MTL - Stepmother-Chapter 235 big baby forced marriage

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Zhengxing said eagerly: "Nothing."

"So mother lied to me?" Dawa stared at him, her eyes burning, and she couldn't tolerate quibbling.

Zhenxing shook his head subconsciously: "No."

"The mother didn't lie to me, it means that what the mother said is true, and you said no?" Dawa raised her eyebrows and said seriously, "Is there or not?!"

Zhen Gang said with a smile: "Dad, let me tell you, my brother didn't want to hang Liu Jingjing, but he didn't want to get married, so he dragged him into hanging others."

"Zhenxing, I remember that you were not such a squeamish person before." Dawa tilted his head and looked at him, "Who did you learn from? Could it be that Liu Jingjing?"

Zhenxing blurted out: "No!"

"Isn't it?" Dawa pouted, "It's been two full years from the summer vacation of the previous year to the summer vacation of this year. Dad got married when he saw his mother on both sides. You are his adopted son, can you be a little bit like the father's? wind?"

Rejuvenation headache: "Dad, you are on family leave, not to come back to see the teacher and Uncle Zhong, but to urge me to get married?"

Zhen Gang doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the fun: "I also think it's a lot."

"What's the matter with you?" Zhenxing turned his head and glared at him, "Help the teacher cook."

Zhengang turned around and sat opposite him: "I won't go."

"Ma Zhengang!" Dawa said.

Zhen Gang suddenly stood up: "Teacher, do you want me to help?" and ran to the kitchen.

Zhong Jianguo rubbed his forehead: "Fortunately, you all passed the exam. If you were all at home, your mother and I would have to live ten years less."

"We are not the Lord of Hell." The big boy said loudly, so that his father, who was standing in the kitchen, couldn't hear him.

Zhong Jianguo turned to the living room: "You are the ghosts of the King of Hell!"

"I don't dare to urge you." Dawa sat next to Zhenxing, "Let's get down to business, what's the situation?"

Zhengxing felt a little uncomfortable, moved a little to the side, Dawa hooked his neck: "Where to run? I came back today, I have to make it clear to me, I don't want to come back next time, Dao When the people on the top saw me, they didn't say, Dawa, come back. Instead, they said, Dawa, go back and talk about the revitalization of your family, it's not a man."

"How can it be so serious." Zhen Xing frowned slightly, "Don't scare me."

Big baby: "What's the hesitant about getting married? Just do it if you want, and then divorce if you feel it's not suitable. No one can guarantee that you will get married once in a lifetime. Dad, right?"

"If you persuade him, persuade him, don't take me with you." Zhong Jianguo's head hurt even more.

The big baby nodded quickly: "Okay, okay. Look at Liu Ping, Sun Wanru, Xiao Xiurong, haven't they all been divorced, and the second marriage is going well. Don't think that you will propose to Liu Jingjing in the future. Divorce, people's life will be very miserable. If you leave you, maybe people will have a better life. "

"I'm not married yet." Zhenxing reminded him.

Dawa: "Then it's over. Only when it's over can you leave."

"I..." Zhenxing was stunned, not knowing what to say, "You don't have to worry about my business."

The baby stood up, gearing up.

Zhenxing's face suddenly changed: "You dare!?"

"You can try if I dare." Da Wa said with a smile, "As the saying goes, you don't slap people in the face, and it's not easy for Liu Jingjing to find out, otherwise she should think that my uncle likes to fight. Therefore, you can't hit your upper body." Staring at Zhenxing for a moment, he hurried into the kitchen and shouted, "Ma Zhengang, come and help."

Zhengang ran out: "Okay."

"You, you—" Zhenxing pointed at Dawa, afraid that Dawa would not just scare her, so he hurriedly shouted, "Teacher, Uncle Zhong, take care of Dawa."

Zhengang: "Brother, stop shouting. If the teacher and Uncle Zhong can control him, Uncle Zhong would not kick him when he was a child. We are seven, but he is the only one who has been beaten."

"Teacher, Uncle Zhong..." Zhenxing didn't give up, and continued to shout at the kitchen, calling out a Zhong Sanwa, "Sanwa, you dare to help Dawa, I, I will punish you for copying ten articles. text."

