MTL - Stone Age Husband Raising Journal-~ 98|Dancing

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The pig war was particularly uncomfortable when it was first seen. It was not only irritating but also dizzy, but it was later shackled for a while and slowly got used to it.

He is a middle-level beast warrior. He can't be shackled and can't stand it.

It was a long time since he was shackled for a long time. He even took time to rest for a while and recovered his strength...

Seeing Tiger Day now, he said nothing, and he became a giant pig and rushed up.

Tiger Day can only fight.

Hu Tian feels that he should not lose. The cronies he brought with him on the road are all good at running. They are all some people carrying other people running. When they are tired, they will change and continue to run. He has been carried by people and has hardly run.

Not only that, they left in the evening, and the people of the Big Bear tribe had to find out that they ran the next morning, maybe even later. Both of them, the two men chased all the way, certainly no way to rest.

Even if it is an intermediate beast warrior, too much fighting power will drop a lot!

Kumano and the pigs did not have a good rest, especially Kumano. He could say that he was stopping and running for a day and night.

Even though he has practiced along the way, it is actually a bit unbearable.

But the pig war is different.

Being bearded by Kumano on his shoulder, he fainted and slept for a while, although he was a little uncomfortable... but he really said that he was too tired.

The pig war is so a battle with the tiger.

The two are almost the same age, the combat experience is very full, the size is almost the same size, and the competition is quite equal.

Zhou Silent looked around and thought that the pigs at this time... really amazing.

Also, giant pigs are carnivores, can they not be bad?

After paying attention to the pig war, Zhou’s attention was placed on Kumano.

Kumano has also become an animal shape. Although it looks particularly large, the brown bear is an animal... even if it is big, it is still a bit stunned.

After the pig fight and Tiger Day hit, Kumano sat down.

The people around me can't understand this scene. Zhou is still aware of the reason - Xiongye is resting.

His bear has been running for so long, he must be tired, and he must rest well.

It was discovered that Kumano was absorbing the energy around him, and Zhou Mou secretly sent some past, so that he could rest better and recover faster.

However, he sent energy here, and the people on the tiger's side began to attack Kumano.

Fortunately, Kumano is not afraid of them. When they go forward, they can take these people off if they go up, or let these people back down.


Zhou Mou looked at this scene quite well. Suddenly, I thought that if Kumano is bigger and bigger, and finally facing these invaders, can you slap one, like a hamster?

I think it is quite interesting to think about it.

For a time, these people all became wars, and such a tie is not good for Tiger.

He is very clear that if Kumano takes a rest and recovers completely, he must not be able to deal with two intermediate beast warriors.

"Hey!" Tiger Day screamed, and his men heard the sound, no longer bear the bear wild, but rushed toward the pig war, at the same time, Tiger Day pulled away, turned and fled.

The pig war was blocked and could not catch up, but Kumano immediately chased it up.

Seeing this scene, the pig war suddenly a little sympathy for Tiger Day.

Kumano, who is running, is really scary!

Tiger Tian did not know the idea of ​​the pig war. He saw that the pig war was stopped by people. Only Xiongye caught up and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Before Kumano ran with a pig, he was already tired, and now he must not catch up with him!

He will definitely escape!

Thinking so, the speed of Tiger Day is getting faster.

Xiong Ye didn't become an animal, he couldn't catch up. He could only fight hard, and then concentrated on the legs according to what the mysterious person taught.

His speed suddenly became much faster. Although he couldn't catch up with Tiger Day, he would not fall too far.

Just chasing after it... Tiger Day feels wrong.

The bear should be an animal with poor endurance, and the running speed is slow. Why is it so long, can you chase?

He has been unable to hold on!

The saber-toothed tiger is not a dog. It is a predator who catches up the prey and kills it. They are generally lurking and hunting, and the endurance is very poor...

The big bear tribe should be strong, and then run for a while, he will definitely not chase! Tiger Day tells himself, but the people behind him are still chasing after them!

Tiger Day feels crazy, what is this bear in the end, so it can run like this!

