MTL - Stealing The Heavens-Chapter 8 Coalition

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Chapter VIII Coalition ()

A little flash of light flashed in front of me, and the instinctive body rolled back eighteen times in a row, avoiding the rear of the tower.

‘咄’, a muffled sound, a length of four feet, five inches and six inches, the thickness of the small thumb, sharp as a needle, the thorns flew close to the body of the body, and deeply immersed in the ground outside the seven or eight feet. The thorns flew over, and there was a faint scent of sweetness. The thorns were obviously poisonous.

Among the group of villagers, two strong men were dodging and were shot into the body by the same thorn. That is, two or three breaths of time, the two strong men suddenly blackened and fell to the ground. Their bodies twitched rapidly, and the two strong men, two meters tall, quickly shrank into the size of an ordinary child. The blood was sprayed from their seven scorpions and quickly contaminated the large ground.

Do not see the scalp numb, this thorn is very toxic.

At least seven or eight hundred savage ‘嗷嗷’ screaming across the river rushed out. They held a strong bow wrapped in a tree vine, constantly shooting one after another. With the sound of ‘嗤嗤’, the waves of the thorns and raindrops fell, and the villagers near the suspension bridge were so embarrassed.

There are more than thirty savage people with the fastest legs and feet, but they are two or three waves of thorns. They have already rushed straight down the pontoon, and they rushed to the side of the suspension bridge.

The old man who had just talked with him did not raise his caduceus. His left hand and five fingers were like a melody. After smashing a weird seal, he took a sigh of relief. The old chest of the dwarf cognac suddenly swelled high, and he snorted and snorted, and the five fingers suddenly shrank.

A hurricane in the flat land rolled up flat, covering a space of more than a dozen feet.

A wave of thorns just fell from the sky, and the squalls rolled up the thorns and shot the wild people who were about to rush to the suspension bridge. Thirty savage people were so scared that they threw their hands on the strong bow, and the desperate fish jumped into the river. There were a few savage people who jumped slowly, and the thorns fell into their bodies deeply. They just blinked, and they all burst into black and suffocating.

Don't stare at the old man. This trick has also been introduced in The Pirates of the Scriptures. It is the most basic and five-line spells in the most basic and five-line spells. The old man’s cultivation is not high, and the wind that has been rolled up covers only a dozen square feet.

The clever winds, once applied, can change the climate of a thousand miles. This is what the old people of this wilderness village can't do.

There was a shrill sound from the top of the head. The villagers on several towers had already opened the strong bow, and dozens of arrows screamed and shot. The savage who jumped into the river had just emerged from the water, and the powerful arrows hit their bodies and shot them in the water.

The savage savage screaming at the head of the savage who was surrounded by black smoke across the river. He raised his hands and grotesquely yelled, and the body twisted and danced for a while, the bitter green in the black smoke, a small mouth, and a green fireball spouted.

The boss of the tribe called out and the villagers on the side of the suspension bridge evaded. The villagers on the arrow tower used the strength of the milk to pull up the sling, and the suspension bridge was put away. But the fireball just flew to the arrow tower with the sling. A loud bang, the green fireball exploded, and the small half-headed tower was blown up, and several villagers on the tower were blown apart, and the suspension bridge fell heavily.

The wild people screamed with excitement. They dropped the strong bow and pulled out the broadsword from the back. ‘嗷嗷’ called for rushing along the pontoon.

The savage screamed in the sky, and the savage rushed out of the dense forest. This wave of wild people is full of thousands of people up and down, also holding various weapons, cheering and rushing to the village head.

The hurried footsteps sounded from behind, and the young Zhuangzhuang in the village heard the sound of the horn of the warning, and they rushed to the village head and rushed over. The villagers in Mengcun are thriving, and the youth and youth that are organized are also 1,300,400, and all of them are elite and strong.

The dog scorpion didn't know where to take out two long swords and handed it over to him.

"Don't be elder brother, be careful. His mother's, Che Fuman and Huazuo two tribes join hands! Hey, or do they have the courage to touch our Mongolian village?"

Don't pick up the long sword, the wrist suddenly sinks. Looking at the dog's scorpion, I don't want to smile in my heart.

The sword is five feet long, and there is a common person with a palm width. The thickest part of the ridge is a full thickness of one inch and three cents, and the weight is nearly one hundred kilograms. This group of stout men who have changed for Mengcun is just right. Their strength and size are enough to exert the strongest lethality of this sword. But for the donkey, the sword is too heavy, too long, too thick, and he can almost hold the sword as a shield!

With a wry smile, he put the sword on the ground and did not look around. He pulled up a thorn from a savage shot from the ground.

This thorn is a small finger that is four feet five or six inches long and weighs about two pounds. It is extremely tough. Do not gently rub with your fingers. The hardness of this thorn is equivalent to that of ordinary pig iron. This guy, it is just right for you to apply, not to mention the fact that this thing comes with poison, the lethality is not under the giant sword.

The dog stunned and looked at it with horror, and shook his head very uncomfortably.

"Hey, don't be a big brother, you are doing this! In our village, you can't find a woman!"

The dog's words are not malicious, but purely ridiculous. The skin that is not to be rubbed is suddenly red. He looked at the giant sword that was inserted on the ground, or shook his head. This thing, he really can't move. Although he passed on the "Theft of the Scriptures," he has not yet had the proper cultivation, he has not become a superman!