Sanwa tutted: "Mr. Ma, I have graduated. You have punished me for copying the text this year. Teacher Ma, if I were you, I would surrender obediently." , seeing that he was not angry, he continued, "The trivial matter of marriage is over as soon as you bite your teeth and close your eyes. Besides, if you don't have a girlfriend, we shouldn't force you like this. But you've been with people for two years. , Do you think it's appropriate not to get married again?"

"I want to know more about it." Zhenxing looked at Dawa and said.

The big baby is curious: "What do you know? If you want to know more, you can only get married."

"Deep-you!" Zhenxing had a headache, "Sanwa is still here."

Three babies: "I'm eighteen, and I'm not a child. Even if I don't understand, I ask my father, and my father will tell me." Pause, "Zhenxing, do you have anything else to think about? Say? If not, let's start."

"I'm really not ready." Zhenxing looked at Dawa, "I'm begging you, okay?"

Dawa: "You owe someone to push you. Marriage is not a partnership, so what do you need to prepare? I heard Erwa say that your house has been decorated. The white powder on the walls, The bed, desk, bench, long table and dining table are all brand new.

"Everything is ready, I just owe you a nod. In my opinion, it's not that you're not ready, but Liu Jingjing is used to it. Liu Jingjing came back this time to break up, and you promise to take her to marry immediately."

"I think eldest brother is right." Sanwa said, "eldest brother, to fight or not to fight?"

The baby nodded: "Hit!"

Revitalization turned pale. The big baby was happy: "Do you know the phone number of Liu Jingjing's house? Call, we'll visit tomorrow."

"Huh?" Sanwa was disappointed, "Call?"

Zhengxing breathed a sigh of relief: "Jingjing has no phone at home."

"There is a phone in Liu'an'an factory." Sanwa quickly reminded, "Liu Jingjing's mother also has a phone in her work unit." Walking to the phone, she took out a piece of paper from below, "Brother, the numbers are all on this."

Zhen Gang was so frightened that he hurriedly supported him: "Big baby, be a little bit more aggressive next time, my brother is just a weak scholar, I can't compare with you."

"Got it." Dawa said while dialing, "Hold him. Don't disturb me."

Zhenxing suddenly wanted to curse: "You fight. I won't go when I get married, I'll see what you do."

"What should I do?" The baby looked back at him, "I'll be back in the army in two days, you can do whatever you want. If you don't want to do it, it doesn't matter if you push it on me. Liu Jingjing anyway. If you can't find me, you still have to take care of it in the end."

Zhenxing opened his mouth: "You came back to anger me?"

"No." Da Wa said, "Dad just said that I'm here to anger him."

Zhenxing choked: "If you dare to beat me, I won't recognize you as a brother!"

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I have many brothers, not less than you." Dawa heard the connection there and whispered, "Your future mother-in-law."

Rejuvenate the subconscious and shut up.

The big baby is happy. He doesn't know the name of Liu Jingjing's parents.

Zhenxing wanted to beat someone, but he didn't dare, and pointed at Zhong Dawa: "Don't get married in this life."

"If I want to get married, I have to have a partner first, but unfortunately I don't have one." Dawa crossed Erlang's legs and put the phone on her lap, "Would you like to introduce me to one?"

Zhenxing gritted his teeth: "Dream!"

"I expect you to introduce me, I don't think it's better to dream." The big baby heard a "Hello" and quickly said, "Hello, uncle, who am I? I'm Ma Zhenxing's brother.

"What's the matter? Zhenxing is shy and wanted to talk to Xiaoliu about marriage, but he hesitated for a few months and didn't say anything. My mother thought he didn't want to get married, so she didn't dare to urge him. When it is convenient for you, my mother and Zhenxing will come to your house to discuss the wedding date and take care of their affairs."

Liu's parents used to worry that their daughter would have a hard life with Ma Zhenxing, but later learned that Ma Zhenxing's adoptive mother was the dean of education, and the adoptive father was a teacher, and Liu's father and mother were afraid that Ma Zhenxing would bully Liu Jingjing. After a long time, the Liu family began to worry that Ma Zhenxing had other ideas.

When I was doing things just now, someone asked Liu's father if Liu Jingjing was married. Father Liu didn't feel embarrassed to say that, after all, they had been in love for two years, and they were rarely seen there.

When Liu's father heard that Zhenxing didn't want to marry, he was embarrassed, and said quickly: "I heard Jingjing say that your father is very busy, and your mother is also very busy, when will they come over when they have time? , we can all do."

