MTL - Stepmother-Chapter 256 Send Du Peach

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Get up and wash your hands with water, then go inside.

Zhengsheng looked at the back of the self-reliance, then looked at the rejuvenation, and said doubtfully: "I knocked on the fish and splashed his blood?"

"He thinks you are noisy." After Zhenxing finished speaking, he also turned and left.

Reborn hurriedly stopped him: "Come and help me press the water."

Zhenxing was afraid that he would yell, and he didn't look like a deputy secretary, so he turned back helplessly.

On the morning of May 2nd, Song Zhaodi, Zhenxing and Liu Jingjing went to school for class, Zhong Jianguo went to the camp, Dawa and the others packed up their house and went to the Erwa factory.

Reborn also wanted to follow, and was driven to work on her own.

I saw the security room before I went in. After I entered, I saw the factory clearly, and I also saw that there was a shed not far away, and there were bicycles parked under the shed. , your factory is quite formal."

"Very formal." Dawa said, "There are fire extinguishers in the workshop, and there are also a few tanks on the balcony upstairs. Water lilies are planted in the tanks. It can put out the fire. Erwa, is this method my mother came up with?"

Erwa explained to the security guard, came over and said, "No. I went to buy flowers a few days ago and saw the water lily thing. It happened that the county was investigating the fire department. I thought of it."

Self-reliance looked around and saw that something was wrong: "This is the workshop, what is there?" Pointing to the three rows of two-story buildings in the distance.

"Staff dormitory." Erwa said.

Self-reliance hurriedly asked: "One workshop, three staff dormitories? I heard right."

"You heard that right." Erwa said: "However, I also plan to build another production plant, this time with three floors. We will recruit people in the spring of next year." At the entrance of the stairs, "Let's go upstairs. Apart from the office, the upstairs is the warehouse. When you come over next year, my office will not be here."

I followed up on my own, passed the door of the workshop, and saw that the people inside were all immersed in their work, and almost no one was looking around to be lazy, so I couldn’t help but tell Erwa that the employees are good.

Erwa said with a smile that his salary is high, and the workshop director Mao Ni has a good temper. Those who enter his factory are afraid of being fired.

Go upstairs to pour a glass of water for Zili and Dawa, then open the curtains, open the window, and point to the south: "If Du Tao comes over, we can see it when we look up."

"What if she doesn't come in the morning?" Dawa asked.

Erwa: "Then let's drive to Brother Changsheng for lunch."

"Driving the tractor in your yard?" The baby shook his head, "I'd rather ride a bicycle."

Erwa smiled and said, "Don't look down on my car, it was given to me by Brother Gengsheng. I'll buy another truck when I make money next year."

"Bought it for rehab?" He stood up and looked downstairs, "Why did he think of sending you a tractor?"

Erwa: "He said he couldn't afford a truck, so he could only send a tractor. Don't look bad, the truck is very powerful. I've been relying on it to deliver goods in the past two years."

"What do other factories use to transport goods?" Dawa asked, "Isn't it also a tractor?"

Erwa: "People buy trucks when they make money, and I make money to advertise." After thinking for a while, "Last year there was a factory with twice as many workers as mine, and they will collect the accounts by the end of the year. When I was around, I heard that I didn't earn as much. This year, I think that one quarter of my side will earn more than he has earned in a whole year. "

"He didn't think about killing you?" Dawa asked.

Er ​​Wa said with a smile: "I went to the county government to find a rehabilitated brother several times, and many people knew that I was his younger brother, and no one dared to come to me to look for trouble. Besides, the security guards on my side At first glance, it's not ordinary, people who dare to set up factories these days are not stupid, they know very well who can provoke and who can't."

Self-reliance was very proud of him when he spoke, and couldn't help laughing: "Then you have to be careful, the rabbit will bite in a hurry."

"I know." Erwa said, and stood up suddenly.

Self-reliance hurriedly asked: "What's wrong?" Following his line of sight, "Come?"

The baby pushed away the chair and went out.

Zi Li hurriedly grabbed him: "Wait, let's see first. No, why did she come so quickly?"

"It is estimated that it was called by the train station staff before boarding the train." Erwa said, "I told the security just now that I have no cousin or cousin, if someone calls themselves my cousin Or my cousin, they're all liars. The security guards know what to do."

Dawa: "The security guard knows, but Du Tao is not an ordinary person. When she and her parents came to our house, you were still young, and I don't remember it. I remember it very clearly. She called out." The voice fell, and the security guard was so frightened that he saw the person suspected of Du Tao pounce on the security guard. The big baby was delighted, "I've said it right."

"Don't be schadenfreude." Zili said, "Erwa, go down first, we'll go down later."

The big baby glanced at him: "Tell Erwa to go down, you stay here and watch me? You are careful enough." Pushing his hand away, "I will meet her when I go down."

"Brother, slow down, wait for me." Erwa hurriedly followed, "Don't forget what mother said, don't mess around."