Take a deep breath, don't hold the thorns, stand by the dog's scorpion. The thorns were firmly held in his hands, and there was a faint chill that spread out. Don't let the innocent water linger slowly inject into the thorn, and the thorn tip actually brings a layer of faint water.

Another intensive footstep sounded, and more than a thousand female villagers took the strong bow and rushed out of the village. They occupy the heights behind the tower, or the roof, or the rocks, or the treetops, and they are bowing and archery.

The screams of screams continued to sound, and the savage like the mad beasts fell down on the spot. The arrow of the thumb is deeply immersed in their body, revealing from the other side of their body, but no splash of blood.

The savage in the middle arrow stunned for a while, and the body suddenly squirmed and suddenly died stiffly. Like the wild people, Mengcun’s arrows are also highly poisonous. Anyone who is shot by the arrow, even if it does not hurt the key, is absolutely not saved.

Standing on the other side of the river, the savage leader screamed and screamed. He gnawed his teeth and began to twist and turn his buttocks. Suddenly, two blood spouted out of his nostrils. The black gas entangled around him floated, and the dark green hair in the black gas burst into a burst of ghosts and screams, and opened his mouth, squirting three green fireballs of the size of a fist.

Several ethnic groups shouted loudly, and the villagers standing near the suspension bridge rushed back.

Three green fireballs whizzed across the river, and heavy squats near the bridge. Three loud bangs came, and the ground of the bridge was blasted with three large pits with a diameter of several feet. A large green fire spattered and sprayed, and there was no more than a dozen feet.

The villagers who retire backwards disturbed the village women’s team and let their archery speed drop suddenly.

In this moment, there are already dozens of savages with the tallest body and the most embroidered body flying on the suspension bridge. They pulled out the small hand axe that was inserted in the belt and screamed and threw the axe toward the villagers.

An old man screamed: "Shield!"

Dozens of large shields made of several layers of animal skin were erected fiercely, and they were firmly in front of the villagers.

Each of these savages carried a 12-handed axe, and hundreds of hand-axes hit the wind and hit the big shield.

Dozens of villagers with large shields were shaken back and forth by the huge force on the hand axe. Several people were shocked and spit blood, but they still stood upright and firmly held up the shield. Do not see a vascular burst on their arms, their palm skin and tiger's mouth muscles were shattered, blood smashed along the big shield all the way.

The dog squatted on the elbow and snorted. He whispered, "Don't be a big brother, don't distract. These brazids dare to attack our village. There is not necessarily any ghost idea. If you are not careful, you will die." of!"

The voice has not fallen, and more than a dozen hand axes have passed through the gap between the big shields and rushed into the queue of the villagers.

The tragic sounds, more than a dozen of the village's strong men were beaten off the ground by the hand axe, and the mouth was spurted with blood and mouth. There was a strong man who happened to be hit by the hand axe, his entire chest was trapped, and several ribs were found from behind his back.

The dog screamed: "Dirty, uncle is not!"

Seeing that the hand axe effectively killed the villagers, the wild people made cheers.

A family suddenly screamed, and the arrow that had just sparsed suddenly became dense. Thousands of strong and strong village women Qi Qi archery, arrow rain will block the suspension bridge head tightly. The savage slayers who have just thrown out the hand axe have screamed, at least half of them are shot like a sieve.

The suspension bridge is only a foot and a foot wide, and the rear deck is already crowded with the wild savages. The top ten wilderers saw the arrow rain and could not dodge. They could only learn the savage who rushed to the bridge in front, and gnawed their teeth off the bridge.

Just listening to the screams continued to sound, several pieces shaped like a crocodile, but the head of a sharp knife-like horned fierce river fish suddenly drilled out of the water. The teeth of these river fish were extremely sharp. They opened their mouths and rushed toward the wild savage. The wild people's arms and thighs were bitten by the river fish, and the blood quickly spread in the river.

The nearby river was boiling, and I don’t know how many ferocious river fish rushed in, and opened the mouth and rushed toward the savage who fell into the water.

The arrow continued to fall, and the savage on the suspension bridge could not enter, and the retreat could not be retired.

The old man who made the wind sighed a sigh of relief, and he laughed loudly: "These barbarians are themselves to die. One year we always come to our village to harass three or five times, the second time is a fiasco." Back, this is to give us a credit for Mengcun!"

The villagers laughed and smiled at the wonderful scenes of the arrow rain that killed the savages.

When the entire attention of the village people was attracted by the savages on the pontoon, the sky suddenly darkened.

Don't look up, you can see that nearly one hundred eagle with a wingspan of more than five feet has fallen from high altitude.

Along with the harsh whistling sounds, hundreds of short stature, feathered shirts, and savage savage savage savage savage savage from the eagle's back.

These savage people landed directly in the queue of the villagers, and the spears of the hands speared fiercely.

In a blink of an eye, nearly a hundred villagers were stabbed by spears, and they all fell to the ground.

The big eagle was straight to the village women who stood on the high side and bowed their arrows. The huge claws flew down and grabbed several village women indiscriminately. They flew high into the sky and in the air. Constantly hovering.

The queue of the villagers suddenly became chaotic, and the flying arrows suddenly stopped.

The dog's scorpion sword suddenly landed, and he snorted: "His mother, how can the bird team with them?"

When it was said that it was too late, a spear was like a viper, with a ‘咝咝’ breaking through the air and piercing the dog’s heart.

When the dog scorpion saw the spear, he was unable to dodge.