MTL - Stepmother-Chapter 255 uninvited guest

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Dawa's heart stunned: "It's just a joke." While speaking, she quietly moved to Song Zhaodi's side, "Mother, why are you getting younger and younger?"

"On the other hand, isn't your father getting older?" Song Zhaodi said for him.

Dawa: "You said that." Seeing Liu Jingjing coming out, she stretched out her hand, "Give me one first."

Liu Jingjing hurriedly gave him a spoon and asked Zhong Jianguo, "Do you want it?"

Zhong Jianguo waved his hand: "Mr. Song has only done six in total. I want it, what do you eat? I won't eat it."

"There is still in the pot." Song Zhaodi said, "There is still one pot that has not been steamed. Originally I wanted to leave you to eat tomorrow morning, but I didn't expect an uninvited guest."

The big baby tutted: "Mother, I haven't come back for a few years, how can I say that to him. Zili, don't be sad, I won't eat it tomorrow morning, I'll give you my one ."

Self-reliance was too lazy to pay attention to him, went out to wash hands, and then came in and divided the cake Song Zhaodi had handed him earlier into two and gave half to Zhong Jianguo.

Zhong Jianguo glanced at Dawa: "What excuse did you use to come back from leave this time?"

"I feel homesick and have no intention to serve the people." Dawa said.

Liu Jingjing made a "cough" and shook her hands.

Zhenxing quickly took the cake from her hand: "What's wrong?"

"I choked on Dawa's words." Gengsheng took the water and sat next to Dawa, "In Vietnam, there are four major military regions participating in the war, so it's not your turn. ?"

Dawa thinks about it carefully: "I don't know either, I'll ask the commander later."

Erwa choked, took a sip of water and swallowed the cake, and then said, "You are a small company commander, do you know whether your commander is black or white? Just ask others."

"The baby is now the company commander?" Zhenxing asked hurriedly.

Dawa: "As soon as I graduated from college, I was a deputy company. At that time, I didn't have soldiers, so I didn't tell you."

"Is it very powerful?" Liu Jingjing asked in a low voice.

Zhengxing: "If Dawa graduates from high school and joins the army, and gets promoted to the main company, he must be at least thirty years old. He is only twenty-four years old now."

"Aren't you envious?" Dawa asked, "I've been at home for the past few days, please be polite to me, and I'll ask the commander to transfer you to the military academy as a teacher."

Zhen Xing gave him a look: "Thank you, no need."

"You're welcome, who are we with whom." Da Wa said, "If you want to adjust in the future, there will be no chance."

Zhong Jianguo snorted: "If you don't brag for a while, can you suffocate you?"

"Dad, I'll tell you the truth, I really didn't brag this time." Dawa glanced at the brothers, "Do you really want to know how I met the commander?"

Song Zhaodi: "Lian Lie is in the Imperial Capital Military Region, what did Lian Lie say? Or did your grandfather mention it?"

"Mother, you're boring." The big baby pretended to be angry.

Song Zhaodi: "If you dislike me, put down the cake I made."

"What did I say?" Dawa looked innocent, "Did you hear me just now?"

Erwa shook her head and stood up: "Brother, if you have eaten, I will accompany you to inspect the territory."

"Go away." Da Wa glared at him and hooked her neck, "When I came in just now, I saw you standing together talking, what did you say?"

Reborn looked at him: "Your ears have always been sensitive, didn't you hear?"

"I was chatting with Erwa at the time." Dawa said, "Who knew that you and Zili came back earlier than us. I originally wanted to go to the county government to pick you up tomorrow."

Rebirth told him about Shi Ai Lin. Zhenxing went on to say that, no accident, Du Tao will go to the Erwa Factory in the afternoon the day after tomorrow.

Zhong Dawa clicked: "The afternoon of the day after tomorrow? Erwa, the morning of the day after tomorrow, I will go to work with you."

"You can't mess around." Song Zhaodi said, "You are an officer now, and the matter of Du Tao will be handed over to Cai Kun."

Dawa: "Mother, I have my senses."

"Your sense of proportion is different from that of ordinary people." Song Zhaodi looked at Erwa, "The day after tomorrow, you should put it upstairs and watch, Cai Kun can't help her, so you go out."

Er ​​Wa: "I will look at Big Brother."

I put down the bowl on my own: "Mother, I heard from my grandfather that Erwa's clothing factory is doing well, and I want to visit the day after tomorrow."

"Go if you want, and relax." Zhong Jianguo said.

Dawa was unhappy: "Why is he going to relax, and when I go, remind me not to mess around?"

"Because you are not independent." Zhong Jianguo was very rude.

The big baby choked, fell on the rebirth, and said weakly: "Brother, I can't do it anymore, hurry up, take me to the hospital."

Song Zhaodi rubbed her forehead: "Dad, if you are not sleepy or tired, go shopping with Erwa. There are only vegetables and no meat at home."