"Then let me ask." Dawa asked loudly, "Mother, Uncle Liu asked when you have time."

Zhong Jianguo was speechless, pointed at him, and whispered, "You're really good! It's the eleventh holiday, your mother will come over."

Dawa didn't say it directly, but explained, "My brother has to report to school in a few days, and my mother has to pack his luggage. I don't have time this month. November holiday."

"Eleven is fine, eleven is fine." Father Liu asked, "Is it the third baby?"

Dawa: "Yes. Uncle Liu, that's it. Don't disturb your work, goodbye." Hang up the phone and turn to Zhenxing, "It's just a few words, as for you Hesitating for more than two years?"

"Not more than two years." Zhenxing said busy.

Dawa: "There is always one in a year, right?"

Zhenxing pursed his lips, which is the default.

The big baby snorted, stood up and stretched: "I am who I am, what I do."

"Don't be shy, come in and serve the dishes." Zili came out with a pot of crabs, "Zhenxing, although Dawa helped you decide the date, but it is not for you to get married on the eleventh, don't be afraid When we discuss the wedding date tomorrow, you can probably postpone it until next year's November."

Zhengxing thought he didn't hear clearly: "Next year?"

"That's right." Zili said, "You said that we won't be able to come back until next year. I hope that when you get married, your family will be neat, not many."

Zhenxing saw Song Zhaodi come out, and quickly asked: "Teacher, is it inappropriate to postpone it until next year's November?"

"I don't know how to ask?" Song Zhaodi glanced at her self-reliance, "He deliberately provoked you."

Zhengxing was a little embarrassed, and asked regularly: "Teacher, are you really going on 11th?"

"If you want to change someone, we don't have to go." Song Zhaodi said.

Revitalization: "Well, then let's go."

"Zhenxing, do you have someone else in your heart?" Self-reliance and curiosity, "I only have a little affection for Liu Jingjing."

The big boy who was going to the kitchen to serve food stopped: "If that's the case, revitalize, you are going too far."

"Nothing." Zhenxing said, "I didn't talk to girls much when I was in school. After graduation, I came to the island and lived at home. I like others, but I can't hide it from the teacher. ."

Song Zhaodi waved her hand: "I'm not that good." Then she went to the kitchen.

"Your teacher said, she doesn't know." Dawa said, "But it doesn't mean there is no. Tell me honestly, I will help you find a way to break off the engagement with the Liu family."

Sanwa looked at Zhenxing, and then at Dawa, who didn't seem to be joking: "Is Zhenxing so powerful? While hanging Liu Jingjing, thinking about others?"

"No!" Zhen Xing said.

Erwa was also very curious: "I always wanted to ask, but every time I wanted to ask, it was inappropriate, Zhenxing, you always emphasized that you didn't hook up when you were in school, how do you know that Liu Jingjing likes you ?"

"No one is chasing you when you are in school." Da Wa said, "If you like him or not, when a girl opens her mouth, you can feel the revitalization. Right? Ma Zhenxing."

Zhen Xing gave him a look and went to the kitchen to get chopsticks.

Dawa pouted at his back: "I got it right."

"But I still don't understand if he has someone else in his heart." Sanwa said.

Dawa thought about it seriously: "About this issue, after we have eaten, I will beat him up and you will know." Seeing Song Zhaodi coming out with green vegetables, "Mother, are you A great and enlightened mother, we let us make up our own minds on major matters of marriage. But this kind of thing divides people, revives the coward, and asks him to make up his own mind.

Song Zhaodi smiled: "It's not that serious. If you don't come back, Liu Jingjing will have to urge him by the end of the year at most."

"No wonder you're not in a hurry at all." Dawa said, and suddenly thought of a question, "What if Liu Jingjing competes with him—"

Zhen Gang: "Impossible. Liu Jingjing was not sure if my brother would like her or not, so she dared to ask her teacher to transfer her here. Now it is my brother's object, my brother If she doesn't move forward, when she loses her patience, it is very likely that she will directly drag my brother to talk about the evidence."

Seeing that all the dishes are ready, Zhenxing handed Zhong Jianguo a pair of chopsticks: "Uncle Zhong, eat." Then he gave Song Zhaodi a pair, and finally to Dawa, "You don't even have a partner, what do you have? Qualified to speak to me?"

"That's right." Zhong Jianguo was delighted, "Zhong Dawa, what qualifications do you have?"