MTL - Steady Development From Douluo-Chapter 4 Alien driving guide!

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  Chapter 4 The Driving Guide to Another World!

   Bagua Furnace!

  Su Xun's martial spirit, of course, is not Taishang Laojun's gossip furnace.

   It’s just that there are gossips outside the alchemy furnace, which is similar to Laojun’s gossip furnace, hence the name.

  The Bagua Furnace can refine various medicinal herbs, increase the user's attack power and other attributes, and can also eliminate negative effects, such as toxins.

   All in all, Su Xun's martial spirit is a weapon spirit, but the result of its effect is that it relies on medicinal pills, which is somewhat like a food-based spirit.

   Although auxiliary spirit masters can increase their teammates, their combat power is extremely weak. Even if their level is above the soul sage, they may not be able to beat an ordinary spirit master.

   Therefore, auxiliary spirit masters extremely need the protection of war spirit masters, which is why Su Xun retreats to temper his body.

   Of course, being able to have a partner like an auxiliary spirit master is also something that a war spirit master can't ask for.

   As a Level 76 Soul Sage, Wuhun is still a domineering Vigorous King Kong Bear, and he actually offered to fight an auxiliary spirit master...

   One thought of this. Zao Wou-Ki felt embarrassed.

   But fortunately someone made a rescue…

   "You are... Su Xun!"

   Following Zao Wou-Ki, the other three teachers from the academy also rushed over.

   After seeing Su Xun, a middle-aged man with a slightly chubby body and an amiable appearance on the far right was the first to exclaim.

   Then, the other two also looked at Su Xun in astonishment.

   The two look much older, with black and white hair, but their temperament is completely different.

  The one in the middle was dressed in black cloth, meticulous, tall and straight, with deep eyes.

   And the one on the left was wearing a sackcloth and ragged clothes, and his hair was messy.

   The cloudy eyes look a bit similar to an alcoholic. If you want to compare it, it is probably the most similar to the sober chess saint Lin Xincheng.

   These three are the main teachers of Shrek Academy...

   Martial Soul Jelly Beans, the food is Soul Saint Xin Xin!

   Wuhun Xingluo Chess Equipment, control system Soul Emperor Lu Qibin!

   Martial Soul Dragon Pattern Stick, Soul Emperor of the Power Attack System, Li Yusong!

   "Hello, three teachers!"

   Seeing that Teacher Shao Xin recognized him, Su Xun smiled and greeted the three of them.

   "It's really your kid!"

   Seeing Su Xun's response, although they were already prepared, the three of them were still startled.

   Su Xun, who has been in seclusion for thirteen years, actually came out!

   "Stinky boy, I asked you to take Lao Tzu as your teacher, so reluctantly, you have to retreat for thirteen years?"

   Shao Xin reacted the most, his face flushed red and resentful, and he rushed towards Su Xun angrily, as if he would never give up until he asked for an answer.

   "Teacher Shao, isn't this cultivation, what does it mean to escape you!"

   "Teacher, with your ability, accepting a genius food student is not something that can be easily captured!" Su Xun replied a little embarrassedly.

   Both are auxiliary spirit masters, and Su Xun's martial spirit is similar to food spirit masters, so Shao Xin has been thinking about accepting Su Xun as his apprentice.

   Never thought that Su Xun suddenly retreated, which made Shao Xin very depressed, thinking that he was disliked.

   "It's almost there!"

   Hearing Su Xun's explanation, plus a flattery, Shao Xin's anger disappeared, and he replied angrily, but his eyes flashed with pride.

   "By the way, what are you doing in seclusion for so long!"

   seemed to think of something, Shao Xin rolled his eyes and stared at Su Xun blankly, with a meticulous expression and suspicion in his eyes.

   As soon as these words came out, Zao Wou-Ki and the others also set their eyes on Su Xun, full of surprise and doubts.

  Spirit masters usually only spend a few days in retreat, and they have never been in retreat for several years.