"It's good to have no meat. I don't want to eat meat today, I want to eat egg pancakes." Zhong Dawa said, "I will cook some white rice porridge and stir-fry two vegetarian dishes. It's perfect."

Song Zhaodi: "You don't want to eat, you want to eat on your own. Hurry up, don't be poor."

The big baby looked towards independence.

Smile: "I want to eat."

The big baby stood up, passed Zili beside him, slapped his shoulder hard, Zili gasped in pain, and the big baby walked out the door.

Zhong Jianguo picked up the ball of wool at hand and smashed it.

The baby reached out to catch it, turned her wrist, and threw it into her self-supporting arms.

Zhong Jianguo suddenly got up.

The baby ran away.

Er ​​Wa was tired: "He came back to visit relatives, or to anger people."

Erwa followed with her wallet.

Song Zhaodi asked Zhenxing and Liu Jingjing to wash the vegetables, Liu Jingjing cooked the porridge, and the big baby came back empty-handed. Seeing this, Liu Jingjing hurriedly asked, "No more?"

"It's here with me." Erwa was carrying a large bag, "Mother, I said the fish and meat are not fresh anymore, eldest brother insisted that I buy them."

Song Zhaodi said with a smile: "It's not too hot now, the fish and meat are brought in in the morning, it's okay. Self-reliance and rebirth outside, give him the fish, give me the meat, I'll go Do."

"I'll come." Da Wa rolled up her sleeves, "See if my craftsmanship is rusty."

Song Zhaodi handed it to him and asked, "Dad, what song do you want to listen to, I'll play it for you."

"Whatever." Da Wa said, "As long as it's not a military song."

Zhong Jianguo, who was sitting on a chair waiting to eat, suddenly said, "What's wrong with the military song?"

"Very good." Da Wa said, "I can sing. Some singers are not as good as me. Mother, listen to something else."

Zhong Jianguo was speechless: "You have such a thick skin, which girl would dare to marry you in the future."

"Dad, you really don't need to worry about me." Zhong Dawa said, "I will naturally pretend to be taciturn and be honest and steady when I meet a good girl in the future. You should ask Zili, he Twenty-six."

Zhong Jianguo thought about it carefully, got up and walked to the water pressure well, moved a small pony and sat next to Zili: "Ziliang, the fish will be regenerated, let's talk about it."

The big baby's voice is not small, I heard it independently, and smiled: "Dad, I know what you are going to say. In fact, I met two this year, one was introduced by the leader, and the other was introduced by the teacher. Yes, I didn't fail to find a partner, it's just that fate hasn't arrived yet."

"Then I'll be at ease." Zhong Jianguo looked at Regenerating, "What did Mr. Qi say?"

Rebirth: "Then I will tell you the truth. I am the same as Dawa. Even if there is a partner, I will not marry before the age of 30."

"Then if you meet one tomorrow, will they have to wait for you for six or seven years?" Zhong Jianguo asked.

It seems to be revitalizing, "You have been married for two years. When are you planning to have a child? Hurry up and have a daughter. When we have a granddaughter, Dad won't rush us."

Revitalization: "We plan to regenerate the economy after two years."

Ten dollars, not to mention a child, even if your daughter-in-law gives birth to twins, the two of you can still afford it now."

"Then I'll give you my salary, and you'll support me?" Zhen Xing said.

Gengsheng blinked: "Me? Why!"

"You don't help, why are you urging me?" Zhen Xing said, "Teacher and Uncle Zhong haven't urged me yet."

Rebirth: "Mother hates having children the most, she won't rush you, but if you have a child and make trouble with them, they won't have time to rush us."

"Co-authoring and sacrificing one of me to make you six happy?" Zhen Xing snorted, "Think beautifully."

Self-reliance smiled and said, "Zhenxing, Zhengang and Sanwa haven't graduated yet. The second baby is still young, so mother and dad won't rush him. Dad said just now, don't rush me. How happy he and the big baby are."

Zhenxing: "Rebirth, do you hear me?"

Zhong Jianguo took the pony and left.

Reborn noticed and asked Zhong Jianguo what he was doing. Zhong Jianguo ignored him. Gengsheng realized that something was wrong: "What's wrong with Dad?"

"When you knocked the fish, you splashed his blood." Zhen Xing said, "Hurry up and clean up. Li Lanying stayed next door to watch you for a long time."

Reborn turned around and saw Li Lanying standing by the water well, looking this way: "Mother robbed her daughter-in-law again?"

"I'll grab it for you?" Zhenxing asked.

Reborn choked: "Didn't I just urge you to have a child, are you so run?"

"The girl who can be attracted by the mother must be very good." Zili said, "You can absolutely say, yes."

Zhengsheng suddenly realized: "Thank you for the pointer."

"You're welcome." Zili said, "It doesn't matter if you talk to Zhenxing at home, it's easy to be passive when you talk to others outside. In fact, most people have similar emotional intelligence. People who are not always get the upper hand because they are more sensible when they are focused when listening to the other person.”

It's even more strange: "You don't really find yourself a cross talk master, do you?"