MTL - Steel Shell System-v2 Chapter 299 Zerg preparations

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This six-turn transfer certificate restricts the promotion path of too many people. If it is not this thing, it may not be that human beings are in a better position now, at least in the level of masters, and there are only a handful of strong players. It will become more powerful, strong enough to sweep the earth with one's strength.

Lao Qian had hoped to get a certificate of transfer of six transfers. He had a survivor base in Lu Province. Qian Lingfeng could continuously receive a variety of mainline tasks. These tasks have considerable rewards, including many. Chance of a six-turn transfer certificate!

Compared to killing powerful SSs, the chances of getting a six-transfer job certificate are even greater, but unfortunately the old money does not have this opportunity.

Marine mutant beasts struck, 100% of the survivor base in Lu province has been destroyed, and the post of the leader of the survivor base in Lu province has also disappeared. For some mainline tasks and the like, the old money has no chance to take over. Arrived.

However, in this case, old money is no longer annoyed by these. Qian Lingfeng now has only one idea, which is to temporarily follow the crowd to retreat, go to the northwest direction, and wait until Ala Lei made the bug, and then go all out. The Devil's Entwined Army! !!

Sitting in a truck, this truck was brought up by Qian Lingfeng halfway, and a 20-30 year old man was driving. He agreed with Qian Lingfeng's help.

In addition to Lao Qian and Zhao Yexia, there are seven people, five adults, and two children in the car. They are two people.

According to them. Before the last days, the two were neighbors, and the relationship was good. After the last days, the two people supported each other, and they have been very lucky until now. Whether it is a biochemical virus infection in the last days or the chaos that followed, neither of them has died.

Sitting in the car. Watching the little girl lie on her mother's thigh, holding a lollipop in her hand and holding it there from time to time. The little girl also looked back at Qian Lingfeng and Zhao Yexia, and seemed to be curious about these two uncles and aunts.

On the other side, the little boy looked at the lollipop in the little girl's hands from time to time, and he also wanted to eat, but unfortunately in the last days. There is a shortage of supplies. Although this group of people still have food to eat and not hungry, but rare things like lollipops are rare.

He is a boy, and the boy wants to let the girl, so lollipops or whatever have nothing to do with him.

After Qian Lingfeng and Zhao Yexia got on the bus, they seemed very quiet. Except for saying hello to the people in the car at the beginning, after a few words, the two did not speak intentionally. They are secretly seizing the time to cultivate their professional basic skills.

This stuff can't be improved by experience or other methods. It can only be improved by prolonged practice. Now there is such an opportunity, two people naturally will not let go of the opportunity to increase strength.

As for the people in the car, they seem to have a similar awakening, and they seem very quiet. Except occasionally speaking two sentences, they are basically not too noisy, but faintly, although they agree with Qian Lingfeng to get on the car, they are still against People have a slight sense of alertness, which is one of the reasons why Qian Lingfeng and Zhao Yexia did not deliberately talk.

Keeping silent, sometimes they will give them a bit of an alternative sense of security, and strangers who are casually familiar tend to be more vigilant.

In this way, the people on the truck and their supplies are heading for the desert in the northwest. Once upon a time, the northwest was a place of bitter cold, synonymous with poverty and harsh natural environment. But now, this place It has become a place of hope for all.

On the vast earth, the original human civilization remains completely broken in a short period of time. The earth is full of endless desolation and silence, but in this death and desolation, strange vitality and terror bloom. With.

There are huge tiankengs all over the vast earth. The entire earth is covered by countless tiankengs. It seems to be potholes. There is a feeling similar to the surface of the moon. Numerous insects crawl out of the tiankeng and lay out. These are Newborn larva!

And on the edge of the tiankeng, the endless army of insect seas has assembled! The number is innumerable, there are all kinds of bugs! In the sea of ​​insects, the strong presence of up to five or even six turns is looming!

The entire army of insect seas is thousands of miles away, and a large area radiating from the center of Shanxi in central China to the surroundings has been ruled by insects!

The dense sea of ​​insects dominates everything and pulls out thousands of miles of front!

After three days of assembly and full-force violent soldiers, bugs from all directions came together desperately, the endless tiankeng ran out of potential, a large number of zerg were created, and the original zerg was accumulated, and all the energy of the flesh was used almost Upgrade your troops and create a sea of ​​bugs, the mighty bugs seem to drown the land!

The number of bugs has almost reached an innumerable level, breaking through the tens of millions, at least hundreds of millions! !!

Even so, in the sea of ​​bugs, the bugs are still struggling to prepare for war, and their enemies are more marine mutant beasts than they have!

However, as for the whole body ~ ~ both sides have their own advantages. In this battle, the outcome is still unknown!

This battle is very important for the bugs. If they can defeat those marine mutant beasts, then get a lot of corpses of marine mutant beasts and rely on those amazing amounts of flesh and blood resources, even if they are greatly damaged, and they will lose both. It is completely indifferent. With an amazing amount of flesh and blood, they can completely carry out a large number of violent soldiers in an extremely short period of time, as long as more and more powerful Zerg are produced!

At that time, it is not impossible to support the war with war and develop a large number of troops to sweep the world! The large-scale invasion of marine mutant beasts is a crisis for the Zerg, but it is also a rare opportunity! !! The opportunity to rise quickly to take advantage of adversity in adversity! !!

"Brush ~!" A large number of bugs are continuously integrated, waiting for their enemies to come. Each unit of the Zerg has extremely high wisdom. However, when fighting in groups, their personal wisdom will never participate in the strategy. Thinking about it, they will only absolutely obey, absolutely obey!

Perhaps there is a fear of death in their instincts, but under the prerequisite of absolute obedience, they will still die desperately! (To be continued ...)