   Even a person with average aptitude needs to acquire a spirit ring to upgrade his level after cultivating for a period of time.

  Although you can continue to cultivate and improve your soul power if you reach the full tenth level, but without a soul ring to increase all aspects of the soul master's body, the soul power that can be stored in the body is limited after all.

   Thirteen years!

  According to Shrek Academy's average graduation and cultivation speed, at the age of 12, he entered the academy with a spirit power of level 20, and at the age of 20, he graduated from the soul sect, which means that he would need to upgrade to level 20 in 8 years.

   After thirteen years of retreat and cultivation, it is very possible that his soul power will increase by at least 30 levels, or even 40 levels. After all, he has nothing else to do.

   Such a powerful soul power exists in Su Xun's body, but he has never hunted soul beasts to obtain soul rings, then he...

   "Su Xun, what level is your soul power now?"

   seems to have thought of it all, Shao Xin, Zao Wuji and the others all looked at each other, their eyes were full of surprise, and in the end it was Vice President Zhao Wuji who stood up.

   "My current spirit power should be around level 25. I need to hunt down spirit beasts to obtain spirit rings, so I'm not in a hurry now." Su Xun said "truly".

  (Note: 1. The actual soul power is level 50. Many people start cursing without reading it. I want to explain that the main character of the protagonist’s retreat is his physical fitness, a violent output-type assistant, and have you never played King?

  2. You can cultivate spirit power without a spirit ring. If you have enough scolding in your heart, you can check out Yu Xiaogang's Top Ten Competitive Theories of Martial Spirit. One of them says so! )


   Like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, the four of them were stunned!

   "Level 25?!"

  Zao Wou-Ki's four eyes widened in unison, looking at Su Xun as if they had seen a ghost.

   "How is it possible that you are only level 25, you are already a soul master at the age of six, how could it be possible that your spirit power has only risen to level 15 after more than ten years?"

   Shao Xin was even more excited than Zao Wou-Ki, his eyes were about to pop out, faintly revealing the color of blood red.

   That way... I almost pointed at Su Xun and scolded him, quite indignant and hating that iron is not steel.

  Su Xun's martial soul awakening is innately full of soul power. In order to help Su find a suitable soul ring, he did not put much effort into it.

   Promote one level a year!

   Wetness can be endured, uncle can't bear it!

  Zao Wou-Ki and the others also stared at Su Xun indignantly, their eyes were full of sharpness, and the torture was full of charm.

  Su Xun retreated and cultivated by himself. They originally disagreed. In their opinion, it was a complete waste of time to ponder!

   If it wasn't for Su Xun's stubbornness and the formation of the wooden house, Flender would have suffered a big loss for this, and they would have dragged Su Xun out to "train him well".

   Now the result is like this, how can people accept it!

   A genius full of soul power...

   in their hands... obsolete!

   "Host, is it really okay for you to lie to them like this?"

   Seeing that Su Xun was talking nonsense with his eyes open, the system was speechless and contemptuous.

  Su Xun's martial soul cultivation base, I am afraid no one knows better than him, the result of the aura quenching the body, makes Su Xun's body far beyond the limit.

   Not to mention the spirit power of level 34 or 40, even if it is the spirit power of a Titled Douluo, as long as he cultivates it, he will not explode and die.

  Although Su Xun spends most of his time using spiritual energy to train his body, his soul power training has not been slowed down at all.

   Level 25?

   This statement can only deceive others!

  For example... After reading the previous article, I think the protagonist is really just a level 25 reader.

   "If I was invincible now, why would I still use this!" Su Xunyi retorted sternly.

   Pretend to slap your face?

If    does not exist, wretched growth is king!

  There are thousands of roads, and safety is the first!

   After crossing the road, you think you are a father. You can dream about this kind of thing, or write a novel to **** for it.


Different world!

   Pretend to slap your face?

   It's not as easy as you think!

  There are not so many fools in the other world. If there is, it is also written by the author of Dog Day!

   (end of this chapter)