Dawa waved her hand: "I know better than you."

"You know shit!" Seeing that he disappeared in a blink of an eye, he was so angry that he exclaimed, "You shouldn't tell him."

Erwa ran downstairs and said, "If you don't tell him, you can't hide it. I went to see him a few days ago, and he told me that he couldn't come back this year, so he told me to spend some time. I'll see him again. I don't know how I told his leaders later, but this time I can stay at home for a week."

The big baby stopped and looked back: "I said that my mother introduced me to a partner and asked me to go home for a blind date. When the head of the group heard my blind date, he granted a week's leave and asked me if I had enough."

"You—" Erwa was speechless, "Can you think of such a reason?"

Dawa shrugged: "The head of the regiment is convinced of this reason, and I can't do anything about it."

"Er baby, don't talk to him so much, go back and tell Dad and tell Dad to kick him." Zili said, "Let's go and send Du Tao away now."

Dawa: "I'll take care of this, your queen." After striding outside, he asked, "What's going on?"

There were several guests in Cai Kun's office, and the security guard was not easy to find him. When Erwa came down, he breathed a sigh of relief: "This girl said she was Erwa's cousin." Pointing at Du Tao .

Dawa saw that there was a young man beside Du Tao, who had a three-point resemblance to her, and immediately guessed it was her younger brother: "Erwa has no cousin, and I don't have a cousin, we and Shencheng I Grandma has already stopped going there. Later, they will come again and send people directly to the police station. "

"I'm not from your grandma's family in Shencheng." Du Tao said quickly, "My mother is Song Lainan."

Dawa: "Is that the Song Lai-nan who took my English book? Are you here to return the things? Then give me the things quickly."

"You, who are you?" Du Tao asked.

Dawa: "I'm Erwa's brother, you know Erwa, don't you know me? Do you think I'm not as rich as Erwa?"

Du Tao can't recognize the big baby, let alone the second baby, even now she doesn't know which is the second baby: "I, I'm not, I came to work in the Erwa factory."

"Erwa's factory has recruited enough people early, you can only go to other places if you want to go to work." Dawa put her hands in her pockets, "Either give me back the things your mother took away, or Go away, don't wait for me to drive you away."

Du Tao opened her mouth to say, you dare! When the words reached his lips, he hurriedly swallowed: "I am your mother's niece."

The big baby smiled and said: "Then you go to my mother. Let me remind you that this factory belongs to the second baby, not my mother." Pause, "My mother also counts on our brothers. Do you think she will offend us for you?"

In Du Tao's concept, parents are very afraid of their son's unfilial piety, and they forget that Song Zhaodi has a pension, and that there are nursing homes in this world, not to mention that Erwa is busy with work, Song Zhaodi and Zhong Jianguo is old, even if Erwa wants to serve them personally, there is no time.

Du Tao felt that Song Zhaodi did not dare to offend Erwa, so she did not dare to boast, so she went to Song Zhaodi: "Just me and my brother, not many people."

"The factory has factory regulations, we are temporarily not recruiting people, let you in today, his relatives come tomorrow, do I have to let his relatives in too?" Erwa pointed to the security captain, " I agree that you will enter the factory and not accept his relatives. If he gets angry and I burn down my factory, you will compensate me for the loss?"

Du Tao: "If you talk about it, just don't accept us?"

"It's good to understand." Dawa said, "For my mother's sake, let me remind you that several garment factories are recruiting people these days. If you really want to make money, Just go and have a look. When they have enough recruits, you can only go back. Don't rush to leave, I haven't finished talking yet, seeing your dad tell him, we know exactly what he did. "

Du Tao stopped and turned around: "What did my dad do?"

Du Tao and her brother's faces changed suddenly, and the sisters said in unison, "You are talking nonsense!"

"No nonsense, you can ask your mother." Dawa said, "Remember to tell your father, the police also suspect that your mother has accomplices, but your mother said that there is no one else, just her You, the police didn't arrest your dad because they lacked witnesses."

The second baby continued: "Your father sent you here, right? Tell your father, the police are watching him."

"You, who are you scaring!?" Du Taose sternly, grabbed her brother's arm, "Let's go."

Self-reliance: "Would you like to find someone to follow them? After all, they are mother's nephew and niece."

"No, his dad must be around here." Da Wa said, "The one surnamed Du, Dad said, looks honest and pretends. He is smarter than anyone else."

Self-reliance: "Since you are smart, it is better to pay for Du Tao to start a small business than to work here. The ordinary workers in the Erwa Factory, as my mother said, are not skilled at all. There is no money at home, so I came out to work. Dad also said that when they save the money, they may think about starting a small business. "

"Someone is planning to leave." Erwa said with a smile, "I plan to wholesale clothes from me and sell them in Hangzhou."

Daddy: "Smart, who is it?"

"You can't believe it when you say it." Erwa said, "I only recently learned that Jin Lihui later married the daughter-in-law."