No wonder another intermediate warrior will be run by him before, because it is too ran!

Run again, I am afraid that I have no life... Tiger Day finally did not run, and could not run, he turned his head and rushed to Kumano.

Xiong Ye became an animal, and went to the palm of his hand.

Zhou Mou stood not far away, and some sympathized with Tiger Day.

Before the big bear tribe and the giant tiger tribe confronted each other, it was basically a pig war on the tiger day, and there is a reason for this - Xiongye has just become an intermediate beast warrior, really want to say combat power, in fact, it is not as good as a pig war. Not comparable to Tiger Day.

He can fight pigs for a long time in the tribe, mainly because the pig war will not kill him.

If Tiger Day doesn't run for so long, Xiongye will catch up with Xiongye immediately after catching up. It is not necessarily who wins or loses. As a result, he has to run with Xiongye for so long...

A tiger, after running for a long time, becomes a waste tiger.

Kumano took a palm and then took a shot, and repeatedly hit the back of Tiger's back. He smashed the spine of Tiger's spine in vain, and immediately shot the tiger.

He was also scratched by the huge teeth of the saber-toothed tiger, but the injury was not particularly serious. Zhou is observing him, and he heard him say: "The hand is too heavy, and I have not honed my combat skills... ”

Very good, this is a bear who has never missed any learning opportunity!

Zhou was a little gratified, and then "seeing" through the mental power to become a human figure, but Xiong Ye, who did not wear a animal skin skirt, jumped around Hu Tian.

Kumano was obviously very happy. After jumping for a while, he also turned a fight, and made some strange sounds, a look of excitement.

Zhou Silence: "..."

The dance of Kumano is the same as the dance that the priest usually dances. He used to think that the priests had some spicy eyes when they jumped, but now... he thinks that Kumano is pretty good.

The location is not right, the things around are not right.

Kumano should be in their home, jumping around the fire in the bedroom. Now, don’t wear a beast skirt and jump around a body. What does it look like?

Although Zhou’s heart thought so, but still smiled and watched a... striptease?

Jumping over the dance, Kumano put away the excitement on his face, put on his clothes, and then found some leaves and peeled off some bark to tie up the body of Tiger Day and squat back.

He is going to find a large army collection.

When Kumano returned to the place where they had collided with Hu Tian and others, they found that the pig war was eating there, and there were many corpses next to them - all the people around Tiger Day were all there, one was not.

"You killed everyone?" Kumano was a little surprised.

"Yeah." Pigs, these people saw him so shameful, he must not let go!

So even if someone escaped, he chased it back to death, and also grabbed a small dinosaur to eat.

"I killed Tiger Day." Kumano said.

"Oh... do you want to eat?" The pig war gave Kuman a piece of meat.

Kumano took the meat and missed the silence.

If the week is still, I will praise him.

In fact... even if Zhou is not there, Xiong Qi is also good, but unfortunately there is only one pig fight in this...

Kumano began to eat meat silently.

Although no one praises him now, when he goes back, someone praises him.

Kumano’s careful thoughts about the pig war didn’t pay attention, and Zhou’s silence was guessed.

Kumano said that he was not very old. He had to remember the problem of food and clothing all day long. When he was not relaxed and happy, he was particularly stable, but now... it is really more and more lively and more and more lovely.

When Kumano and the pigs had eaten something, they went back to the body of Tiger Day.

When they find Xiongqi and others...

"Kumano, you are really amazing!"

"The patriarch of the Giant Tiger tribe has been killed by you! Xiong Ye will definitely become the most powerful person in the future!"

"Kumano! Kumano!"

Everyone cheered one by one, praised Kumano, and Xiong Qi couldn't squeeze it up.

Kumano was happy.

Then one did not pay attention, the body of Tiger Tian was not seen by the people of the Qingshan tribe.

He also wants to bring it back to Zhou’s silence to let Zhou Zhi know how powerful he is...

Forget it, let Xiong Qi talk to Zhou Mou at that time!

It took them a long time to go back. At that time, the bodies were estimated to be stinky and could not be brought back.