji looked at Su Xun and said with emotion:

   "No wonder the little friend can sit under the dean. It turns out that we old men made a mistake. It's really a new person in the country."

   "Haha... We're getting really old too."

   Meng Shenji laughed a little loosely, but his eyes looking at Su Xun were full of surprise and shock.

   Can easily resist level 50 spirit power, even if it is at the level of a soul emperor, it is impossible to do it without using martial spirit and spirit power!

   This young man has the least soul power, the Soul Emperor, especially his abnormal physique, which is even more incredible.

   It's no wonder that Su Xun's seat is so forward, because of his strength!

   "Starting today, you..."

   Just when Mengshenji was about to welcome Su Xun and others to join, the door was suddenly pushed open and a group of people rushed in.

   "It turned out that the chief of the Dream God Machine was meeting guests, but this king disturbed him."

   The old and vigorous voice sounded, and an old man in Chinese clothes walked in under the guard of a sergeant with his hands on his back.

  Besides, there are also one old and one young!

  The person here is Prince Xue Xing!

  In an instant, a dangerous aura emanated from behind Prince Xue Xing, making people tremble inside, and the surrounding vegetation instantly withered and turned black, with drooping leaves.

  Title Douluo!

   Noticing Dugu Bo behind Prince Xue Xing, everyone was shocked, as if they were facing a great enemy.

   Xiao Wu was also taken aback, and quickly retreated to hide behind Tang San, for fear that Dugu Bo would see her.

   "His Royal Highness, what is the important thing to break in so hastily?"

  Meng Shenji gave people a salute and asked with a slightly unkind expression.

   They are entertaining guests, so disturbing is really inappropriate!

   If it wasn't for the identity of Prince Xue Xing, Meng Shenji would have turned his face long ago.

   "Hehe... I don't know who the guest that the Meng teacher is talking about, why don't you tell me about this prince."

  Xue Xing didn't smile, and glanced at Flender and the others, his eyes shot cold.

   (end of this chapter)